*----------------------------------------------------------- Title[DMesaDefs.mc...June 14, 1982 10:59 AM...Taft]; *----------------------------------------------------------- *----------------------------------------------------------- * Assembly options *----------------------------------------------------------- * Compile the Alto-Mesa emulator unless AltoMode is previously set to 0. IfDef[AltoMode, , Set[AltoMode, 177777]]; * nEntryPoints may be either 1 or 3 in Alto mode, only 1 in PrincOps mode. * Note that 1 entry point => restart opcode after page fault. IfDef[nEntryPoints, , Set[nEntryPoints, 1]]; *----------------------------------------------------------- * RM registers *----------------------------------------------------------- SetRMRegion[RMforIFU]; *RM region 0 :If[AltoMode]; ********** Alto version ********** RVN[DLink]; * Xfer destination link RVN[SLink]; * Xfer source link RVN[ATPReg]; * Allocation trap parameter RVN[OTPReg]; * Other trap parameter RVN[Sticky]; * Sticky flags for floating point :Else; ******** PrincOps version ******** Reserve[1]; * NWW: defined in RegisterDefs.mc RVN[CurrentPSB]; * PDA-relative address of current PSB RVN[CurrentTime]; * Current process time, in ~50 ms ticks RVN[XferFlags]; * Xfer control and state flags RVN[TrapParam]; * Xfer trap parameter :EndIf; ********************************** RVN[XTSReg]; * Xfer trap state RVN[WDC]; * Wakeup disable counter RVN[MDSHi]; * Main data space -- high part Reserve[1]; * An unused register -- wow! RVN[RTemp0]; * General temporaries RVN[RTemp1]; RVN[RTemp2]; RVN[RTemp3]; RVN[RTemp4]; RVN[RTemp5]; * RVRel 16 and 17 must be temps, for RVN[RTemp6]; * multiply and divide subroutines :If[Not[AltoMode]]; ******** PrincOps version ******** SetRMRegion[AEmRegs]; * RM region 1 (overlay Alto Emulator registers) Reserve[1]; * Skip over R400 RVN[TickCount]; * Divides down 17-ms interrupts to make ticks RVN[Sticky]; * Sticky flags for floating point RVN[MaintPanel]; * Maintenance panel code :EndIf; ********************************** * RM registers (cont'd) * Special uses of the Mesa RM registers: :If[AltoMode]; ********** Alto version ********** RME[PDAHi, MDSHi]; * PDA is the same as MDS at present RME[XferFlags, RTemp6]; * Xfer control flags * XferFlags bit assignments. MC[xf.trap, 0]; * Not used in Alto mode MC[xf.push, 0]; * Not used in Alto mode MC[xf.free, 1]; * Free local frame :Else; ******** PrincOps version ******** * Temporary register assignments, used only inside Xfer and when calling Xfer. RME[DLink, RTemp5]; * Xfer destination link RME[SLink, RTemp6]; * Xfer source link * Temporary register assignments, for passing parameters thru fault handler. * FaultParam0 and FaultParam1 must be preserved across Requeue. RME[FaultParam0, TrapParam]; * First or low-order fault parameter RME[FaultParam1, RTemp3]; * Second or high-order fault parameter * XferFlags bit assignments. * Note: xf.invalidContext must have the appropriate value (usually 0) any * time a fault or trap may occur. Other flags are relevant only inside Xfer. * The low 3 bits are dispatched upon inside Xfer, so be circumspect about * reassigning them. MC[xf.invalidContext, 100000]; * Current context is invalid MC[xf.trap, 4]; * Store TrapParam in destination frame MC[xf.push, 2]; * Push SLink and DLink onto stack MC[xf.free, 1]; * Free local frame :EndIf; ********************************** * 16 and 17 must be temporaries (for MulSub and DivSub) RM[MulDivArg, Or[!RMforIFU, 17]]; *----------------------------------------------------------- * Base registers *----------------------------------------------------------- * BRs 0-3 are addressable as MemBX-relative registers. * Of these, 0 and 1 are used as MemBX-relative registers by Mesa, * thereby consuming registers 4, 5, 10, 11, 14, 15 also. * The other registers in [0..17] are used as ordinary registers * and should not be addressed from the IFU. BRX[L, 0]; * {mds, L} Local frame, = G xor 1 BRX[G, 1]; * {mds, G} Global frame, = L xor 1 BR[SD, 2]; * {mds, SD} System Dispatch table * BRs 34-37 are addressable from the IFU. * 36 and 37 are permanently assigned in ADefs.mc (MDS and CODE). * 34 and 35 are also used in DMesaProcess.mc. BR[LPtr, 34]; * Temp for Long Pointer instructions :If[AltoMode]; ********** Alto version ********** BR[PDA, IP[MDS]]; * PDA is the same as MDS at present :Else; ******** PrincOps version ******** BR[PDA, 3]; * Base of Process Data Area :EndIf; ********************************** *----------------------------------------------------------- * System constants *----------------------------------------------------------- MC[AV, 1000]; Set[SDLoc, 1100]; MC[GFT, 1400]; * SD indices for Mesa traps MC[sBreak, 0]; MC[sStackError, 2]; MC[sWakeupError, 3]; MC[sXferTrap, 4]; MC[sUnimplemented, 5]; MC[sControlFault, 7]; MC[sSwapTrap, 10]; MC[sUnbound, 13]; MC[sZeroDivisor, 14]; MC[sDivideCheck, 15]; MC[sHardwareError, 16]; MC[sProcessTrap, 17]; MC[sBoundsFault, 20]; MC[sPointerFault, 21]; MC[sBoot, 276]; :If[AltoMode]; ********** Alto version ********** * SD indices for Mesa faults (handled as traps in Alto Mesa and * pre-Rubicon Pilot Mesa. MC[sAllocListEmpty, 6]; MC[sPageFault, 11]; MC[sWriteProtect, 12]; :Else; ******** PrincOps version ******** * Fault queue offsets (2 * corresponding PrincOps FaultQueueIndex) MC[qFrameFault, 0]; MC[qPageFault, 2]; MC[qWriteProtectFault, 4]; :EndIf; ********************************** * Miscellaneous definitions :If[AltoMode]; ********** Alto version ********** MC[MesaStopLoc, 26]; * Communication with the Nova World MC[CurrentState, 23]; :Else; ******** PrincOps version ******** MC[PDAhi, 1]; * PDA starts at VM 200000 MC[pilotMDSHi, 76]; * MDS initially starts at VM 17400000 :EndIf; ********************************** * Mesa instruction set number Set[MesaInsSet, IfE[AltoMode, 0, 1, 2]]; InsSet[MesaInsSet, nEntryPoints]; * Stack size (size of StateVector.stk array) Set[sizeStack, IfE[AltoMode, 0, 16, 10]]; *----------------------------------------------------------- * Mesa opcode definitions *----------------------------------------------------------- Set[MOpcodeVal, 0]; M[MOp, (IfSE[#1, , UndefOp[MOpcodeVal], Set[MOp#1, MOpcodeVal]] Set[MOpcodeVal, Add[MOpcodeVal, 1]])]; M[MesaOps, (MOp[#1] MOp[#2] MOp[#3] MOp[#4] MOp[#5] MOp[#6] MOp[#7] MOp[#8])]; M[UndefOp, IFUPause[#1, 1, L, 0, OpcodeTrap, 17, 0, 0]]; * xx0 xx1 xx2 xx3 xx4 xx5 xx6 xx7 MesaOps[NOOP, ME, MRE, MXW, MXD, NOTIFY,BCAST, REQUEUE]; * 00x MesaOps[LL0, LL1, LL2, LL3, LL4, LL5, LL6, LL7]; * 01x MesaOps[LLB, LLDB, SL0, SL1, SL2, SL3, SL4, SL5]; * 02x MesaOps[SL6, SL7, SLB, PL0, PL1, PL2, PL3, LG0]; * 03x MesaOps[LG1, LG2, LG3, LG4, LG5, LG6, LG7, LGB]; * 04x MesaOps[LGDB, SG0, SG1, SG2, SG3, SGB, LI0, LI1]; * 05x MesaOps[LI2, LI3, LI4, LI5, LI6, LIN1, LINI, LIB]; * 06x MesaOps[LIW, LINB, LADRB, GADRB, LCO, , WCLB, ICLB]; * 07x MesaOps[R0, R1, R2, R3, R4, RB, W0, W1]; * 10x MesaOps[W2, WB, RF, WF, RDB, RD0, WDB, WD0]; * 11x MesaOps[RSTR, WSTR, RXLP, WXLP, RILP, RIGP, WILP, RIL0]; * 12x MesaOps[WS0, WSB, WSF, WSDB, RFC, RFS, WFS, RBL]; * 13x MesaOps[WBL, RDBL, WDBL, RXLPL, WXLPL, RXGPL, WXGPL, RILPL]; * 14x MesaOps[WILPL, RIGPL, WIGPL, RSTRL, WSTRL, RFL, WFL, RFSL]; * 15x MesaOps[WFSL, LP, SLDB, SGDB, PUSH, POP, EXCH, LINKB]; * 16x MesaOps[DUP, NILCK, NILCKL,BNDCK, , , , ]; * 17x MesaOps[J2, J3, J4, J5, J6, J7, J8, J9]; * 20x MesaOps[JB, JW, JEQ2, JEQ3, JEQ4, JEQ5, JEQ6, JEQ7]; * 21x MesaOps[JEQ8, JEQ9, JEQB, JNE2, JNE3, JNE4, JNE5, JNE6]; * 22x MesaOps[JNE7, JNE8, JNE9, JNEB, JLB, JGEB, JGB, JLEB]; * 23x MesaOps[JULB, JUGEB, JUGB, JULEB, JZEQB, JZNEB, JIB, JIW]; * 24x MesaOps[ADD, SUB, MUL, DBL, DIV, LDIV, NEG, INC]; * 25x MesaOps[AND, OR, XOR, SHIFT, DADD, DSUB, DCOMP, DUCOMP]; * 26x MesaOps[ADD01, , , , , , , ]; * 27x MesaOps[EFC0, EFC1, EFC2, EFC3, EFC4, EFC5, EFC6, EFC7]; * 30x MesaOps[EFC8, EFC9, EFC10, EFC11, EFC12, EFC13, EFC14, EFC15]; * 31x MesaOps[EFCB, LFC1, LFC2, LFC3, LFC4, LFC5, LFC6, LFC7]; * 32x MesaOps[LFC8, LFC9, LFC10, LFC11, LFC12, LFC13, LFC14, LFC15]; * 33x MesaOps[LFC16, LFCB, SFC, RET, LLKB, PORTO, PORTI, KFCB]; * 34x MesaOps[DESCB, DESCBS,BLT, BLTL, BLTC, , ALLOC, FREE]; * 35x MesaOps[IWDC, DWDC, STOP, CATCH, MISC, BITBLT,STARTIO, ]; * 36x MesaOps[DST, LST, LSTF, , WR, RR, BRK, ]; * 37x *----------------------------------------------------------- * IFU entry point macros *----------------------------------------------------------- * Call(s) should appear IMMEDIATELY BEFORE the entry vector. * Each call defines a label "@opcode" at the current IM location, and * forces the next nEntryPoints instructions to comprise an IFU entry vector. * Note: due to MicroD symbol table overflow problems, a label "@opcode" * is defined only for the first opcode in a group of consecutive declarations. * IFUR[opcode, length, memBase, options]; Regular opcode * IFUP[opcode, length, memBase, options]; Pause opcode * IFUJ[opcode, length, memBase, options]; Jump opcode * opcode = one of the opcode names defined above * length = 1, 2, or 3 * memBase = defined MemBase name * Options (zero or more, in any order): * N[n] n = 0 to 16 or "noN" * SignExtend * PackedAlpha * RBase[rBase] rBase = MesaRegs or AEmRegs (Alto mode only -- not PrincOps) * Disp[n] n = -40 to 37 (displacement for 1-byte jumps) M[IFUR, IOpLabel[#1] (IOp#4, IOp#5, IOp#6, IOp#7, IFUDeflt) IFUReg[MOp#1, #2, #3, RShift[CRB@, 4], ILC, IValN, IValSign, IValPA]]; M[IFUP, IOpLabel[#1] (IOp#4, IOp#5, IOp#6, IOp#7, IFUDeflt) IFUPause[MOp#1, #2, #3, RShift[CRB@, 4], ILC, IValN, IValSign, IValPA]]; M[IFUJ, IOpLabel[#1] (IOp#4, IOp#5, IOp#6, IOp#7, IFUDeflt) IFUJmp[MOp#1, #2, #3, RShift[CRB@, 4], ILC, IValSign]]; M[IOp, ]; M[IOpN, Set[IValN, #1]]; M[IOpSignExtend, Set[IValSign, 1]]; M[IOpPackedAlpha, Set[IValPA, 1]]; M[IOpDisp, Set[IValSign, #1]]; :If[AltoMode]; ********** Alto version ********** Equate[IOpRBase, KnowRBase]; :EndIf; ********************************** M[IFUDeflt, TopLevel[] KnowRBase[RMforIFU] Set[IValN, 17] Set[IValSign, 0] Set[IValPA, 0]]; Set[LastILC, 177777]; M[IOpLabel, IfE[IP[ILC], LastILC, , @#1: Set[LastILC, IP[ILC]]]]; *----------------------------------------------------------- * IFU exit macros and top-of-stack conventions *----------------------------------------------------------- * [0]: TOS = Stack[StkP], TOS-1 = Stack[StkP-1] * [1]: TOS = MD, TOS-1 = T & Stack[StkP-1] * [2]: TOS = T & Stack[StkP+1], TOS-1 = Stack[StkP] * State 0 is the canonical form, with all values stored in the hardware stack. * It is the only form if a single entry point is being used. * IFUNextN = IFUJump[N] if 3 entry points are being used. * If only 1 entry point, IFUNext0 or IFUNext0CF is the normal exit (IFUNext0CF * checks for faults first). IFUNext1 branches to code that puts MD on the * stack and exits. IFUNext2 is ordinarily illegal, but can be used with the * special "StackT" source and destination: * StackT_ (StackT)+T, IFUNext2; * is equivalent to: * Stack&-1_ T_ (Stack&-1)+T, IFUJump[2]; * if 3 entry points, but * Stack_ (Stack)+T, IFUJump[0]; * if 1 entry point. Set[multEntryPoints, IfE[nEntryPoints, 1, 0, 177777]]; M[IfMEP, If[multEntryPoints]]; M[If1EP, If[Not[multEntryPoints]]]; :IfMEP; M[IFUNext0, IFUJump[0]]; M[IFUNext1, IFUJump[1]]; M[IFUNext2, IFUJump[2]]; M[IFUNext0CF, IFUJump[0]]; M[StackT_, Stack&-1_T_]; Equate[StackT, Stack&-1]; :Else; M[IFUNext0, IFUJump[0]]; M[IFUNext1, Branch[PushMD]]; M[IFUNext2, IFUJump[0]]; M[IFUNext0CF, Branch[CheckFault0]]; Equate[StackT_, Stack_]; Equate[StackT, Stack]; :EndIf; *----------------------------------------------------------- * MISC opcode entry definition *----------------------------------------------------------- * MiscTable[n] places the current instruction at the entry point for * MISC operation n. Set[MT0Loc, 4000]; * Base for 000-077 dispatch Set[MT1Loc, 4400]; * Base for 100-177 dispatch Set[MT2Loc, 6000]; * Base for 200-277 dispatch Set[MT3Loc, 6400]; * Base for 300-377 dispatch M[MiscTable, At[Select[RShift[#1, 6], MT0Loc, MT1Loc, MT2Loc, MT3Loc], Add[LShift[And[#1, 77], 2], 1]]]; :If[AltoMode]; ********** Alto version ********** M[MiscOpcodeUnimplemented, (MiscTable[#1], T_ sUnimplemented, StkP-1, Branch[SavePCAndTrap])]; :Else; ******** PrincOps version ******** M[MiscOpcodeUnimplemented, (MiscTable[#1], Branch[MiscOpcodeTrap])]; :EndIf; ********************************** % Dorado Alto-Mesa microcode Note: most of these conventions currently apply to Pilot Mesa as well, though the PrincOps says otherwise! This code is strictly for Mesa 6 AV=1000C SD=1100C GFT=1400C State Block Configuration (Alto Mesa) alpha Stack[1] ... alpha+7 Stack[8] alpha+10 brkbyte,,skp alpha+11 mx (dest) alpha+12 my (source) Local frame L -> global frame L+1 PC (Alto: if PC odd then -(PC/2) else PC/2) L+2 -> caller's frame L+3 Alto: unused; PrincOps: place to store trap parameter L+4 local 0 L+5 ... Global frame configuration G-3 ... G-2 external link 1 G-1 external link 0 G GFI,,code links(1 bit) [code links=0 => links are in the frame, =1 => in the code segment] G+1 code base low G+2 code base high (Alto XMesa or PrincOps) G+3 global 0 G+4 ... Code segment C-3 ... C-2 external link 1 C-1 external link 0 CP reserved CP+1 reserved ... CP+2n+2 word pc offset (n = procedure number, as in LFCn) CP+2n+3 frame size index (in lower byte) ... % % *----------------------------------------------------------- Alto-Mesa notes: *----------------------------------------------------------- Alto-Mesa differs from PrincOps in the following systematic ways: 1. The byte order of code is backwards (right=even, left=odd). This is true ONLY of code, not of arbitrary byte arrays (e.g., jump tables). 2. All 3-byte instructions are aligned. This means that if the opcode is an even byte, the odd byte is ignored and alpha,,beta is taken from the next full word. (Note the byte order of alpha,,beta!) A few 1-byte instructions are also aligned. This means that if the opcode is an even byte, the odd byte is ignored and the next opcode is taken from the even byte of the next word. 3. Jump displacements are measured from the last byte of the instruction, not from the opcode. 4. Frame displacements are handled inconsistently. Local 0 is word 4 of the local frame. In "Byte" instructions (e.g., LLB), the operand byte already includes the offset, but in "N" and "Pair" instructions it does not. That is, the following instructions refer to the same item (local 0): LL0 LLB 4 RILP <0,,x> (n.b. at present, Pilot follows this convention also.) 5. Alto-Mesa imposes "minimal stack" requirements in certain instructions. However, this Mesa implementation requires minimal stack only in the process/monitor opcodes. %