-- File: RS366Face.mesa
-- LastEdited: July 10, 1980  10:16 AM   By: BRD  
-- This DEFINITIONS module attempts to capture the lowest level interface to an RS-366 port which is still independent of the particular implementation, as well as the processor on which the port resides.
  -- Interface Definitions
  GetDialerCount: PROCEDURE RETURNS [dialerCount: CARDINAL];
  SetStatus: PROCEDURE [dialerNumber: CARDINAL, setStatusBits: SetStatusBits];
  GetStatus: PROCEDURE [dialerNumber: CARDINAL]
    RETURNS [getStatusBits: GetStatusBits];
  -- Non-interface definitions
  SetStatusBits: TYPE = RECORD [
    -- Settable RS366 bits --callRequest, digitPresent: BOOLEAN, digit: [0..15]];
  GetStatusBits: TYPE = RECORD [
    powerIndication, dataLineOccupied, callOriginationStatus, presentNextDigit,
      abandonCallAndRetry: BOOLEAN];
  END. -- RS366Face
Time: September 21, 1979  9:01 AM	By: Victor Schwartz	Action: Created file
Time: January 15, 1980  5:29 PM	By: Victor Schwartz	Action: added GetDialerCount
Time: January 15, 1980  5:29 PM	By: Bill Danielson	Action: separated status bits into two records; SetStatusBits for bits the client can set, and GetStatusBits for bits the client can read.