Title[DiskDefs.mc...February 11, 1983  2:27 PM...Taft];
* Disk controller definitions, shared by microcode for all disk formats.

* R-register assignments

:If[AltoMode];		********** Alto version **********
	Reserve[1];		* defaultDisk, defined in RegisterDefs.mc
	RVN[TridentFlag];	* enable and control Trident disk emulation
	RVN[K400];		* constant 400
	RVN[KAddr];		* disk address (or parts thereof)
:Else;			******** PrincOps version ********
	RVN[KIOCB];		* IOCB address
	RVN[KDataLo];		* address of end of data block
	RVN[KCyl];		* cylinder part of disk address
	RVN[KHdSec];		* head/sector part of disk address
:EndIf;			**********************************
	RVN[Sector];		* sector counter
	RVN[MaxSectors];	* maximum number of sectors expected
	RVN[KPtr];		* command block pointer
	RVN[KCmmd];		* disk command (hardware)
	RVN[DskMAddr];		* memory address for data
	RVN[KStatus];		* disk software status
	RVN[KSelect];		* [0..3] zero (tagDrive)
				* [4] one iff sectors do not evenly divide the disk
				* [5] unused
				* [6..10] zero (tagSubSector, tagLoadSubSector)
				* [11] one tagSelectDrive
				* [12..15] currently addressed drive

* Device assignments

	Device[DiskControl, 10]; * control register (output)
	Device[DiskMuff, 11];	* muffler and wakeup control (output);
				* muffler data in bit 15 (input)
	Device[DiskData, 12];	* disk read/write data (input/output);
				* must be selected to enable WrFifoTW
	Device[DiskRam, 13];	* format ram (output)
	Device[DiskTag, 14];	* tag bus (output)
* Muffler addresses, as viewed by controller.
* Add 2000 to produce normal (system-wide) muffler addresses.

MC[muffsState, 0];		* Group of 20 controller state mufflers
*	MC[muffTempSense, muffsState, 0];
	MC[muffIndexTW, muffsState, 1];
	MC[muffSectorTW, muffsState, 2];
	MC[muffSeekTagTW, muffsState, 3];
	MC[muffRdFifoTW, muffsState, 4];
	MC[muffWrFifoTW, muffsState, 5];
*	MC[muffReadData, muffsState, 6];
*	MC[muffWriteData, muffsState, 7];

*	MC[muffEnableRun, muffsState, 10];
*	MC[muffDebugMode, muffsState, 11];
*	MC[muffRdOnlyBlock', muffsState, 12];
*	MC[muffWriteBlock', muffsState, 13];
*	MC[muffCheckBlock', muffsState, 14];
*	MC[muffActive, muffsState, 15];
	MC[muffSelect.0, muffsState, 16];
	MC[muffSelect.1, muffsState, 17];

MC[muffsStatus, 20];		* Group of 20 drive and error status mufflers
*	MC[muffSeekInc, muffsStatus, 0];
*	MC[muffHeadOvfl, muffsStatus, 1];
*	MC[muffDevCheck, muffsStatus, 2];
*	MC[muffNotSelected, muffsStatus, 3];
*	MC[muffNotOnLine, muffsStatus, 4];
	MC[muffNotReady, muffsStatus, 5];
*	MC[muffSectorOvfl, muffsStatus, 6];
	MC[muffFifoUnderflow, muffsStatus, 7];

	MC[muffFifoOverflow, muffsStatus, 10];
*	MC[muffReadDataErr, muffsStatus, 11]; * = compare error usually
*	MC[muffReadOnly, muffsStatus, 12];
*	MC[muffCylOffset, muffsStatus, 13];
*	MC[muffIOBParityErr, muffsStatus, 14];
*	MC[muffFifoParityErr, muffsStatus, 15];
	MC[muffWriteError, muffsStatus, 16];
	MC[muffReadError, muffsStatus, 17];

MC[muffsRam, 40];		* Format Ram address and data
MC[muffsTag, 60];		* Tag bus to drive
MC[muffsFifo, 100];		* Fifo control mufflers
* Control bits: output to DiskMuff register

	MC[clearCompareErr, 20000];	* clear CompareErr flipflop
	MC[setCheckSumErr, 10000];	* set ReadDataErr flipflop
	MC[clearIndexTW, 4000];		* clear IndexTW
	MC[clearSectorTW, 2000];	* clear SectorTW
	MC[clearSeekTagTW, 1000];	* clear SeekTagTW
	MC[clearErrors, 400];		* clear error flipflops
*	MC[muffAddr, 377];		* muffler address

	MC[clearAllTWs, clearIndexTW, clearSectorTW, clearSeekTagTW];
	MC[clearAll, clearAllTWs, clearErrors];

* Control bits: output to DiskControl register

	MC[clearEnableRun, 2000];	* clear EnableRun
	MC[debugMode, 1000];		* set DebugMode if 1, clear if 0
	MC[blockTilIndex, 400];		* set BlockTilIndex if 1, clear if 0
*	MC[commands, 377];		* disk commands: 4 2-bit bytes,
*					* one per block, indicating:
		MC[commandWrite, 1];
		MC[commandCompare, 2];
		MC[commandRead, 3];

* Control bits: output to DiskTag register

	MC[tagDrive, 100000];
	MC[tagCylinder, 40000];
	MC[tagHead, 20000];
	MC[tagControl, 10000];
	MC[tagBus, 7777];

* TagBus interpretation for DriveTag:
*	MC[tagSubSector, 1700];		* subsector count
	MC[tagLoadSubSector, 40];	* load subsector for currently-addressed drive
	MC[tagSelectDrive, 20];		* select the specified drive
	MC[tagDriveNumber, 17];		* drive number

* TagBus interpretation for CylinderTag:
*	MC[tagCylinderNumber, 7777];

* TagBus interpretation for HeadTag:
*	MC[tagOffset, 200];		* offset head position
*	MC[tagOffsetDirection, 100];	* direction of offset
*	MC[tagHeadNumber, 77];

* TagBus interpretation for ControlTag:
	MC[tagAltoLeader, 4000];	* search for Alto Trident sync pattern
*	MC[tagStrobeEarly, 1000];
*	MC[tagStrobeLate, 400];
	MC[tagWrite, 200];
	MC[tagRead, 100];
*	MC[tagResetHAR, 20];
	MC[tagDiskReset, 10];		* reset errors latched in the drive
	MC[tagHeadSelect, 4];		* turn on selected head for read/write
	MC[tagReZero, 2];		* restore disk to cylinder 0
*	MC[tagHeadAdvance, 1];		* increment head address register