-- CedarLinkerOps.mesa
-- Last edited by John Maxwell on: January 12, 1983 10:21 am
Atom USING [GetProp, PutProp],
BcdDefs USING [Link, NullVersion, VersionStamp],
BcdOps USING [BcdBase, MTHandle],
PilotLoadStateOps USING [Map],
PrincOps USING [ControlLink, GFTIndex, GlobalFrameHandle],
Rope USING [Text];
BEGIN OPEN BcdDefs, BcdOps, PrincOps, PilotLoadStateOps;
IR: TYPE = REF IRRecord;
IRRecord: TYPE = RECORD[s: SEQUENCE size: NAT OF PrincOps.ControlLink];
Export: PROC[bcd: BcdBase, map: Map];
Bind: PROC[bcd: BcdBase, map: Map] RETURNS[resolved: BOOLEAN];
GetIR: PROCEDURE[ -- either the atom or the version must be non-NIL
atom: ATOM ← NIL,
version: VersionStamp ← NullVersion,
length: CARDINAL ← 0] -- in case a new one must be created
RETURNS[name: ATOM, interface: IR, versionStamp: VersionStamp];
GetFrame: PROC[interface: IR, index: CARDINAL] RETURNS[GlobalFrameHandle];
-- returns the frame of an exported variable
LOOPHOLE[link, CARDINAL] = 0 OR -- PrincOps.NullLink
LOOPHOLE[link, CARDINAL] = 1]; END; -- PrincOps.UnboundLink
OpenLinkSpace: PROC[frame: GlobalFrameHandle, mth: MTHandle, bcd: BcdBase ← NIL];
ReadLink: PROC[offset: CARDINAL] RETURNS [link: ControlLink];
WriteLink: PROC[offset: CARDINAL, link: ControlLink];
CloseLinkSpace: PROC[frame: GlobalFrameHandle];
FreeSpace: PROC[p: POINTER];
LinkSegmentLength: PROC[mth: MTHandle, bcd: BcdBase] RETURNS[CARDINAL];
IthLink: PROC[mth: MTHandle, i: CARDINAL, bcd: BcdBase] RETURNS[Link];
-- private definitions
GetPendingList: PRIVATE PROC[interface: ATOM] RETURNS[PendingList] =
INLINE {RETURN[NARROW[Atom.GetProp[interface, $pending]]]};
SetPendingList: PRIVATE PROC[interface: ATOM, list: PendingList] =
INLINE {Atom.PutProp[interface, $pending, list]};
GetBinding: PROC[bcd: BcdBase] RETURNS[binding: Binding]; -- already filled in
FindVariableLink: PROC[bcd: BcdBase, mthLink: Link, rgfi: PrincOps.GFTIndex]
RETURNS [link: PrincOps.ControlLink, frame: PrincOps.GlobalFrameHandle];
pendingModules: PRIVATE LIST OF PendingModule;
-- list of people waiting for a MODULE to be exported
Binding: TYPE = REF BindingSequence;
BindingSequence: TYPE = RECORD[s: SEQUENCE size: NAT OF BindLink];
-- A Binding is a mapping between the dummy gfi's within the bcd and real interfaces.
-- Bindings are only legal for [bcd.firstdummy..bcd.firstdummy+bcd.nDummies) !
BindLink: TYPE = RECORD[
whichgfi: PrincOps.GFTIndex ← 0, -- if there is more than one gfi for this interface
atom: ATOM, -- so we can get and set the pending list
interface: IR];
PendingList: TYPE = LIST OF Pending;
Pending: TYPE = RECORD[ -- frame, mth, and bcd are parameters to OpenLinkSpace
frame: GlobalFrameHandle,
mth: MTHandle,
bcd: BcdBase,
index: CARDINAL, -- index into the links area
link: PrincOps.ControlLink]; -- either a) an index into the IR or b) the actual link
PendingModule: TYPE = RECORD[ -- frame, mth, and bcd are parameters to OpenLinkSpace
frame: PrincOps.GlobalFrameHandle,
mth: MTHandle,
bcd: BcdBase,
index: CARDINAL, -- index into the links area
name: Rope.Text, -- name of module we are waiting for
version: BcdDefs.VersionStamp]; -- version of module we are waiting for
END . .