-- Pupwatch: Display -- [Indigo]PupWatch>Cedar>FunnyDisplay.mesa -- Andrew Birrell September 17, 1982 2:54 pm DIRECTORY Ascii USING[ CR ], Buttons, Containers, Graphics, GraphicsOps USING[ DrawText ], Inline USING[ LongCOPY ], Labels USING[ Create ], LookerDefs USING[ DoAction, InputAction, NewPriority, ShowBroadcast], Process USING[ Detach, Priority, priorityBackground, priorityNormal ], Rope USING[ ROPE ], VFonts USING[ EstablishFont, GraphicsFont], ViewerClasses, ViewerOps, ViewerTools; FunnyDisplay: MONITOR IMPORTS Buttons, Containers, Graphics, GraphicsOps, Inline, Labels, LookerDefs, Process, VFonts, ViewerOps, ViewerTools EXPORTS LookerDefs = BEGIN font: Graphics.FontRef = VFonts.GraphicsFont[VFonts.EstablishFont["Helvetica",8]]; fontMax: REAL = Graphics.FontBox[font].ymax; fontMin: REAL = Graphics.FontBox[font].ymin; topPos: REAL = fontMax; myViewer: ViewerClasses.Viewer; pause, fast, slow, hostText, bYes, bNo, normal, back, small, big: ViewerClasses.Viewer; line: REF TEXT = NEW[TEXT[600]]; xPos: REAL _ 0.0; yPos: REAL _ topPos; -- offset from top of text area -- DisplayChar: PUBLIC PROC[c: CHARACTER] = BEGIN IF c = Ascii.CR THEN BEGIN SendNow[]; xPos _ 0.0; yPos _ yPos + (fontMax-fontMin); END ELSE { line[line.length] _ c; line.length _ line.length+1 }; END; DisplayMultiple: PUBLIC PROC[ desc: LONG DESCRIPTOR FOR PACKED ARRAY OF CHARACTER] = BEGIN amount: CARDINAL = MIN[line.maxLength-line.length, LENGTH[desc]]; IF line.length MOD 2 = 0 THEN Inline.LongCOPY[from: BASE[desc], to: LOOPHOLE[line,LONG POINTER]+SIZE[TEXT[0]]+line.length/2, nwords: (amount+1)/2] ELSE FOR i: CARDINAL IN [0..amount) DO line[line.length+i] _ desc[i] ENDLOOP; line.length _ line.length + amount; END; GetLength: PUBLIC PROC[r: Rope.ROPE] RETURNS[ length: REAL] = BEGIN xw, yw: REAL; [xw, yw] _ Graphics.RopeWidth[font, r]; RETURN[xw] END; SetPos: PUBLIC PROC[pos: REAL] = { SendNow[]; xPos _ pos }; SendNow: PUBLIC PROC = { ViewerOps.PaintViewer[myViewer, client, FALSE, line]; line.length _ 0 }; Clear: PUBLIC PROC = BEGIN ViewerOps.PaintViewer[myViewer, client, FALSE, $Clear]; END; WriteTitle: PUBLIC PROC[r: Rope.ROPE] = BEGIN myViewer.parent.name _ r; ViewerOps.PaintViewer[myViewer.parent, caption, FALSE, NIL]; END; myClass: ViewerClasses.ViewerClass = NEW[ViewerClasses.ViewerClassRec _[ paint: MyPaint, destroy: MyDestroy, icon: tool ] ]; screenLines: CARDINAL _ 0; ScreenLines: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC RETURNS[CARDINAL] = { RETURN[screenLines] }; MyPaint: ENTRY ViewerClasses.PaintProc = TRUSTED -- self: Viewer, context: Graphics.Context, whatChanged: REF ANY, clear: BOOLEAN BEGIN bounds: Graphics.Box = Graphics.GetBounds[context]; IF whatChanged = NIL THEN BEGIN yPos _ topPos; screenLines _ 0; BEGIN tempY: REAL _ topPos; WHILE bounds.ymax - tempY + fontMin >= bounds.ymin DO screenLines _ screenLines+1; tempY _ tempY + (fontMax-fontMin) ENDLOOP; END; RETURN END; WITH whatChanged SELECT FROM text: REF TEXT => BEGIN IF bounds.ymax - yPos + fontMin < bounds.ymin THEN yPos _ topPos; IF xPos = 0.0 -- start of a new line -- THEN BEGIN yBase: REAL = IF bounds.ymax - yPos + fontMin - (fontMax-fontMin) < bounds.ymin THEN topPos ELSE yPos + (fontMax-fontMin); Graphics.SetColor[context, Graphics.white]; Graphics.DrawBox[context, [xmin: bounds.xmin, ymin: bounds.ymax - yBase + fontMin, xmax: bounds.xmax, ymax: bounds.ymax - yBase + fontMax] ]; Graphics.SetColor[context, Graphics.black]; END; Graphics.SetCP[context, bounds.xmin + xPos, bounds.ymax - yPos]; GraphicsOps.DrawText[self: context, text: text, font: font]; xPos _ Graphics.GetCP[context].x - bounds.xmin; END; x: ATOM => SELECT x FROM $Clear => BEGIN Graphics.SetColor[context, Graphics.white]; Graphics.DrawBox[context, [xmin: bounds.xmin, ymin: bounds.ymin, xmax: bounds.xmax, ymax: bounds.ymax - topPos + fontMax] ]; xPos _ 0.0; yPos _ topPos; END; ENDCASE => NULL; ENDCASE => NULL; END; MyDestroy: ViewerClasses.DestroyProc = TRUSTED -- self: Viewer BEGIN Process.Detach[FORK LookerDefs.DoAction[[stop[]]] ]; END; active: ATOM = $WhiteOnBlack; Create: PROC RETURNS[text: ViewerClasses.Viewer] = -- returns viewer which is the non-scrolling text area -- BEGIN outer: ViewerClasses.Viewer = Containers.Create[ info: [name: "Pupwatch", column: right, scrollable: FALSE, iconic: TRUE]]; child: ViewerClasses.Viewer _ CreateChildren[outer]; Buttons.SetDisplayStyle[fast, active, FALSE]; Buttons.SetDisplayStyle[back, active, FALSE]; Buttons.SetDisplayStyle[bNo, active, FALSE]; Buttons.SetDisplayStyle[small, active, FALSE]; text _ ViewerOps.CreateViewer[ flavor: $Pupwatch, info: [parent: outer, scrollable: FALSE, border: FALSE, wx: 2, wy: child.wy + child.wh + 2]]; Containers.ChildXBound[outer, text]; Containers.ChildYBound[outer, text]; END; CreateChildren: PROC[v: ViewerClasses.Viewer] RETURNS[child: ViewerClasses.Viewer] = BEGIN SimpleButton: PROC[name: Rope.ROPE, action: LookerDefs.InputAction] = BEGIN child _ Buttons.Create[ info: [name: name, parent: v, border: TRUE, wx: IF child = NIL THEN 2 ELSE 2+child.wx+child.ww, wy: IF child = NIL THEN 1 ELSE child.wy], proc: DoSimpleAction, clientData: NEW[LookerDefs.InputAction _ action], fork: TRUE]; END; child _ NIL; SimpleButton["Continue", [pauseContinue[]]]; pause _ child; SimpleButton["Fast", [fast[]]]; fast _ child; SimpleButton["Slow", [slow[]]]; slow _ child; SimpleButton["Replay", [replay[]]]; SimpleButton["Write log", [writeLog[]]]; child _ Buttons.Create[ info: [name: "New host", parent: v, border: TRUE, wx: 2+child.wx+child.ww, wy: child.wy], proc: DoHost, fork: TRUE]; child _ Buttons.Create[ info: [name: " Host: ", parent: v, border: FALSE, wx: 2+child.wx+child.ww, wy: child.wy], proc: DoHostPrompt, fork: FALSE]; hostText _ ViewerTools.MakeNewTextViewer[ info: [parent: v, scrollable: FALSE, border: FALSE, wx: 2+child.wx+child.ww, wy: child.wy, ww: v.cw-(2+child.wx+child.ww), wh: child.wh]]; Containers.ChildXBound[v, hostText]; child _ Labels.Create[ info: [name: "Broadcasts:", parent: v, border: FALSE, wx: 2, wy: child.wy + child.wh + 2]]; child _ bYes _ Buttons.Create[ info: [name: "yes", parent: v, border: TRUE, wx: 2+child.wx+child.ww, wy: child.wy], proc: DoBroadcast, fork: TRUE]; child _ bNo _ Buttons.Create[ info: [name: "no", parent: v, border: TRUE, wx: 2+child.wx+child.ww, wy: child.wy], proc: DoBroadcast, fork: TRUE]; child _ Labels.Create[ info: [name: " Priority:", parent: v, border: FALSE, wx: 2+child.wx+child.ww, wy: child.wy]]; child _ normal _ Buttons.Create[ info: [name: "normal", parent: v, border: TRUE, wx: 2+child.wx+child.ww, wy: child.wy], proc: DoPriority, fork: TRUE]; child _ back _ Buttons.Create[ info: [name: "background", parent: v, border: TRUE, wx: 2+child.wx+child.ww, wy: child.wy], proc: DoPriority, fork: TRUE]; child _ Labels.Create[ info: [name: " PktSize:", parent: v, border: FALSE, wx: 2+child.wx+child.ww, wy: child.wy]]; child _ small _ Buttons.Create[ info: [name: "small", parent: v, border: TRUE, wx: 2+child.wx+child.ww, wy: child.wy], proc: DoSize, fork: TRUE]; child _ big _ Buttons.Create[ info: [name: "big", parent: v, border: TRUE, wx: 2+child.wx+child.ww, wy: child.wy], proc: DoSize, fork: TRUE]; END; NotePausing: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC[nowPausing: BOOLEAN] = BEGIN Buttons.ReLabel[pause, IF nowPausing THEN "Continue" ELSE "Pause"]; END; DoSimpleAction: Buttons.ButtonProc = TRUSTED -- parent: REF ANY, clientData: REF ANY, mouseButton: MouseButton, shift, control: BOOL BEGIN LookerDefs.DoAction[NARROW[clientData, REF LookerDefs.InputAction]^]; END; isSlow: BOOLEAN _ FALSE; NoteSlow: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC[nowSlow: BOOLEAN] = BEGIN Buttons.SetDisplayStyle[IF isSlow THEN slow ELSE fast, $BlackOnWhite]; isSlow _ nowSlow; Buttons.SetDisplayStyle[IF isSlow THEN slow ELSE fast, active]; END; DoHost: Buttons.ButtonProc = TRUSTED -- parent: REF ANY, clientData: REF ANY, mouseButton: MouseButton, shift, control: BOOL BEGIN LookerDefs.DoAction[[newHost[ViewerTools.GetContents[hostText]]]]; END; DoHostPrompt: Buttons.ButtonProc = TRUSTED -- parent: REF ANY, clientData: REF ANY, mouseButton: MouseButton, shift, control: BOOL BEGIN text: ViewerClasses.Viewer = hostText; SELECT mouseButton FROM red => ViewerTools.SetSelection[text, NIL]; blue => { ViewerTools.SetContents[text, NIL]; ViewerTools.SetSelection[text, NIL] }; yellow => NULL; ENDCASE => ERROR; END; DoBroadcast: Buttons.ButtonProc = TRUSTED -- parent: REF ANY, clientData: REF ANY, mouseButton: MouseButton, shift, control: BOOL BEGIN viewer: Buttons.Button = NARROW[parent]; Buttons.SetDisplayStyle[bYes, IF viewer = bYes THEN active ELSE $BlackOnWhite]; Buttons.SetDisplayStyle[bNo, IF viewer = bNo THEN active ELSE $BlackOnWhite]; LookerDefs.ShowBroadcast[viewer = bYes]; END; DoPriority: Buttons.ButtonProc = TRUSTED -- parent: REF ANY, clientData: REF ANY, mouseButton: MouseButton, shift, control: BOOL BEGIN viewer: Buttons.Button = NARROW[parent]; Buttons.SetDisplayStyle[normal, IF viewer = normal THEN active ELSE $BlackOnWhite]; Buttons.SetDisplayStyle[back, IF viewer = back THEN active ELSE $BlackOnWhite]; LookerDefs.NewPriority[IF viewer = normal THEN Process.priorityNormal ELSE Process.priorityBackground]; END; DoSize: Buttons.ButtonProc = TRUSTED -- parent: REF ANY, clientData: REF ANY, mouseButton: MouseButton, shift, control: BOOL BEGIN viewer: Buttons.Button = NARROW[parent]; Buttons.SetDisplayStyle[small, IF viewer = small THEN active ELSE $BlackOnWhite]; Buttons.SetDisplayStyle[big, IF viewer = big THEN active ELSE $BlackOnWhite]; LookerDefs.DoAction[[pktSize[big: viewer = big]]]; END; ViewerOps.RegisterViewerClass[$Pupwatch, myClass]; myViewer _ Create[]; LookerDefs.DoAction[[start[]]]; END.