-- OthelloDevice.mesa edited by: Taft on: 20-Jun-82 15:08:12
-- Othello commands and operations that are machine- or device-dependent in
-- implementation or in existence.

  PhysicalVolume USING [Handle, PageNumber],
  System USING [GreenwichMeanTime];

OthelloDevice: DEFINITIONS =
  CallCommandProc: PROCEDURE[proc: PROCEDURE];  -- catches device-dependent SIGNALs
  CreateVolume: PROCEDURE;
  FetchInitialMicrocode: PROCEDURE;
  FormatCheckDrive: PROCEDURE [
    bs: POINTER TO ARRAY[0..badTableSize) OF PhysicalVolume.PageNumber,
    op: FormatCheckOp]
    RETURNS [couldDo: BOOLEAN, badSpots: CARDINAL, h: PhysicalVolume.Handle];
  FormatCheckOp: TYPE = {format, check};
  IdentifyInitialMicrocode: PROCEDURE [h: PhysicalVolume.Handle, s: STRING]
    RETURNS [microcodeInstalled: BOOLEAN, time: System.GreenwichMeanTime];

  IndicateAltoness: PROCEDURE;
  PartitionCmd: PROCEDURE;
  -- Print name of the device whose DeviceType is sa4000.
  -- Kludge until Pilot's use of DeviceTypes gets straightened out and the Trident
  -- disk can be assigned its own DeviceType.
  printNameSA4000: STRING;
  badTableSize: CARDINAL = 200;

11-Jun-81 11:34:06  Taft  Created file
20-Jun-82 15:08:23  Taft  Added IdentifyInitialMicrocode