-- File [Ivy]<Nelson>Lupine>LupineSymbolTableImpl.mesa. -- Last edited by BZM on 11-May-82 14:12:53. -- Last edited by Andrew Birrell October 4, 1982 1:09 pm (changes for 3.4) -- Last edited by Paul Rovner January 28, 1983 1:37 pm (changes for 4.0) DIRECTORY -- Cedar-only symbol table interface (can be easily converted to Mesa): AMTypes USING [Error], Rope USING[ ToRefText ], RTSymbolDefs USING[ SymbolTableBase, SymbolIdIndex ], RTSymbolOps USING[ EnumerateCtxIseis, NullISEI, NullCtx, ISECtx ], RTSymbols USING [AcquireSTBFromSGI, ReleaseSTB ], -- Mesa-compatible interfaces: BcdDefs USING [FTSelf, SGIndex, SGNull, VersionID], BcdOps USING [BcdBase, ProcessSegs, SGHandle], CWF USING [FWF1], Directory USING [Error, GetProps], File USING [Capability, nullCapability, PageNumber], Inline USING [LowHalf], LongString USING [ AppendChar, AppendLongNumber, AppendNumber, AppendSubString, EqualSubStrings ], LupineSymbolTable USING [ ComponentProcedure, DirectoryProcedure, FullTypeName, GMT, Index, InterfaceInfo, OpenErrorCode, ParamPassingMethod, STBase, String, StringNIL, SymbolHandle, SymbolID, TransferProcedure, TransferTypes, TypeHandle, TypeInfo, VariantProcedure, VersionStamp, Words ], Space USING [ Create, Delete, Handle, LongPointer, Map, nullHandle, virtualMemory ], Strings: TYPE Strings USING [SubString, SubStringDescriptor], Symbols USING [ BodyRecord, BTIndex, codeANY, codeCHAR, codeINT, CSEIndex, CTXIndex, CTXRecord, HTIndex, HTNull, ISEIndex, ISENull, lZ, MDIndex, OwnMdi, RecordSEIndex, RecordSENull, SEIndex, SENull, SERecord, TransferMode, TypeClass, typeTYPE, WordLength ], SymbolTable USING [Base], Table USING [Base, Limit]; LupineSymbolTableImpl: PROGRAM IMPORTS AMTypes, BcdOps, CWF, Directory, Inline, LongString, Rope, RTSymbolOps, RTSymbols, Space EXPORTS LupineSymbolTable SHARES LupineSymbolTable = BEGIN OPEN Symbols, ST: LupineSymbolTable; STBase: TYPE = ST.STBase; String: TYPE = ST.String; AllocString: TYPE = STRING ← NIL; -- Circumvent String = MaxFilenameLength problem. AllocSubString: TYPE = Strings.SubStringDescriptor ← [base: NIL, offset: NULL, length: NULL] | NULL; MaxFilenameLength: INTEGER = 100; MaxIdentifierLength: INTEGER = 150; -- Interface file operations. -- This is root interface symbol table info (from OpenInterface). rootSTB: STBase ← NIL; rootFile: File.Capability ← File.nullCapability; rootSpace: Space.Handle ← Space.nullHandle; rootBcd: BcdOps.BcdBase ← NIL; OpenInterface: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [ interfaceFilename: String, interfaceCapability: File.Capability ] = BEGIN ENABLE UNWIND => CloseInterface[]; symbols: BcdDefs.SGIndex; rootFile ← interfaceCapability; [rootSpace, rootBcd] ← LoadUpBcd[ interfaceCapability ! LoadVersionError => ERROR OpenError[interfaceFilename, badFileVersion] ]; IF (symbols ← GetOwnSymbolsSGI[rootBcd]) = BcdDefs.SGNull THEN ERROR OpenError[interfaceFilename, badFileFormat]; rootSTB ← NARROW [RTSymbols.AcquireSTBFromSGI[ bcd: rootBcd, sgi: symbols, mesaSymbolsOK: TRUE ! AMTypes.Error => BEGIN temp: REF TEXT = Rope.ToRefText[msg]; IF reason = noSymbols THEN ERROR OpenError[LOOPHOLE[temp,String], badFileName] ; END ], RTSymbolDefs.SymbolTableBase.x].e; IF ~rootBcd.definitions THEN ERROR OpenError[interfaceFilename, notInterfaceModule]; InitializeBuiltinTypes[standardStb: rootSTB]; END; OpenError: PUBLIC ERROR [fileOrModuleName: String, why: ST.OpenErrorCode] = CODE; CloseInterface: PUBLIC PROCEDURE = BEGIN IF rootSTB # NIL THEN RTSymbols.ReleaseSTB[[x[rootSTB]]]; IF rootSpace # Space.nullHandle THEN Space.Delete[rootSpace]; rootSTB ← NIL; rootFile ← File.nullCapability; rootSpace ← Space.nullHandle; rootBcd ← NIL; END; GetInterfaceInfo: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [ moduleNameString, fileNameString: String←NIL ] RETURNS [ contents: ST.InterfaceInfo, moduleName, fileName: String, moduleVersion: ST.VersionStamp, moduleCreateTime, sourceCreateTime: ST.GMT ] = BEGIN CheckContents: ContextProcedure = BEGIN SELECT itemStb.TypeForm[SymType[itemStb,itemIsei]] FROM transfer => contents.transfers[XferModeToTransferType[ itemStb.XferMode[SymType[itemStb,itemIsei]]] ] ← TRUE; opaque => contents.types ← TRUE; ENDCASE => IF ~itemStb.seb[itemIsei].constant THEN contents.variables ← TRUE; END; dummy: AllocString = [MaxFilenameLength]; contents ← []; -- Initialize contents. [] ← EnumerateContext[ ctxStb: rootSTB, ctx: rootSTB.stHandle.outerCtx, ctxProc: CheckContents]; GetModuleInfo[ rootSTB, OwnMdi, (moduleName ← moduleNameString), (fileName ← fileNameString)]; moduleVersion ← rootSTB.stHandle.version; moduleCreateTime ← Directory.GetProps[rootFile, dummy ! Directory.Error => CONTINUE].createDate; sourceCreateTime ← LOOPHOLE[rootSTB.stHandle.sourceVersion.time]; END; VersionStampString: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [stamp: ST.VersionStamp, string: String] RETURNS [stampString: String] = -- Be sure to set LupineSymbolTable.MaxVersionStampStringLength correctly. BEGIN OPEN LongString; stampString ← string; stampString.length ← 0; AppendNumber[stampString, stamp.net, 8]; AppendChar[stampString, '#]; AppendNumber[stampString, stamp.host, 8]; AppendChar[stampString, '#]; AppendLongNumber[stampString, stamp.time, 8]; END; XferModeToTransferType: PACKED ARRAY TransferMode OF ST.TransferTypes = [ proc: Procedure, error: Error, signal: Signal, port: Port, program: Program, process: Process, none: Other ]; GetModuleInfo: PROCEDURE [ stBase: STBase, module: MDIndex, --RETURNS-- moduleName, fileName: String←ST.StringNIL] = --INLINE-- BEGIN IF moduleName # ST.StringNIL THEN HtiString[stBase, stBase.mdb[module].moduleId, moduleName]; IF fileName # ST.StringNIL THEN HtiString[stBase, stBase.mdb[module].fileId, fileName]; END; LoadVersionError: ERROR = CODE; LoadUpBcd: PROC [bcdFile: File.Capability] RETURNS [bcdSpace: Space.Handle←Space.nullHandle, bcd: BcdOps.BcdBase] = BEGIN bcdSpaceBase: File.PageNumber ← 1; pages: CARDINAL; BEGIN ENABLE UNWIND => IF bcdSpace#Space.nullHandle THEN Space.Delete[bcdSpace]; bcdSpace ← Space.Create[size: 1, parent: Space.virtualMemory]; Space.Map[space: bcdSpace, window: [file: bcdFile, base: bcdSpaceBase]]; bcd ← Space.LongPointer[bcdSpace]; IF bcd.versionIdent # BcdDefs.VersionID THEN ERROR LoadVersionError; pages ← bcd.nPages; IF pages > 1 THEN BEGIN Space.Delete[bcdSpace]; bcdSpace ← Space.Create[size: pages, parent: Space.virtualMemory]; Space.Map[space: bcdSpace, window: [file: bcdFile, base: bcdSpaceBase]]; bcd ← Space.LongPointer[bcdSpace]; END; END; END; GetOwnSymbolsSGI: PROC [ownBcd: BcdOps.BcdBase] RETURNS [ownSGI: BcdDefs.SGIndex] = BEGIN OPEN BcdOps, BcdDefs; CheckSeg: PROC [sgh: SGHandle, sgi: SGIndex] RETURNS [--stop:-- BOOLEAN] = {RETURN[sgh.class=symbols AND sgh.file=FTSelf]}; ownSGI ← ProcessSegs[bcd: ownBcd, proc: CheckSeg].sgi; END; -- Enumeration routines that generate an interface's contents. EnumerateDirectory: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [proc: ST.DirectoryProcedure] RETURNS [stopped: BOOLEAN←FALSE] = BEGIN DoDirItem: ContextProcedure = BEGIN OPEN itemStb; moduleName: AllocString = [MaxIdentifierLength]; fileName: AllocString = [MaxFilenameLength]; imported: BOOLEAN; defContext: CTXIndex; module: MDIndex; WITH seb[UnderType[seb[itemIsei].idType]] SELECT FROM definition => defContext ← defCtx; transfer => defContext ← bb[LOOPHOLE[seb[itemIsei].idInfo, BTIndex]].localCtx; ENDCASE => ERROR; WITH ctx: ctxb[defContext] SELECT FROM simple => {module ← OwnMdi; imported ← FALSE}; included => {module ← ctx.module; imported ← FALSE}; imported => {module ← ctxb[ctx.includeLink].module; imported←TRUE}; ENDCASE => ERROR; GetModuleInfo[itemStb, module, moduleName, fileName]; FOR chr: CARDINAL IN [0..fileName.length) DO IF fileName[chr] = '. THEN {fileName.length ← chr; EXIT}; ENDLOOP; RETURN[stop: proc[moduleName: moduleName, fileName: fileName, imported: imported, directoryIndex: itemIndex].stop]; END; stopped ← EnumerateContext[ ctxStb: rootSTB, ctx: rootSTB.stHandle.directoryCtx, ctxProc: DoDirItem]; END; EnumerateTransfers: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [ proc: ST.TransferProcedure, all, procs, signals, errors: BOOLEAN ← FALSE ] RETURNS [stopped: BOOLEAN←FALSE] = BEGIN index: ST.Index ← 0; -- The ContextProcedure's itemIndex is invalid here -- because this enumeration is of the ST's outer context. DoTransfer: ContextProcedure = BEGIN InlineOrMachineCode: PROCEDURE [transfer: ISEIndex] RETURNS [BOOLEAN] = INLINE {RETURN[itemStb.seb[transfer].constant]}; topType: SEIndex = SymType[itemStb, itemIsei]; type: CSEIndex = itemStb.UnderType[topType]; WITH xfer: itemStb.seb[type] SELECT FROM transfer => SELECT xfer.mode FROM proc => IF (all OR procs) AND ~InlineOrMachineCode[itemIsei] THEN stop ← proc[ transfer: [itemStb, itemIsei], transferType: [itemStb, topType], kind: Procedure, argumentRecordType: [itemStb, xfer.typeIn], resultRecordType: [itemStb, xfer.typeOut], transferIndex: (index ← index+1) ]; error => IF all OR errors THEN stop ← proc[ transfer: [itemStb, itemIsei], transferType: [itemStb, topType], kind: Error, argumentRecordType: [itemStb, xfer.typeIn], resultRecordType: [itemStb, xfer.typeOut], transferIndex: (index ← index+1) ]; signal => IF all OR signals THEN stop ← proc[ transfer: [itemStb, itemIsei], transferType: [itemStb, topType], kind: Signal, argumentRecordType: [itemStb, xfer.typeIn], resultRecordType: [itemStb, xfer.typeOut], transferIndex: (index ← index+1) ]; ENDCASE => IF all THEN stop ← proc[ transfer: [itemStb, itemIsei], transferType: [itemStb, topType], kind: XferModeToTransferType[xfer.mode], argumentRecordType: [itemStb, xfer.typeIn], resultRecordType: [itemStb, xfer.typeOut], transferIndex: (index ← index+1) ]; ENDCASE => NULL; END; stopped ← EnumerateContext[ ctxStb: rootSTB, ctx: rootSTB.stHandle.outerCtx, ctxProc: DoTransfer]; END; EnumerateRecord: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [ recordType: ST.TypeHandle, proc: ST.ComponentProcedure] RETURNS [stopped: BOOLEAN←FALSE] = BEGIN recStb: STBase = recordType.base; IF recordType.type = SENull THEN RETURN; WITH rec: recStb.seb[recStb.UnderType[recordType.type]] SELECT FROM record => BEGIN DoComponent: ContextProcedure = BEGIN RETURN[ stop: proc[ component: [itemStb, itemIsei], componentType: [itemStb, SymType[itemStb, itemIsei]], componentIndex: itemIndex ].stop ]; END; stopped ← EnumerateContext[ ctxStb: recStb, ctx: rec.fieldCtx, ctxProc: DoComponent] END; ENDCASE => ERROR; END; EnumerateVariants: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [ variantPartType: ST.TypeHandle, proc: ST.VariantProcedure] RETURNS [stopped: BOOLEAN←FALSE] = BEGIN varStb: STBase = variantPartType.base; IF variantPartType.type = SENull THEN ERROR; WITH var: varStb.seb[varStb.UnderType[variantPartType.type]] SELECT FROM union => BEGIN DoVariant: ContextProcedure = BEGIN RETURN[ stop: proc[ variantTag: [itemStb, itemIsei], variantNumber: itemStb.seb[itemIsei].idValue, variantRecordType: [itemStb, itemStb.seb[itemIsei].idInfo], variantIndex: itemIndex ].stop ]; END; stopped ← EnumerateContext[ ctxStb: varStb, ctx: var.caseCtx, ctxProc: DoVariant]; END; ENDCASE => ERROR; END; ContextProcedure: TYPE = PROCEDURE [ itemStb: SymbolTable.Base, itemIsei: ISEIndex, itemIndex: ST.Index] RETURNS [stop: BOOLEAN←FALSE]; EnumerateContext: PROCEDURE [ ctxStb: STBase, ctx: CTXIndex, ctxProc: ContextProcedure ] RETURNS [stopped: BOOLEAN←FALSE] = BEGIN item: ST.Index ← 0; SkipRecordPackingInfo: PROCEDURE [stb: RTSymbolDefs.SymbolTableBase, isei: RTSymbolDefs.SymbolIdIndex] RETURNS [--stop:-- BOOLEAN] = BEGIN RETURN[IF item=0 AND NOT RTSymbolOps.NullISEI[isei] AND RTSymbolOps.NullCtx[RTSymbolOps.ISECtx[stb, isei]] THEN FALSE ELSE ctxProc[itemStb: NARROW[stb, RTSymbolDefs.SymbolTableBase.x].e, itemIsei: NARROW[isei, RTSymbolDefs.SymbolIdIndex.x].e, itemIndex: (item←item+1) ].stop ]; END; stopped ← RTSymbolOps.EnumerateCtxIseis[ stb: [x[ctxStb]], ctx: [x[ctx]], proc: SkipRecordPackingInfo, mesaSymbolsOK: TRUE ! AMTypes.Error => BEGIN temp: REF TEXT = Rope.ToRefText[msg]; IF reason = noSymbols THEN ERROR OpenError[LOOPHOLE[temp,String], badFileName]; END ]; END; -- General operations for types and symbols. SymbolName: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [symbol: ST.SymbolHandle, nameString: String] RETURNS [name: String←NULL] = BEGIN stb: STBase = symbol.base; name ← nameString; IF IsAnonymous[symbol] THEN name.length ← 0 ELSE IseiString[stb, symbol.symbol, name]; END; IsAnonymous: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [symbol: ST.SymbolHandle] RETURNS [yes: BOOLEAN] = {RETURN[symbol.base.seb[symbol.symbol].hash = HTNull]}; SymbolType: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [symbol: ST.SymbolHandle] RETURNS [type: ST.TypeHandle] = { RETURN[ST.TypeHandle[symbol.base, SymType[symbol.base, symbol.symbol]]]}; SymType: PROCEDURE [stb: STBase, isei: ISEIndex] RETURNS [SEIndex] = INLINE BEGIN RETURN[ IF stb.seb[isei].idType = SENull THEN ERROR ELSE stb.seb[isei].idType]; END; SymbolUniqueID: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [symbol: ST.SymbolHandle] RETURNS [uniqueID: ST.SymbolID] = { RETURN[LOOPHOLE[@symbol.base.seb[symbol.symbol]]]}; SearchTypeDefinition: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [ rootDef: ST.TypeHandle, candidateDefs: LONG DESCRIPTOR FOR READONLY ARRAY OF ST.FullTypeName ] RETURNS [indexOfMatch: INTEGER ← -1 --No match--] = BEGIN thisBase: STBase = rootDef.base; thisType: SEIndex ← rootDef.type; thisName, thisModule: AllocSubString; DO WITH sei: thisBase.seb[thisType] SELECT FROM id => BEGIN IseiSubString[ stb: thisBase, isei: ISEI[thisType], iseiSubString: @thisName ]; HtiSubString[ stb: thisBase, hti: ModuleHtiOfTypeName[thisBase, ISEI[thisType]], htiSubString: @thisModule ]; FOR type: INTEGER IN [0..LENGTH[candidateDefs]) DO IF StringEqualSubString[candidateDefs[type].name, @thisName] AND StringEqualSubString[candidateDefs[type].module, @thisModule] THEN RETURN[type]; REPEAT FINISHED => thisType ← sei.idInfo; ENDLOOP; END; cons => WITH csei: sei SELECT FROM long => thisType ← csei.rangeType; ENDCASE => RETURN; ENDCASE => ERROR; ENDLOOP; END; Size: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [type: ST.TypeHandle] RETURNS [size: ST.Words] = BEGIN RETURN[type.base.WordsForType[type.type]]; END; ComputeArraySize: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [ index, elements: ST.TypeHandle, packed: BOOLEAN ] RETURNS [--size:-- ST.Words] = BEGIN -- This array size code is from from SymbolPack.WordsForType. -- It's been changed to work properly for CARDINAL, INTEGER, etc., -- index types, for which the compiler's Cardinality is zero! bits: LONG CARDINAL; cardinality: ST.Words = WITH indexInfo: GetTypeInfo[type: index] SELECT FROM Basic => indexInfo.cardinality, ENDCASE => ERROR; RETURN[ IF (bits←elements.base.BitsPerElement[elements.type, packed]) < WordLength THEN (cardinality+(WordLength/bits-1)) / (WordLength/bits) ELSE cardinality * ((bits+WordLength-1)/WordLength) ]; END; ModuleHtiOfTypeName: PROCEDURE [stBase: STBase, typeName: ISEIndex] RETURNS [--moduleHti:-- HTIndex] = --INLINE-- BEGIN RETURN[stBase.mdb[ModuleOfTypeName[stBase, typeName]].moduleId] END; ModuleOfTypeName: PROCEDURE [stBase: STBase, typeName: ISEIndex] RETURNS [module: MDIndex] = BEGIN typeNameCtx: CTXRecord = stBase.ctxb[stBase.seb[typeName].idCtx]; WITH ctx: typeNameCtx SELECT FROM simple => module ← OwnMdi; included => module ← ctx.module; imported => module ← stBase.ctxb[ctx.includeLink].module; ENDCASE => ERROR; END; HtiSubString: PROCEDURE [stb: STBase, hti: HTIndex, --RETURNS-- htiSubString: Strings.SubString] = INLINE BEGIN -- hti=HTNull is OK; returns null substring. stb.SubStringForHash[htiSubString, hti]; END; HtiString: PROCEDURE [stb: STBase, hti: HTIndex, --RETURNS-- htiString: String] = BEGIN desc: Strings.SubStringDescriptor; sub: Strings.SubString = @desc; HtiSubString[stb, hti, sub]; htiString.length ← 0; LongString.AppendSubString[htiString, sub]; END; ISEI: PROCEDURE [sei: SEIndex] RETURNS [--isei:-- ISEIndex] = -- In many discriminating SELECT statements, an SEIndex -- is properly known to be an ISEIndex, but Mesa cannot infer this -- because both are relative pointers. This procedure captures -- the coercion. INLINE BEGIN RETURN[LOOPHOLE[sei]] END; IseiSubString: PROCEDURE [stb: STBase, isei: ISEIndex, --RETURNS-- iseiSubString: Strings.SubString] = --INLINE-- BEGIN HtiSubString[ stb, (IF isei=ISENull THEN HTNull ELSE stb.seb[isei].hash), iseiSubString ]; END; IseiString: PROCEDURE [stb: STBase, isei: ISEIndex, --RETURNS-- iseiString: String] = INLINE BEGIN HtiString[ stb, (IF isei=ISENull THEN HTNull ELSE stb.seb[isei].hash), iseiString ]; END; StringEqualSubString: PROCEDURE [a: String, b: Strings.SubString] RETURNS [--exactMatch:-- BOOLEAN] = INLINE BEGIN RETURN [a.length=b.length AND SlowStringEqualSubString[a,b]]; END; SlowStringEqualSubString: PROCEDURE [a: String, b: Strings.SubString] RETURNS [exactMatch: BOOLEAN] = BEGIN aSub: AllocSubString ← [base: a, offset: 0, length: a.length]; RETURN[LongString.EqualSubStrings[@aSub,b]]; END; -- Detailed operations for types. GetTypeInfo: PUBLIC PROC [type: ST.TypeHandle] RETURNS [info: ST.TypeInfo←[]] = BEGIN OPEN ST; typeStb: STBase = type.base; typeSei: SEIndex = type.type; IF typeSei = SENull THEN RETURN[[self: type, info: Null[]]]; WITH typeSer: typeStb.seb[typeSei] SELECT FROM id => SELECT TRUE FROM typeSer.idType # typeTYPE => ERROR; typeSer.idCtx = StandardTypeContext => SELECT typeSei FROM UNSPECIFIEDIndex => RETURN[ [self: type, info: Basic[ kind: Unspecified, origin: FIRST[WORD], cardinality: (LONG[LAST[WORD]]-FIRST[WORD]+1) ]] ]; INTEGERIndex => RETURN[ [self: type, info: Basic[ kind: Integer, origin: FIRST[INTEGER], cardinality: (LONG[LAST[INTEGER]]-FIRST[INTEGER]+1) ]] ]; CARDINALIndex => RETURN[ [self: type, info: Basic[ kind: Cardinal, origin: FIRST[CARDINAL], cardinality: (LONG[LAST[CARDINAL]]-FIRST[CARDINAL]+1) ]] ]; NATIndex => RETURN[ [self: type, info: Basic[ kind: Nat, origin: FIRST[NAT], cardinality: (LONG[LAST[NAT]]-FIRST[NAT]+1) ]] ]; REALIndex => RETURN[ [self: type, info: Basic[ kind: Real, origin: 0, cardinality: 0 ]] ]; WORDIndex => RETURN[ [self: type, info: Basic[ kind: Word, origin: FIRST[WORD], cardinality: (LONG[LAST[WORD]]-FIRST[WORD]+1) ]] ]; CHARACTERIndex => RETURN[ [self: type, info: Basic[ kind: Character, origin: LOOPHOLE[FIRST[CHARACTER], INTEGER], cardinality: LONG[ LOOPHOLE[LAST[CHARACTER], INTEGER] - LOOPHOLE[FIRST[CHARACTER], INTEGER] + 1 ] ]] ]; BOOLEANIndex => RETURN[ [self: type, info: Basic[ kind: Boolean, origin: LOOPHOLE[FIRST[BOOLEAN], INTEGER], cardinality: 2 ]] ]; TEXTIndex => RETURN[[self: type, info: Text[]]]; STRINGIndex => RETURN[[self: type, info: String[]]]; StringBodyIndex => RETURN[[self: type, info: StringBody[]]]; ATOMIndex => RETURN[[self: type, info: Atom[], readonly: FALSE]]; MONITORLOCKIndex, CONDITIONIndex => RETURN[[self: type, info: Other[]]]; MDSZoneIndex => RETURN[ [self: type, info: Zone[allocation: Uncounted, mdsZone: TRUE]] ]; ENDCASE => -- This code automatically handles INT, CHAR, BOOL -- and other synonyms. It could cause unforeseeable -- problems with future builtin types. Beware. BEGIN synonymInfo: TypeInfo ← GetTypeInfo[[typeStb, typeSer.idInfo]]; synonymInfo.self ← type; RETURN[ SELECT synonymInfo.type FROM Basic, String, StringBody, Text, Atom, Rope, Any => synonymInfo, ENDCASE => [self: type, info: Other[]] ]; END; IsType[["Rope"L, "ROPE"L], typeStb, ISEI[typeSei]] => RETURN[[self: type, info: Rope[], readonly: FALSE]]; ENDCASE => BEGIN method: ParamPassingMethod=GetParamMethod[typeStb, ISEI[typeSei]]; symInfo: TypeInfo ← GetTypeInfo[[typeStb, typeSer.idInfo]]; symInfo.self ← type; IF method # standard THEN symInfo.passingMethod ← method; RETURN[symInfo]; END; cons => WITH typeCser: typeSer SELECT FROM basic, real => ERROR; -- Should have been in StandardTypeContext. definition => RETURN[[self: type, info: Definition[]]]; subrange => RETURN[ [self: type, info: Basic[ kind: Subrange, origin: typeCser.origin, cardinality: IF typeCser.empty THEN 0 ELSE typeCser.range+1]] ]; enumerated => RETURN[ [self: type, info: Basic[ kind: Enumeration, origin: 0, cardinality: typeCser.nValues]] ]; transfer => RETURN[ [self: type, info: Transfer[ kind: XferModeToTransferType[typeCser.mode], safe: FALSE, -- SAFE: safe: typeCser.safe, argumentType: TypeHandle[typeStb, typeCser.typeIn], resultType: TypeHandle[typeStb, typeCser.typeOut]]] ]; record => BEGIN variantType: TypeClass ← record; GetVariantType: ComponentProcedure = BEGIN variantType ← componentType.base.TypeForm[componentType.type]; RETURN[ stop: SELECT variantType FROM union, sequence => TRUE, ENDCASE => FALSE]; END; -- GetVariantType. IF typeCser.hints.variant THEN [] ← EnumerateRecord[type, GetVariantType]; RETURN[ [self: type, info: Record[ painted: typeCser.painted, paramRecord: typeCser.argument, monitored: typeCser.monitored, uniField: typeCser.hints.unifield, hasVariants: variantType=union, hasSequences: variantType=sequence]] ]; END; union => IF typeCser.controlled THEN SELECT typeStb.seb[SymType[typeStb, typeCser.tagSei]].seTag FROM id => RETURN[ [self: type, info: VariantPart[ tag: Named[ name: SymbolHandle[typeStb, typeCser.tagSei], type: SymbolType[[typeStb, typeCser.tagSei]]]]] ]; cons => RETURN[ [self: type, info: VariantPart[ tag: Star[ name: SymbolHandle[typeStb, typeCser.tagSei]]]] ]; ENDCASE => ERROR ELSE RETURN[ [self: type, info: VariantPart[tag: Computed[]]] ]; ref => SELECT TRUE FROM ~typeCser.counted => RETURN[ [self: type, info: Pointer[ referentType: TypeHandle[typeStb,typeCser.refType]], readonly: typeCser.readOnly] ]; typeCser.list => { base: STBase; first, rest: SEIndex; [base, first, rest] ← ListTypes[typeStb, typeSei]; RETURN[ [self: type, info: List[ firstType: TypeHandle[base, first], restType: TypeHandle[base, rest]], readonly: typeCser.readOnly] ] }; typeCser.counted => RETURN[ [self: type, info: Ref[ referentType: TypeHandle[typeStb,typeCser.refType]], readonly: typeCser.readOnly] ]; ENDCASE => ERROR; relative => RETURN[ [self: type, info: RelativePtr[ baseType: TypeHandle[typeStb, typeCser.baseType], offsetType: TypeHandle[typeStb, typeCser.offsetType], resultType: TypeHandle[typeStb, typeCser.resultType]]] ]; array => RETURN[ [self: type, info: Array[ packed: typeCser.packed, indexType: TypeHandle[typeStb, typeCser.indexType], elementType: TypeHandle[typeStb, typeCser.componentType]]] ]; arraydesc => BEGIN arrayInfo: TypeInfo ← GetTypeInfo[[typeStb, typeCser.describedType]]; WITH array: arrayInfo SELECT FROM Array => RETURN[ [self: type, info: Descriptor[ packed: array.packed, indexType: array.indexType, elementType: array.elementType], readonly: typeCser.readOnly] ]; ENDCASE => ERROR; END; sequence => IF typeCser.controlled THEN RETURN [ [self: type, info: Sequence[ packed: typeCser.packed, indexType: SymbolType[[typeStb, typeCser.tagSei]], elementType: TypeHandle[typeStb, typeCser.componentType], tagName: Named[ name: SymbolHandle[typeStb, typeCser.tagSei]]]] ] ELSE RETURN [ [self: type, info: Sequence[ packed: typeCser.packed, indexType: SymbolType[[typeStb, typeCser.tagSei]], elementType: TypeHandle[typeStb, typeCser.componentType], tagName: Computed[]]] ]; long => BEGIN shortInfo: TypeInfo ← GetTypeInfo[[typeStb, typeCser.rangeType]]; shortInfo.self ← type; shortInfo.long ← SELECT shortInfo.type FROM Ref, List, Zone => FALSE, ENDCASE => TRUE; RETURN[shortInfo]; END; zone => RETURN[ [self: type, info: Zone[ allocation: IF typeCser.counted THEN Counted ELSE Uncounted, mdsZone: typeCser.mds ]] ]; opaque => RETURN[ [self: type, info: Opaque[lengthKnown: typeCser.lengthKnown]] ]; any => RETURN[[self: type, info: Any[]]]; ENDCASE => RETURN[[self: type, info: Other[]]]; ENDCASE => ERROR; END; IsType: PROCEDURE [ type: ST.FullTypeName, candidateStb: STBase, candidateIsei: ISEIndex ] RETURNS [--yes:-- BOOLEAN] = BEGIN -- Checks to see if the candidate type ID = FullTypeName. candidate: AllocSubString; IseiSubString[candidateStb, candidateIsei, @candidate]; IF ~StringEqualSubString[type.name, @candidate] THEN RETURN[FALSE]; HtiSubString[ stb: candidateStb, hti: ModuleHtiOfTypeName[candidateStb, candidateIsei], htiSubString: @candidate]; RETURN[StringEqualSubString[type.module, @candidate]]; END; GetParamMethod: PROC [paramStb: STBase, paramIsei: ISEIndex] RETURNS [method: ST.ParamPassingMethod] = BEGIN Check: PROC [prefix: STRING] RETURNS [--isMatch:-- BOOLEAN] = BEGIN IF prefix.length >= typeName.length THEN RETURN[FALSE]; FOR i: CARDINAL IN [0..prefix.length) DO IF typeName.base[typeName.offset+i] # prefix[i] THEN RETURN[FALSE]; ENDLOOP; RETURN[TRUE]; END; typeName: AllocSubString; IseiSubString[paramStb, paramIsei, @typeName]; RETURN[ SELECT TRUE FROM Check["VAR"L], Check["VALUERESULT"L] => var, Check["VALUE"L] => value, Check["RESULT"L] => result, Check["HANDLE"L] => handle, ENDCASE => standard]; END; ListTypes: PROC [listStb: STBase, listSei: --Ref--SEIndex] RETURNS [base: STBase, first, rest: SEIndex←SENull] = BEGIN componentName: AllocSubString; gotFirst, gotRest: BOOLEAN ← FALSE; CheckFirstRest: ST.ComponentProcedure = BEGIN IseiSubString[component.base, component.symbol, @componentName]; SELECT TRUE FROM gotFirst => NULL; StringEqualSubString["first"L, @componentName] => {gotFirst ← TRUE; base ← componentType.base; first ← componentType.type}; ENDCASE => NULL; SELECT TRUE FROM gotRest => NULL; StringEqualSubString["rest"L, @componentName] => {gotRest ← TRUE; rest ← componentType.type}; ENDCASE => NULL; RETURN[stop: gotFirst AND gotRest]; END; -- CheckFirstRest. listCsei: CSEIndex = listStb.UnderType[listSei]; WITH listRef: listStb.seb[listCsei] SELECT FROM ref => { IF ~listRef.list OR ~listRef.counted THEN ERROR; IF ~EnumerateRecord[ recordType: [listStb, listRef.refType], proc: CheckFirstRest ].stopped THEN ERROR }; ENDCASE => ERROR; END; UNSPECIFIEDIndex, INTEGERIndex, CARDINALIndex, NATIndex, REALIndex, WORDIndex, CHARACTERIndex, BOOLEANIndex, TEXTIndex, STRINGIndex, StringBodyIndex, ATOMIndex, MONITORLOCKIndex, CONDITIONIndex, MDSZoneIndex: ISEIndex ← ISENull; StandardTypeContext: CTXIndex = LOOPHOLE[2]; InitializeBuiltinTypes: PROCEDURE [standardStb: STBase] = BEGIN GetTypeISEIndex: PROC [standardType: STRING, system: {Mesa, Cedar}←Mesa] RETURNS [typesISE: ISEIndex] = BEGIN OPEN Strings; subString: SubStringDescriptor ← [standardType, 0, standardType.length]; typesISE ← standardStb.SearchContext[ hti: standardStb.FindString[@subString], ctx: StandardTypeContext ]; IF typesISE=ISENull AND system=Mesa THEN ERROR; END; UNSPECIFIEDIndex ← GetTypeISEIndex["UNSPECIFIED"L]; INTEGERIndex ← GetTypeISEIndex["INTEGER"L]; CARDINALIndex ← GetTypeISEIndex["CARDINAL"L]; NATIndex ← GetTypeISEIndex["NAT"L, Cedar]; REALIndex ← GetTypeISEIndex["REAL"L]; WORDIndex ← GetTypeISEIndex["WORD"L]; CHARACTERIndex ← GetTypeISEIndex["CHARACTER"L]; BOOLEANIndex ← GetTypeISEIndex["BOOLEAN"L]; TEXTIndex ← GetTypeISEIndex["TEXT"L]; STRINGIndex ← GetTypeISEIndex["STRING"L]; StringBodyIndex ← GetTypeISEIndex["StringBody"L]; ATOMIndex ← GetTypeISEIndex["ATOM"L, Cedar]; MONITORLOCKIndex ← GetTypeISEIndex["MONITORLOCK"L]; CONDITIONIndex ← GetTypeISEIndex["CONDITION"L]; MDSZoneIndex ← GetTypeISEIndex["MDSZone"L]; END; -- Type printing routines. The output must be compilable. -- Most of these routines are derived from <Mesa>Lister>ListPub.mesa. PutTypeName: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [ putProc: PROC[CHARACTER], type: ST.TypeHandle, includeReadonly: BOOLEAN←TRUE, rootInterfaceOpenName: String←ST.StringNIL ] = BEGIN ENABLE UNWIND => putChar ← NIL; putChar ← putProc; rootInterfaceQualifier ← rootInterfaceOpenName; [] ← PrintType[ stBase: type.base, tsei: type.type, printReadonly: includeReadonly, dosub: NoSub ]; --putChar ← NIL; --rootInterfaceQualifier ← NIL; END; -- These global routines are used by PrintType and friends (below). putChar: PROCEDURE [CHARACTER] ← NIL; -- Set by PutTypeName. PutChar: PROC [chr: CHARACTER] = INLINE {putChar[chr]}; PutString: PROC [str: String] = --INLINE-- BEGIN FOR i: CARDINAL IN [0..str.length) DO PutChar[str[i]] ENDLOOP; END; PutSubString: PROC [subStr: Strings.SubString] = --INLINE-- BEGIN FOR i: CARDINAL IN [subStr.offset..subStr.offset+subStr.length) DO PutChar[subStr.base[i]]; ENDLOOP; END; PutDecimal: PROC [int: LONG INTEGER] = --INLINE-- {CWF.FWF1[putChar, "%LD", @int]}; PutOctal: PROC [num: LONG CARDINAL, trailingB: BOOLEAN←TRUE] = --INLINE-- {CWF.FWF1[putChar, "%LB", @num]; IF trailingB THEN PutChar['B]}; PrintType: PROCEDURE [ stBase: STBase, tsei: SEIndex, dosub: PROCEDURE [vf: ValFormat], printReadonly: BOOLEAN←TRUE ] RETURNS [vf: ValFormat ← [none[]] ] = BEGIN OPEN Symbols, stBase; -- This damn OPEN was here when I arrived! PrintReadonly: PROC [wantReadonly: BOOLEAN] = BEGIN -- Exclude only the top-level appearance of READONLY in a type expression. IF wantReadonly AND printReadonly THEN PutString["READONLY "L]; IF ~printReadonly THEN printReadonly ← TRUE; END; WITH t: seb[tsei] SELECT FROM id => BEGIN printBase: BOOLEAN ← TRUE; ifInteger: BOOLEAN ← FALSE; bsei: SEIndex ← tsei; csei: CSEIndex; DO csei ← UnderType[bsei]; WITH c: seb[csei] SELECT FROM basic => SELECT c.code FROM codeINT => BEGIN printBase ← ifInteger; vf ← [num[]] END; codeCHAR => vf ← [char[]]; ENDCASE; subrange => {bsei ← c.rangeType; ifInteger ← TRUE; LOOP}; enumerated => {printBase ← TRUE; vf ← [enum[stBase, LOOPHOLE[csei]]]}; ENDCASE; EXIT; ENDLOOP; SELECT TRUE FROM ~printReadonly AND GetTypeInfo[type: [stBase, csei]].readonly => [] ← PrintType[stBase, csei, dosub, FALSE]; printBase OR dosub = NoSub => BEGIN PrintModuleQualifier[stBase, tsei]; WITH seb[csei] SELECT FROM record => BEGIN -- This prints variant records in the Cedar style. -- For example: short red Dress => Dress[red][short]. -- Old variant record code: -- UNTIL (tsei ← TypeLink[tsei]) = SENull DO -- WITH seb[tsei] SELECT FROM -- id => {PutChar[' ]; PrintSei[stBase, ISEI[tsei]]}; -- ENDCASE; -- ENDLOOP; PrintBoundVariants: PROC [recordType: ISEIndex] = BEGIN parent: SEIndex; IF (parent ← TypeLink[recordType]) = SENull THEN PrintSei[stBase, recordType] ELSE BEGIN WITH seb[parent] SELECT FROM id => PrintBoundVariants[ISEI[parent]]; cons => [] ← PrintType[stBase, parent, dosub]; ENDCASE => ERROR; PutChar['[]; PrintSei[stBase, recordType]; PutChar[']]; END; END; -- PrintBoundVariants. PrintBoundVariants[ISEI[tsei]]; END; ENDCASE => PrintSei[stBase, ISEI[tsei]]; END; ENDCASE => NULL; dosub[vf]; END; cons => WITH t SELECT FROM --basic => Should see the ID first. enumerated => BEGIN PrintEnumItem: ContextProcedure = BEGIN IF itemIndex > 1 THEN PutString[", "L]; PrintSei[itemStb, itemIsei]; END; IF machineDep THEN PutString["MACHINE DEPENDENT "L]; PutChar['{]; [] ← EnumerateContext[ ctxStb: stBase, ctx: valueCtx, ctxProc: PrintEnumItem]; PutChar['}]; END; record => BEGIN IF ctxb[fieldCtx].level # lZ THEN BEGIN fctx: CTXIndex = fieldCtx; bti: BTIndex ← FIRST[BTIndex]; btlimit: BTIndex = bti + stHandle.bodyBlock.size; PutString["FRAME ["]; UNTIL bti = btlimit DO WITH entry: bb[bti] SELECT FROM Callable => BEGIN IF entry.localCtx = fctx THEN BEGIN PrintSei[stBase, entry.id]; PutChar[']]; EXIT END; bti ← bti + (WITH entry SELECT FROM Inner => SIZE[Inner Callable BodyRecord], ENDCASE => SIZE[Outer Callable BodyRecord]); END; ENDCASE => bti ← bti + SIZE[Other BodyRecord]; ENDLOOP; END ELSE BEGIN --IF monitored THEN PutString["MONITORED "L]; -- The LOCK field is printed below, so MONITORED is redundant. IF machineDep THEN PutString["MACHINE DEPENDENT "L]; PutString[IF painted THEN "RECORD "L ELSE "STRUCT "L]; PrintFieldCtx[stBase, fieldCtx]; END; END; ref => IF ~list THEN { -- Normal POINTER or REF. IF ordered THEN PutString["ORDERED "L]; IF basing THEN PutString["BASE "L]; PutString[IF counted THEN "REF "L ELSE "POINTER"L]; IF dosub # NoSub THEN {PutChar[' ]; dosub[[num[]]]}; IF ~readOnly THEN WITH seb[UnderType[refType]] SELECT FROM basic => IF code = Symbols.codeANY THEN GO TO noprint; ENDCASE; IF ~counted THEN PutString[" TO "L]; PrintReadonly[readOnly]; [] ← PrintType[stBase, refType, NoSub]; EXITS noprint => NULL } ELSE { -- LIST OF something. firstBase: STBase; firstBody: SEIndex; [base: firstBase, first: firstBody] ← ListTypes[stBase, tsei]; PutString["LIST OF "L]; PrintReadonly[readOnly]; [] ← PrintType[firstBase, firstBody, NoSub] }; array => BEGIN IF packed THEN PutString["PACKED "L]; PutString["ARRAY "L]; [] ← PrintType[stBase, indexType, NoSub]; PutString[" OF "L]; [] ← PrintType[stBase, componentType, NoSub]; END; arraydesc => BEGIN PutString["DESCRIPTOR FOR "L]; PrintReadonly[readOnly]; [] ← PrintType[stBase, describedType, NoSub]; END; transfer => BEGIN ArgRes: PROC[type: CSEIndex] = BEGIN WITH argRes: seb[type] SELECT FROM record => PrintFieldCtx[stBase, argRes.fieldCtx]; any => PutString["ANY"L]; ENDCASE => ERROR;--?-- END; -- SAFE: IF safe THEN PutString["SAFE "L]; PrintModeName[mode]; IF typeIn # RecordSENull THEN BEGIN PutChar[' ]; ArgRes[typeIn]; END; IF typeOut # RecordSENull THEN BEGIN PutString[" RETURNS "L]; ArgRes[typeOut]; END; END; union => BEGIN tagType: SEIndex; PutString["SELECT "L]; IF ~controlled THEN IF overlaid THEN PutString["OVERLAID "L] ELSE PutString["COMPUTED "L] ELSE BEGIN PrintSei[stBase, tagSei]; PutString[": "L] END; tagType ← seb[tagSei].idType; IF seb[tagSei].public # defaultPublic THEN PutString[ IF defaultPublic THEN "PRIVATE "L ELSE "PUBLIC "L]; WITH seb[tagType] SELECT FROM id => [] ← PrintType[stBase, tagType, NoSub]; cons => PutChar['*]; ENDCASE; PutString[" FROM "L]; BEGIN isei: ISEIndex; first: BOOLEAN ← TRUE; varRec: RecordSEIndex; FOR isei ← FirstCtxSe[caseCtx], NextSe[isei] UNTIL isei=ISENull DO IF first THEN first ← FALSE ELSE PutString[", "L]; PrintSei[stBase, isei]; PutString[" => "L]; varRec ← seb[isei].idInfo; PrintFieldCtx[stBase, seb[varRec].fieldCtx]; ENDLOOP; PutString[" ENDCASE"L]; END; END; sequence => BEGIN IF packed THEN PutString["PACKED "L]; PutString["SEQUENCE "L]; IF controlled THEN {PrintSei[stBase, tagSei]; PutString[": "L]} ELSE PutString["COMPUTED "L]; [] ← PrintType[stBase, SymType[stBase,tagSei], NoSub]; PutString[" OF "L]; [] ← PrintType[stBase, componentType, NoSub]; END; relative => BEGIN IF baseType # SENull THEN [] ← PrintType[stBase, baseType, NoSub, printReadonly]; PutString[" RELATIVE "L]; [] ← PrintType[stBase, offsetType, dosub, printReadonly]; END; subrange => BEGIN -- This has changes to (TRY) do intervals with negative endpoints -- such as (3..-1]) correctly. -- It still has problems for values not contained in LONG INTEGERs. org: LONG INTEGER ← origin; size: LONG CARDINAL ← range; upperBound: LONG INTEGER = org + size; doit: PROCEDURE [pvf: ValFormat] = BEGIN PutChar['[]; PrintTypedVal[org, pvf, TRUE]; PutString[".."L]; IF empty THEN {PrintTypedVal[org, pvf, TRUE]; PutChar[')]} ELSE { PrintTypedVal[ upperBound, pvf, upperBound < INTEGER[0]]; PutChar[']] }; END; vf ← PrintType[stBase, rangeType, doit]; END; long => BEGIN range: CSEIndex = stBase.UnderType[rangeType]; refOrList: BOOLEAN = WITH refType: stBase.seb[range] SELECT FROM ref => refType.counted OR refType.list, ENDCASE => FALSE; IF ~refOrList THEN PutString["LONG "L]; [] ← PrintType[stBase, rangeType, NoSub, printReadonly]; END; real => PutString["REAL"L]; opaque => BEGIN PutString["TYPE"L]; IF lengthKnown THEN { PutString[" ["L]; PrintValue[length]; PutString["]"L]; }; END; zone => --Not totally corrrect for MdsZone:-- PutString[IF ~counted THEN "UNCOUNTED ZONE"L ELSE "ZONE"L]; any => PutString["ANY"L]; ENDCASE => PutString["--!!!Unknown Type!!!--"L]; ENDCASE; END; -- PrintType. rootInterfaceQualifier: String; -- Set by PutTypeName. PrintModuleQualifier: PROCEDURE [stBase: STBase, typeSei: SEIndex] = --INLINE-- BEGIN WITH type: stBase.seb[typeSei] SELECT FROM id => BEGIN module: MDIndex; IF type.idCtx = StandardTypeContext THEN RETURN; module ← ModuleOfTypeName[stBase, ISEI[typeSei]]; IF module = OwnMdi THEN {IF rootInterfaceQualifier=NIL OR rootInterfaceQualifier.length=0 THEN RETURN ELSE PutString[rootInterfaceQualifier] } ELSE PrintHti[stBase, stBase.mdb[module].moduleId]; PutChar['.]; END; ENDCASE => NULL; END; defaultPublic: BOOLEAN ← TRUE; PrintSymbolType: PRIVATE PROCEDURE [stb: STBase, sei: ISEIndex] = BEGIN OPEN stb; savePublic: BOOLEAN ← defaultPublic; typeSei: SEIndex; IF seb[sei].public # defaultPublic THEN BEGIN defaultPublic ← seb[sei].public; PutString[IF defaultPublic THEN "PUBLIC "L ELSE "PRIVATE "L]; END; IF seb[sei].idType = typeTYPE THEN BEGIN typeSei ← seb[sei].idInfo; PutString["TYPE = "L]; [] ← PrintType[tsei: typeSei, dosub: NoSub, stBase: stb]; END ELSE BEGIN vf: ValFormat; typeSei ← seb[sei].idType; vf ← PrintType[tsei: typeSei, dosub: NoSub, stBase: stb]; IF seb[sei].constant AND vf.tag # none THEN BEGIN PutString[" = "L]; PrintTypedVal[LONG[seb[sei].idValue], vf]; END; END; defaultPublic ← savePublic; END; PrintFieldCtx: PROCEDURE [stBase: STBase, ctx: CTXIndex] = BEGIN PrintFieldItem: ContextProcedure = BEGIN IF itemIndex > 1 THEN PutString[", "L]; IF ~IsAnonymous[[itemStb, itemIsei]] THEN {PrintSei[itemStb, itemIsei]; PutString[": "L] }; PrintSymbolType[itemStb, itemIsei]; END; PutChar['[]; [] ← EnumerateContext[ctxStb: stBase, ctx: ctx, ctxProc: PrintFieldItem]; PutChar[']]; END; PrintModeName: PROCEDURE [mode: TransferMode] = BEGIN ModePrintName: PACKED ARRAY TransferMode OF STRING = ["PROCEDURE"L, "PORT"L, "SIGNAL"L, "ERROR"L, "PROCESS"L, "PROGRAM"L, "NONE"L]; PutString[ModePrintName[mode]] END; ValFormat: TYPE = RECORD [ SELECT tag: * FROM none => NULL, num => NULL, char => NULL, enum => [stBase: STBase, esei: EnumeratedSEIndex], ENDCASE]; PrintTypedVal: PROCEDURE [ val: LONG UNSPECIFIED, vf: ValFormat, integer: BOOLEAN←FALSE] = BEGIN WITH vf SELECT FROM num => PrintValue[val, integer]; enum => PrintEnum[val, stBase, esei]; char => IF val IN [' ..'~] THEN {PutChar['']; PutChar[Inline.LowHalf[val]]} ELSE {PutOctal[num: val, trailingB: FALSE]; PutChar['C]}; ENDCASE; END; PrintValue: PROCEDURE [value: LONG UNSPECIFIED, integer: BOOLEAN ← FALSE] = BEGIN IF integer OR LOOPHOLE[value,LONG CARDINAL] < LOOPHOLE[LAST[LONG INTEGER],LONG CARDINAL] THEN PutDecimal[LOOPHOLE[value, LONG INTEGER]] ELSE PutOctal[LOOPHOLE[value, LONG CARDINAL]]; END; NoSub: PROCEDURE [vf: ValFormat] = BEGIN NULL END; EnumeratedSEIndex: TYPE = Table.Base RELATIVE POINTER [0..Table.Limit) TO enumerated cons SERecord; PrintEnum: PROCEDURE [ val: LONG UNSPECIFIED, stBase: STBase, esei: EnumeratedSEIndex] = BEGIN OPEN Symbols, stb: stBase; sei: ISEIndex; FOR sei ← stb.FirstCtxSe[stb.seb[esei].valueCtx], stb.NextSe[sei] WHILE sei # ISENull DO IF stb.seb[sei].idValue = val THEN {PrintSei[stBase, sei]; RETURN}; ENDLOOP; PutString["LOOPHOLE ["L]; PrintValue[val]; PutChar[']]; END; PrintHti: PROCEDURE [stb: STBase, hti: Symbols.HTIndex] = BEGIN subStr: AllocSubString; IF hti = HTNull THEN ERROR; HtiSubString[stb, hti, @subStr]; PutSubString[@subStr]; END; PrintSei: PROCEDURE [stb: STBase, sei: Symbols.ISEIndex] = BEGIN subStr: AllocSubString; IF sei = ISENull THEN ERROR; IseiSubString[stb, sei, @subStr]; PutSubString[@subStr]; END; -- Module Initialization END. -- LupineSymbolTableImpl.