DIRECTORY Allocator USING[BlockSizeIndex, bsiEscape, BSIToSizeObj, EHeaderP, ExtendedHeader, FNHeaderP, Header, HeaderP, LastAddress, logPagesPerQuantum, maxSmallBlockSize, minLargeBlockSize, NHeaderP, NormalHeader, pagesPerQuantum, PUZone, QMObject, QuantumCount, QuantumIndex, QuantumMap, SizeToBSIObj, UZoneObject, wordsPerQuantum, Zone, ZoneObject], AllocatorOps USING[REFToNHP, permanentPageZone, CreateMediumSizedHeapObject, FreeMediumSizedHeapObject, DFHeaderP, DoubleFreeHeader, Rover, nonNullType], Basics USING[LowHalf, BITAND], Collector USING[InternalReclaim], PrincOps USING[SD, wordsPerPage, StateVector, zRET], PrincOpsUtils USING[ZERO, MyLocalFrame], RCMicrocodeOps USING[CreateRef, Allocate, Free, rcMicrocodeExists, InsertQuanta, DoFREE, SoftwareAllocate, SoftwareFree, FREEPLEASE], RTSD USING[sSystemZone], SafeStorage USING[nullType, GetCanonicalType, NarrowRefFault, Type], SafeStoragePrivate USING[], -- TEMPORARY export of NewObject StorageAccounting USING[nObjectsCreated, ConsiderCollection, nObjectsReclaimed, nWordsReclaimed], StorageTraps USING[], TrapSupport USING[BumpPC, GetTrapParam], UnsafeStorage USING[], VM USING[PageNumberForAddress, PagesForWords, Free, CantAllocate, Allocate, wordsPerPage], ZCT USING[Enter, ExpandZCT, zct]; AllocatorImpl: MONITOR IMPORTS AllocatorOps, Basics, Collector, PrincOpsUtils, RCMicrocodeOps, SafeStorage, StorageAccounting, TrapSupport, VM, ZCT EXPORTS AllocatorOps, SafeStorage, SafeStoragePrivate, StorageTraps, UnsafeStorage = BEGIN OPEN Allocator, AllocatorOps; InsufficientVM: ERROR = CODE; InvalidRef: PUBLIC ERROR[ref: REF ANY] = CODE; checking: BOOL = TRUE; takingStatistics: BOOL = TRUE; maxSmallBlockRealSize: NAT = QuantizedSize[maxSmallBlockSize]; minLargeBlockRealSize: NAT = QuantizedSize[minLargeBlockSize]; rZnHeapSystem: UZoneObject _ [new: NewHeapObject, free: FreeHeapObject]; znHeapSystem: LONG POINTER _ LONG[@rZnHeapSystem]; zhs: UNCOUNTED ZONE _ LOOPHOLE[LONG[@znHeapSystem], UNCOUNTED ZONE]; bsiToSize: PUBLIC LONG POINTER TO BSIToSizeObj _ permanentPageZone.NEW[BSIToSizeObj _ ALL[0]]; sizeToBSI: PUBLIC LONG POINTER TO SizeToBSIObj _ permanentPageZone.NEW[SizeToBSIObj]; msRoot: DoubleFreeHeader _ [ eh: [extendedSize: 0, normalHeader: [blockSizeIndex: bsiEscape]], nextFree: @msRoot, prevFree: @msRoot ]; msRover: Rover _ @msRoot; permRoot: DoubleFreeHeader _ [ eh: [extendedSize: 0, normalHeader: [blockSizeIndex: bsiEscape]], nextFree: @permRoot, prevFree: @permRoot ]; permRover: Rover _ @permRoot; quantumMap: PUBLIC QuantumMap _ permanentPageZone.NEW[QMObject]; systemZone: ZONE _ NIL; permanentZone: ZONE _ NIL; nQMapEntries: INT _ 0; NewUObject: PUBLIC PROC[size: CARDINAL--words--, zone: UNCOUNTED ZONE] RETURNS [LONG POINTER] ={ RETURN[NewHeapObject[LOOPHOLE[zone, PUZone], size]]; }; GetSystemUZone: PUBLIC PROC RETURNS[UNCOUNTED ZONE] = {RETURN[zhs]}; TrimUZone: PUBLIC PROC[zone: UNCOUNTED ZONE] = { NULL; }; NewHeapObject: PROC[self: PUZone, size: CARDINAL] RETURNS[p: LONG POINTER] = { realSize: INT = MAX[QuantizedSize[size], SIZE[DoubleFreeHeader]]; IF IsLargeRealSize[realSize] THEN p _ CreateLargeObject [type: nonNullType, size: realSize, permanent: FALSE, counted: FALSE] ELSE WHILE (p _ AllocatorOps.CreateMediumSizedHeapObject[size: realSize]) = NIL DO ExpandDoubleFreeList [realSize: realSize, permanent: TRUE, varRover: NIL, counted: FALSE]; ENDLOOP; IF checking THEN { nhp: NHeaderP = p-SIZE[NormalHeader]; IF nhp.inZCT OR nhp.f OR nhp.rcOverflowed OR nhp.refCount # 0 OR nhp.type # nonNullType OR UsableWords[nhp] < size THEN ERROR; }; RETURN[p]; }; -- end NewHeapObject FreeHeapObject: PROC[self: PUZone, object: LONG POINTER] = { nhp: NHeaderP = LOOPHOLE[object - SIZE[NormalHeader]]; IF checking THEN IF nhp.inZCT OR nhp.f OR nhp.rcOverflowed OR nhp.refCount # 0 OR nhp.type # nonNullType THEN ERROR; IF nhp.blockSizeIndex = bsiEscape THEN { -- large or medium-sized object or extended header for some other reason ehp: EHeaderP = NHPToEHP[nhp]; realSize: INT _ ExtendedBlockSize[ehp]; IF IsLargeRealSize[realSize] THEN { IF checking AND (realSize MOD wordsPerQuantum # 0) AND (LOOPHOLE[ehp, INT] MOD wordsPerQuantum # 0) AND NOT IsClearQMapRange[qi: LPToQI[ehp], qc: WordsToQC[realSize]] THEN ERROR; VM.Free[ [page: VM.PageNumberForAddress[ehp], count: VM.PagesForWords[realSize] ]]; } ELSE AllocatorOps.FreeMediumSizedHeapObject[LOOPHOLE[ehp, DFHeaderP]]; } ELSE { -- small normal object LOOPHOLE[nhp, EHeaderP]^ _ [extendedSize: bsiToSize[nhp.blockSizeIndex], normalHeader: [blockSizeIndex: bsiEscape]]; AllocatorOps.FreeMediumSizedHeapObject[LOOPHOLE[nhp, DFHeaderP]]; }; }; -- end FreeHeapObject GetSystemZone: PUBLIC SAFE PROC RETURNS[ZONE] = TRUSTED{RETURN[systemZone]}; GetPermanentZone: PUBLIC SAFE PROC RETURNS[ZONE] = TRUSTED{RETURN[permanentZone]}; TrimSystemZone: PUBLIC SAFE PROC = TRUSTED{NULL}; NewObject: PUBLIC PROC[type: SafeStorage.Type, size: CARDINAL, zone: ZONE _ NIL] RETURNS[ans: REF _ NIL] = { IF zone = NIL THEN zone _ systemZone; IF zone = systemZone THEN ans _ NewSystemObject[NIL, size, type] ELSE IF zone = permanentZone THEN ans _ NewPermanentObject[NIL, size, type] ELSE ERROR; }; ValidateRef: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC[ref: REF] = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; IF NOT IsValidRef[LOOPHOLE[ref, LONG POINTER]] THEN RETURN WITH ERROR InvalidRef[ref]; }; IsValidRef: PUBLIC --INTERNAL-- PROC[p: LONG POINTER] RETURNS[BOOL] = { qi: QuantumIndex; IF p = NIL THEN RETURN[TRUE]; IF LOOPHOLE[p, LONG CARDINAL] > LastAddress OR NOT quantumMap[qi _ LPToQI[p]] THEN RETURN[FALSE]; UNTIL qi = FIRST[QuantumIndex] OR NOT quantumMap[qi-1] DO qi _ qi-1 ENDLOOP; FOR hp: HeaderP _ QIToLP[qi], hp + BlockSize[hp] UNTIL LOOPHOLE[hp, LONG CARDINAL] > LOOPHOLE[p, LONG CARDINAL] DO r: LONG POINTER = IF IsExtendedBlock[hp] THEN hp + SIZE[ExtendedHeader] ELSE hp + SIZE[NormalHeader]; IF p = r THEN { nhp: NHeaderP _ REFToNHP[LOOPHOLE[r, REF]]; IF nhp.type # SafeStorage.nullType THEN RETURN[TRUE] ELSE RETURN[FALSE]; }; ENDLOOP; RETURN[FALSE]; }; NewSystemObject: --PUBLIC--PROC[self: Zone, size: CARDINAL, type: SafeStorage.Type] RETURNS[r: REF] = { realSize: INT _ size; IF (r _ RCMicrocodeOps.Allocate[size, type]) = NIL THEN { -- medium-sized or large object realSize _ QuantizedSize[size]; IF IsLargeRealSize[realSize] THEN r _ LOOPHOLE [CreateLargeObject [type: type, size: realSize, permanent: FALSE, counted: TRUE], REF] ELSE -- medium-sized object. WHILE (r _ LOOPHOLE[CreateMediumSizedObject [size: realSize, type: type, roverP: @msRover], REF]) = NIL DO ExpandDoubleFreeList [realSize: realSize, permanent: TRUE, varRover: @msRover, counted: TRUE]; ENDLOOP; }; StorageAccounting.nObjectsCreated _ StorageAccounting.nObjectsCreated + 1; StorageAccounting.ConsiderCollection[size, IF takingStatistics THEN realSize ELSE size]; IF checking THEN { nhp: NHeaderP = REFToNHP[r]; IF NOT nhp.inZCT OR nhp.f OR nhp.rcOverflowed OR nhp.refCount # 0 OR nhp.type # type OR UsableWords[nhp] < size THEN ERROR; }; }; -- end NewSystemObject ExpandNormalFreeList: PUBLIC PROC[bsi: BlockSizeIndex] = { qi: QuantumIndex; qc: QuantumCount; druthers: QuantumCount = WordsToQC[Lcm[bsiToSize[bsi], wordsPerQuantum]]; first: FNHeaderP _ NIL; last: FNHeaderP; next: FNHeaderP; incr: NAT = bsiToSize[bsi]; [qi, qc] _ GetQuanta[ desired: druthers, needed: druthers, -- (bsiToSize[bsi]-1)/wordsPerQuantum + 1 permanent: TRUE ]; last _ LOOPHOLE[QIToLP[qi], FNHeaderP]; next _ LOOPHOLE[QIToLP[qi+qc], FNHeaderP]; Clear[last, QCToWords[qc]]; FOR fnhp: FNHeaderP _ last, fnhp + incr UNTIL fnhp = next DO fnhp.fnh _ [blockSizeIndex: bsi]; fnhp.nextFree _ first; first _ fnhp; ENDLOOP; PutQuantaOnNormalFreeList[bsi, qi, qc, first, last]; }; PutQuantaOnNormalFreeList: ENTRY PROC[ bsi: BlockSizeIndex, qi: QuantumIndex, qc: QuantumCount, first, last: FNHeaderP] = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; IF checking AND Basics.BITAND[Basics.LowHalf[LOOPHOLE[first, LONG CARDINAL]], 1] # 0 THEN ERROR; RCMicrocodeOps.InsertQuanta[bsi, first, last]; StuffQMapRange[qi, qc]; }; NewPermanentObject: --PUBLIC--PROC[self: Zone, size: CARDINAL, type: SafeStorage.Type] RETURNS[r: REF] = { realSize: INT; IF IsSmallRequestedSize[size] THEN { -- small object bsi: BlockSizeIndex = sizeToBSI[size]; realSize _ bsiToSize[bsi]; WHILE (r _ LOOPHOLE[CreateMediumSizedObject [size: realSize, type: type, roverP: @permRover], REF]) = NIL DO ExpandDoubleFreeList [realSize: realSize, permanent: TRUE, varRover: @permRover, counted: TRUE]; ENDLOOP; } ELSE { -- medium-sized or large object realSize _ QuantizedSize[size]; IF IsLargeRealSize[realSize] THEN r _ LOOPHOLE [CreateLargeObject [type: type, size: realSize, permanent: TRUE, counted: TRUE], REF] ELSE -- medium-sized object. WHILE (r _ LOOPHOLE[CreateMediumSizedObject [size: realSize, type: type, roverP: @permRover], REF]) = NIL DO ExpandDoubleFreeList [realSize: realSize, permanent: TRUE, varRover: @permRover, counted: TRUE]; ENDLOOP; }; StorageAccounting.nObjectsCreated _ StorageAccounting.nObjectsCreated + 1; StorageAccounting.ConsiderCollection [size, IF takingStatistics THEN realSize ELSE size]; IF checking THEN { nhp: NHeaderP = REFToNHP[r]; IF NOT nhp.inZCT OR nhp.f OR nhp.rcOverflowed OR nhp.refCount # 0 OR nhp.type # type OR UsableWords[nhp] < size THEN ERROR; }; RETURN[r]; }; FreeSystemObject: PROC[self: Zone, object: REF ANY] = { NULL; -- XXX RCMapWalkerImpl.FreeCollectibleObject[object]; }; CreateMediumSizedObject: ENTRY PROC [size: NAT, type: SafeStorage.Type, roverP: LONG POINTER TO--VAR-- Rover] RETURNS[p: LONG POINTER _ NIL] = {ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; p _ DoCreateMediumSizedObject[size, type, roverP, TRUE]; }; DoCreateMediumSizedObject: PUBLIC --INTERNAL-- PROC [size: NAT, type: SafeStorage.Type, roverP: LONG POINTER TO--VAR-- Rover, counted: BOOL] RETURNS[p: LONG POINTER _ NIL] = { rover: Rover _ roverP^; first: DFHeaderP _ rover; freeBlockLength, excess: INT; nhp: NHeaderP _ NIL; UNTIL (freeBlockLength _ ExtendedBlockSize[]) >= size DO roverP^ _ rover _ rover.nextFree; IF rover = first THEN RETURN -- no free block is large enough ENDLOOP; IF (excess _ freeBlockLength - size) >= size OR IsLargeRealSize[freeBlockLength] THEN { -- split the block IF checking AND excess < SIZE[normal free Header] THEN ERROR; IF counted AND IsSmallRealSize[excess] THEN { frag: DFHeaderP = rover; roverP^ _ frag.nextFree; frag.nextFree.prevFree _ frag.prevFree; frag.prevFree.nextFree _ frag.nextFree; DoFreeNormalFragment[frag, excess]; } ELSE --change the size of the free block-- IF = pages THEN { IF excess < LAST[CARDINAL] THEN { _ words; _ excess; } ELSE { -- excess is large IF excess MOD PrincOps.wordsPerPage # 0 THEN { ERROR; -- XXX not implemented yet (I'm getting sick of this) }; _ excess/PrincOps.wordsPerPage; }; } ELSE { _ excess; _ words}; rover _ LOOPHOLE[rover + excess]; LOOPHOLE[rover, EHeaderP]^ _ [extendedSize: size, normalHeader: [blockSizeIndex: bsiEscape]]; } --end case of excess >= size OR IsLargeRealSize[freeBlockLength] ELSE { -- remove the block from the free list without splitting it rover.nextFree.prevFree _ rover.prevFree; roverP^ _ rover.prevFree.nextFree _ rover.nextFree; rover.nextFree _ rover.prevFree _ NIL; -- CLEAR IT size _ freeBlockLength; }; nhp _ IF IsSmallRealSize[size] THEN LOOPHOLE[MakeNormalFragment[rover, size].fnhp, NHeaderP] ELSE DFHPToNHP[rover]; nhp.type _ type; p _ nhp+SIZE[NormalHeader]; -- here for the conservative scan IF counted THEN RCMicrocodeOps.CreateRef[nhp]; }; -- end DoCreateMediumSizedObject CreateLargeObject: PROC[type: SafeStorage.Type, size: INT, permanent: BOOL, counted: BOOL] RETURNS[p: LONG POINTER _ NIL] = { qi: QuantumIndex; qc: QuantumCount; druthers: QuantumCount = WordsToQC[size]; ehp: EHeaderP; IF checking AND size MOD wordsPerQuantum # 0 THEN ERROR; [qi, qc] _ GetQuanta[desired: druthers, needed: druthers, permanent: permanent]; ehp _ LOOPHOLE[QIToLP[qi], EHeaderP]; IF counted THEN Clear[ptr: ehp, size: QCToWords[qc]]; ehp^ _ [ sizeTag: pages, extendedSize: QCToPages[qc], normalHeader: [blockSizeIndex: bsiEscape, type: type] ]; p _ ehp + SIZE[ExtendedHeader]; -- here for the conservative scan IF counted THEN DoCreateLargeObject[qi, qc, ehp, type]; }; DoCreateLargeObject: ENTRY PROC[--belongs in the quantumMap monitor qi: QuantumIndex, qc: QuantumCount, ehp: EHeaderP, type: SafeStorage.Type] = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; RCMicrocodeOps.CreateRef[EHPToNHP[ehp]]; StuffQMapRange[qi, qc]; }; FreeObject: PUBLIC PROC[nhp: NHeaderP] = { realSize: INT; IF checking THEN IF nhp.inZCT OR nhp.f OR nhp.rcOverflowed OR nhp.refCount # 0 OR nhp.type = SafeStorage.nullType THEN ERROR; StorageAccounting.nObjectsReclaimed _ StorageAccounting.nObjectsReclaimed + 1; IF RCMicrocodeOps.Free[nhp].success THEN realSize _ bsiToSize[nhp.blockSizeIndex] ELSE { -- large or medium-sized object or extended header for some other reason ehp: EHeaderP = NHPToEHP[nhp]; realSize _ ExtendedBlockSize[ehp]; IF IsLargeRealSize[realSize] THEN { IF checking AND (realSize MOD wordsPerQuantum # 0) AND (LOOPHOLE[ehp, INT] MOD wordsPerQuantum # 0) AND NOT IsFullQMapRange[qi: LPToQI[ehp], qc: WordsToQC[realSize]] THEN ERROR; ClearQMapRange[qi: LPToQI[ehp], qc: WordsToQC[realSize]]; VM.Free[ [page: VM.PageNumberForAddress[ehp], count: VM.PagesForWords[realSize] ]]; } ELSE IF IsMediumRealSize[realSize] THEN { -- medium-sized object. [] _ PrincOpsUtils.ZERO[ehp + SIZE[ExtendedHeader], realSize - SIZE[ExtendedHeader]]; FreeMediumSizedObject[LOOPHOLE[ehp, DFHeaderP]]; } ELSE FreeNormalFragment[ehp, realSize]; }; StorageAccounting.nWordsReclaimed _ StorageAccounting.nWordsReclaimed + realSize; }; -- end FreeObject TAndSFreeObject: PUBLIC --INTERNAL-- PROC[nhp: NHeaderP] = { StorageAccounting.nObjectsReclaimed _ StorageAccounting.nObjectsReclaimed + 1; IF NOT RCMicrocodeOps.FREEPLEASE[nhp].success THEN {-- large or medium-sized object or extended header for some other reason ehp: EHeaderP = NHPToEHP[nhp]; realSize: INT _ ExtendedBlockSize[ehp]; StorageAccounting.nWordsReclaimed _ StorageAccounting.nWordsReclaimed + realSize; IF IsLargeRealSize[realSize] THEN { IF checking AND (realSize MOD wordsPerQuantum # 0) AND (LOOPHOLE[ehp, INT] MOD wordsPerQuantum # 0) AND NOT IsFullQMapRangeInternal[qi: LPToQI[ehp], qc: WordsToQC[realSize]] THEN ERROR; ClearQMapRangeInternal[qi: LPToQI[ehp], qc: WordsToQC[realSize]]; VM.Free[ [page: VM.PageNumberForAddress[ehp], count: VM.PagesForWords[realSize] ]]; } ELSE IF IsMediumRealSize[realSize] THEN { -- medium-sized object. [] _ PrincOpsUtils.ZERO[ehp + SIZE[ExtendedHeader], realSize - SIZE[ExtendedHeader]]; DoFreeMediumSizedObject[LOOPHOLE[ehp, DFHeaderP], msRover]; } ELSE TAndSDoFreeNormalFragment[ehp, realSize]; }; }; -- end TAndSFreeObject FreeNormalFragment: ENTRY PROC[p: LONG POINTER, realSize: NAT] = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; DoFreeNormalFragment[p, realSize]; }; DoFreeNormalFragment: --INTERNAL--PROC[p: LONG POINTER, realSize: NAT] = { bsi: BlockSizeIndex; fnhp: FNHeaderP; [fnhp, bsi] _ MakeNormalFragment[p, realSize]; RCMicrocodeOps.DoFREE[fnhp, bsi]; }; TAndSDoFreeNormalFragment: --INTERNAL--PROC[p: LONG POINTER, realSize: NAT] = { bsi: BlockSizeIndex; fnhp: FNHeaderP; [fnhp, bsi] _ MakeNormalFragment[p, realSize]; --******** fnhp.fnh.type _ SafeStorage.nullType; -- mark the object as free fnhp.nextFree _ ZCT.zct.bsiToFreeList[bsi]; ZCT.zct.bsiToFreeList[bsi] _ fnhp; --******** }; MakeNormalFragment: --INTERNAL-- PROC[p: LONG POINTER, realSize: NAT] RETURNS[fnhp: FNHeaderP _ NIL, rbsi: BlockSizeIndex _ 0] = { bsi: BlockSizeIndex _ sizeToBSI[realSize - SIZE[NormalHeader]]; IF checking AND bsiToSize[bsi] < realSize THEN ERROR; PrincOpsUtils.ZERO[p, realSize]; IF bsiToSize[bsi] = realSize THEN { -- make it a small block with a normal header nhp: NHeaderP _ LOOPHOLE[p, NHeaderP]; nhp^ _ [blockSizeIndex: bsi]; fnhp _ LOOPHOLE[nhp, FNHeaderP]; rbsi _ bsi; } ELSE { -- bsiToSize[bsi] > realSize ehp: EHeaderP = LOOPHOLE[p, EHeaderP]; ehp^ _ [extendedSize: realSize, normalHeader: [blockSizeIndex: bsiEscape]]; IF checking AND (bsi = FIRST[BlockSizeIndex] OR bsiToSize[bsi-1] > realSize) THEN ERROR; fnhp _ LOOPHOLE[@ehp.normalHeader, FNHeaderP]; rbsi _ bsi - 1; }; }; FreeMediumSizedObject: ENTRY PROC[ptr: DFHeaderP] = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; DoFreeMediumSizedObject[ptr, msRover]; }; FreeNewMediumSizedObject: ENTRY PROC [ptr: DFHeaderP, varRover: LONG POINTER TO Rover, qi: QuantumIndex, qc: QuantumCount] = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; DoFreeMediumSizedObject[ptr, varRover^]; StuffQMapRange[qi, qc]; -- stuff the quantum map }; DoFreeMediumSizedObject: PUBLIC --INTERNAL-- PROC[ptr: DFHeaderP, rover: Rover] = { _ SafeStorage.nullType; ptr.nextFree _ rover.nextFree; ptr.prevFree _ rover; rover.nextFree.prevFree _ ptr; rover.nextFree _ ptr; }; EnterAndCallBack: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC[proc: PROC] = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; proc[]; }; AllocateTrap: PUBLIC PROC[size: CARDINAL, type: SafeStorage.Type] RETURNS[r: REF] = { state: PrincOps.StateVector; state _ STATE; -- incantation SELECT (IF RCMicrocodeOps.rcMicrocodeExists THEN TrapSupport.GetTrapParam[] ELSE 0) FROM 0 => r _ RCMicrocodeOps.SoftwareAllocate[size, type]; -- no microcode 2 => { -- uCode is disabled; someone is inside this monitor p: PROC[size: CARDINAL, type: SafeStorage.Type] = MACHINE CODE{PrincOps.zRET}; ZCT.Enter[]; state.dest _ LOOPHOLE[PrincOpsUtils.MyLocalFrame[]]; TRANSFER WITH state; -- incantation p[size, type]; }; 4 => { -- zctFull p: PROC[size: CARDINAL, type: SafeStorage.Type] = MACHINE CODE{PrincOps.zRET}; ZCT.ExpandZCT[]; state.dest _ LOOPHOLE[PrincOpsUtils.MyLocalFrame[]]; TRANSFER WITH state; -- incantation p[size, type]; }; 6 => { -- expandNormalFreeList p: PROC[size: CARDINAL, type: SafeStorage.Type] = MACHINE CODE{PrincOps.zRET}; ExpandNormalFreeList[sizeToBSI[size]]; state.dest _ LOOPHOLE[PrincOpsUtils.MyLocalFrame[]]; TRANSFER WITH state; -- incantation p[size, type]; }; ENDCASE => ERROR; TrapSupport.BumpPC[2]; -- length of opcode state.dest _ LOOPHOLE[PrincOpsUtils.MyLocalFrame[]]; TRANSFER WITH state; -- incantation }; FreeTrap: PUBLIC PROC[nhp: NHeaderP] RETURNS[success: BOOL] = { state: PrincOps.StateVector; state _ STATE; -- incantation SELECT (IF RCMicrocodeOps.rcMicrocodeExists THEN TrapSupport.GetTrapParam[] ELSE 0) FROM 0 => success _ RCMicrocodeOps.SoftwareFree[nhp]; -- no microcode 2 => { -- uCode is disabled; someone is inside this monitor p: PROC[nhp: NHeaderP] = MACHINE CODE{PrincOps.zRET}; ZCT.Enter[]; state.dest _ LOOPHOLE[PrincOpsUtils.MyLocalFrame[]]; TRANSFER WITH state; -- incantation p[nhp]; }; ENDCASE => ERROR; TrapSupport.BumpPC[2]; -- length of opcode state.dest _ LOOPHOLE[PrincOpsUtils.MyLocalFrame[]]; TRANSFER WITH state; -- incantation }; GetReferentType: PUBLIC SAFE PROC[ref: REF ANY] RETURNS[type: SafeStorage.Type] = TRUSTED{ RETURN[GetCanonicalReferentType[ref]] }; GetCanonicalReferentType: PUBLIC SAFE PROC[ref: REF ANY] RETURNS[type: SafeStorage.Type] = TRUSTED{ IF ref = NIL THEN RETURN[SafeStorage.nullType] ELSE RETURN[REFToNHP[ref].type] }; GetCanonicalReferentTypeTrap: PUBLIC PROC[ref: REF ANY] RETURNS[type: SafeStorage.Type] = { state: PrincOps.StateVector; kludge: LONG CARDINAL; state _ STATE; -- incantation kludge _ 0; type _ GetCanonicalReferentType[ref]; TrapSupport.BumpPC[2]; state.dest _ LOOPHOLE[PrincOpsUtils.MyLocalFrame[]]; TRANSFER WITH state -- incantation }; IsReferentType: PUBLIC SAFE PROC[ref: REF ANY, type: SafeStorage.Type] RETURNS[BOOL] = TRUSTED { RETURN[SafeStorage.GetCanonicalType[type] = GetCanonicalReferentType[ref]]; }; NarrowRef: PUBLIC SAFE PROC[ref: REF, type: SafeStorage.Type] RETURNS[REF] = TRUSTED { IF ref = NIL THEN RETURN[NIL] ELSE IF SafeStorage.GetCanonicalType[type] = GetCanonicalReferentType[ref] THEN RETURN[ref] ELSE ERROR SafeStorage.NarrowRefFault[ref, type]; }; StuffQMapRange: INTERNAL PROC[qi: QuantumIndex, qc: QuantumCount] = { nQMapEntries _ nQMapEntries + qc; FOR i: QuantumIndex _ qi, i+1 UNTIL i = qi + qc DO quantumMap[i] _ TRUE ENDLOOP; }; ClearQMapRange: ENTRY PROC[qi: QuantumIndex, qc: QuantumCount] = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; ClearQMapRangeInternal[qi, qc]; }; ClearQMapRangeInternal: --INTERNAL--PROC[qi: QuantumIndex, qc: QuantumCount] = { nQMapEntries _ nQMapEntries - qc; FOR i: QuantumIndex _ qi, i+1 UNTIL i = qi + qc DO quantumMap[i] _ FALSE ENDLOOP; }; IsFullQMapRange: ENTRY PROC[qi: QuantumIndex, qc: QuantumCount] RETURNS[ans: BOOL _ TRUE] = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; RETURN[IsFullQMapRangeInternal[qi, qc]]}; IsFullQMapRangeInternal: --INTERNAL--PROC[qi: QuantumIndex, qc: QuantumCount] RETURNS[ans: BOOL _ TRUE] = { FOR i: QuantumIndex _ qi, i+1 UNTIL i = qi + qc DO IF NOT quantumMap[i] THEN RETURN[FALSE] ENDLOOP; }; IsClearQMapRange: ENTRY PROC[qi: QuantumIndex, qc: QuantumCount] RETURNS[ans: BOOL _ TRUE] = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; FOR i: QuantumIndex _ qi, i+1 UNTIL i = qi + qc DO IF quantumMap[i] THEN RETURN[FALSE] ENDLOOP; }; NQMapEntries: ENTRY PROC RETURNS[ans: INT _ 0] = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; FOR i: QuantumIndex IN QuantumIndex DO IF quantumMap[i] THEN ans _ ans + 1 ENDLOOP; }; QuantizedSize: PROC[size: CARDINAL] RETURNS[INT] = { n: NAT = SIZE[NormalHeader]; -- minimum overhead e: NAT = SIZE[ExtendedHeader] - n; -- additional overhead for extended headers IF checking AND size = 0 THEN ERROR; RETURN[ SELECT size FROM <= 22B => ((size-1+n)/2 + 1)*2, -- 4, 6, 10B, 12B, 14B, 16B, 20B, 22B, 24B <= 42B => ((size-1+n)/4B + 1)*4B, -- 30B, 34B, 40B, 44B <= 106B => ((size-1+n)/10B + 1)*10B, -- 50B, 60B, 70B, 100B, 110B <= 216B => ((size-1+n)/20B + 1)*20B, -- 120B, 140B, 160B, 200B, 220B <= 436B => ((size-1+n)/40B + 1)*40B, -- 240B, 300B, 340B, 400B, 440B <= 1076B => ((size-1+n)/100B + 1)*100B, -- 500B, 600B, 700B, 1000B, 1100B <= 2174B => ((size-1+n+e)/200B + 1)*200B, -- 1200B, 1400B, 1600B, 2000B, 2200B ENDCASE => ((LONG[size]-1+n+e)/400B + 1)*400B ]; }; BlockSize: PUBLIC PROC[hp: HeaderP] RETURNS[INT] = { nhp: NHeaderP = LOOPHOLE[hp, NHeaderP]; IF nhp.blockSizeIndex = bsiEscape THEN RETURN[ExtendedBlockSize[LOOPHOLE[hp, EHeaderP]]] ELSE RETURN[bsiToSize[nhp.blockSizeIndex]]; }; IsExtendedBlock: PROC[hp: HeaderP] RETURNS[BOOL] = { RETURN[LOOPHOLE[hp, NHeaderP].blockSizeIndex = bsiEscape]; }; ExtendedBlockSize: PROC[ehp: EHeaderP] RETURNS[INT] = { RETURN[ SELECT ehp.sizeTag FROM words => LONG[ehp.extendedSize], pages => LONG[ehp.extendedSize] * VM.wordsPerPage, bsi => LONG[bsiToSize[ehp.extendedSize]], ENDCASE => ERROR]; }; UsableWords: PROC[nhp: NHeaderP] RETURNS[INT] = { IF nhp.blockSizeIndex # bsiEscape THEN RETURN[bsiToSize[nhp.blockSizeIndex] - SIZE[NormalHeader]] ELSE RETURN[ExtendedBlockSize[NHPToEHP[nhp]] - SIZE[ExtendedHeader]]; }; IsLargeRealSize: PROC[size: INT] RETURNS[BOOL] = { RETURN[size >= minLargeBlockRealSize]; }; IsMediumRealSize: PROC[size: INT] RETURNS[BOOL] = { RETURN[maxSmallBlockRealSize < size AND size< minLargeBlockRealSize]; }; IsSmallRealSize: PROC[size: INT] RETURNS[BOOL] = { RETURN[size <= maxSmallBlockRealSize]; }; IsSmallRequestedSize: PROC[size: CARDINAL] RETURNS[BOOL] = { RETURN[size <= maxSmallBlockSize]; }; QIToLP: PROC[qi: QuantumIndex] RETURNS[LONG POINTER] = { RETURN[LOOPHOLE[LONG[qi]*wordsPerQuantum, LONG POINTER]]; }; LPToQI: PROC[ptr: LONG POINTER] RETURNS[QuantumIndex] = { RETURN[LOOPHOLE[ptr, LONG CARDINAL] / wordsPerQuantum]; }; QCToWords: PROC[qc: QuantumCount] RETURNS[INT] = { RETURN[LONG[qc]*wordsPerQuantum]; }; WordsToQC: PROC[words: INT] RETURNS[QuantumCount] = { RETURN[words/wordsPerQuantum]; }; QCToPages: PROC[qc: QuantumCount] RETURNS[INT] = { RETURN[LONG[qc]*pagesPerQuantum]; }; EHPToNHP: PROC[ehp: EHeaderP] RETURNS[NHeaderP] = { RETURN[LOOPHOLE[ehp + SIZE[ExtendedHeader] - SIZE[NormalHeader], NHeaderP]]; }; NHPToEHP: PROC[nhp: NHeaderP] RETURNS[EHeaderP] = { RETURN[LOOPHOLE[nhp + SIZE[NormalHeader] - SIZE[ExtendedHeader], EHeaderP]]; }; DFHPToNHP: PROC[dfhp: DFHeaderP] RETURNS[NHeaderP] = { RETURN[LOOPHOLE[dfhp + SIZE[ExtendedHeader] - SIZE[NormalHeader], NHeaderP]]; }; Clear: PROC[ptr: LONG POINTER, size: INT] = { WHILE size > LAST[CARDINAL] DO [] _ PrincOpsUtils.ZERO[ptr, LAST[CARDINAL]]; size _ size - LAST[CARDINAL]; ptr _ ptr + LAST[CARDINAL]; ENDLOOP; [] _ PrincOpsUtils.ZERO[ptr, Basics.LowHalf[size]]; }; Lcm: PROC[m,n: INT] RETURNS[INT] = {RETURN[(m*n)/Gcd[m,n]]}; Gcd: PROC[m,n: INT] RETURNS[INT] = { DO r: INT = m MOD n; IF r = 0 THEN RETURN[n]; m _ n; n _ r; ENDLOOP; }; ExpandDoubleFreeList: PROC[realSize: INT, permanent: BOOL, varRover: LONG POINTER TO Rover, counted: BOOL] = { qi: QuantumIndex; qc: QuantumCount; ehp: EHeaderP; desired: QuantumCount = WordsToQC[Lcm[realSize, wordsPerQuantum]]; [qi, qc] _ GetQuanta[desired: desired, needed: desired, permanent: permanent]; realSize _ QCToWords[qc]; ehp _ LOOPHOLE[QIToLP[qi], EHeaderP]; Clear[ehp, realSize]; ehp^ _ [extendedSize: realSize, normalHeader: [blockSizeIndex: bsiEscape]]; IF counted THEN FreeNewMediumSizedObject[LOOPHOLE[ehp, DFHeaderP], varRover, qi, qc] ELSE AllocatorOps.FreeMediumSizedHeapObject[LOOPHOLE[ehp, DFHeaderP]]; }; GetQuanta: PROC[desired, needed: QuantumCount, permanent: BOOL _ FALSE] RETURNS[qi: QuantumIndex, qc: QuantumCount] = { qc _ desired; DO { qi _ VM.Allocate [count: qc * pagesPerQuantum, alignment: logPagesPerQuantum, in64K: permanent ! VM.CantAllocate => {IF bestInterval.count >= needed * pagesPerQuantum THEN {qc _ needed; RETRY} ELSE GOTO noVM} ].page/pagesPerQuantum; EXIT; EXITS noVM => ERROR InsufficientVM; }; ENDLOOP; }; Initialize: PUBLIC PROC = { systemZone _ LOOPHOLE[NewSystemObject[NIL, SIZE[ZoneObject], CODE[ZoneObject]], ZONE]; LOOPHOLE[systemZone, Zone]^ _ [new: NewSystemObject, free: FreeSystemObject]; LOOPHOLE[@PrincOps.SD[RTSD.sSystemZone], POINTER TO LONG POINTER]^ _ LOOPHOLE[systemZone, LONG POINTER]; permanentZone _ LOOPHOLE[NEW[ZoneObject _ [new: NewPermanentObject, free: FreeSystemObject]]]; }; Reset: PUBLIC PROC = { msRover _ @msRoot; msRover.nextFree _ @msRoot; msRover.prevFree _ @msRoot; permRover _ @permRoot; permRover.nextFree _ @permRoot; permRover.prevFree _ @permRoot; }; FOR i: QuantumIndex IN QuantumIndex DO quantumMap[i] _ FALSE ENDLOOP; { --Initialize bsiToSize and sizeToBSI oldQS: NAT _ 0; nextBSI: BlockSizeIndex _ 0; FOR size: --requested-- [0..maxSmallBlockSize] IN [0..maxSmallBlockSize] DO qs: NAT = QuantizedSize[IF size = 0 THEN 1 ELSE size]; IF qs # oldQS THEN { -- new size and bsi IF nextBSI = bsiEscape THEN ERROR; oldQS _ qs; bsiToSize[nextBSI] _ qs; nextBSI _ nextBSI + 1; }; sizeToBSI[size] _ nextBSI - 1; ENDLOOP; }; END. JAllocatorImpl.Mesa last edited November 9, 1983 8:34 am by Paul Rovner protects the "medium-sized" free list and rover, the "permanent" free list and rover and the quantumMap ERRORS CONSTANTS VARIABLES and their INITIALIZATION NOTE: the declaration sequence below is EXTREMELY DELICATE. Order of the declarations and their initilization is important. Support for the systemUZone Support for both uncounted and counted storage bsiToSize maps a bsi to a quantized size (including overhead) for small block sizes sizeToBSI maps a requested size <= maxSmallBlockSize (not including overhead) to a bsi Support for counted storage only the "medium-sized" free list (msRover): a doubly-linked ring dummy entry; the "medium-sized" free list never has NIL ptrs the "permanent" free list (permRover): a doubly-linked ring dummy entry; the "permanent" free list never has NIL ptrs This has a flag for each page in VM, TRUE iff the page is assigned to a counted ZONE. Statistics END: VARIABLES and their INITIALIZATION PROCEDURES Support for uncounted storage Public access to uncounted storage UNCOUNTED ZONE procs Referenced only via zhs, The "systemUZone" Referenced only via zhs, The "systemUZone" medium-sized or small object. Support for counted storage Public access to counted storage Start parsing at the beginning of the first quantum in this run ZONE procs Referenced from systemZone and called from NewObject and Initialize size DOES NOT INCLUDE overhead Called from Allocate and AllocateTrap. smallest x s.t. bsiToSize[bsi] divides QCToWords[x] smallest x s.t. (QCToWords[x]) >= bsiToSize[bsi] WAS fnhp^ _ [fnh: [blockSizeIndex: bsi], nextFree: first]; ?? Called only from ExpandNormalFreeList atomic: stuffing the quantum map and expansion of the free list. Should be in the quantumMap monitor now stuff the QMap Called only from NewSystemObject. CreateNormalObject: ENTRY PROC[bsi: BlockSizeIndex, type: SafeStorage.Type] RETURNS[r: REF _ NIL] = {ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; fnhp: FNHeaderP; IF (fnhp _ bsiToFreeList[bsi]) = NIL THEN RETURN; IF checking AND Basics.BITAND [Basics.LowHalf[LOOPHOLE[fnhp.nextFree, LONG CARDINAL]], 1] # 0 THEN ERROR; bsiToFreeList[bsi] _ fnhp.nextFree; fnhp.nextFree _ NIL; -- CLEAR IT IF checking THEN { nhp: NHeaderP = @fnhp.fnh; IF nhp.inZCT OR nhp.maybeOnStack OR nhp.f OR nhp.rcOverflowed OR nhp.refCount # 0 OR nhp.type # SafeStorage.nullType THEN ERROR; }; fnhp.fnh.type _ type; r _ NHPToREF[@fnhp.fnh]; -- gotta have a ref on the stack RCMicrocodeOps.CreateRef[@fnhp.fnh]; }; Referenced from permanentZone and called from NewObject size DOES NOT INCLUDE overhead Referenced from systemZone and permanentZone Procs called from ZONE procs and UNCOUNTED ZONE procs Called from NewSystemObject and NewPermanentObject size includes overhead, has been quantized and is >= SIZE[DoubleFreeHeader]. This proc may return an object of a larger size than requested. Returns NIL if free list needs expansion. Called from CreateMediumSizedObject and UnsafeAllocatorImpl.CreateMediumSizedHeapObject size includes overhead, has been quantized and is >= SIZE[DoubleFreeHeader]. This proc may return an object of a larger size than requested. Returns NIL if free list needs expansion. Here with a large enough free block; rover points to it this OR clause is here in case the new object gets reclaimed to avoid thinking it a LargeObject and therefore assuming it page-aligned and a page-size multiple, hence VM.Free-able. Large objects are allocated above this level. get the new object from the end of the free block says here that this can't happen change the size of the free block move the excess block to a normal free list can't be equal 'cause excess is even done dealing with the fragment Called from NewHeapObject, NewSystemObject and NewPermanentObject Called only from CreateLargeObject Procs called by the reclaimer and TraceAndSweepImpl Called only by FreeObject stick this block (which may be extended) on the specified (small-sized) free list FreeNormalSizedObject: ENTRY PROC[fnhp: FNHeaderP, bsi: BlockSizeIndex] = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; DoFreeNormalSizedObject[fnhp, bsi]; }; Called only by FreeObject called by DoFreeNormalFragment DoFreeNormalSizedObject: INTERNAL PROC[fnhp: FNHeaderP, bsi: BlockSizeIndex] = { IF checking AND Basics.BITAND[Basics.LowHalf[LOOPHOLE[fnhp, LONG CARDINAL]], 1] # 0 THEN ERROR; fnhp.fnh.type _ SafeStorage.nullType; -- mark the object as free fnhp.nextFree _ bsiToFreeList[bsi]; bsiToFreeList[bsi] _ fnhp; }; called by FreeNormalFragment and by CreateMediumSizedObject RCMicrocodeOps.DoFREE[fnhp, bsi]; called by DoFreeNormalFragment, CreateMediumSizedObject Returns the bsi s.t. bsiToSize[bsi] <= realSize Yields bsi s.t. bsiToSize[bsi] >= realSize unusual size: make an extended block Called from FreeObject. Assume header is made Assume block is cleared Called only from ExpandDoubleFreeList. Assume header is made Assume block is cleared Called from FreeNewMediumSizedObject, FreeMediumSizedObject, FreeMediumSizedHeapObject, TAndSFreeObject. Called from TraceAndSweepImpl. Trap handlers Support for NARROW; referent types QuantumMap Utilities This is called very early in the (delicate) initialization sequence. It calls nothing. arg is a requested block size NOT INCLUDING overhead; result is an even, quantized size that INCLUDES OVERHEAD. Requested sizes > (1100B - SIZE[NormalHeader]) require extended headers. It is not true that the difference between any two quantized sizes is a valid quantized size. requested sizes > maxSmallBlockSize (1076B) require extended headers steps of 400B for requested size > (2200B - SIZE[ExtendedHeader]), starting at 2400B Called from NewHeapObject, NewSystemObject and NewPermanentObject desired: smallest x s.t. realSize divides QCToWords[x] needed: (realSize-1)/wordsPerQuantum + 1 OR smallest x s.t. (QCToWords[x]) >= realSize Called from CreateLargeObject, ExpandNormalFreeList, ExpandDoubleFreeList END: PROCEDURES This is called long after this module is started; CODE[mumble] isn't meaningful until then This is called by the TAndS START CODE Initialize the quantum map: needed here because ALL has a bug The systemUZone (zhs) is now ready for use Κ) ˜Jšœ™Jšœ3™3J˜šΟk ˜ Jšœ œΘ˜ΧJšœ œ‡˜™Jšœœ œ˜Jšœ œ˜!Jšœ œœ#˜4Jšœœœ˜(Jšœœq˜…Jšœœ˜Jšœ œ3˜DJšœœΟc ˜=JšœœJ˜aJšœ œ˜Jšœ œ˜(Jšœœ˜JšœœR˜ZJšœœ˜!—J˜šœ˜Jšœg™g—š˜Jšœk ˜t—š˜JšœJ˜J—J˜Jšœœœ˜%˜šœ™Jšœœœ˜Jš œ œœœœœ˜.—J˜™ Jšœ œœ˜Jšœœœ˜J˜Jšœœ$˜>Jšœœ$˜>—J˜™"J™Jšœ$ œœB™|J™procšœ™šœH˜HJšœœœœ˜2—JšΟbœ œœœœ œœ˜DJ˜K˜—™.™JšœS™S—šœ  œœœ ˜.Jšœœœ˜2J™JšœV™V—Jš œ  œœœ"œ˜UJ˜—™ ™Jšœ<™<šœ˜Jšœ<™š˜šœœ˜šœœ˜Jšœœœœ˜<——šœœ˜Jšœœœ˜+Jšœ!œœœœœœ˜HJ˜——Jšœ˜—Jšœœ˜J˜—J˜—™ ™JšœC™CJšœ™—š œ˜Jšž œœ˜BJšœœ˜Jšœ œ˜Jšœ-œ˜3šœž˜'Jšœ˜šœ˜šœ˜Jšœ˜Jšœ,œ œœ˜K—šœž˜šœœ˜+Jšœ#˜#Jšœœ˜&šœ˜Jšœ!œ˜&Jšœœ˜%—Jšœ˜———J˜—JšœJ˜JJšœ+œœ œ˜Xšœ œ˜Jšœ˜šœœ ˜Jšœ˜Jšœ˜Jšœ˜Jšœ˜Jšœ˜Jšœœ˜ —J˜—Jšœž˜˜Jšœ&™&—š œ œ˜:Jšœ˜Jšœ˜JšœI˜IJšœœ˜Jšœ˜Jšœ˜Jšœœ˜šœ˜šœ ˜ šœ˜Jšœ3™3—šœž)˜š˜Jšœ!˜!Jšœœœž ˜>—Jšœ˜—Jšœ7™7šœ*˜,šœ!˜#Jšœγ™γ—šœž˜Jšœ1™1š œ œ œœœ˜=J™ —Jšœ"™"šœ œœ˜-Jšœ+™+Jšœ˜Jšœ˜Jšœ'˜'Jšœ'˜'Jšœ#˜#Jšœ˜—šœž%˜*Jšœ˜šœ˜šœ œœ˜šœ˜Jšœ$™$Jšœ˜Jšœ˜Jšœ˜—šœž˜šœœœ˜.Jšœž5˜=Jšœ˜—Jšœ5˜5J˜——Jšœ˜—Jšœ<˜@—Jšœ™Jšœœ˜!šœ˜JšœB˜B—Jšœž@˜C—šœž;˜BJšœ)˜)Jšœ3˜3Jšœ"œž ˜3Jšœ˜Jšœ˜——šœœ˜Jšœœ0˜=Jšœ˜—Jšœ˜Jšœœž!˜>Jšœ œ˜.Jšœž ˜$J˜JšœA™A—šŸœ˜Jšœœ œ œ˜GJšœœœœ˜"Jšœ˜Jšœ˜Jšœ)˜)Jšœ˜Jš œ œœœœ˜8JšœP˜PJšœœ˜%Jšœ œ&˜5šœ˜Jšœ˜Jšœ˜Jšœ5˜5Jšœ˜—Jšœ œž!˜BJšœ œ(˜7Jšœ˜˜Jšœ"™"—š œœœž#˜CJšœN˜NJšœœœ˜Jšœ(˜(Jšœ˜Jšœ˜——J˜—™3J™š  œœœ˜*Jšœ œ˜šœ ˜šœ ˜ Jšœ˜Jšœ˜Jšœ˜Jšœ ˜"Jšœœ˜ ——JšœN˜Nšœ!˜#Jšœ)˜-šœžH˜PJšœ˜Jšœ"˜"šœ˜šœ˜šœ ˜ Jšœ œ˜&Jšœœœœ˜0Jšœœ:˜AJšœœ˜ —Jšœ9˜9šœ˜Jšœœ˜$Jšœœ˜"Jšœ˜—Jšœ˜—šœœœž˜Bšœœœ˜3Jšœœ˜)—Jšœœ˜0Jšœ˜—Jšœ#˜'—Jšœ˜——šœ!˜!Jšœ/˜/—Jšœž˜J™š œœž œœ˜