-- File LupineDeclareBindingImpl.mesa. -- Last edited by BZM on 12-May-82 19:18:54. -- Last edited by Andrew Birrell on February 18, 1983 11:06 am. -- This module cooperates with LupineDeclare*Impl to export LupineDeclare. DIRECTORY CWF USING [WFC], LupineDeclare USING [ImportExport, WriteTransferName, WriteTypeName], LupineDeclarePrivate USING [DispatcherName], LupineManagerPrivate USING [ AllocString, Indent, ModuleName, Nest, Options, String, StringNIL, WFL, WFL1, WFS, WFS1, WFSL ], LupineSymbolTable USING [ EnumerateTransfers, GetInterfaceInfo, GMT, MaxVersionStampStringLength, TransferProcedure, VersionStamp, VersionStampString ], RPCLupine USING [maxShortStringLength]; LupineDeclareBindingImpl: PROGRAM IMPORTS CWF, Declare: LupineDeclare, LupineManagerPrivate, Private: LupineDeclarePrivate, ST: LupineSymbolTable EXPORTS LupineDeclare = BEGIN OPEN LupineManagerPrivate, LupineDeclare; -- Binding interface code generator. BindingInterface: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [options: Options] = BEGIN WFSL[" -- Public RPC types and constants. InterfaceName: TYPE = RpcPublic.InterfaceName; VersionRange: TYPE = RpcPublic.VersionRange; Principal: TYPE = RpcPublic.Principal; EncryptionKey: TYPE = RpcPublic.EncryptionKey; Zones: TYPE = RpcPublic.Zones; defaultInterfaceName: InterfaceName = RpcPublic.defaultInterfaceName; standardZones: Zones = RpcPublic.standardZones; -- Standard remote binding routines. ImportInterface: "L, Safe[options], "PROCEDURE [ interfaceName: InterfaceName ← defaultInterfaceName, parameterStorage: Zones ← standardZones ]; UnimportInterface: "L, Safe[options], "PROCEDURE; ExportInterface: "L, Safe[options], "PROCEDURE [ interfaceName: InterfaceName ← defaultInterfaceName, user: Principal, password: EncryptionKey, parameterStorage: Zones ← standardZones ]; UnexportInterface: "L, Safe[options], "PROCEDURE; *F -- Dynamic instantiation and binding. ImportNewInterface: "L, Safe[options], "PROCEDURE [ interfaceName: InterfaceName ← defaultInterfaceName, parameterStorage: Zones ← standardZones ] RETURNS [interfaceRecord: InterfaceRecord];*N"L]; WFS1[ STL[options: options, mesa: " UnimportNewInterface: PROCEDURE [interfaceRecord: InterfaceRecord];*N"L] ]; WFSL[ " -- NewInterfaceRecord is necessary for Cedar clients who want to -- manufacture a private interface instance, because -- RpcBindingImpl has finalization on type InterfaceRecord. NewInterfaceRecord: "L, Safe[options], "PROCEDURE RETURNS [interfaceRecord: InterfaceRecord];*N"L]; InterfaceRecord[options]; END; InterfaceRecord: PROCEDURE [options: Options, nest: Nest←1] = BEGIN WFSL["*N"L, Indent[nest], "InterfaceRecord: TYPE = "L, STL[options, "REF"L, "LONG POINTER TO"L], " InterfaceRecordObject;*N*N"L]; WFL1[nest, "InterfaceRecordObject: TYPE = RECORD ["L]; BEGIN DeclareTransferField: ST.TransferProcedure = BEGIN WFS1[Indent[nest+2]]; Declare.WriteTransferName[transfer]; WFS1[": "L]; Declare.WriteTypeName[transferType]; WFS1[",*N"L]; END; [] ← ST.EnumerateTransfers [ proc: DeclareTransferField, procs: TRUE, signals: TRUE, errors: TRUE ]; END; WFL[nest+2, "lupineDetails: PRIVATE "L, STL[options, "REF"L, "LONG POINTER TO"L], " LupineDetailsObject←NIL];*N"L]; WFL1[nest, "LupineDetailsObject: PRIVATE TYPE;"L]; END; -- Standard interface binding code generator. BindingRoutinesStandard: PUBLIC PROC [kind: ImportExport, options: Options] = BEGIN WFS[" *F -- Standard remote binding routines. bound: BOOLEAN ← FALSE; myInterface: RpcPrivate."L, (SELECT kind FROM import => "Import"L, export => "Export"L, ENDCASE => ERROR), "Handle ← NULL; paramZones: RpcPublic.Zones ← RpcPublic.standardZones;*N"L]; SELECT kind FROM import => BEGIN WFSL[" ImportInterface: PUBLIC ENTRY "L, Safe[options], "PROCEDURE [ interfaceName: RpcPublic.InterfaceName, parameterStorage: RpcPublic.Zones ] = "L, Trusted[options], "BEGIN ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; IsNull: PROCEDURE [string: LONG STRING] RETURNS [BOOLEAN] = INLINE {RETURN[ string=NIL OR string.length=0 ]}; IF bound THEN Lupine.BindingError;*N"L]; ImportCall[options]; ZoneAssignment[options]; WFSL[" bound ← TRUE; END; UnimportInterface: PUBLIC ENTRY "L, Safe[options], "PROCEDURE = "L, Trusted[options], "BEGIN ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; IF ~bound THEN Lupine.BindingError; myInterface ← RpcPrivate.UnimportInterface[myInterface]; paramZones ← RpcPublic.standardZones; bound ← FALSE; END;*N"L ]; END; -- import. export => BEGIN WFSL[" ExportInterface: PUBLIC ENTRY "L, Safe[options], "PROCEDURE [ interfaceName: RpcPublic.InterfaceName, user: RpcPublic.Principal, password: RpcPublic.EncryptionKey, parameterStorage: RpcPublic.Zones ] = "L, Trusted[options], "BEGIN ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; IsNull: PROCEDURE [string: LONG STRING] RETURNS [BOOLEAN] = INLINE {RETURN[ string=NIL OR string.length=0 ]}; IF bound THEN Lupine.BindingError;*N"L]; ExportCall[options]; ZoneAssignment[options]; WFSL[" bound ← TRUE; END; UnexportInterface: PUBLIC ENTRY "L, Safe[options], "PROCEDURE = "L, Trusted[options], "BEGIN ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; IF ~bound THEN Lupine.BindingError; myInterface ← RpcPrivate.UnexportInterface[myInterface]; paramZones ← RpcPublic.standardZones; bound ← FALSE; END;*N"L]; END; -- export. ENDCASE => ERROR; END; -- BindingRoutinesStandard. -- Dynamic interface record binding generator. BindingRoutinesDynamic: PUBLIC PROC [kind: ImportExport, options: Options] = BEGIN WFS1[" -- Dynamic instantiation and binding routines.*N"L]; SELECT kind FROM import => BEGIN WFSL[" ImportNewInterface: PUBLIC "L, Safe[options], "PROCEDURE [ interfaceName: RpcPublic.InterfaceName, parameterStorage: RpcPublic.Zones ] RETURNS [interfaceRecord: RpcControl.InterfaceRecord] = "L, Trusted[options], "BEGIN interfaceRecord ← NewInterface[]; LupineDetails[interfaceRecord].module.ImportInterface [ interfaceName: interfaceName, parameterStorage: parameterStorage ! UNWIND => FreeInterface[interfaceRecord] ]; END; UnimportNewInterface: "L, STL[options: options, mesa: "PUBLIC "L], Safe[options], "PROCEDURE [ interfaceRecord: RpcControl.InterfaceRecord ] = "L, Trusted[options], "BEGIN LupineDetails[interfaceRecord].module.UnimportInterface[]; FreeInterface[interfaceRecord]; END;*N"L ]; END; -- import. export => BEGIN NULL; END; -- export. ENDCASE => ERROR; END; -- BindingRoutinesDynamic. BindingRoutinesPrivate: PUBLIC PROC [kind: ImportExport, options: Options] = BEGIN SELECT kind FROM import => BEGIN WFSL[" -- Utility routines for interface instantiation and caching. ConcreteLupineDetails: TYPE = "L, STL[options, "REF"L, "LONG POINTER TO"L], " LupineDetailsObject; LupineDetailsObject: PUBLIC TYPE = RECORD [ module: ClientModule←NIL, list: RpcControl.InterfaceRecord←NIL, --package reference next: RpcControl.InterfaceRecord←NIL --free list -- ]; LupineDetails: PROCEDURE [abstractInterface: RpcControl.InterfaceRecord] RETURNS [ConcreteLupineDetails] = INLINE {RETURN[abstractInterface.lupineDetails]}; ClientModule: TYPE = POINTER TO FRAME["L, ModuleName[client], "]; clientInterfaceCache: RpcControl.InterfaceRecord ← NIL; -- free interface records clientInterfaceList: RpcControl.InterfaceRecord ← NIL; -- all interface records NewInterfaceRecord: PUBLIC ", Safe[options], "PROCEDURE RETURNS [interfaceRecord: RpcControl.InterfaceRecord] = ", Trusted[options], "BEGIN interfaceRecord ← "L, LupineZone[options], "NEW[RpcControl.InterfaceRecordObject]; END; NewInterface: PROCEDURE RETURNS [interface: RpcControl.InterfaceRecord]= BEGIN GetCachedInterface: ENTRY PROCEDURE RETURNS [cachedIR: RpcControl.InterfaceRecord] = INLINE BEGIN ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; IF (cachedIR←clientInterfaceCache) # NIL THEN clientInterfaceCache ← LupineDetails[clientInterfaceCache].next; END;*N"L, STL[options: options, cedar: " ReclaimInterfaces[];*N"L ], " IF (interface ← GetCachedInterface[]) = NIL THEN BEGIN ChainNewInterface: ENTRY PROCEDURE = INLINE BEGIN ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; interface.lupineDetails ← "L, LupineZone[options], "NEW[ LupineDetailsObject ← [module: module, list: clientInterfaceList]]; clientInterfaceList ← interface; END; -- ChainNewInterface. module: ClientModule = NEW ClientPrototype; interface ← NewInterfaceRecord[]; interface↑ ← [*B"L]; BEGIN AssignTransferField: ST.TransferProcedure = BEGIN IF transferIndex > 1 THEN WFS1[", "L]; Declare.WriteTransferName[transfer]; WFS1[": module."L]; Declare.WriteTransferName[transfer]; END; -- AssignTransferField. [] ← ST.EnumerateTransfers [ proc: AssignTransferField, procs: TRUE, signals: TRUE, errors: TRUE ]; END; WFS["]; ChainNewInterface[]; END; END; FreeInterface: ENTRY PROCEDURE [interface: RpcControl.InterfaceRecord]= INLINE BEGIN ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; LupineDetails[interface].next ← clientInterfaceCache; clientInterfaceCache ← interface; END;*N"L]; WFS1[ STL[options: options, cedar: " -- Finalization for dynamic interfaces. Just cache and reuse for now. freedInterfaces: RTT.FinalizationQueue = RTT.NewFQ[20]; ReclaimInterfaces: PROCEDURE = INLINE BEGIN WHILE ~RTT.FQEmpty[freedInterfaces] DO interface: RpcControl.InterfaceRecord = NARROW[RTT.FQNext[freedInterfaces]]; IF interface.lupineDetails # NIL THEN UnimportNewInterface[interface]; ENDLOOP; END; -- Module initialization. RTT.EstablishFinalization[ type: CODE[RpcControl.InterfaceRecordObject], npr: 1, fq: freedInterfaces ];*N"L, mesa: " -- No module initialization.*N"L ] ]; END; -- import. export => BEGIN NULL; END; -- export. ENDCASE => ERROR; END; -- BindingRoutinesPrivate. -- Binding utility routines. ImportCall: PROCEDURE [options: Options] = BEGIN Interface: PROC RETURNS [String] = INLINE {RETURN[STL[options, ""L, "interfaceName."L]]}; WFSL[ STL[options: options, cedar: " BEGIN type: STRING = [RpcPrivate.maxShortStringLength]; instance: STRING = [RpcPrivate.maxShortStringLength]; ConvertUnsafe.AppendRope[to: type, from: interfaceName.type]; ConvertUnsafe.AppendRope[to: instance, from: interfaceName.instance];*N"L], " myInterface ← RpcPrivate.ImportInterface [ interface: [ type: IF ~IsNull["L, Interface[], "type] THEN "L, Interface[], "type ELSE "L]; DefaultInterfaceType[options]; WFSL[", instance: "L, Interface[], "instance, version: interfaceName.version ], localOnly: RpcControl.InterMdsCallsOnly, stubProtocol: RpcControl.LupineProtocolVersion ];*N"L, STL[options: options, cedar: " END;*N"L] ]; END; ExportCall: PROCEDURE [options: Options] = BEGIN Interface: PROC RETURNS [String] = INLINE {RETURN[STL[options, ""L, "interfaceName."L]]}; WFSL[ STL[options: options, cedar: " BEGIN type: STRING = [RpcPrivate.maxShortStringLength]; instance: STRING = [RpcPrivate.maxShortStringLength]; userString: STRING = [RpcPrivate.maxPrincipalLength]; ConvertUnsafe.AppendRope[to: type, from: interfaceName.type]; ConvertUnsafe.AppendRope[to: instance, from: interfaceName.instance]; ConvertUnsafe.AppendRope[to: userString, from: user];*N"L], " myInterface ← RpcPrivate.ExportInterface [ interface: [ type: IF ~IsNull["L, Interface[], "type] THEN "L, Interface[], "type ELSE "L]; DefaultInterfaceType[options]; WFSL[", instance: "L, Interface[], "instance, version: interfaceName.version ], user: "L, STL[options, "userString"L, "user"L], ", password: password, dispatcher: "L, Private.DispatcherName[type: server], ", localOnly: RpcControl.InterMdsCallsOnly, stubProtocol: RpcControl.LupineProtocolVersion ];*N"L, STL[options: options, cedar: " END;*N"L] ]; END; LupineZone: PROC [options: Options] RETURNS [--zoneQualifier:-- String] = INLINE {RETURN[ STL[options, ""L, "Heap.systemZone."L] ]}; ZoneAssignment: PROCEDURE [options: Options] = BEGIN WFS[ " paramZones ← [*N"L, STL[options: options, cedar: " gc: IF parameterStorage.gc # NIL THEN parameterStorage.gc ELSE SafeStorage.GetSystemZone[], heap: IF parameterStorage.heap # NIL THEN parameterStorage.heap ELSE UnsafeStorage.GetSystemUZone[],*N"L, mesa: " heap: IF parameterStorage.heap # NIL THEN parameterStorage.heap ELSE Heap.systemZone,*N"L ], " mds: IF parameterStorage.mds # NIL THEN parameterStorage.mds ELSE Heap.systemMDSZone ];*N"L ]; END; DefaultInterfaceType: PROCEDURE [options: Options] = {WFS1[""""L]; WriteInterfaceNameDateID; WFS1["""L"L]}; WriteInterfaceNameDateID: PROCEDURE = -- A module's name-date-uid string is NOT an RName and must have -- a maximum of 64 characters. The module name is shortened if necessary. -- NEW: The stamp has the form "PilotDefs~0#0#000". (Compiler equivalent) -- OLD: The stamp has the form "PilotDefs~1-Jan-81~00:00:00~0#0#000". BEGIN MaxIDLength: INTEGER = RPCLupine.maxShortStringLength; MaxTimeStringLength: INTEGER = 0--18--; ZoneLength: INTEGER = 4; DefaultRegistry: String = ""L; -- The stamp is not currently an RName. Separator: String = "~"L; module: String = ModuleName[interface]; maxModuleLength: INTEGER = MIN[ module.length, MaxIDLength - (ST.MaxVersionStampStringLength + MaxTimeStringLength + DefaultRegistry.length + 2*Separator.length) ]; timeString: AllocString = [MaxTimeStringLength+ZoneLength]; stampString: AllocString = [ST.MaxVersionStampStringLength]; time: ST.GMT; version: ST.VersionStamp; [moduleVersion: version, moduleCreateTime: time] ← ST.GetInterfaceInfo[]; --CWF.SWF1[timeString, "%LT"L, @time]; --timeString.length ← MaxTimeStringLength; --FOR i: CARDINAL IN [0..timeString.length) DO -- Grapevine's Maintain program does not like spaces in RNames. -- IF timeString[i] = ' THEN timeString[i] ← Separator[0] ENDLOOP; FOR i: INTEGER IN [0..maxModuleLength) DO CWF.WFC[module[i]] ENDLOOP; WFSL[ -- Module name (truncated if necessary) was written above, --Separator, timeString, Separator, ST.VersionStampString[version, stampString], DefaultRegistry ]; END; STL, SelectTargetLanguage: PROCEDURE [ options: Options, cedar, mesa: String←StringNIL ] RETURNS [--targetString:-- String] = INLINE BEGIN RETURN[ SELECT options.targetLanguage FROM Cedar => cedar, Mesa => mesa, ENDCASE => ERROR ]; END; Safe: PROCEDURE [options: Options] RETURNS [String] = INLINE BEGIN RETURN[STL[options: options, cedar: "SAFE "L]]; END; Trusted: PROCEDURE [options: Options] RETURNS [String] = INLINE BEGIN RETURN[STL[options: options, cedar: "TRUSTED "L]]; END; END. -- LupineDeclareBindingImpl.