-- Router.mesa -- last edited by: BLyon on: January 28, 1981 6:41 PM -- Function: The internal definitions module for the Pilot OISCP Router. DIRECTORY BufferDefs USING [OisBuffer], DriverDefs USING [DriverXmitStatus, Network], OISCPTypes USING [OISErrorCode], SocketInternal USING [SocketHandle], SpecialCommunication USING [RoutersFunction], SpecialSystem USING [HostNumber, NetworkAddress, NetworkNumber]; Router: DEFINITIONS = BEGIN -- TYPEs and definitions SocketTable: TYPE = RECORD [ length: CARDINAL, first: SocketInternal.SocketHandle]; Nibble: TYPE = [0..17B]; RoutingTableEntry: TYPE = LONG POINTER TO RoutingTableObject; RoutingTableObject: TYPE = RECORD [ next: RoutingTableEntry, destNetwork: SpecialSystem.NetworkNumber, -- ultimate destination network num. delay: Nibble, timeUnits: Nibble, -- if zero then this entry is discarded route: SpecialSystem.HostNumber, -- if =unknownHostID then the ultimate destination network is local. network: DriverDefs.Network]; -- use this network driver to reach route. XmitStatus: TYPE = DriverDefs.DriverXmitStatus; -- variables socketRouterLock: MONITORLOCK; -- lock shared by SocketImpl and RouterImpl. primaryMDS: BOOLEAN; -- whether the router is in the primary MDS or not. routersFunction: SpecialCommunication.RoutersFunction; -- whether the router is an internet router or not. checkIt: BOOLEAN; -- whether checksums are on or not. -- interface -- Procedures from RouterImpl OisRouterOn: PROCEDURE; OisRouterOff: PROCEDURE; AssignOisAddress: PROCEDURE RETURNS [SpecialSystem.NetworkAddress]; AssignDestinationRelativeOisAddress: PROCEDURE [SpecialSystem.NetworkNumber] RETURNS [SpecialSystem.NetworkAddress]; AddSocket: PROCEDURE [SocketInternal.SocketHandle]; RemoveSocket: PROCEDURE [SocketInternal.SocketHandle]; SendPacket: PROCEDURE [BufferDefs.OisBuffer]; ReceivePacket: PROCEDURE [BufferDefs.OisBuffer]; BroadcastThisPacket: PROCEDURE [BufferDefs.OisBuffer]; -- called from a user (like INR) SendBroadcastPacket: PROCEDURE [BufferDefs.OisBuffer]; -- called from dispatcher SendErrorPacket: PROCEDURE [offendingPkt: BufferDefs.OisBuffer, errCode: OISCPTypes.OISErrorCode, errParm: CARDINAL ← 0]; -- sends error pkt back to offender's source; do not call from inside router's lock. FindMyHostID: PROCEDURE RETURNS [SpecialSystem.HostNumber]; -- debugging SetOisCheckit: PROCEDURE [BOOLEAN]; SetOisStormy: PROCEDURE [BOOLEAN]; SetOisDriverLoopback: PROCEDURE [BOOLEAN]; SetOisShowit: PROCEDURE [BOOLEAN]; InspectOutgoingOiss: PROCEDURE [PROCEDURE [BufferDefs.OisBuffer]]; InspectIncommingOiss: PROCEDURE [PROCEDURE [BufferDefs.OisBuffer]]; CaptureErrors: PROCEDURE [PROCEDURE [UNSPECIFIED]]; EnumerateRoutingTable: PROCEDURE [proc: PROCEDURE [RoutingTableEntry]]; -- Procedures from RoutingTableImpl RoutingTableOn: PROCEDURE; RoutingTableOff: PROCEDURE; FindDestinationRelativeNetID: PROCEDURE [SpecialSystem.NetworkNumber] RETURNS [SpecialSystem.NetworkNumber]; AddNetwork: PROCEDURE [DriverDefs.Network]; RemoveNetwork: PROCEDURE [DriverDefs.Network]; StateChanged: PROCEDURE [DriverDefs.Network]; FindNetworkAndTransmit: PROCEDURE [BufferDefs.OisBuffer] RETURNS [XmitStatus]; ForwardPacket: PROCEDURE [BufferDefs.OisBuffer]; RoutingInformationPacket: PROCEDURE [BufferDefs.OisBuffer]; END. -- Router LOG Time: January 19, 1980 4:01 PM By: Dalal Action: Created interface. Time: August 1, 1980 6:51 PM By: BLyon Action: replaced internetRouter by routersFunction and moved checksums stuff to Checksums Interface. Time: August 4, 1980 6:51 PM By: BLyon Action: added destNetwork to RoutingTableEntry and made the routingTable a linked list. Time: September 13, 1980 6:09 PM By: HGM Action: added StateChanged. Time: September 18, 1980 3:31 PM By: BLyon Action: deleted FindPrimaryNetID. Time: January 5, 1981 4:00 PM By: BLyon Action: added EnumerateRoutingTable.