-- File [Ivy]<Nelson>Lupine>LupineDeclareUtilityImpl.mesa. -- Last edited by BZM on March 18, 1982 10:56 AM. -- This module cooperates with LupineDeclare*Impl to export LupineDeclare. DIRECTORY CWF USING [SWF2, WF1, WFC], LongString USING [EqualStrings, EquivalentStrings], LupineDeclare USING [ DirectoryItem, DirectoryList, DispatcherType, EmptyDirectoryList, InterfaceUse, ModuleNameList ], LupineDeclarePrivate USING [GetString, StringConstantType], LupineManagerPrivate USING [ AllocString, Error, Indent, IsNull, Language, MaxIdentifierLength, ModuleName, Nest, Options, String, StringNIL, WFL, WFL1, WFLL, WFS, WFS1, WFSL ], LupineSymbolTable USING [ DirectoryProcedure, EnumerateDirectory, EnumerateTransfers, IsAnonymous, PutTypeName, SymbolHandle, SymbolID, SymbolName, SymbolType, SymbolUniqueID, TransferProcedure, TypeHandle ]; LupineDeclareUtilityImpl: PROGRAM IMPORTS CWF, LongString, LupineManagerPrivate, Private: LupineDeclarePrivate, ST: LupineSymbolTable EXPORTS LupineDeclare, LupineDeclarePrivate = BEGIN OPEN LupineManagerPrivate, LupineDeclare; -- General symbol and type routines. TransferName: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [transfer: ST.SymbolHandle, nameString: String] RETURNS[name: String] = BEGIN IF ST.IsAnonymous[transfer] THEN ERROR ELSE RETURN[ST.SymbolName[transfer, nameString]]; END; WriteTransferName: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [transfer: ST.SymbolHandle] = BEGIN name: AllocString = [MaxIdentifierLength]; WFS1[TransferName[transfer, name]]; END; ParameterName: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [parameter: ST.SymbolHandle, parameterNumber: INTEGER, nameString: String] RETURNS [name: String] = BEGIN IF ST.IsAnonymous[parameter] THEN BEGIN paramID: LONG CARDINAL --ST.SymbolID-- ← ST.SymbolUniqueID[parameter]; CWF.SWF2[nameString, "anonP%Did%LU"L, @parameterNumber, @paramID]; RETURN[nameString]; END ELSE RETURN[ST.SymbolName[parameter, nameString]]; END; WriteParameterName: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [ parameter: ST.SymbolHandle, parameterNumber: INTEGER] = BEGIN name: AllocString = [MaxIdentifierLength]; WFS1[ParameterName[parameter, parameterNumber, name]]; END; WriteSymbolName: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [symbol: ST.SymbolHandle] = BEGIN name: AllocString = [MaxIdentifierLength]; IF ST.IsAnonymous[symbol] THEN Error[AnonymousIdentifier] ELSE WFS1[ST.SymbolName[symbol, name]]; END; WriteSymbolType: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [symbol: ST.SymbolHandle] = BEGIN WriteTypeName[ST.SymbolType[symbol]]; END; WriteTypeName: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [ type: ST.TypeHandle, includeReadonly: BOOLEAN←TRUE ] = BEGIN ST.PutTypeName[ putProc: CWF.WFC, type: type, includeReadonly: includeReadonly, rootInterfaceOpenName: ModuleName[openedInterface] ]; END; -- Directory and interface manipulation routines. Directory: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [ includeInterfaceDirectory: BOOLEAN←TRUE, extraDirectories: DirectoryList←EmptyDirectoryList, options: Options, nest: Nest←0 ] = BEGIN printedOne: BOOLEAN←FALSE; maxExtraDirLength: INTEGER = 6*16; duplicate: PACKED ARRAY [0..maxExtraDirLength) OF BOOLEAN ← ALL[FALSE]; PrintDirItem: PROCEDURE [dirItem: DirectoryItem, file: String←StringNIL] = BEGIN hasFileName: BOOLEAN = ~IsNull[file] AND ~LongString.EquivalentStrings[dirItem.module, file]; IF ~dirItem.forLanguage[options.targetLanguage] OR IsNull[dirItem.module] THEN RETURN; IF printedOne THEN WFS[",*N"L, Indent[nest+1]] ELSE BEGIN WFSL["*N*N"L, Indent[nest], "DIRECTORY*N"L, Indent[nest+1]]; printedOne ← TRUE; END; WFS[dirItem.module]; IF hasFileName THEN WFS[": FROM """L, file, """"L]; SELECT TRUE FROM dirItem.usingAll # StringNIL => WFS[" USING ["L, dirItem.usingAll, "]"L]; dirItem.usingSome # StringNIL => WFS[" --USING SOME OF ["L, dirItem.usingSome, "]--"L]; ENDCASE => NULL; END; -- PrintDirItem. IF LENGTH[extraDirectories] > maxExtraDirLength THEN ERROR; IF includeInterfaceDirectory THEN BEGIN PrintInterfaceDirItem: ST.DirectoryProcedure = BEGIN FOR dir: CARDINAL IN [0..LENGTH[extraDirectories]) DO IF LongString.EqualStrings[extraDirectories[dir].module, moduleName] THEN {duplicate[dir] ← TRUE; EXIT}; ENDLOOP; PrintDirItem[dirItem: [module: moduleName], file: fileName]; END; -- PrintInterfaceDirItem. [] ← ST.EnumerateDirectory[PrintInterfaceDirItem]; END; FOR dir: CARDINAL IN [0..LENGTH[extraDirectories]) DO -- Must do this list second so that USING conflicts are avoided. IF ~duplicate[dir] THEN PrintDirItem[dirItem: extraDirectories[dir]]; ENDLOOP; IF printedOne THEN WFS1[";*N"L]; END; ModuleHead: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [ moduleNames: ModuleNameList, moduleType: String, interfaceList: DirectoryList←EmptyDirectoryList, options: Options, nest: Nest←0 ] = BEGIN UseKeywords: ARRAY InterfaceUse OF RECORD [begin, end: String] = [ imports: ["IMPORTS "L, "*N"L], exports: ["EXPORTS "L, "*N"L], shares: ["SHARES "L, "*N"L], beginOpen: ["= BEGIN OPEN "L, ";*N"L] ]; hasThisUse: ARRAY InterfaceUse OF BOOLEAN ← ALL[FALSE]; IF LENGTH[moduleNames]=0 OR IsNull[moduleType] THEN ERROR; FOR item: CARDINAL IN [0..LENGTH[interfaceList]) DO FOR use: InterfaceUse IN InterfaceUse DO IF interfaceList[item].usedIn[use] THEN hasThisUse[use] ← TRUE; ENDLOOP; ENDLOOP; WFS["*N*N"L, Indent[nest]]; FOR name: CARDINAL IN [0..LENGTH[moduleNames]) DO IF name > 0 THEN WFS1[", "L]; WFS[moduleNames[name]]; ENDLOOP; WFS[": "L, moduleType, "*N"L]; FOR use: InterfaceUse IN InterfaceUse DO IF hasThisUse[use] THEN InterfaceList [ nest: nest+1, use: use, targetSystem: options.targetLanguage, interfaceList: interfaceList, beginText: UseKeywords[use].begin, endText: UseKeywords[use].end ]; ENDLOOP; IF ~hasThisUse[beginOpen] THEN WFL1[nest+1, "= BEGIN"L]; END; InterfaceList: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [ use: InterfaceUse, targetSystem: Language, interfaceList: DirectoryList, beginText, endText: String←StringNIL, nest: Nest ] = BEGIN printedOne: BOOLEAN←FALSE; WFS[Indent[nest], beginText]; FOR item: CARDINAL IN [0..LENGTH[interfaceList]) DO interface: DirectoryItem = interfaceList[item]; IF ~interface.usedIn[use] OR ~interface.forLanguage[targetSystem] OR IsNull[interface.module] THEN LOOP; IF printedOne THEN WFS1[", "L] ELSE printedOne ← TRUE; IF use=beginOpen OR (use=imports AND ~interface.usedIn[beginOpen]) THEN IF ~IsNull[interface.openName] THEN WFS[interface.openName, ": "L]; WFS[interface.module]; ENDLOOP; WFS1[endText]; END; -- Other code generation routines. LastLupineTransferIndex: INTEGER = 3B; ProcedureIndex: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [nest: Nest←1] = BEGIN TransferEnumeration[ nest: nest, enumerationName: Private.GetString[procedureIndex], procs: TRUE ]; END; SignalIndex: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [nest: Nest←1] = BEGIN TransferEnumeration[ nest: nest, enumerationName: Private.GetString[signalIndex], exceptions: TRUE ]; END; TransferEnumeration: PROCEDURE [ enumerationName: String, procs, exceptions: BOOLEAN ← FALSE, nest: Nest ] = BEGIN index: INTEGER ← LastLupineTransferIndex; WriteIndex: PROC = {CWF.WF1[" (%D)"L, @index]; index ← index + 1}; NameList: ST.TransferProcedure = BEGIN WFS1[IF transferIndex=1 THEN ",*B"L ELSE ", "L]; WriteTransferName[transfer]; WriteIndex; END; WFSL["*N"L, Indent[nest], enumerationName, ": PRIVATE TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT {*B"L, "LupineUnusedIndex (0), LupineLastIndex"L ]; WriteIndex; [] ← ST.EnumerateTransfers[ proc: NameList, procs: procs, errors: exceptions, signals: exceptions ]; WFS1["};*N"L]; END; DispatcherHead: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [type: DispatcherType, nest: Nest] = BEGIN WFS1["*N"L]; WFLL[nest, DispatcherName[type], ": --"L, Private.GetString[dispatcherDeclaration], "-- RpcPrivate.Dispatcher ="L]; WFL1[nest+1, "BEGIN"L]; END; DispatcherSelect: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [type: DispatcherType, nest: Nest] = BEGIN WFL[nest+1, "SELECT LOOPHOLE[pkt.data[0], RpcControl."L, (SELECT type FROM server => Private.GetString[procedureIndex], client => Private.GetString[signalIndex], ENDCASE => ERROR), "] FROM"L]; END; DispatcherTail: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [type: DispatcherType, nest: Nest] = BEGIN WFL1[nest+2, "ENDCASE => RETURN[Lupine.DispatchingError[]];*N"L]; WFL[nest+1, "END; -- "L, DispatcherName[type]]; END; -- Routines private to LupineDeclare*Impl via LupineDeclarePrivate. DispatcherName: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [type: DispatcherType] RETURNS [String] = BEGIN RETURN[ SELECT type FROM none => StringNIL, client => GetString[clientDispatcher], server => GetString[serverDispatcher], callback => GetString[callbackDispatcher], ENDCASE => ERROR ]; END; StringConstants: PACKED ARRAY Private.StringConstantType OF STRING = [ clientDispatcher: "ClientDispatcher", serverDispatcher: "ServerDispatcher", callbackDispatcher: "CallbackDispatcher", procedureIndex: "ProcedureIndex", signalIndex: "SignalIndex", dispatcherDeclaration: "PROCEDURE [pkt: RPCPkt, callLength: DataLength, lastPkt: BOOLEAN, localConversation: Conversation] RETURNS [returnLength: DataLength]", dispatcherArgs: "pkt: pkt, callLength: callLength, lastPkt: lastPkt, localConversation: localConversation", dispatcherResults: "returnLength: returnLength", dispatcherPkt: "pkt", dispatcherConversation: "localConversation", dispatcherReturnLength: "returnLength" ]; GetString: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [type: Private.StringConstantType] RETURNS [--string:-- String] = BEGIN RETURN[StringConstants[type]] END; END. -- LupineDeclareUtilityImpl.