-- Swapper>ResidentHeapImpl.mesa (last edited by Jose on January 13, 1981 1:47 PM)
Environment: FROM "Environment" USING [Base, Long, wordsPerPage],
Inline: FROM "Inline" USING [BITAND],
MiscPrograms: FROM "MiscPrograms",
ResidentHeap: FROM "ResidentHeap" USING [first64K],
ResidentMemory: FROM "ResidentMemory" USING [Allocate, Free, Location],
RuntimeInternal: FROM "RuntimeInternal" USING [WorryCallDebugger],
Zone: FROM "Zone" USING [AddSegment, Alignment, BlockSize, Create, FreeNode, Handle, MakeNode, SplitNode, Status],
ZoneInternal: FROM "ZoneInternal" USING [NodeHeader];
ResidentHeapImpl: MONITOR
Inline, ResidentMemory, RuntimeInternal, Zone
ResidentHeap, MiscPrograms =
--Global types
InuseNodePointer: TYPE = Environment.Base RELATIVE POINTER TO inuse ZoneInternal.NodeHeader;
--Global constants for the resident heap (these should be adjusted to best reflect the demands of Pilot)
--Warning: The next two constants must be one as some of the clients of this module on some processors can not have an object crossing a page boundary. (For instance, IOCB’s can not cross a page boundary on the Dandelion.)
initialHeapSize: CARDINAL ← 1; --pages (this is what pilot currently needs initially)
heapSizeIncrement: CARDINAL ← 1; --pages
maxExtraSegments: CARDINAL ← 18; --increments; testPackage>rs232C needs these
inuseNodeHeaderSize: CARDINAL = SIZE [inuse ZoneInternal.NodeHeader];
largeObjectThreshold: Zone.BlockSize = Environment.wordsPerPage/2; -- any objects this size or larger will be allocated as separate pages and not in residentZone.
largeNodeThreshold: Zone.BlockSize = largeObjectThreshold+inuseNodeHeaderSize;
--Global variables for the resident heap
residentZone: PUBLIC Zone.Handle;
status: Zone.Status;
base: Environment.Base = ResidentHeap.first64K;--to save typing!
numberOfExtraSegments: CARDINAL ← 0;
--Statistical counters
allocates, frees, splits: CARDINAL ← 0;
alignmentDistribution: ARRAY Zone.Alignment OF CARDINALALL [0];
sizeDistribution: ARRAY [0..nSizes] OF CARDINALALL [0];
nSizes: CARDINAL = 11;
sizes: ARRAY [0..nSizes) OF Zone.BlockSize = [4, 8, 12, 16, 24, 32, 48, 64, 128, 256, 512];
InitializeResidentHeap: PUBLIC PROCEDURE =
[residentZone, status] ← Zone.Create[
storage: ResidentMemory.Allocate[first64K, initialHeapSize],
length: Environment.wordsPerPage * initialHeapSize,
zoneBase: base];
IF status~=okay THEN DO RuntimeInternal.WorryCallDebugger["Can’t init resident heap"] ENDLOOP;
--Implementation of the heap operations
FreeNode: PUBLIC ENTRY PROCEDURE [p: Environment.Base RELATIVE POINTER] RETURNS [s: Zone.Status] =
nodeP: InuseNodePointer = LOOPHOLE [p-inuseNodeHeaderSize];
frees ← frees+1;
IF base[nodeP].length >= largeNodeThreshold THEN
BEGIN -- Assumption: alignments are at no greater than single page boundaries. Otherwise, WordsToPages is not returning the actual number of pages allocated
ResidentMemory.Free[first64K, WordsToPages [base[nodeP].length], @base[p]];
RETURN [okay];
ELSE RETURN[Zone.FreeNode[zH: residentZone, p: @base[p]]];
INLINE BEGIN count↑ ← count↑+1; END;
MakeNode: PUBLIC ENTRY PROCEDURE [n: Zone.BlockSize, alignment: Zone.Alignment] RETURNS [node: Environment.Base RELATIVE POINTER, s: Zone.Status] =
UpdateCounts: PROCEDURE =
i: [0..nSizes);
allocates ← allocates + 1;
alignmentDistribution[alignment] ← alignmentDistribution[alignment]+1;
FOR i IN [0..nSizes) DO
IF n < sizes[i] THEN BEGIN sizeDistribution[i] ← sizeDistribution[i]+1; EXIT; END;
REPEAT FINISHED => sizeDistribution[nSizes] ← sizeDistribution[nSizes]+1;
IF n >= largeObjectThreshold THEN
alignmentModulii: ARRAY Zone.Alignment OF CARDINAL = [1, 2, 4, 8, 16]; -- entry for alignment "ai" is i
masks: ARRAY Zone.Alignment OF CARDINAL = [177777B, 177776B, 177774B, 177770B, 177760B]; -- entry for alignment "ai" is 177777B left shifted by log2i-1. Thus i must be a power of 2.
alignmentModulus: CARDINAL; -- Cardinal’ized version of alignment
mask: CARDINAL; -- used to turn a pointer into a pointer to aligned storage
nodeOffset: CARDINAL; -- Offset of the allocated node
size: CARDINAL; -- size of the allocated node (in words)
longNodeP: Environment.Long;
nodeP: InuseNodePointer;
alignmentModulus ← alignmentModulii [alignment];
mask ← masks [alignment];
nodeOffset ← Inline.BITAND [inuseNodeHeaderSize+alignmentModulus-1, mask]-inuseNodeHeaderSize; -- align the node so that the data area is properly aligned as per alignment
size ← nodeOffset+inuseNodeHeaderSize+n;
longNodeP.lp ← ResidentMemory.Allocate [first64K, WordsToPages [size]];
nodeP ← LOOPHOLE [LOOPHOLE [longNodeP.lp-base, Environment.Long].lowbits+nodeOffset];
base[nodeP] ← ZoneInternal.NodeHeader [length: size, extension: inuse[]];
RETURN [LOOPHOLE [nodeP+inuseNodeHeaderSize], okay];
ELSE -- Else it is a small object so use residentZone
[node, s] ← Zone.MakeNode[zH: residentZone, n: n, alignment: alignment];
IF s=noRoomInZone THEN
IF numberOfExtraSegments < maxExtraSegments THEN
status ← Zone.AddSegment[zH: residentZone, storage: ResidentMemory.Allocate [first64K, heapSizeIncrement], length: Environment.wordsPerPage * heapSizeIncrement].s;
IF status=okay THEN numberOfExtraSegments ← numberOfExtraSegments+1
ELSE RuntimeInternal.WorryCallDebugger["Resident heap extension error."];
[node, s] ← Zone.MakeNode[zH: residentZone, n: n, alignment: alignment];
IF s=noRoomInZone THEN RuntimeInternal.WorryCallDebugger["Node too large for Resident Heap"];
IF s=okay THEN UpdateCounts[];
SplitNode: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [p: Environment.Base RELATIVE POINTER, n: Zone.BlockSize] RETURNS [s: Zone.Status] =
-- Splitting of large object nodes is not supported due the percieved needs of the clients of large nodes
nodeP: InuseNodePointer = LOOPHOLE [p-inuseNodeHeaderSize];
IF base[nodeP].length >= largeNodeThreshold THEN RETURN [okay]
ELSE RETURN[Zone.SplitNode[zH: residentZone, p: @base[p], n: n]];
RETURN [(n+Environment.wordsPerPage-1)/Environment.wordsPerPage];
Time: April 30, 1979 9:18 PMBy: LauerAction: Created file
Time: June 2, 1979 10:47 PMBy: LauerAction: Replaced the stub in this file with the real implementation of the resident heap
Time: July 18, 1979 2:57 PMBy: KnutsenAction: Merged contents of obsolete ZoneExtension into Zone and Environment.
Time: August 17, 1979 4:28 PMBy: LauerAction: Changed initialHeapSize, heapSizeIncrement, maxExtraSegments to variables; improved statistics gathering in sizeDistribution
Time: September 13, 1979 10:48 AMBy: SchwartzAction: Allowed nodes slightly larger than one page (for Gateway communication with Xerox 850), and corrected diagnosis of attempts to allocate nodes larger than maxNodeSize.
Time: November 16, 1979 9:56 AMBy: ForrestAction: Fixed max number of increment’s logic. Made MakeNode an entry procedure, since the test for extending the node has to be "atomic".
Time: November 20, 1979 6:54 PMBy: ForrestAction: Raised number of increments to 5, since this is what TestPackage>Exercise RS232C needs to run. Also incresed initial allocation to 3
Time: April 10, 1980 2:55 PMBy: LuniewskiAction: Allocate large objects in the first 64K but not in the actual resident zone in order to avoid fragmentation problems in the zone. Also, modify so that small objects do not cross page boundaries.
Time: April 14, 1980 9:12 AMBy: KnutsenAction: Now STARTed by InitializeResidentHeap.
Time: January 13, 1981 1:47 PMBy: JoseAction: Eliminated conversions of relative pointers to short pointers; deleted RelativePointerToPointer, NodeSize, LargeNode.