-- SubOthello.config modified September 10, 1982 12:55 pm by Taft -- This configuration contains the machine- and device-independent parts of Othello. DIRECTORY Communication: FROM "UnpackedCommunication"; PACK -- Now done just to save space; no interaction with .bootmesa files and such. -- FTP and Pup are PACK'ed at a lower level FTPAccessories, DummyForwarder, -- Othello Modules OthelloFTP, OthelloOpsImpl, OthelloPup, VolumeInitImplA, VolumeInitCommandImpl, -- subset of GrapevineUser package FSPRList, Locate, NameInfo, Protocol, -- Common software and miscellaneous LongStringsA, LongStringsB, ScavengeImplExtras, SimpleTTY, StringsImplA, StringsImplB, StorageImpl, TimeImpl, UserCredentialsUnsafeImpl; SubOthello: CONFIGURATION IMPORTS -- Othello machine-dependent stuff OthelloDevice, PhysicalVolumeExtras, -- Heads ColorDisplayFace, DESFace, DisplayFace, EthernetFace, EthernetOneFace, HeadStartChain, KeyboardFace, MouseFace, ProcessorFace, RealMemory, SA4000Face, SA800Face, TemporarySetGMT, -- Unbound; suppress binder warnings Dialup, Format, RPCPrivate, RS232C, RuntimePrograms, Space, SpecialSpace EXPORTS -- Pilot interfaces ByteBlt, ColorDisplay, File, Heap, PhysicalVolume, Process, Runtime, Scavenger, Space, Stream, System, TemporaryBooting, Transaction, UserTerminal, Volume, Zone, DebuggerSwap, DeviceCleanup, DiskChannel, FloppyChannel, FloppyChannelInternal, KernelFile, PilotSwitches, ProcessInternal, ResidentHeap, ResidentMemory, RuntimeInternal, Snapshot, SpecialFile, SpecialHeap, SpecialSpace, SpecialSystem, SpecialVolume, SystemInternal, Utilities, VolumeExtras, -- Othello and common software OthelloDefs, OthelloOps, Storage, String, Time = BEGIN -- This inner configuration is so we can rename Scavenger as it comes out. -- Can't do this with a direct extractor from UtilityPilotKernel any more, -- because UtilityPilotKernel EXPORTS ALL. UtilityPilotKernelInner: CONFIGURATION IMPORTS ColorDisplayFace, CommunicationPrograms, DisplayFace, HeadStartChain, KeyboardFace, MouseFace, PilotClient, ProcessorFace, RealMemory, SA4000Face, SA800Face, TemporarySetGMT EXPORTS ByteBlt, ColorDisplay, File, Heap, PhysicalVolume, Process, Runtime, Scavenger, Space, Stream, System, TemporaryBooting, Transaction, UserTerminal, Volume, Zone, DebuggerSwap, DeviceCleanup, DiskChannel, FloppyChannel, FloppyChannelInternal, KernelFile, LogicalVolume, PilotSwitches, ProcessInternal, ResidentHeap, ResidentMemory, RuntimeInternal, Snapshot, SpecialFile, SpecialHeap, SpecialSpace, SpecialSystem, SpecialVolume, SystemInternal, Utilities, VolumeExtras, VolumeImplInterface = BEGIN UtilityPilotKernel; END; [ByteBlt, ColorDisplay, File, Heap, PhysicalVolume, Process, Runtime, OldScavenger, Space, Stream, System, TemporaryBooting, Transaction, UserTerminal, Volume, Zone, DebuggerSwap, DeviceCleanup, DiskChannel, FloppyChannel, FloppyChannelInternal, KernelFile, LogicalVolume, PilotSwitches, ProcessInternal, ResidentHeap, ResidentMemory, RuntimeInternal, Snapshot, SpecialFile, SpecialHeap, SpecialSpace, SpecialSystem, SpecialVolume, SystemInternal, Utilities, VolumeExtras, VolumeImplInterface] ← UtilityPilotKernelInner[]; [NewScavenger] ← ScavengeImplExtras[ File, OldScavenger, Space, Transaction, Volume] LINKS: CODE; Scavenger ← NewScavenger THEN OldScavenger; Communication; CedarSnapshotRollbackImpl; FSPRList LINKS: CODE; FTPForOthello; Locate LINKS: CODE; LongStringsA LINKS: CODE; LongStringsB LINKS: CODE; NameInfo LINKS: CODE; OthelloFTP LINKS: CODE; OthelloOpsImpl LINKS: CODE; OthelloPup LINKS: CODE; Protocol LINKS: CODE; PupForOthello; SimpleTTY LINKS: CODE; StringsImplA LINKS: CODE; StringsImplB LINKS: CODE; StorageImpl LINKS: CODE; TimeImpl LINKS: CODE; UserCredentialsUnsafeImpl LINKS: CODE; VolumeInitImplA LINKS: CODE; VolumeInitCommandImpl LINKS: CODE; END. LOG Time: November 6, 1980 11:56 AM By: Sandman Action: created from OthelloDLion.config Time: November 11, 1980 4:45 PM By: Forrest Action: Make import TTY Time: January 16, 1981 1:01 PM By: Forrest Action: gun SimpleTTYFont, add stringsImpl, storageImpl, changes for new FormatSA800 Time: February 7, 1981 7:18 PM By: Luniewski Action: Use PupForOthello and FTPForOthello. 10-Jun-81 18:08:50 Taft Move device-dependent FormatxxxImpl modules to machine-dependent OthelloD*.config 24-Jan-82 14:46:04 Taft Import PhysicalVolumeExtras 25-Jan-82 16:34:48 Taft Incorporate all remaining machine-independent components -- including UtilityPilotKernel 19-Feb-82 11:05:02 Taft Add CedarSnapshotOthello 2-Jun-82 13:01:15 Taft Inner UtilityPilotKernel configuration so can rename Scavenger 4-Jun-82 10:12:38 Taft Use CedarSnapshotRollbackImpl September 10, 1982 11:49 am Taft Add UserCredentialsUnsafeImpl, LongStringsA and B, and pieces of GrapevineUser