-- TestPilotKernel>KernelSpace.mesa (last edited by Knutsen on September 15, 1980 9:19 AM)
-- This interface defines Space operations for clients inside TestPilotKernel.
Space USING [Handle],
Transaction USING [Handle];
KernelSpace: DEFINITIONS =
ReleaseFromTransaction: PROCEDURE [space: Space.Handle, transaction: Transaction.Handle, andInvalidate: BOOLEANFALSE];
-- If space is not part of transaction, this procedure is a no-op. If space is part of transaction, performs the folowing actions:
-- (A) If andInvalidate=TRUE, any swap units now in memory will be considered invalid and will be discarded. They will not be written to the backing file even if they are dirty.
-- (B) After optionally performing the above invalidation, marks space "not part of any transaction". Any regions of the space which were client-writable but were secretly write-protected to catch the client’s first attempt to store into them will be put back to writable.
August 1, 1980 9:58 AMKnutsenCreated file.
August 20, 1980 2:19 PMKnutsenRenamed from SpaceInternal to KernelSpace.
September 15, 1980 9:18 AMKnutsenAdded transaction parameter.