-- RealConvertImpl.mesa -- Last Modified: August 27, 1982 1:21 pm -- Last Modified By Paul Rovner On May 4, 1983 10:16 am -- Last Edited by: Levin, August 8, 1983 4:41 pm DIRECTORY Basics USING [LongNumber], Ieee USING [ ExponentBias, ExpSingleMax, ExpSingleMin, HiFractionMask, NaNExponent, SingleReal], PrincOpsUtils USING [BITAND], PrincOps USING [zEXCH], Real USING [PlusZero], RealConvert USING []; RealConvertImpl: PROGRAM IMPORTS PrincOpsUtils EXPORTS RealConvert = BEGIN OPEN RealConvert; BcplHiddenBit: CARDINAL = 200B; BcplBiasDifference: INTEGER = 1; -- Bias difference MesaBiasDifference: INTEGER = 2; MaxBiasedExponent: INTEGER = Ieee.ExpSingleMax + Ieee.ExponentBias; MinBiasedExponent: INTEGER = Ieee.ExpSingleMin + Ieee.ExponentBias; MostNegativeBcpl: LONG INTEGER = FIRST[LONG INTEGER]; MostPositiveBcpl: LONG INTEGER = LAST[LONG INTEGER]; CVError: PUBLIC SAFE ERROR = CODE; LN: PROC [r: LONG UNSPECIFIED] RETURNS [Basics.LongNumber] = INLINE { RETURN[LOOPHOLE[r, Basics.LongNumber]]; }; BitOn: PROC [a, b: UNSPECIFIED] RETURNS [BOOLEAN] = INLINE { RETURN[PrincOpsUtils.BITAND[a, b] # 0]; }; Swaw: PROC [r: LONG UNSPECIFIED] RETURNS [LONG UNSPECIFIED] = MACHINE CODE { PrincOps.zEXCH; }; Mesa5ToIeee: PUBLIC SAFE PROC [a: LONG UNSPECIFIED] RETURNS [REAL] = TRUSTED { fl: Ieee.SingleReal ← LOOPHOLE[a, Ieee.SingleReal]; -- first convert to sign magnitude IF LOOPHOLE[a, LONG CARDINAL] = 0 THEN RETURN[Real.PlusZero]; IF fl.sign THEN {fl ← LOOPHOLE[-LN[a].li, Ieee.SingleReal]; fl.sign ← TRUE; }; IF fl.exp < (MinBiasedExponent + MesaBiasDifference) THEN { -- Need to denormalize! frac: Basics.LongNumber ← LOOPHOLE[fl, Basics.LongNumber]; frac.highbits ← PrincOpsUtils.BITAND[frac.highbits, Ieee.HiFractionMask] + BcplHiddenBit; THROUGH [fl.exp..(MinBiasedExponent + MesaBiasDifference)) DO frac.lc ← frac.lc/2; ENDLOOP; fl.exp ← 0; fl.m1 ← frac.highbits; fl.m2 ← frac.lowbits; } -- Bias the exponent ELSE fl.exp ← fl.exp - MesaBiasDifference; RETURN[LOOPHOLE[fl, REAL]]; }; BcplToIeee: PUBLIC SAFE PROC [a: LONG UNSPECIFIED] RETURNS [b: REAL] = TRUSTED { fl: Ieee.SingleReal ← LOOPHOLE[Swaw[a]]; frac: Basics.LongNumber; exp: INTEGER; IF fl.sign THEN { fl ← LOOPHOLE[-LOOPHOLE[fl, LONG INTEGER], Ieee.SingleReal]; fl.sign ← TRUE; }; exp ← fl.exp; frac ← LOOPHOLE[fl, Basics.LongNumber]; frac.highbits ← PrincOpsUtils.BITAND[frac.highbits, Ieee.HiFractionMask]; IF frac.lc = 0 THEN RETURN[Real.PlusZero]; -- Normalize, (will always go at least one step) WHILE NOT BitOn[frac.highbits, BcplHiddenBit] DO exp ← exp - 1; frac.lc ← frac.lc*2; ENDLOOP; -- Bias the exponent exp ← exp - BcplBiasDifference; SELECT exp FROM < MinBiasedExponent => { THROUGH [exp..MinBiasedExponent) DO frac.lc ← frac.lc/2; ENDLOOP; exp ← 0; }; IN [MinBiasedExponent..MaxBiasedExponent] => NULL; ENDCASE => ERROR; fl.m1 ← PrincOpsUtils.BITAND[frac.highbits, Ieee.HiFractionMask]; fl.m2 ← frac.lowbits; fl.exp ← exp; RETURN[LOOPHOLE[fl, REAL]]; }; IeeeToBcpl: PUBLIC SAFE PROC [a: REAL] RETURNS [LONG UNSPECIFIED] = TRUSTED { fl: Ieee.SingleReal; frac: Basics.LongNumber; exp: INTEGER; sign: BOOLEAN; { fl ← LOOPHOLE[a, Ieee.SingleReal]; IF fl.exp = Ieee.NaNExponent + Ieee.ExponentBias AND (fl.m2 # 0 OR fl.m1 # 0) THEN ERROR CVError[]; sign ← fl.sign; fl.sign ← FALSE; IF LOOPHOLE[fl, LONG INTEGER] = 0 THEN RETURN[LONG[0]]; exp ← fl.exp; frac ← LOOPHOLE[fl, Basics.LongNumber]; frac.highbits ← PrincOpsUtils.BITAND[frac.highbits, Ieee.HiFractionMask]; SELECT exp FROM < MinBiasedExponent => { -- Ieee number is denormalized -- Normalize exp ← exp + 1; WHILE NOT BitOn[frac.highbits, BcplHiddenBit] DO exp ← exp - 1; frac.lc ← frac.lc*2; ENDLOOP; frac.lc ← frac.lc/2; exp ← exp + MesaBiasDifference; -- Denormalize WHILE exp < 0 DO exp ← exp + 1; frac.lc ← frac.lc/2; ENDLOOP; }; ENDCASE => { frac.highbits ← frac.highbits + BcplHiddenBit; -- put in leading one and round IF BitOn[frac.lowbits, 1] AND BitOn[frac.lowbits, 2] THEN frac.lc ← frac.lc + 1; frac.lc ← frac.lc/2; exp ← exp + MesaBiasDifference; IF BitOn[frac.highbits, BcplHiddenBit] THEN { exp ← exp + 1; frac.lc ← frac.lc/2; }; IF exp > 377B THEN GOTO Big; }; fl.m1 ← PrincOpsUtils.BITAND[frac.highbits, Ieee.HiFractionMask]; fl.m2 ← frac.lowbits; fl.exp ← exp; IF sign THEN fl ← LOOPHOLE[-LOOPHOLE[fl, LONG INTEGER], Ieee.SingleReal]; RETURN[Swaw[LOOPHOLE[fl]]]; EXITS Big => RETURN[Swaw[IF fl.sign THEN MostNegativeBcpl ELSE MostPositiveBcpl]]; }}; END. L. Stewart August 13, 1980 3:17 PM modified from RealConvert.mesa L. Stewart August 14, 1980 3:30 PM added BcplToIeee L. Stewart August 15, 1980 12:31 PM fixes to BcplToIeee August 25, 1980 1:17 PM, LStewart; added IeeeToBcpl August 27, 1982 1:21 pm, L. Stewart; SAFE