-- Control.config (last edited by: Levin on: 28-Apr-82 9:29:41) Control: CONFIGURATION LINKS: CODE IMPORTS BootSwap, CommunicationPrograms, DebuggerSwap, DeviceCleanup, DriverStartChain, HeadStartChain, Inline, KernelFile, KernelPhysicalVolume, MiscPrograms, PilotClient, Process, ProcessorFace, RealMemory, Runtime, RuntimeInternal, RuntimePrograms, Space, StoragePrograms, StoreDriverStartChain, SwapperDriverStartChain, TemporarySetGMT, Transaction, Volume EXPORTS ALL = BEGIN PilotControl; SystemImpl; END. LOG (For earlier log entries, see Pilot 4.0 archive version.) Time: April 8, 1980 8:38 AM By: Knutsen Action: Export StoragePrograms; don't import MStore, ProcessInternal; don't export ResidentMemory Time: April 16, 1980 5:44 PM By: McJones Action: Import TemporarySetGMT instead of exporting ControlPrograms and importing D0InputOutput Time: May 1, 1980 4:55 PM By: Forrest Action: Delete pack statements Time: June 27, 1980 3:03 PM By: Knutsen Action: Don't import SpecialSpace Time: July 11, 1980 12:06 PM By: McJones Action: Import Transaction; don't import EthernetFace; OISProcessorFace=>ProcessorFace Time: August 29, 1980 5:25 PM By: Forrest Action: Don't use PPData Time: September 15, 1980 10:40 AM By: Forrest Action: change to use code links Time: January 16, 1981 3:40 PM By: Gobbel Action: Import RealMemory Time: January 26, 1981 2:01 PM By: Luniewski Action: Import SwapperDriverStartChain; export KernelPhysicalVolume Time: March 9, 1981 6:00 PM By: Yokota Action: PerformancePrograms is not imported anymore Time: 28-Apr-82 9:29:41 By: Levin Action: EXPORTS ALL