-- PilotKernel>RuntimePrograms.mesa (last edited by Knutsen on January 15, 1981 3:52 PM)
Environment USING [PageCount, PageNumber],
PrincOps USING [ControlModule, GlobalFrameHandle];
RuntimePrograms: DEFINITIONS =
InitializeFrameImpl: PROCEDURE [];
InitializeInstructions: PROCEDURE [];
InitializeInterrupt: PROCEDURE [];
InitializePilotLoadState: PROCEDURE [
pageInitialLoadState: Environment.PageNumber, countInitialLoadState: Environment.PageCount];
InitializePilotNub: PROCEDURE [
pageLoadState: Environment.PageNumber,
countLoadState: Environment.PageCount,
pVMMapLog: LONG POINTER --TO VMMMapLog.Descriptor--];
-- Arguments are page and count of the initial loadState.
InitializeProcesses: PROCEDURE [pagePDA: Environment.PageNumber, countPDA: Environment.PageCount];
InitializeSignals: PROCEDURE [];
InitializeSnapshot: PROCEDURE [];
Traps: PROGRAM [];
-- Must be a PROGRAM because it is explicitly started by calling Start[Traps] (started by its own procedure!).
-- Exported by Traps:
Start: PROCEDURE [program: PrincOps.ControlModule];
-- STARTs program.
Restart: PROCEDURE [program: PrincOps.GlobalFrameHandle];
-- RESTARTs program.
January 27, 1980 8:58 PMForrestMoved LoadStatePage to RuntimeInternal
February 22, 1980 4:45 PMMcJonesDelete debugger, debuggee parameters from PilotNub
April 14, 1980 10:41 AMKnutsenFrames, SnapshotImpl, PilotLoadState now STARTed by Initialize*.
April 25, 1980 8:33 AMForrestFrameOps => PrincOps
May 17, 1980 6:46 PMForrestStart Control Modules.
July 2, 1980 5:32 PMKnutsenAdded parameters to InitializePilotLoadState.
August 25, 1980 3:16 PMMcJonesAdd Initialize{Instructions, Interrupt, PilotNub, Processes, Signals, Traps}
January 15, 1981 3:54 PMKnutsenInitializeFrames changed to InitializeFrameImpl. Deleted Instructions, Signals, Processes.