-- VMMgr>SpaceImplB.mesa (last edited by Levin on October 25, 1982 3:32 pm) -- Note: There is another version of SpaceImpl for UtilityPilot which should -- track changes to this module. -- Handling of transactions: In the beginning, a space is created, and it is -- not part of a transaction. A space becomes associated with a transaction -- whenever a non-null transaction handle is passed to a Space operation -- (except CopyIn/Out), and the transaction handle is stored in the space -- descriptor at that time. If later a different transaction handle comes -- along for an operation on that space, it is an error. A space ceases to -- be part of a transaction when: (1) ReleaseFromTransaction is called; -- (2) the space is unmapped or deleted. Remap is handled as as if it -- were an Unmap followed by a Map. -- Implementation Notes: -- All client processes which wish to enter the Space Monitor MUST enter -- via the procedure EnterSpace. -- The routines herein have this organization: first, check for all client -- errors, and RETURN WITH ERROR if any; then, make changes to the VM databases. -- Future Improvements: -- If we would remember when a whole mapping space had been logged, we could -- avoid doing it again later. DIRECTORY CachedRegion USING [ Apply, BackFileType, Desc, forceOut, invalidate, makeWritable, Mapped, maxRemapSpaceSize, needsLogging, Operation, Outcome, pageLocationInSpace, startUnmap, wait, writeProtect], CachedSpace USING [DataOrFile, Desc, Handle, Level], Environment USING [bitsPerWord, PageNumber, wordsPerPage], File USING [ Capability, Error, ErrorType, firstPageNumber, lastPageNumber, nullID, PageCount, read, Unknown, write], Hierarchy USING [GetDescriptor, GetInterval, NotFound, Touch, Update], Inline USING [BITAND, LowHalf], KernelFile USING [GetFileAttributes, LogContents], KernelSpace USING [], MapLog USING [WriteLog], PageFault USING [ReportAddressFault], Process USING [GetPriority, Priority, SetPriority], ProcessPriorities USING [priorityPageFaultHigh], Projection USING [Get, Touch], ResidentHeap USING [first64K, FreeNode, MakeNode], Space USING [ defaultWindow, Error, ErrorType, PageCount, PageNumber, WindowOrigin], SpaceImplInternal USING [ ApplyToInterval, EnterSpace, Interval, ForAllRegions, Level, NotePinned, RegionD, SpaceD, spaceLock], SpecialSpace USING [], SwapperException USING [Await], SystemInternal USING [Unimplemented], Transaction USING [Handle, InvalidHandle, nullHandle], TransactionState USING [AddToTransaction, WithdrawFromTransaction], VM USING [Interval], VMMPrograms USING [], VMMgrStore USING [AllocateWindow, DeallocateWindow], WriteFault USING [AwaitWriteFault, ReportWriteProtectFault, RestartWriteFault], Volume USING [ID, InsufficientSpace, Unknown], Zone USING [Base, Status]; SpaceImplB: MONITOR LOCKS SpaceImplInternal.spaceLock -- this lock protects the VMMgr's data and databases. IMPORTS CachedRegion, File, Hierarchy, Inline, KernelFile, MapLog, PageFault, Process, Projection, ResidentHeap, Space, SpaceImplInternal, SwapperException, SystemInternal, Transaction, TransactionState, VMMgrStore, Volume, WriteFault EXPORTS KernelSpace, Space, SpaceImplInternal SHARES File -- USING [fID, permissions] -- = BEGIN OPEN Space, SpaceImplInternal; Handle: PUBLIC TYPE = CachedSpace.Handle; Bug: PRIVATE ERROR [type: BugType] = CODE; BugType: TYPE = { badTxButNeedsLogging, fileDisappeared, funnyErrorState, funnyOutcome, initHeapErr, nullTxButNeedsLogging, noSpaceForLogging, remapHeapAlloc, remapHeapFree, spaceDAbsent, unmappedSpaceToUnmapInternal, volDisappeared, yourSpaceIsAlreadyWritableinOtherTransaction}; countVM: Space.PageCount; pageSize: CARDINAL = Environment.wordsPerPage; nullTransaction: Transaction.Handle = Transaction.nullHandle; initRemapSize: PageCount = 250; -- initial guess at page count of largest space to be remapped. currentRemapSize: PageCount ← initRemapSize; --~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -- Initialization: --~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --SpaceImplInternal.-- InitializeSpaceImplB: PUBLIC --EXTERNAL-- PROCEDURE [sizeVM: Space.PageCount] = BEGIN throwAway: PROCESS; priorityPrev: Process.Priority; node: Zone.Base RELATIVE POINTER TO UNSPECIFIED; status: Zone.Status; size: CARDINAL = (initRemapSize + Environment.bitsPerWord - 1)/Environment.bitsPerWord; [node, status] ← ResidentHeap.MakeNode[n: size, alignment:]; -- for remapping operations. IF status ~= okay THEN ERROR Bug[initHeapErr]; CachedRegion.pageLocationInSpace ← DESCRIPTOR[ @ResidentHeap.first64K[node], size]; -- for remapping operations. countVM ← sizeVM; -- save in global. priorityPrev ← Process.GetPriority[]; -- In order to avoid being deadlocked on a stateVector, the WriteFaultProcess -- must run at a reserved priority level and have a state vector allocated for -- it (in the bootmesa file). Process.SetPriority[ProcessPriorities.priorityPageFaultHigh]; throwAway ← FORK VMHelperProcess[]; -- (no profit in Detaching) throwAway ← FORK WriteFaultProcess[]; Process.SetPriority[priorityPrev]; END; --~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -- Monitor External (and Nested Internal) Procedures: --~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CopyIn: PUBLIC --EXTERNAL-- PROCEDURE [ space: Handle, window: WindowOrigin, transaction: Transaction.Handle] = -- The transaction parameter is only present for possible future implementation -- of locking. It is not relevant to the current implementation. BEGIN CopyInInternal: INTERNAL PROCEDURE[] = BEGIN spaceD, mappingSpaceD, fromSpaceD: SpaceD; GetCopyInfo[@spaceD, @mappingSpaceD, space]; IF mappingSpaceD.writeProtected THEN { IF KernelFile.GetFileAttributes[mappingSpaceD.window.file].immutable THEN File.Error[immutable] ELSE File.Error[insufficientPermissions]}; fromSpaceD ← mappingSpaceD; -- generate a desc for the new window.. fromSpaceD.interval ← spaceD.interval; ProcessWindow[@fromSpaceD, @window, forReadingOrWriting, fileSpaceOnly]; -- may raise File.Unknown or Volume.Unknown. IF mappingSpaceD.transaction ~= nullTransaction THEN BEGIN ApplyToInterval[spaceD.interval, CachedRegion.forceOut]; -- make sure backing file is up-to-date. KernelFile.LogContents[ -- may raise Volume.InsufficientSpace. transaction: mappingSpaceD.transaction, file: [mappingSpaceD.window.file.fID, File.read + File.write], base: mappingSpaceD.window.base + (spaceD.interval.page - mappingSpaceD.interval.page), count: IF mappingSpaceD.interval.page + mappingSpaceD.countMapped <= spaceD.interval.page THEN 0 ELSE IF spaceD.interval.page + spaceD.interval.count <= mappingSpaceD.interval.page + mappingSpaceD.countMapped THEN spaceD.interval.count ELSE (mappingSpaceD.interval.page + mappingSpaceD.countMapped) - spaceD.interval.page]; END; ApplyToInterval[ spaceD.interval, [ ifMissing: report, ifCheckedOut: wait, afterForking: return, vp: copyIn[from: @fromSpaceD]]]; ApplyToInterval[spaceD.interval, CachedRegion.wait]; -- must wait for complete, since client could delete the source window. END --CopyInInternal-- ; EnterSpace[CopyInInternal]; END; CopyOut: PUBLIC --EXTERNAL-- PROCEDURE [ space: Handle, window: WindowOrigin, transaction: Transaction.Handle] = BEGIN CopyOutInternal: INTERNAL PROCEDURE[] = BEGIN spaceD, mappingSpaceD, toSpaceD: SpaceD; GetCopyInfo[@spaceD, @mappingSpaceD, space]; toSpaceD ← mappingSpaceD; -- generate a desc for the new window.. toSpaceD.interval ← spaceD.interval; ProcessWindow[@toSpaceD, @window, forWriting, fileSpaceOnly]; -- may raise File.Unknown or Volume.Unknown. IF transaction ~= nullTransaction THEN KernelFile.LogContents[ transaction, toSpaceD.window.file, toSpaceD.window.base, toSpaceD.countMapped]; -- may raise Transaction.InvalidHandle. -- We don't need to update the space desc with the possibly-new transaction -- since the transaction is associated with the window copied to, not the current space. ApplyToInterval[ spaceD.interval, [ ifMissing: report, ifCheckedOut: wait, afterForking: return, vp: copyOut[to: @toSpaceD]]]; ApplyToInterval[spaceD.interval, CachedRegion.wait]; -- must wait for complete, since client could delete the destination window. END --CopyOutInternal-- ; EnterSpace[CopyOutInternal]; END; MakeReadOnly: PUBLIC --EXTERNAL-- PROCEDURE [ space: Handle, transaction: Transaction.Handle] = BEGIN MakeReadOnlyInternal: INTERNAL PROCEDURE[] = BEGIN spaceD, mappingSpaceD: SpaceD; GetSpaceDesc[@spaceD, space, --requiredState:-- dontCare]; GetMappingSpaceDesc[@mappingSpaceD, space]; JoinTransaction[space, @mappingSpaceD, transaction]; -- may raise Transaction.InvalidHandle. spaceD.writeProtected ← TRUE; Hierarchy.Update[@spaceD]; -- note that the Projection and Hierarchy disagree until the following statement is completed. ApplyToInterval[spaceD.interval, CachedRegion.writeProtect]; END; EnterSpace[MakeReadOnlyInternal]; END; MakeWritable: PUBLIC --EXTERNAL-- PROCEDURE [ space: Handle, file: File.Capability, transaction: Transaction.Handle] = BEGIN MakeWritableInternal: INTERNAL PROCEDURE[] = BEGIN spaceD, mappingSpaceD: SpaceD; immutable, readOnly, workToDo: BOOLEAN; GetSpaceDesc[@spaceD, space, --requiredState:-- dontCare]; GetMappingSpaceDesc[@mappingSpaceD, space]; IF file.fID ~= (SELECT mappingSpaceD.dataOrFile FROM data => File.nullID, file => mappingSpaceD.window.file.fID, ENDCASE => ERROR) THEN Error[invalidMappingOperation]; IF mappingSpaceD.dataOrFile = file THEN { [immutable: immutable, readOnly: readOnly] ← KernelFile.GetFileAttributes[ file]; IF immutable THEN File.Error[immutable]; IF readOnly THEN File.Error[insufficientPermissions]}; IF ~spaceD.writeProtected AND mappingSpaceD.transaction ~= nullTransaction AND transaction ~= mappingSpaceD.transaction THEN Bug[yourSpaceIsAlreadyWritableinOtherTransaction]; workToDo ← spaceD.writeProtected OR mappingSpaceD.writeProtected OR (mappingSpaceD.transaction = nullTransaction AND transaction ~= nullTransaction); JoinTransaction[space, @mappingSpaceD, transaction]; -- may raise Transaction.InvalidHandle. IF workToDo THEN BEGIN spaceD.writeProtected ← FALSE; Hierarchy.Update[@spaceD]; -- note that the Projection and Hierarchy disagree until the following statement is completed. ApplyToInterval[ spaceD.interval, IF mappingSpaceD.transaction = nullTransaction THEN CachedRegion.makeWritable ELSE CachedRegion.needsLogging]; END; END; EnterSpace[MakeWritableInternal]; END; Map: PUBLIC --EXTERNAL-- PROCEDURE [ space: Handle, window: WindowOrigin, transaction: Transaction.Handle] = BEGIN MapInternal: INTERNAL PROCEDURE[] = BEGIN spaceD: SpaceD; GetSpaceDesc[@spaceD, space, --requiredState:-- unmapped]; ProcessWindow[@spaceD, @window, forReadingOrWriting, dataSpaceOK]; -- may raise File.Unknown, Volume.InsufficientSpace, or Volume.Unknown. JoinTransaction[ space, @spaceD, transaction -- may raise Transaction.InvalidHandle. ! UNWIND => ReleaseDefaultWindow[@spaceD]; ]; -- No more signals should be raised past this point! spaceD.state ← mapped; Hierarchy.Update[@spaceD]; ApplyToInterval[ spaceD.interval, [ ifMissing: report, ifCheckedOut: wait, afterForking: --don't care-- , vp: map[ level: space.level, backFileType: IF spaceD.dataOrFile = CachedSpace.DataOrFile[file] THEN file ELSE data, andWriteProtect: spaceD.writeProtected, andNeedsLogging: ~spaceD.writeProtected AND spaceD.transaction ~= nullTransaction]]]; MapLog.WriteLog[Interval[spaceD.interval.page, spaceD.countMapped], @spaceD] END --MapInternal-- ; EnterSpace[MapInternal]; END; --KernelSpace.-- ReleaseFromTransaction: PUBLIC --EXTERNAL-- PROCEDURE [ space: Handle, transaction: Transaction.Handle, andInvalidate: BOOLEAN] = BEGIN ReleaseFromTransactionInternal: INTERNAL PROCEDURE[] = BEGIN spaceD: SpaceD; GetSpaceDesc[@spaceD, space, --requiredState:-- dontCare]; IF spaceD.transaction ~= transaction THEN RETURN -- the space in the given transaction has been deleted. This is a different space (but with the same handle). ELSE BEGIN IF spaceD.state = mapped THEN { IF andInvalidate THEN ApplyToInterval[spaceD.interval, CachedRegion.invalidate]; IF ~spaceD.writeProtected THEN ApplyToInterval[spaceD.interval, CachedRegion.makeWritable]}; spaceD.transaction ← nullTransaction; Hierarchy.Update[@spaceD]; END; END; EnterSpace[ReleaseFromTransactionInternal]; END; Remap: PUBLIC --EXTERNAL-- PROCEDURE [ space: Handle, window: WindowOrigin, transaction: Transaction.Handle] = BEGIN RemapInternal: INTERNAL PROCEDURE[] = BEGIN spaceDOld, spaceDNew: SpaceD; GetSpaceDesc[@spaceDOld, space, --requiredState:-- mapped]; spaceDNew ← spaceDOld; -- generate a desc for the new space/window. IF spaceDOld.transaction ~= nullTransaction THEN TransactionState.WithdrawFromTransaction[ spaceDOld.transaction, space ! Transaction.InvalidHandle => CONTINUE]; -- (tx had already ended) spaceDNew.transaction ← nullTransaction; -- (will join if caller passed new transacton) ProcessWindow[@spaceDNew, @window, forWriting, dataSpaceOK]; -- may raise File.Unknown, Volume.InsufficientSpace, or Volume.Unknown. -- scope of UNWIND -- BEGIN ENABLE UNWIND => ReleaseDefaultWindow[@spaceDNew]; JoinTransaction[space, @spaceDNew, transaction]; -- may raise Transaction.InvalidHandle. IF spaceDNew.transaction ~= nullTransaction THEN -- log the contents of the destination window.. KernelFile.LogContents[ spaceDNew.transaction, spaceDNew.window.file, spaceDNew.window.base, spaceDNew.countMapped]; -- may raise Volume.InsufficientSpace. END --scope of UNWIND-- ; -- No more signals should be raised past this point! IF spaceDOld.interval.count > currentRemapSize THEN -- get a bigger remap array BEGIN node: Zone.Base RELATIVE POINTER TO UNSPECIFIED; size: CARDINAL; status: Zone.Status; IF spaceDOld.interval.count > CachedRegion.maxRemapSpaceSize THEN ERROR SystemInternal.Unimplemented; IF ResidentHeap.FreeNode[ Inline.LowHalf[ BASE[CachedRegion.pageLocationInSpace] - ResidentHeap.first64K]] ~= okay THEN ERROR Bug[remapHeapFree]; currentRemapSize ← spaceDOld.interval.count; size ← (currentRemapSize + Environment.bitsPerWord - 1)/Environment.bitsPerWord; [node, status] ← ResidentHeap.MakeNode[n: size, alignment:]; IF status ~= okay THEN ERROR Bug[remapHeapAlloc]; CachedRegion.pageLocationInSpace ← DESCRIPTOR[ @ResidentHeap.first64K[node], size]; END; -- At this point, swap units may soon reside in either of two windows. Mark -- all swap units "in old window", and force out dirty ones unless data space or write protected: ApplyToInterval[ spaceDOld.interval, [ ifMissing: report, ifCheckedOut: wait, afterForking: return, vp: remapA[ firstClean: spaceDOld.dataOrFile = file AND ~spaceDOld.writeProtected]]]; -- (assume writeProtected implies clean, i.e. no magic stores by debugger, etc.) -- implicit parameter: CachedRegion.pageLocationInSpace. spaceDNew.state ← beingRemapped; -- "the space desc has changed to the new window". Hierarchy.Update[@spaceDNew]; -- Ensure each region is in the new window, or is in and dirty: ApplyToInterval[ spaceDNew.interval, [ ifMissing: report, ifCheckedOut: wait, afterForking: return, vp: remapB[from: @spaceDOld]]]; -- implicit parameter: CachedRegion.pageLocationInSpace. spaceDNew.state ← mapped; -- "once again, there is only one window for this space" Hierarchy.Update[@spaceDNew]; -- (end of scope of pageLocationInSpace) -- (For remote swapping, must unpin old file (and containing volume) from FilePageTransferrer cache) ApplyToInterval[spaceDNew.interval, CachedRegion.wait]; -- must wait for complete, since we or client may delete the old window. ReleaseDefaultWindow[@spaceDOld]; MapLog.WriteLog[Interval[spaceDOld.interval.page, spaceDOld.countMapped], NIL]; MapLog.WriteLog[Interval[spaceDNew.interval.page, spaceDNew.countMapped], @spaceDNew]; END --RemapInternal-- ; EnterSpace[RemapInternal]; END; Unmap: PUBLIC --EXTERNAL-- PROCEDURE [space: Handle] = BEGIN UnmapLocalInternal: INTERNAL PROCEDURE[] = { spaceD: SpaceD; GetSpaceDesc[@spaceD, space, --requiredState:-- mapped]; IF spaceD.transaction ~= nullTransaction THEN { TransactionState.WithdrawFromTransaction[ spaceD.transaction, space ! Transaction.InvalidHandle => CONTINUE]; -- (tx had already ended) spaceD.transaction ← nullTransaction}; UnmapInternal[@spaceD]}; EnterSpace[UnmapLocalInternal]; END; --~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --Monitor Internal Procedures: --~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GetCopyInfo: INTERNAL PROCEDURE [ pSpaceD, pMappingSpaceD: POINTER TO SpaceD, space: Handle] = -- Validates space, assures that it is mapped or a descendent of a mapped space, -- returns space descriptor for space (synthesizes one if space is a swap unit) and mapping space. BEGIN validSpace, validSwapUnit: BOOLEAN; region: RegionD; [validSpace, validSwapUnit] ← Hierarchy.GetDescriptor[pSpaceD, space]; IF ~validSpace AND ~validSwapUnit THEN Error[invalidHandle]; region ← Projection.Get[space.page]; IF ~(region.state IN CachedRegion.Mapped) THEN Error[noWindow]; IF space.level = pSpaceD.level AND pSpaceD.level = region.levelMapped THEN pMappingSpaceD↑ ← pSpaceD↑ ELSE [] ← Hierarchy.GetDescriptor[ pMappingSpaceD, Handle[level: region.levelMapped, page: space.page]]; IF validSwapUnit THEN pSpaceD.interval ← Hierarchy.GetInterval[space].interval; END; GetSpaceDesc: INTERNAL PROCEDURE [ pSpaceD: POINTER TO SpaceD, space: Handle, requiredState: {mapped, unmapped, dontCare}] = -- Validates that space is a real space (not a swap unit), gets space descriptor, -- assures desired mapping state. BEGIN Unmapped: INTERNAL PROCEDURE [regionD: RegionD] RETURNS [BOOLEAN] = { RETURN[regionD.state = unmapped]}; validSpace, validSwapUnit: BOOLEAN; [validSpace, validSwapUnit] ← Hierarchy.GetDescriptor[pSpaceD, space]; IF validSwapUnit THEN Error[notApplicableToSwapUnit] ELSE IF ~validSpace THEN Error[invalidHandle]; SELECT requiredState FROM mapped => IF pSpaceD.state ~= mapped THEN Error[noWindow]; unmapped => IF ~ForAllRegions[pSpaceD.interval, Unmapped] THEN Error[invalidMappingOperation]; dontCare => NULL; ENDCASE; END; GetMappingSpaceDesc: INTERNAL PROCEDURE [ pMappingSpaceD: POINTER TO SpaceD, space: Handle] = -- Validates that space is a real space (not a swap unit) and is either -- mapped or a subspace of a mapped space, and gets the mapping space -- descriptor. BEGIN validSpace, validSwapUnit: BOOLEAN; region: RegionD; [validSpace, validSwapUnit] ← Hierarchy.GetDescriptor[pMappingSpaceD, space]; IF validSwapUnit THEN Error[notApplicableToSwapUnit] ELSE IF ~validSpace THEN Error[invalidHandle]; region ← Projection.Get[space.page]; IF ~(region.state IN CachedRegion.Mapped) THEN Error[noWindow]; IF pMappingSpaceD.level ~= region.levelMapped THEN [] ← Hierarchy.GetDescriptor[ pMappingSpaceD, Handle[level: region.levelMapped, page: space.page]]; END; JoinTransaction: INTERNAL PROCEDURE [ space: Handle, pSpaceD: POINTER TO SpaceD, transaction: Transaction.Handle] = INLINE -- It is best if this procedure is called after all other possible errors have -- been detected, since there is no way to back out of the AddToTransaction. -- May raise Transaction.InvalidHandle. { IF transaction ~= nullTransaction AND pSpaceD.transaction ~= transaction THEN { IF pSpaceD.transaction ~= nullTransaction --AND pSpaceD.transaction~=transaction-- THEN TransactionState.WithdrawFromTransaction[pSpaceD.transaction, space]; pSpaceD.transaction ← transaction; TransactionState.AddToTransaction[transaction, space]}}; ProcessWindow: INTERNAL PROCEDURE [ pSpaceD: POINTER TO SpaceD, pWindow: POINTER TO Space.WindowOrigin, usage: {forWriting, forReadingOrWriting}, kind: {dataSpaceOK, fileSpaceOnly}] = -- Fills in pSpaceD.dataOrFile, .writeProtected, .countMapped, and .window. Allocates window if data space. -- May raise File.Unknown, Volume.InsufficientSpace, or Volume.Unknown (as well as Space.Error, etc. etc.). BEGIN IF pWindow↑ = defaultWindow THEN --data space-- BEGIN IF kind = fileSpaceOnly THEN Error[invalidMappingOperation]; pSpaceD.dataOrFile ← data; pSpaceD.writeProtected ← FALSE; pSpaceD.countMapped ← pSpaceD.interval.count; pSpaceD.window.file.fID ← File.nullID; -- "backing store not allocated yet" VMMgrStore.AllocateWindow[@(pSpaceD.window), pSpaceD.interval.count]; -- may raise Volume.InsufficientSpace. END ELSE --file space-- BEGIN countFile: File.PageCount; immutable: BOOLEAN; countMappedFile: File.PageCount; pSpaceD.dataOrFile ← file; [size: countFile, immutable: immutable, readOnly: pSpaceD.writeProtected] ← KernelFile.GetFileAttributes[pWindow.file]; IF ~(pWindow.base IN [File.firstPageNumber..File.lastPageNumber]) THEN Error[invalidWindow]; IF Inline.BITAND[pWindow.file.permissions, File.read] = 0 THEN File.Error[insufficientPermissions]; IF pSpaceD.writeProtected AND usage = forWriting THEN { IF immutable THEN File.Error[immutable] ELSE File.Error[insufficientPermissions]}; IF ~pSpaceD.writeProtected AND immutable THEN File.Error[immutable]; countMappedFile ← IF countFile <= pWindow.base THEN 0 ELSE countFile - pWindow.base; -- the mapped amount of this space (no danger of underflow) pSpaceD.countMapped ← IF pSpaceD.interval.count <= countMappedFile THEN pSpaceD.interval.count ELSE Inline.LowHalf[countMappedFile]; -- (no danger of truncation) pSpaceD.window ← pWindow↑; END; -- (For remote swapping, must pin file (and containing volume) in FilePageTransferrer caches) END; ReleaseDefaultWindow: INTERNAL PROCEDURE [pSpaceD: POINTER TO SpaceD] = INLINE { IF pSpaceD.dataOrFile = data AND pSpaceD.window.file.fID ~= File.nullID THEN VMMgrStore.DeallocateWindow[@(pSpaceD↑.window), pSpaceD.interval.count]}; --SpaceImplInternal.-- UnmapInternal: PUBLIC INTERNAL PROCEDURE [pSpaceD: POINTER TO SpaceD] = BEGIN OPEN s: pSpaceD; IF s.state ~= mapped THEN ERROR Bug[unmappedSpaceToUnmapInternal]; ApplyToInterval[ s.interval, CachedRegion.startUnmap ! NotePinned -- [levelMax, page] -- => BEGIN levelSub: Level; spaceDSub: SpaceD; FOR levelSub IN [s.level + 1..levelMax] DO [] ← Hierarchy.GetDescriptor[ @spaceDSub, CachedSpace.Handle[levelSub, page]]; IF spaceDSub.pinned THEN { spaceDSub.pinned ← FALSE; Hierarchy.Update[@spaceDSub]; EXIT}; ENDLOOP; RESUME ; END; ]; ApplyToInterval[s.interval, CachedRegion.wait]; s.pinned ← FALSE; s.state ← unmapped; s.transaction ← nullTransaction; -- since there's no longer any assosciated file. Hierarchy.Update[pSpaceD]; -- (For remote swapping, must unpin old file (and containing volume) from FilePageTransferrer cache) IF s.dataOrFile = data THEN VMMgrStore.DeallocateWindow[@s.window, s.interval.count]; MapLog.WriteLog[Interval[s.interval.page, s.countMapped], NIL]; END; --~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -- Virtual Memory Management support functions --~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ VMHelperProcess: --EXTERNAL-- PROCEDURE = -- Provides access to the Hierarchy and Projection for the PageFaultProcess and the ReplacementProcess. BEGIN page: PageNumber; operation: CachedRegion.Operation; outcome: CachedRegion.Outcome; HandleException: ENTRY PROCEDURE = INLINE -- Since this is a monitor entry, new entries may not be added asynchronously -- to the space and region caches due to page faults. Thus, if a region or space -- descriptor is flushed from its cache, the higher-level databases can be -- temporarily inconsistent (not satisfying the monitor invariant). BEGIN --UNTIL outcome=ok-- DO WITH outcome SELECT FROM ok => RETURN; -- done. regionDMissing => IF page >= countVM THEN GO TO AddressFault ELSE Projection.Touch[page]; spaceDMissing --[level] -- => -- If a pagefault or an age happens, and then the space is deleted -- before this process can service its needs, the space desc will be -- missing. In this case, we just retry the operation in the current -- context (and the right thing will happen). Hierarchy.Touch[[level, page] ! Hierarchy.NotFound => CONTINUE]; error --[state]-- => IF operation.action = activate THEN GO TO AddressFault ELSE ERROR Bug[funnyErrorState]; ENDCASE => ERROR Bug[funnyOutcome]; outcome ← CachedRegion.Apply[page, operation].outcome; ENDLOOP; EXITS AddressFault => PageFault.ReportAddressFault[page]; END; DO --FOREVER-- [page, operation, outcome] ← SwapperException.Await[]; -- wait for work.. HandleException[]; -- do what's wanted. ENDLOOP; END; WriteFaultProcess: --EXTERNAL-- PROCEDURE[] = BEGIN HandleFault: ENTRY PROCEDURE [page: PageNumber] = INLINE { mappingSpace: SpaceD; swapInterval: VM.Interval; region: RegionD ← Projection.Get[page]; -- Either this region is in a transaction and needs to be logged, -- or this is a real write protect fault. IF ~region.needsLogging THEN {WriteFault.ReportWriteProtectFault[page]; RETURN}; [] ← Hierarchy.GetDescriptor[@mappingSpace, [region.levelMapped, region.interval.page]]; IF mappingSpace.state = missing THEN ERROR Bug[spaceDAbsent]; IF mappingSpace.transaction = nullTransaction THEN ERROR Bug[nullTxButNeedsLogging]; swapInterval ← Hierarchy.GetInterval[ CachedSpace.Handle[ region.level + (IF region.hasSwapUnits THEN 1 ELSE 0), page]].interval; KernelFile.LogContents[ transaction: mappingSpace.transaction, file: [mappingSpace.window.file.fID, File.read + File.write], base: mappingSpace.window.base + (swapInterval.page - mappingSpace.interval.page), count: IF swapInterval.page + swapInterval.count <= mappingSpace.interval.page + mappingSpace.countMapped THEN swapInterval.count ELSE (mappingSpace.interval.page + mappingSpace.countMapped) - swapInterval.page ! File.Unknown => ERROR Bug[fileDisappeared]; Transaction.InvalidHandle => ERROR Bug[badTxButNeedsLogging]; Volume.InsufficientSpace => ERROR Bug[noSpaceForLogging]; Volume.Unknown => ERROR Bug[volDisappeared]]; ApplyToInterval[swapInterval, CachedRegion.makeWritable]; WriteFault.RestartWriteFault[swapInterval]; }; DO HandleFault[WriteFault.AwaitWriteFault[]]; ENDLOOP; END; END. LOG (For earlier log entries see Pilot 3.0 archive version.) January 25, 1980 1:50 PM Knutsen Use new ErrorType's. January 28, 1980 10:54 AM Forrest Made SpaceImpl take starting parameters and eliminated InitSpace; copied in (most) of LongPtr<=>Page from UtilitiesImpl. February 25, 1980 6:04 PM Knutsen AR3594: CreateUSU[spaceWithSU] raised wrong signal. AR1935: use Projection.DeleteSwapUnits. Renumbered the Internal errors. April 16, 1980 10:09 AM Knutsen Remap must always wait for operation complete to avoid having the file deleted out from under the swapping operation. DeleteIfLeaf must avoid walking off the ends of VM. Converted SpaceImpl[] into InitializeSpace[] AGAIN! April 17, 1980 1:03 PM Gobbel Added transaction handles. April 21, 1980 6:01 PM Gobbel Implemented Space.Copy. May 19, 1980 5:42 PM Gobbel FrameOps=>Frame, ControlDefs => PrincOps. May 21, 1980 2:31 PM Gobbel Mesa 6 change: f.code.longbase replaced by RuntimeInternal.CodeBase[frame] in SpaceForCode. June 16, 1980 5:12 PM Gobbel Transaction operations added. July 19, 1980 12:00 PM McJones Split module into SpaceImplA/B. Define nullTransaction locally; don't disable interrupts in WriteProtectTrap; add new parameters to MakeReadonly, MakeWritable, and Remap August 11, 1980 5:11 PM Knutsen Make spaces enter transactions anytime. Implement copy-on-write via writeProtect trap. Use new Apply operations for write protection. Add ReleaseFromTransaction. Moved ApplyToInterval, etc. to SpaceImplA. Revise error handling. August 12, 1980 7:11 PM Knutsen CheckCopyArgs didn't copy space desc. August 29, 1980 4:46 PM Knutsen SpaceInternal renamed to KernelSpace. Map didn't return invalidWindow for bad base. If file immutable and write permission, Error[immutable]. Handle some cases of AllocateWindow signalling Vol.InsuffSpace. September 15, 1980 9:35 AM Knutsen Restructured signal handling. Fix CopyIn/Out, MakeReadOnly, MakeWritable. Fix ReleaseFromTransaction deadlock. CopyIn/Out do not join transaction. Leave transaction on Unmap and possibly on Remap. October 10, 1980 10:44 PM Fay Fixed CopyIn to raise File.Error[immutable] for space with immutable backing file and [insufficientPermissions] for any other writeProtected spaces; reordered checks in MakeWritable so that File.Error[immutable] is raised for a space with immutable window. October 16, 1980 11:02 AM Knutsen Fix HandleWriteProtectTrap and CopyIn to supply write permission in Capability used for logging. January 19, 1981 4:57 PM Knutsen WriteProtect implemented as fault instead of trap. Fix ARs 6753, 6458, 6466, 6625. January 27, 1981 8:45 AM Knutsen WriteFaultProcess must run at reserved priority. Transiently boost caller's priority in EnterSpace, which was moved to ImplA. VMHelper moved here. February 4, 1981 11:33 AM Knutsen Remove LOOPHOLEs used to get fault parameters. February 14, 1981 5:18 PM Knutsen Move faulted guy to other half of PDA.fault instead of private queue. February 17, 1981 9:37 PM Knutsen VMHelper must check for giant address. February 25, 1981 2:33 PM Knutsen VMHelper forks process to report addr faults. Coundn't MakeWritable[dataSpace]. 4-Feb-82 10:35:59 Levin Change MakeReadOnly and MakeWritable to accept subspaces of mapped spaces as well as mapped spaces (expected use by Loader when fixing up code links). 4-Feb-82 10:51:45 Levin Fix maplog usage in Remap to correspond to new implementation (i.e., make it look like Unmap followed by Map). 13-Feb-82 13:05:11 Levin Fix bug in GetMappingSpaceDesc, as well as code in GetCopyInfo from which it was copied, to pass correct argument to Hierarchy.GetDescriptor. August 3, 1982 4:06 pm Levin Correct all occurrences of ~IN. September 15, 1982 6:07 pm Levin Rework address and write-protect fault handling. October 25, 1982 3:32 pm Levin Eliminate forking in address and write-protect fault handling.