<> <> <> <> DIRECTORY Ascii USING [SP], BcdDefs USING [Base, CTIndex, CTNull, FPIndex, GFTIndex, MTIndex, NTIndex, SPIndex], BcdOps USING [ BcdBase, CTHandle, FPHandle, MTHandle, NameString, NTHandle, ProcessConfigs, ProcessFramePacks, ProcessModules, ProcessNames, ProcessSpaces, SPHandle], LongString USING [EqualSubStrings, SubStringDescriptor], MB USING [Abort, BHandle, BIndex, Handle], MBTTY USING [Handle, PutCR, PutChar, PutString], MBVM USING [CopyRead], PrincOps USING [GlobalFrame, GlobalFrameHandle]; MBUtilities: PROGRAM IMPORTS BcdOps, MB, MBTTY, MBVM, String: LongString EXPORTS MB = BEGIN SubStringDescriptor: TYPE = String.SubStringDescriptor; data: MB.Handle _ NIL; mainBcd: MB.BHandle _ NIL; currentBH: MB.BHandle; currentCti: BcdDefs.CTIndex; currentConfig: LONG STRING; InitUtilities: PUBLIC PROC [h: MB.Handle] = { data _ h; ResetConfig[]; currentFrame _ NIL; }; FinishUtilities: PUBLIC PROC = {data _ NIL}; NameToG: PUBLIC PROC [name: LONG STRING] RETURNS [PrincOps.GlobalFrameHandle] = { bh: MB.BHandle; mth: BcdOps.MTHandle; [bh, mth] _ NameToMTHandle[name]; RETURN[IF mth ~= NIL THEN bh.mt[mth.gfi].frame ELSE NIL] }; NameToMTHandle: PUBLIC PROC [name: LONG STRING] RETURNS [bh: MB.BHandle, mth: BcdOps.MTHandle] = { ss: SubStringDescriptor _ [base: name, offset: 0, length: name.length]; nmth: BcdOps.MTHandle _ NIL; DoOneBCD: PROC [thisBH: MB.BHandle] RETURNS [BOOL] = { bcd: BcdOps.BcdBase = thisBH.bcd; ssb: BcdOps.NameString = LOOPHOLE[bcd + bcd.ssOffset]; bname: SubStringDescriptor; CheckModule: PROC [mth: BcdOps.MTHandle, mti: BcdDefs.MTIndex] RETURNS [BOOL] = { IF currentCti ~= BcdDefs.CTNull AND (currentBH ~= thisBH OR mth.config ~= currentCti) THEN RETURN[FALSE]; IF mth.namedInstance THEN RETURN[FALSE]; bname.offset _ mth.name; bname.length _ ssb.size[mth.name]; IF String.EqualSubStrings[@ss, @bname] THEN IF nmth = NIL THEN {bh _ thisBH; nmth _ mth} ELSE AmbiguousName[name: name]; RETURN[FALSE] }; bname.base _ @ssb.string; [] _ BcdOps.ProcessModules[bcd, CheckModule]; RETURN[FALSE] }; [] _ DoAllBCDs[DoOneBCD]; IF (mth _ nmth) ~= NIL THEN RETURN; SearchError[thing: "module"L, s1: name]; RETURN[NIL, NIL] }; AmbiguousName: PROC [name: LONG STRING] = { OPEN MBTTY; tty: MBTTY.Handle = data.ttyHandle; PutCR[tty]; PutString[tty, "!Ambiguous name "L]; IF currentConfig ~= NIL THEN {PutString[tty, currentConfig]; PutChar[tty, '[]}; PutString[tty, name]; IF currentConfig ~= NIL THEN PutChar[tty, ']]; PutCR[tty]; SIGNAL MB.Abort; }; SearchError: PROC [thing: LONG STRING, s1: LONG STRING, s2: LONG STRING _ NIL] = { OPEN MBTTY; tty: MBTTY.Handle = data.ttyHandle; <> IF data.inputBCDs.bcds[data.inputBCDs.nBcds-1].bcd = NIL THEN RETURN; PutCR[tty]; PutString[tty, "!Can't find "L]; PutString[tty, thing]; PutChar[tty, Ascii.SP]; IF currentConfig ~= NIL THEN {PutString[tty, currentConfig]; PutChar[tty, '[]}; PutString[tty, s1]; IF s2 ~= NIL THEN {PutChar[tty, '.]; PutString[tty, s2]}; IF currentConfig ~= NIL THEN PutChar[tty, ']]; PutCR[tty]; SIGNAL MB.Abort; }; NameToFPHandle: PUBLIC PROC [name: LONG STRING] RETURNS [bh: MB.BHandle, fph: BcdOps.FPHandle] = { ss: SubStringDescriptor _ [base: name, offset: 0, length: name.length]; DoOneBCD: PROC [thisBH: MB.BHandle] RETURNS [BOOL] = { bcd: BcdOps.BcdBase = (bh _ thisBH).bcd; ssb: BcdOps.NameString = LOOPHOLE[bcd + bcd.ssOffset]; bname: SubStringDescriptor; CheckFramePack: PROC [fph: BcdOps.FPHandle, fpi: BcdDefs.FPIndex] RETURNS [BOOL] = { bname.offset _ fph.name; bname.length _ ssb.size[fph.name]; RETURN[String.EqualSubStrings[@ss, @bname]] }; bname.base _ @ssb.string; RETURN[(fph _ BcdOps.ProcessFramePacks[bcd, CheckFramePack].fph) ~= NIL] }; IF DoAllBCDs[DoOneBCD] THEN RETURN; SearchError[thing: "frame pack"L, s1: name]; RETURN[NIL, NIL] }; NameToSPHandle: PUBLIC PROC [name: LONG STRING] RETURNS [bh: MB.BHandle, sph: BcdOps.SPHandle, index: CARDINAL] = { ss: SubStringDescriptor _ [base: name, offset: 0, length: name.length]; DoOneBCD: PROC [thisBH: MB.BHandle] RETURNS [BOOL] = { bcd: BcdOps.BcdBase = (bh _ thisBH).bcd; ssb: BcdOps.NameString = LOOPHOLE[bcd + bcd.ssOffset]; bname: SubStringDescriptor; CheckSpace: PROC [sph: BcdOps.SPHandle, spi: BcdDefs.SPIndex] RETURNS [BOOL] = { FOR i: CARDINAL IN [0..sph.length) DO bname.offset _ sph.spaces[i].name; bname.length _ ssb.size[sph.spaces[i].name]; IF String.EqualSubStrings[@ss, @bname] THEN {index _ i; RETURN[TRUE]}; ENDLOOP; RETURN[FALSE] }; bname.base _ @ssb.string; RETURN[(sph _ BcdOps.ProcessSpaces[bcd, CheckSpace].sph) ~= NIL] }; IF DoAllBCDs[DoOneBCD] THEN RETURN; SearchError[thing: "code pack"L, s1: name]; RETURN[NIL, NIL, 0] }; NameToCTHandle: PUBLIC PROC [name: LONG STRING] RETURNS [bh: MB.BHandle, cth: BcdOps.CTHandle] = { ss: SubStringDescriptor _ [base: name, offset: 0, length: name.length]; DoOneBCD: PROC [thisBH: MB.BHandle] RETURNS [BOOL] = { bcd: BcdOps.BcdBase = (bh _ thisBH).bcd; ssb: BcdOps.NameString = LOOPHOLE[bcd + bcd.ssOffset]; cname: SubStringDescriptor; CheckConfig: PROC [cth: BcdOps.CTHandle, cti: BcdDefs.CTIndex] RETURNS [BOOL] = { cname.offset _ cth.name; cname.length _ ssb.size[cth.name]; RETURN[String.EqualSubStrings[@ss, @cname]] }; cname.base _ @ssb.string; IF bcd.nConfigs = 0 THEN { <> mth: BcdOps.MTHandle _ LOOPHOLE[bcd + bcd.mtOffset]; cname.offset _ mth.name; cname.length _ ssb.size[mth.name]; RETURN[String.EqualSubStrings[@ss, @cname]] } ELSE RETURN[(cth _ BcdOps.ProcessConfigs[bcd, CheckConfig].cth) ~= NIL] }; cth _ NIL; IF DoAllBCDs[DoOneBCD] THEN RETURN; SearchError[thing: "configuration"L, s1: name]; RETURN[NIL, NIL] }; InstanceToMTHandle: PUBLIC PROC [module, instance: LONG STRING] RETURNS [bh: MB.BHandle, mth: BcdOps.MTHandle] = { mss: SubStringDescriptor _ [base: module, offset: 0, length: module.length]; iss: SubStringDescriptor _ [base: instance, offset: 0, length: instance.length]; DoOneBCD: PROC [thisBH: MB.BHandle] RETURNS [BOOL] = { bcd: BcdOps.BcdBase = (bh _ thisBH).bcd; mtb: BcdDefs.Base = LOOPHOLE[bcd + bcd.mtOffset]; ssb: BcdOps.NameString = LOOPHOLE[bcd + bcd.ssOffset]; bname: SubStringDescriptor; CheckName: PROC [nth: BcdOps.NTHandle, nti: BcdDefs.NTIndex] RETURNS [BOOL] = { WITH nth.item SELECT FROM module => { bname.offset _ nth.name; bname.length _ ssb.size[nth.name]; IF String.EqualSubStrings[@iss, @bname] THEN { IF currentCti ~= BcdDefs.CTNull AND (currentBH ~= bh OR mtb[mti].config ~= currentCti) THEN RETURN[FALSE]; bname.offset _ mtb[mti].name; bname.length _ ssb.size[mtb[mti].name]; IF String.EqualSubStrings[@mss, @bname] THEN { mth _ @mtb[mti]; RETURN[TRUE] }; }; }; ENDCASE => RETURN[FALSE]; RETURN[FALSE]}; bname.base _ @ssb.string; RETURN[BcdOps.ProcessNames[bcd, CheckName].nth ~= NIL] }; mth _ NIL; IF DoAllBCDs[DoOneBCD] THEN RETURN; SearchError[thing: "module instance"L, s1: instance, s2: module]; RETURN[NIL, NIL] }; DoAllModules: PUBLIC PROC [proc: PROC [MB.BHandle, BcdOps.MTHandle] RETURNS [BOOL]] RETURNS [BOOL] = { IF currentCti = BcdDefs.CTNull THEN { <> DoOneBCD: PROC [bh: MB.BHandle] RETURNS [BOOL] = { PassItOn: PROC [mth: BcdOps.MTHandle, mti: BcdDefs.MTIndex] RETURNS [BOOL] = { RETURN[proc[bh, mth]]}; RETURN[BcdOps.ProcessModules[bh.bcd, PassItOn].mth ~= NIL] }; RETURN[DoAllBCDs[DoOneBCD]] } ELSE { <, including subconfigurations>> bcd: BcdOps.BcdBase = currentBH.bcd; ctb: BcdDefs.Base = LOOPHOLE[bcd + bcd.ctOffset]; DoOneModule: PROC [mth: BcdOps.MTHandle, mti: BcdDefs.MTIndex] RETURNS [BOOL] = { FOR cti: BcdDefs.CTIndex _ mth.config, ctb[cti].config UNTIL cti = BcdDefs.CTNull DO IF cti = currentCti AND proc[currentBH, mth] THEN RETURN[TRUE]; ENDLOOP; RETURN[FALSE] }; RETURN[BcdOps.ProcessModules[bcd, DoOneModule].mth ~= NIL] }; }; DoAllBCDs: PUBLIC PROC [proc: PROC [MB.BHandle] RETURNS [BOOL]] RETURNS [BOOL] = { FOR i: MB.BIndex IN [0..data.inputBCDs.nBcds) DO bh: MB.BHandle = data.inputBCDs.bcds[i]; IF bh.bcd ~= NIL AND proc[bh] THEN RETURN[TRUE]; ENDLOOP; RETURN[FALSE] }; DoAllSpaces: PUBLIC PROC [ proc: PROC [MB.BHandle, BcdOps.SPHandle, CARDINAL] RETURNS [BOOL]] RETURNS [BOOL] = { DoOneBCD: PROC [bh: MB.BHandle] RETURNS [BOOL] = { PassItOn: PROC [sph: BcdOps.SPHandle, spi: BcdDefs.SPIndex] RETURNS [BOOL] = { FOR i: CARDINAL IN [0..sph.length) DO IF proc[bh, sph, i] THEN RETURN[TRUE]; ENDLOOP; RETURN[FALSE] }; RETURN[BcdOps.ProcessSpaces[bh.bcd, PassItOn].sph ~= NIL] }; RETURN[DoAllBCDs[DoOneBCD]] }; DoAllFramePacks: PUBLIC PROC [ proc: PROC [MB.BHandle, BcdOps.FPHandle] RETURNS [BOOL]] RETURNS [BOOL] = { DoOneBCD: PROC [bh: MB.BHandle] RETURNS [BOOL] = { PassItOn: PROC [fph: BcdOps.FPHandle, fpi: BcdDefs.FPIndex] RETURNS [BOOL] = { RETURN[proc[bh, fph]] }; RETURN[BcdOps.ProcessFramePacks[bh.bcd, PassItOn].fph ~= NIL] }; RETURN[DoAllBCDs[DoOneBCD]] }; SetConfig: PUBLIC PROC [name: LONG STRING] = { ss: SubStringDescriptor _ [base: name, offset: 0, length: name.length]; DoOneBCD: PROC [bh: MB.BHandle] RETURNS [BOOL] = { bcd: BcdOps.BcdBase = bh.bcd; ssb: BcdOps.NameString; cti: BcdDefs.CTIndex; bname: SubStringDescriptor; CheckConfig: PROC [cth: BcdOps.CTHandle, cti: BcdDefs.CTIndex] RETURNS [BOOL] = { bname.offset _ cth.name; bname.length _ ssb.size[cth.name]; RETURN[String.EqualSubStrings[@ss, @bname]] }; ssb _ LOOPHOLE[bcd + bcd.ssOffset]; bname.base _ @ssb.string; IF (cti _ BcdOps.ProcessConfigs[bcd, CheckConfig].cti) ~= BcdDefs.CTNull THEN { currentBH _ bh; currentCti _ cti; currentConfig _ name; RETURN[TRUE] }; RETURN[FALSE] }; [] _ DoAllBCDs[DoOneBCD] }; ResetConfig: PUBLIC PROC = { currentBH _ NIL; currentCti _ BcdDefs.CTNull; currentConfig _ NIL; }; globalFrame: PrincOps.GlobalFrame; currentFrame: PrincOps.GlobalFrameHandle; VirtualGlobalFrame: PUBLIC PROC [f: PrincOps.GlobalFrameHandle] RETURNS [PrincOps.GlobalFrameHandle] = { IF f ~= currentFrame THEN { MBVM.CopyRead[from: f, to: @globalFrame, nwords: SIZE[PrincOps.GlobalFrame]]; currentFrame _ f; }; RETURN[@globalFrame] }; END.