-- SpecialCommunication.mesa. Last editted by: BLyon on: February 24, 1981 2:02 PM DIRECTORY DriverTypes USING [DeviceType], NSAddress USING [HostNumber, NetworkNumber], BufferDefs USING [Buffer]; SpecialCommunication: DEFINITIONS = BEGIN OPEN NSAddress; -- The router is either a plain router or an InterNetworkRouter. RoutersFunction: TYPE = {vanillaRouting, interNetworkRouting}; -- A network is identified by its PhysicalMedium and its physical location on the -- network device chain. PhysicalMedium: TYPE = DriverTypes.DeviceType; -- The router must be told which function to perform. Function is initially vanilla. -- numberINRBuffers is ignored when newFunction=vanillaRouting. SetRouterFunction: PROCEDURE [newFunction: RoutersFunction, numberINRBuffers: CARDINAL _ 20] RETURNS [oldFunction: RoutersFunction]; -- This procedure returns what the router's current function is. GetRouterFunction: PROCEDURE RETURNS [RoutersFunction]; -- The router/drivers may have to be told what its network numbers are. -- This is certainly true if this is the first machine running on a network. -- Physical order is the location of the network on the network chain (starting at 1). -- I.E. GetNetworkID[2, ethernet] returns the OisNetID of the second ethernet network -- driver. Getting or setting a NetworkID before the network exists is an error. SetNetworkID: PROCEDURE [ physicalOrder: CARDINAL, medium: PhysicalMedium, newNetID: NetworkNumber] RETURNS [oldNetID: NetworkNumber]; GetNetworkID: PROCEDURE [physicalOrder: CARDINAL, medium: PhysicalMedium] RETURNS [NetworkNumber]; NetworkNonExistent: ERROR; -- Hooks for Ois Peek (like Pup peek). This invovles grabbing a system buffer from the -- Dispatcher before it get passed to a router. The User must inform the -- Dispatcher if the buffer is still usable; if it is not then the user MUST REQUEUE -- the buffer. This can be acomplished by b.requeueProcedure[b], for buffer b. SpyProc: TYPE = PROCEDURE [b: BufferDefs.Buffer] RETURNS [BOOLEAN]; -- RETURN TRUE if the buffer is still to be processed by Dispatcher. -- RETURN FALSE if the buffer was/will be requeued by callee. SetSpyProc: PROCEDURE [spy: SpyProc _ NIL]; -- NIL is normal/default value. -- These hooks are the user interface for setting addresses in the drivers. -- Drivers are addressed like in SetNetworkID & GetNetworkID above. SetEthernetListener: PROCEDURE [ physicalOrder: CARDINAL, newHostNumber: NSAddress.HostNumber] RETURNS [success: BOOLEAN]; SetEthernetOneListener: PROCEDURE [ physicalOrder: CARDINAL, newHostNumber: CARDINAL] RETURNS [success: BOOLEAN]; SetEthernetCollectGarbageToo: PROCEDURE [ physicalOrder: CARDINAL, collectGarbage: BOOLEAN] RETURNS [success: BOOLEAN]; SetEthernetOneCollectGarbageToo: PROCEDURE [ physicalOrder: CARDINAL, collectGarbage: BOOLEAN] RETURNS [success: BOOLEAN]; END. J