--last edit by Gobbel on January 22, 1981  3:27 PM
--last edit by Jarvis on July 7, 1980  5:02 PM
--last edit by Olmstead on August 28, 1980  11:41 AM
--last edit by Forrest on November 12, 1980  2:56 PM

  Environment USING [PageCount, PageNumber, wordsPerPage];


MaxBands: CARDINAL = 8;
Index: TYPE [1];

-- Initialization, Device Cleanup.
AllocateBands: PROC [
  bandVirtualPageNumber: Environment.PageNumber,
  nBands: (0..MaxBands],
  sizeEachBand: Environment.PageCount];
InitializeCleanUp: PROC;
SetInterruptMasks: PROC [control, status, data: WORD];
DeallocateBands: PROC;

-- Console Character
ConsoleCharacter: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT {
  zero(0), one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, A, L, C, D, E,
Display: PROC [char: ConsoleCharacter];

-- Paper Control
PaperSource: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT {bottom(0), top(1)};
PaperStacking: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT {aligned(0), offset(1)};
Feed: PROC [paperSource: PaperSource, paperStacking: PaperStacking];

-- Status
  key0(60B), key1(61B), key2(62B), key3(63B),
  key4(64B), key5(65B), key6(66B), key7(67B),
  key8(70B), key9(71B), keyClear(72B), keyTest(73B),
  keyOnLine(74B), keyOffLine(75B), (76B), (77B),
  warming(100B), standBy(101B), feederFault(102B),
  registrationJam(104B), fuserJam(105B), noExit(106B), (107B),
  interlockOpen(110B), fuserCold(111B), feeding(112B), readyToFeed(113B),
  displayAcknowledge(114B), parityError(115B), illegalCharacter(116B),
  (120B), noPaper(121B), pageSync(122B), pageAtOutputTray(123B),
  (124B), goingOffLine(125B), offLine(126B), (127B),

SolicitStatus: PROC;   -- suggest to printer you'd like to find out what's happening
GetStatus: PROC RETURNS [status: PrinterStatus];

-- Reset and describe Bands, image, and advance bands.
-- A band consists of sizeEachBands pages, with one scan line residing in each
--   page.  A line goes in portrait mode from bottom to top of page; lines are scanned
--   from left to right accross the page.
-- Bands are filled by clients, and imaged by the LSEP

SetScanLineLength: PROC [activeWordsEachScanline: [0..Environment.wordsPerPage]];
  -- indicate the number of words to make up each scanLine

SetPageOffsets: PROC [linesFromLeft: CARDINAL, wordTabFromBottom: CARDINAL];
  -- indicate where first band and beginning of each band is printed.

ResetBands: PROC RETURNS [firstBand: Index, firstBandAddress: BandPointer];

StartImage:  PROC [firstBand: Index];   -- start imaging 

BandOverrun: PROC RETURNS [BOOLEAN];    -- imaging got ahead of filling.

AdvanceBand: PROC [currentBand: Index]
  RETURNS [nextBand: Index, nextBandAddress: BandPointer];
  -- this band filled; mark for imaging  get next band to fill.  nextBand should
  -- not be refilled untill BandFull[nextBand]=FALSE.

BandFull: PROC [band: Index] RETURNS [bandBusy: BOOLEAN];
  -- see if band has been imaging.
LastBand: PROC [Index];                 -- indicate last band is filled


Jarvis:  Created file March 6, 1980  1:30 PM
Jarvis:  June 8, 1980  10:04 PM Added SolictStatus, Mesa 6.0 clean up
Jarvis:  June 30, 1980  1:24 PM Deleted SetActiveScan, SetLineBufferSize.  Added SetLineParameters, changes for new microcode
Jarvis:  July 7, 1980  5:01 PM Added status to SetInterruptMasks parameters
Olmstead: August 17, 1980  5:08 PM Changed parameter n in AllocateBands from PageCount to CARDINAL, added CARDINAL MaxBands and SIGNAL TooManyBands.
Olmstead:  August 28, 1980  11:41 AM  Changed Display to only send one character.
Forrest:  November 12, 1980  12:44 PM  Eliminate sorter, add stacker.  change rendering to imaging.
Gobbel:  January 22, 1981  3:27 PM  Change Allocate.nBands from [) to (].  Change SetScanLineLength.activeWordsEachScanLine from [) to [].