-- UnpackedUtilityPilotKernel.config (June 10, 1982 12:06 pm by Levin) -- To fully pack UtilityPilot, one should utter... -- PACK PilotControl, FileImpl, FilerControl, UtilitySpaceImpl, SwapperControl, BootSwapCross, ResidentHeapImpl, UserTerminalImpl; PACK PilotControl, SystemImpl; -- Control PACK BootSwapCross, FrameImpl, SnapshotImpl; -- MesaRuntime PACK HeapImpl, ResidentHeapImpl; -- Misc PACK UserTerminalImpl, -- UserTerminalDriver DiskDriverSharedImpl, SA800Impl; -- DiskDrivers UtilityPilotKernel: CONFIGURATION IMPORTS PilotClient, -- Communication -- CommunicationPrograms, --Pilot Loader-- RuntimePrograms, -- Heads -- ColorDisplayFace, DisplayFace, HeadStartChain, KeyboardFace, MouseFace, ProcessorFace, RealMemory, SA4000Face, SA800Face, TemporarySetGMT, -- Inlines to keep the Binder happy -- BitBlt, Inline, PilotDisk EXPORTS ALL = BEGIN [DebuggerSwap, StoragePrograms, PilotSwitches, System, SpecialSystem, SystemInternal, ControlPrograms] ← Control[ BootSwap, CommunicationPrograms, DebuggerSwap, DeviceCleanup, DriverStartChain, HeadStartChain, Inline, KernelFile, KernelPhysicalVolume, MiscPrograms, PilotClient, Process, ProcessorFace, RealMemory, Runtime, RuntimeInternal, RuntimePrograms--(for loader)--, Space, StoragePrograms, StoreDriverStartChain, SwapperDriverStartChain, TemporarySetGMT, Transaction, Volume]; MesaRuntime; Misc; UtilityStore; [DiskChannel, DiskChannelBackend, DiskDriverShared, FloppyChannel, FloppyChannelInternal, PhysicalVolume, StoreDriverStartChain, SwapperDriverStartChain] ← DiskDrivers[Inline, PhysicalVolume, PilotDisk, PilotSwitches, Process, ProcessInternal, ResidentHeap, RuntimeInternal, SA4000Face, SA800Face, SimpleSpace, Utilities]; [ColorDisplay, DriverStartChain, UserTerminal] ← UserTerminalDriver[BitBlt, ColorDisplayFace, DisplayFace, KeyboardFace, MouseFace, PilotSwitches, Process, ProcessInternal, ResidentHeap, Runtime, Space, SpecialSpace, System, Transaction]; END. LOG (For earlier log entries see Pilot 5.0 archive version.) December 8, 1980 4:59 PM Gobbel Move Communication outside of kernel. January 22, 1981 12:18 PM Knutsen Merge in stuff from now-obsolete UtilityPilot.config. Import RealMemory. January 26, 1981 5:33 PM Luniewski Changes for SwapperDriverStartChain; import KernelPhysicalVolume into Control March 17, 1981 10:47 AM Luniewski Delete Import of PerformancePrograms to Control 23-Mar-82 16:27:45 Levin Add export of ColorDisplay 28-Apr-82 10:13:00 Levin EXPORTS ALL June 10, 1982 12:06 pm Levin Add import of BitBlt (for ColorCursorImpl)