-- FileTask.mesa (last edited by: Luniewski on: February 5, 1981 9:52 AM)
DiskChannel USING [CompletionStatus, IORequestHandle],
Environment USING [PageNumber],
File USING [PageCount],
FileInternal USING [ReadOnlyFilePtr, Operation],
PilotDisk USING [Label];
maxConcurrency: CARDINAL; -- maximum File Tasks (oustanding page transfers) that can exist at any one time.
DiskStart: PROCEDURE [mPage: Environment.PageNumber, count: File.PageCount, fPtr: FileInternal.ReadOnlyFilePtr, operation: FileInternal.Operation] RETURNS [DiskChannel.IORequestHandle];
DiskFinish: PROCEDURE [reqH: DiskChannel.IORequestHandle];
XWireStart: PROCEDURE [mPage: Environment.PageNumber, fPtr: FileInternal.ReadOnlyFilePtr] ; --RETURNS [??];
XWireFinish: PROCEDURE [ mPage: Environment.PageNumber --other args--];
LabelWait: PROCEDURE [label: POINTER TO PilotDisk.Label, handleErrors: BOOLEAN]
RETURNS [countValid: File.PageCount, status: DiskChannel.CompletionStatus];
Time: February 28, 1979 10:35 AMBy: RedellAction: Created file from old Transfer.mesa
Time: March 22, 1979 5:51 PMBy: RedellAction: Increased size of RequestCell from 12 to 14 words.
Time: July 31, 1979 6:25 PMBy: GobbelAction: Increased size of RequestCell from 14 to 17 words.
Time: August 17, 1979 4:09 PMBy: RedellAction: Changed to use FilePageLabel and DiskChannel.
Time: November 26, 1979 12:28 PMBy: GobbelAction: Added count to DiskStart.
Time: January 9, 1980 3:51 PMBy: GobbelAction: Added countValid to LabelWait.
Time: January 29, 1980 1:19 PMBy: GobbelAction: Merge with Redell’s version.
Time: December 9, 1980 3:21 PMBy: LuniewskiAction: Made maxConcurrency a variable.
Time: January 9, 1981 3:36 PMBy: LuniewskiAction: Change LabelWait to return status and take a pointer to a label and not directly return it. Change DiskFinish to not take any disk status as an argument.
Time: February 5, 1981 9:52 AMBy: LuniewskiAction: Use FileINternal.ReadOnlyFIlePtr’s.