-- UserTerminalDriver.config (last edited by: Levin on: June 10, 1982 9:26 am) PACK ColorDisplayImpl, UserTerminalImpl, StartChainPlug; UserTerminalDriver: CONFIGURATION LINKS: CODE IMPORTS BitBlt, ColorDisplayFace, DisplayFace, KeyboardFace, MouseFace, PilotSwitches, Process, ProcessInternal, ResidentHeap, Runtime, Space, SpecialSpace, System, Transaction EXPORTS -- We would like to say EXPORTS ALL, but the Binder can't hack the multiple -- instances of DriverStartChain. So, we have instead an explicit exports -- list that includes everything except these guys. Such is life... ColorDisplay, DriverStartChain, UserTerminal = BEGIN [DriverStartChain, UserTerminal] _ UserTerminalImpl[DisplayFace, DriverStartChain1, KeyboardFace, MouseFace, PilotSwitches, Process, ProcessInternal, ResidentHeap, Runtime, Space, SpecialSpace, System, Transaction]; [DriverStartChain1, ColorDisplay] _ ColorDisplayImpl[ColorDisplayFace, DriverStartChain2, ResidentHeap, Runtime, Space, SpecialSpace, Transaction, ColorDisplay]; [DriverStartChain2, ColorDisplay] _ ColorCursorImpl[SpecialSpace, Space, BitBlt, ColorDisplay, ColorDisplayFace, DriverStartChain3, Transaction]; [DriverStartChain3, HeadStartChainDontCare, StoreDriverStartChainDontCare, SwapperDriverStartChainDontCare] _ StartChainPlug[]; END. LOG (For earlier log entries see Pilot 4.0 archive version.) Time: April 11, 1980 4:53 PM By: Forrest Action: Fix imports in BitBltImpl Time: June 26, 1980 4:24 PM By: McJones Action: Import Transaction into config and UserTerminalImpl Time: July 26, 1980 12:43 AM By: Forrest Action: Kill BitBltImpl Time: July 29, 1980 11:18 AM By: McJones Action: Import MouseFace into config and UserTerminalImpl Time: January 26, 1981 2:25 PM By: Luniewski Action: SwapperStartChain exported from StartChainPlug. Time: 22-Mar-82 12:24:06 By: Levin Action: Add ColorDisplayImpl. Time: 28-Apr-82 9:59:21 By: Levin Action: EXPORTS ALL. Time: June 10, 1982 9:26 am By: Levin Action: Add ColorCursorImpl.