-- ControlPack.pack

-- Yokota  March 23, 1981  10:37 AM  GetGreenwichMeanTime is moved from SwappableSystem to ResidentCool.
-- McJones  February 4, 1981  6:44 PM  Eliminate control-z's
-- Gobbel  January 31, 1981  11:18 AM  Add ResidentCool pack (reserved memory handle); add SystemImpl.InitializeLocalTimeParameters to Initialization; delete frames

Control: SEGMENT =

  ResidentSystem: CODE PACK =
    {SystemImpl  [InitializeUIDCleanup]}; -- A cleanup procedure

  ResidentCool: CODE PACK = -- reserved memory handle only
    -- GetGreenwichMeanTime is moved here since Star uses it often
    {PilotControl [ReservedMemoryHandle]; SystemImpl [GetGreenwichMeanTime]};

  SwappableSystem: CODE PACK =
    {SystemImpl EXCEPT Initialization, ResidentCool, ResidentSystem};

  Initialization: CODE PACK =
    PilotControl EXCEPT ResidentCool;
    SystemImpl [InitializeLocalTimeParameters];
    SystemImpl [MAIN];