-- SwapBufferImpl.mesa (last edited by: Levin on: August 3, 1982 3:55 pm) DIRECTORY SwapBuffer USING [], Environment USING [Base, bitsPerWord, first64K, Word], Inline USING [BITAND, BITNOT, BITOR, BITSHIFT], PageMap USING [flagsVacant, GetF], ResidentHeap USING [MakeNode], Runtime USING [CallDebugger], RuntimeInternal USING [WorryCallDebugger], SimpleSpace USING [AllocateVM], Space USING [defaultWindow], StoragePrograms USING [DescribeSpace, outlaw], SwapperPrograms USING [], VM USING [Interval, PageCount, PageNumber, PageOffset], Zone USING [Status]; SwapBufferImpl: MONITOR IMPORTS Inline, PageMap, ResidentHeap, Runtime, RuntimeInternal, SimpleSpace, StoragePrograms EXPORTS SwapBuffer, SwapperPrograms SHARES PageMap = BEGIN Status: TYPE = {free, busy}; -- i.e. 0 is free pageBuffer: VM.PageNumber; countBuffer: VM.PageCount; pAllocationMap: LONG POINTER TO ARRAY [0..0) OF Environment.Word; deallocation: CONDITION; Error: PROCEDURE = BEGIN DO RuntimeInternal.WorryCallDebugger["SwapBufferImpl consistency check"L] ENDLOOP END; InitializeSwapBuffer: PUBLIC PROCEDURE = BEGIN allocMapSize: CARDINAL; node: Environment.Base RELATIVE POINTER; s: Zone.Status; w: CARDINAL; countBuffer ← 500; -- I wonder what a more algorithmic value would be... pageBuffer ← SimpleSpace.AllocateVM[countBuffer, hyperspace]; StoragePrograms.DescribeSpace[ -- tells Swapper about swap buffer space. StoragePrograms.outlaw, pageBuffer, countBuffer, Space.defaultWindow]; allocMapSize ← (countBuffer + Environment.bitsPerWord - 1)/Environment.bitsPerWord; [node, s] ← ResidentHeap.MakeNode[allocMapSize]; IF s ~= okay THEN Runtime.CallDebugger["Resident heap full"L]; pAllocationMap ← @Environment.first64K[node]; FOR w IN [0..allocMapSize) DO pAllocationMap[w] ← 0 ENDLOOP; -- SetBlock would be handy END; Allocate: PUBLIC ENTRY PROCEDURE [count: VM.PageCount] RETURNS [interval: VM.Interval] = BEGIN offsetPage: VM.PageOffset; offsetOffset: VM.PageOffset; DO -- until enough space is available FOR offsetPage ← 0, offsetPage + offsetOffset + 1 WHILE offsetPage + count <= countBuffer DO BEGIN FOR offsetOffset DECREASING IN [0..count) DO IF GetStatus[offsetPage + offsetOffset] ~= free THEN GO TO HoleTooSmall ENDLOOP; FOR offsetOffset IN [0..count) DO SetStatus[offsetPage + offsetOffset, busy] ENDLOOP; RETURN[[pageBuffer + offsetPage, count]] EXITS HoleTooSmall => NULL END; ENDLOOP; WAIT deallocation ENDLOOP END; Deallocate: PUBLIC ENTRY PROCEDURE [interval: VM.Interval] = BEGIN offset: VM.PageOffset; --assert-- IF ~(interval.page IN [pageBuffer..pageBuffer + countBuffer)) OR ~(interval.page + interval.count IN [pageBuffer..pageBuffer + countBuffer]) THEN Error[]; FOR offset IN [0..interval.count) DO --assert-- IF PageMap.GetF[interval.page].valueOld.flags ~= PageMap.flagsVacant THEN Error[]; SetStatus[interval.page - pageBuffer + offset, free]; ENDLOOP; BROADCAST deallocation; END; GetStatus: PROCEDURE [offset: VM.PageOffset] RETURNS [Status] = INLINE BEGIN w: CARDINAL = offset/Environment.bitsPerWord; bit: Environment.Word = Inline.BITSHIFT[ 1, offset MOD Environment.bitsPerWord]; RETURN[IF Inline.BITAND[pAllocationMap[w], bit] = 0 THEN free ELSE busy] END; SetStatus: PROCEDURE [offset: VM.PageOffset, status: Status] = INLINE BEGIN w: CARDINAL = offset/Environment.bitsPerWord; bit: Environment.Word = Inline.BITSHIFT[ 1, offset MOD Environment.bitsPerWord]; pAllocationMap[w] ← Inline.BITOR[ Inline.BITAND[pAllocationMap[w], Inline.BITNOT[bit]], IF status = free THEN 0 ELSE bit] END; END. May 22, 1978 10:57 AM McJones Create file August 4, 1978 9:42 AM McJones Allocate allocationMap locally; add initialization, condition variable August 18, 1978 11:53 AM McJones Initialization followed module END! September 7, 1978 10:42 AM Redell Allow allocation/deallocation of zero-length buffers September 8, 1978 2:00 PM McJones Fix check for end of intervalBuffer in Allocate October 5, 1979 9:03 AM McJones Allocation map in heap April 2, 1980 1:54 PM Knutsen Add InitializeSwapBuffer September 23, 1980 12:15 PM McJones Check that buffer is not mapped in Deallocate December 2, 1980 12:21 PM Luniewski Make inner loop in Allocate be DECREASING for efficiency reasons. Make Get/Set status be Inline's. 14-Jan-82 16:45:02 Levin Cut countBuffer down to a reasonable size (used to be SpecialSpace.realMemorySize). August 3, 1982 3:55 pm Levin Correct all occurrences of ~IN.