-- UtilityStore>UtilityVMMControl.mesa (last edited by Yokota on February 27, 1981 4:59 PM)
-- This version of VMMControl is for UtilityPilot. Its compelling reason for existence is that UtilitySpaceImpl can not export StoragePrograms due to a name conflict with Space.LongPointerFromPage, etc.
-- This module is an edited version of VMMControl.mesa. Changes to this module should track changes to it.
CachedSpace USING [Handle, Level],
Environment USING [PageCount, PageNumber],
PerformancePrograms USING [],
RuntimePrograms USING [],
TransactionState USING [FileOps, LogEntryPtr],
StoragePrograms USING [pageMDS],
Transaction USING [Handle],
VMMPrograms USING [InitializeSpace];
UtilityVMMControl: PROGRAM
IMPORTS StoragePrograms, VMMPrograms
EXPORTS PerformancePrograms, RuntimePrograms, StoragePrograms, Transaction, TransactionState =
--PerformancePrograms.--InitializePilotCounter: PROC = {};
--PerformancePrograms.--InitializePilotPerfMonitor: PROC = {};
--RuntimePrograms.--InitializePilotLoadState: PROC
[Environment.PageNumber, Environment.PageCount] = {};
--StoragePrograms.--InitializeTransactionData: PROC = {};
--StoragePrograms.--InitializeVMMgr: PROC [
countVM: Environment.PageCount, pMapLogDesc: LONG POINTER] =
mds: CachedSpace.Handle = [level: FIRST[CachedSpace.Level]+1, page: StoragePrograms.pageMDS];
VMMPrograms.InitializeSpace[countVM: countVM, handleMDS: mds]
--StoragePrograms.--IsDiagnosticPilot: PROC RETURNS [BOOLEAN] = { RETURN[FALSE] };
--StoragePrograms.--IsUtilityPilot: PROC RETURNS [BOOLEAN] = { RETURN[TRUE] };
--StoragePrograms.--RecoverTransactions: PROC = {};
--Transaction.--nullHandle: PUBLIC Transaction.Handle ← LOOPHOLE[0]; -- for FileImpl.
--Transaction.--InvalidHandle: PUBLIC ERROR = CODE; -- for FileImpl.
--TransactionState.--Log: PROC [Transaction.Handle, TransactionState.LogEntryPtr, TransactionState.FileOps] = { }; -- for FileImpl.
April 17, 1980 1:23 PMKnutsenCreated file from VMMPrograms.mesa of April 10, 1980 4:35 PM.
May 1, 1980 10:15 AMForrestAdded Stubs fro RuntimePerf.
July 7, 1980 12:37 PMLuniewskiMade InitializePilotLoadState take arguments.
July 15, 1980 3:43 PMGobbelAdded stubs for Transaction, TransactionInternal.
August 11, 1980 10:55 AMKnutsenConverted to latest Transaction stuff.
August 28, 1980 5:15 PMKnutsenSpecialTransaction renamed to TransactionState. Threw out all now-obsolete Transaction stuff.
September 3, 1980 10:29 AMForrestRecovered file from Dale’s directory. Deleted PPD*.
February 27, 1981 4:59 PMYokotaAdded Transaction.InvalidHandle ERROR for FileImpl.