-- UnpackedPilotKernel.config
--    (last edited by Levin on June 10, 1982 9:43 am)

-- Note that the configuration name is PilotKernel; this
-- serves as input to the Packager to produce PilotKernel.bcd.
-- It may also be used by using binder command line
-- options/Directory Statements.

  -- Resident code;  Each module corresponds to a PACK
  -- in a smaller configuration.
  SystemImpl, -- Control (has a resident cleanup procedure)
  FileCacheImpl, -- Store
  BootSwapCross, -- MesaRuntime
  ResidentHeapImpl, -- Misc
  UserTerminalImpl, -- UserTerminalDriver
  DiskDriverSharedImpl; -- DiskDrivers

    PilotClient, SpecialTransaction,
    -- Communication --
    -- Heads --
    ColorDisplayFace, DisplayFace, HeadStartChain, KeyboardFace, MouseFace,
    ProcessorFace, RealMemory, SA4000Face, SA800Face, TemporarySetGMT,
    --Pilot Loader--
    -- Inlines to keep the Binder happy --
    BitBlt, Inline, PilotDisk

-- PilotKernel[
  -- CommunicationPrograms, DiskChannel, DriverStartChain1, HeadStartChain,
  -- KeyboardFace, PilotClient, ProcessInternal,
  -- ProcessorFace, RealMemory, RuntimeInternal, RuntimePrograms,
  -- SpecialTransaction, StoreDriverStartChain, TemporarySetGMT];

[DebuggerSwap, StoragePrograms, PilotSwitches, System, SpecialSystem,
 SystemInternal, ControlPrograms]
   ← Control[
       BootSwap, CommunicationPrograms, DebuggerSwap,
       DeviceCleanup, DriverStartChain, HeadStartChain, Inline,
       KernelFile, KernelPhysicalVolume, MiscPrograms,
       PilotClient, Process, ProcessorFace, RealMemory,
       Runtime, RuntimeInternal, RuntimePrograms, Space,
       StoragePrograms, StoreDriverStartChain, SwapperDriverStartChain,
       TemporarySetGMT, Transaction, Volume];




[DiskChannel, DiskChannelBackend, DiskDriverShared, FloppyChannel,
  FloppyChannelInternal, PhysicalVolume, StoreDriverStartChain,
   ←  DiskDrivers[
        Inline, PhysicalVolume, PilotDisk, PilotSwitches, Process, ProcessInternal,
        ResidentHeap, RuntimeInternal, SA4000Face, SA800Face, SimpleSpace, Utilities];

[ColorDisplay, DriverStartChain, UserTerminal]
   ←  UserTerminalDriver[
        BitBlt, ColorDisplayFace, DisplayFace, KeyboardFace, MouseFace, PilotSwitches,
        Process, ProcessInternal, ResidentHeap, Runtime, Space,
        SpecialSpace, System, Transaction];


(For earlier log entries, see Pilot 4.0 archive version.)
April 16, 1980  5:33 PM    McJones
	Add SetGMTUsingEthernet
April 13, 1980  11:00 PM    Forrest
	Don't export IOCS
April 28, 1980  1:52 PM    Danielson
	Remove RS232 head and channel
April 29, 1980  8:57 AM    Schwartz
	Don't export Dialup and PhoneNetwork; export D0InputOutput
May 2, 1980  12:51 PM    Forrest
	Change packs
June 11, 1980  11:47 AM    Luniewski
	Export PhysicalVolume as public
June 19, 1980  2:03 PM    Luniewski
	Export Scavenger as public
June 26, 1980  2:16 PM    Luniewski
	Export BcdOps and PilotLoadStateOps to Pilot insiders
July 16, 1980  11:25 PM    Gobbel
	Export Transaction, SpecialTransaction
July 19, 1980  3:12 PM    McJones
	Export Heap, SpecialHeap, DiskChannelBackend, DiskDriverShared, OISTransporter, PhoneNetwork, SocketInternal, Transaction;
	import Dialup, RS232C; StatsPrivateDefs=>StatsOps, 
July 29, 1980  11:29 AM    McJones
	Remove HeadsD0
August 12, 1980  10:11 AM    BLyon
	Removed ByteBltDefs.
August 13, 1980  5:48 PM    Jose
	Import Inline, PilotDisk, and SA800Face, export
	FloppyChannel, link Floppy into DriverStartChain
August 26, 1980  10:53 AM    BLyon
	renamed EthernetFace to EthernetOneFace.
August 29, 1980  7:23 PM    Forrest
	Killed PPData Export.
September 6, 1980  3:00 PM    HGM
	IMPORT EthernetFace.
September 15, 1980  11:11 AM    Forrest
	Links: CODE.
September 20, 1980  3:05 PM    Forrest
	Change outer name to TestPilotUnpacked.
September 25, 1980  4:48 PM    Gobbel
	Added import and export of SpecialTransaction.
October 2, 1980  5:47 PM    Jose
	Export FloppyChannelInternal.
October 3, 1980  5:45 PM    Forrest
	Import TemporarySetGMT.
October 9, 1980  1:55 PM    Luniewski
	Add Export of VolumeExtras.  Move SubSys to "For insiders"
December 8, 1980  4:29 PM    Gobbel
	Rename TestPilotKernel -> PilotKernel.
December 17, 1980  4:44 PM    Luniewski
	Import PilotSwitches to DiskDrivers.
January 16, 1981  2:32 PM    Gobbel
	Import RealMemory.
January 20, 1981  9:15 PM    Knutsen
	Constructed UnpackedPilotKernel.config from UnpackedTestPilot.config and PilotKernel.config.
January 26, 1981  3:06 PM    Luniewski
	Deleted export of StoreDriverStartChain from DiskDrivers.  Import DriverStartChain
    into PilotControl and not DriverStartChain1; import KernelPhysicalVolume into Control
March 4, 1981  10:41 AM    Yokota
	Export SpaceExtras 
March 9, 1981  6:04 PM    Yokota
	PerformancePrograms is not imported anymore 
23-Mar-82 16:06:06	Levin
	Add export of ColorDisplay
28-Apr-82 10:07:46	Levin
June 10, 1982 9:43 am	Levin
	Add imports of BitBlt (for ColorCursorImpl)