DIRECTORY AMBridge USING [GetWorld, RemoteFHFromTV, FHFromTV, TVForReferent], AMEventBooted USING [BootedNotifier, RegisterBootedNotifier, UnRegisterBootedNotifier], AMEvents USING [BreakID, Event, Outcome, EventProc, GetEvents, BreakAt, ClearBreak, Debugging, Debugged, Booted, StopEvents], AMModel USING [ContextName, ContextWorld, Section, Context], AMModelLocation USING [CodeLocation, EntryLocations], AMTypes USING [DynamicParent, Error], AMViewerOps USING [SourceError, ViewerFromSection, SectionFromSelection, SourceFromTV, OpenSource, ReportProc], Atom USING [GetPropFromList], BBSafety USING [Mother], Commander USING [CommandProc, Register, CommandObject, Handle], Convert USING [ValueToRope], Interpreter USING [ContextForWorld, ContextForLocalFrame, AbortProc, Evaluate], IO USING [PutRope, PutChar, STREAM, CreateOutputStreamToRope, GetOutputStreamRope, GetSequence, GetChar, Close, ResetUserAbort, SetUserAbort, Reset, PutTV, PutSignal], List USING [PutAssoc], MBQueue USING [Queue, Create, CreateMenuEntry], Menus USING [MenuProc, Menu, InsertMenuEntry, ChangeNumberOfLines], PrintTV USING [PutClosure, Print, PutProc, PrintArguments, PrintVariables], Process USING [Detach, SetPriority, GetPriority, Priority, priorityNormal], ProcessProps USING [AddPropList, GetPropList], Rope USING [ROPE, Cat, Equal, IsEmpty], RTBasic USING [TV], SymTab USING [Create, Ref, Store], TiogaOps USING [GetSelection, ViewerDoc, SelectPoint, LastLocWithin], TypeScript USING [TS, Create, Destroy], ViewerClasses USING [Viewer], ViewerEvents USING [EventProc, RegisterEventProc], ViewerIO USING [CreateViewerStreams], ViewerOps USING [DestroyViewer, AddProp, FetchProp, PaintViewer, EstablishViewerPosition], UserProfile USING [ProfileChangedProc, Boolean, CallWhenProfileChanges], WorldVM USING [WorldName, LocalWorld, World]; InterpreterTool: MONITOR -- protects individual interpreters LOCKS h.LOCK USING h: Handle IMPORTS AMBridge, AMEventBooted, AMEvents, AMModel, AMModelLocation, AMTypes, AMViewerOps, Atom, BBSafety, Commander, Convert, Interpreter, IO, List, MBQueue, Menus, PrintTV, Process, ProcessProps, Rope, SymTab, TiogaOps, TypeScript, UserProfile, ViewerEvents, ViewerIO, ViewerOps, WorldVM = BEGIN OPEN Interpreter, Rope, RTBasic; Handle: TYPE = REF InterpreterObject; -- one per viewer InterpreterObject: PUBLIC TYPE = MONITORED RECORD [ remoteWorld: WorldVM.World, -- NIL => local only in this nest context: AMModel.Context _ NIL, event: AMEvents.Event _ NIL, nestingLevel: NAT _ 0, symTab: SymTab.Ref _ NIL, nextVarIndex: INT _ 0, ts: TypeScript.TS _ NIL, tsInStream: IO.STREAM _ NIL, tsOutStream: IO.STREAM _ NIL, Stuffable: CONDITION, menuHitQueue: MBQueue.Queue _ NIL, terminateRequested: BOOL _ FALSE, proceedRequested: BOOL _ FALSE, abortRequested: BOOL _ FALSE, stopRequested: BOOL _ FALSE, bootReturnRequested: BOOL _ FALSE, bootedWorld: WorldVM.World _ NIL, stuffAble: BOOL _ TRUE ]; BreakIndex: TYPE = INT; nullBreakIndex: BreakIndex = 0; nextBI: BreakIndex _ 1; -- BEWARE that this guy isn't protected BreakObject: TYPE = RECORD[index: BreakIndex, breakID: AMEvents.BreakID, world: WorldVM.World, section: AMModel.Section]; Break: TYPE = REF BreakObject; NewInterpreter: Commander.CommandProc = TRUSTED{ Process.Detach[LOOPHOLE[FORK CreateTool[NIL--no event--], PROCESS]]; }; CreateTool: PROC[event: AMEvents.Event] RETURNS[outcome: AMEvents.Outcome] = TRUSTED{ h: Handle; context: AMModel.Context = IF event = NIL THEN ContextForWorld[] ELSE ContextForLocalFrame[event.frame]; remoteWorld: WorldVM.World _ NIL; oldPriority: Process.Priority _ Process.GetPriority[]; Process.SetPriority[Process.priorityNormal]; IF context = NIL THEN ERROR; IF WorldVM.LocalWorld[] # AMModel.ContextWorld[context] THEN remoteWorld _ AMModel.ContextWorld[context]; h _ NEW[ InterpreterObject _ [remoteWorld: remoteWorld, context: context, event: event, menuHitQueue: MBQueue.Create[], symTab: SymTab.Create[]]]; NewViewer[h]; IF remoteWorld # NIL THEN AMEventBooted.RegisterBootedNotifier[BootReturnRequested, remoteWorld, h]; outcome _ MainLoop[h]; IF remoteWorld # NIL THEN AMEventBooted.UnRegisterBootedNotifier[BootReturnRequested, remoteWorld, h]; Process.SetPriority[oldPriority]; }; EventHandler: AMEvents.EventProc = { h: Handle _ NIL; nestingLevel: NAT; -- that of saved interp status context: AMModel.Context; IF event.type = booted THEN RETURN[[quit[]]]; context _ ContextForLocalFrame[event.frame]; [h, nestingLevel] _ FindInProgressEvaluation[]; IF h # NIL AND h.nestingLevel = nestingLevel THEN { -- if this event is "under" an interpreter oldRemoteWorld: WorldVM.World = h.remoteWorld; -- save remoteWorld; oldContext: AMModel.Context = h.context; -- save context; oldEvent: AMEvents.Event = h.event; -- save event; h.tsOutStream.PutRope [Cat["***Nesting this InterpreterTool to be a handler for ", EventToName[event], "\n"]]; IF oldEvent = NIL THEN ChangeLines[h.ts, 2]; IF oldRemoteWorld = NIL THEN h.remoteWorld _ IF WorldVM.LocalWorld[] = AMModel.ContextWorld[context] THEN NIL ELSE AMModel.ContextWorld[context] ELSE { -- some lower event of this tool is for a remote world IF WorldVM.LocalWorld[] # AMModel.ContextWorld[context] AND oldRemoteWorld # AMModel.ContextWorld[context] THEN ERROR; }; h.context _ context; h.event _ event; h.nestingLevel _ h.nestingLevel + 1; IF oldRemoteWorld = NIL AND h.remoteWorld # NIL THEN AMEventBooted.RegisterBootedNotifier [BootReturnRequested, h.remoteWorld, h]; outcome _ MainLoop[h]; IF oldRemoteWorld = NIL AND h.remoteWorld # NIL THEN AMEventBooted.UnRegisterBootedNotifier [BootReturnRequested, h.remoteWorld, h]; h.nestingLevel _ h.nestingLevel - 1; h.event _ oldEvent; h.context _ oldContext; h.remoteWorld _ oldRemoteWorld; IF oldEvent = NIL THEN ChangeLines[h.ts, 1]; } ELSE outcome _ CreateTool[event]; -- if this event is not "under" an interpreter }; NewViewer: PROC[h: Handle] = { name: ROPE; [] _ SymTab.Store [h.symTab, "&H", AMBridge.TVForReferent[NEW[Handle _ h] ! AMTypes.Error => CONTINUE]]; [] _ SymTab.Store [h.symTab, "&WalkStack", AMBridge.TVForReferent [NEW[PROC[nFrames: INT _ 1, h: Handle _ NIL] _ WalkStack] ! AMTypes.Error => CONTINUE]]; [] _ SymTab.Store [h.symTab, "&ShowFrame", AMBridge.TVForReferent [NEW[PROC[h: Handle _ NIL] _ ShowFrame] ! AMTypes.Error => CONTINUE]]; [] _ SymTab.Store [h.symTab, "&Source", AMBridge.TVForReferent [NEW[PROC[h: Handle _ NIL] _ Source] ! AMTypes.Error => CONTINUE]]; [] _ SymTab.Store [h.symTab, "&SetBreak", AMBridge.TVForReferent [NEW[PROC[h: Handle _ NIL] _ SetBreak] ! AMTypes.Error => CONTINUE]]; [] _ SymTab.Store [h.symTab, "&ClearBreak", AMBridge.TVForReferent [NEW[PROC[h: Handle _ NIL] _ ClearBreak] ! AMTypes.Error => CONTINUE]]; IF h.event # NIL THEN name _ Cat["Event handler for ", EventToName[h.event]] ELSE name _ Cat["Interpreter for context ", AMModel.ContextName[h.context]]; h.ts _ TypeScript.Create [info: [name: name, column: right, iconic: FALSE]]; CreateInterpreterMenu[h]; ViewerOps.AddProp[h.ts, $InterpreterHandle, h]; [h.tsInStream, h.tsOutStream] _ ViewerIO.CreateViewerStreams[name: NIL, viewer: h.ts]; }; EventToName: PROC[event: AMEvents.Event] RETURNS[name: ROPE _ NIL] = { reason: ROPE; s: IO.STREAM _ NIL; WITH e: event SELECT FROM booted => reason _ "Booted"; break => { -- [id: BreakID, clientData: REF ANY] break: Break _ NIL; IF e.clientData # NIL THEN break _ NARROW[e.clientData, Break ! ANY => CONTINUE]; IF break = NIL THEN reason _ Cat["Unknown breakpoint ", " hit."] ELSE reason _ Cat["Breakpoint # ", Convert.ValueToRope[[signed[break.index]]], " hit."]; }; call => reason _ Cat["Call: ", e.msg]; signal => { -- [signal, args: RTBasic.TV ] inner: SAFE PROC = TRUSTED {s.PutSignal[e.signal, e.args]}; s _ IO.CreateOutputStreamToRope[]; s.PutRope[BBSafety.Mother[inner]]; name _ IO.GetOutputStreamRope[s]; RETURN; }; interrupt => reason _ "Interrupt"; unknown => reason _ Cat["Unknown: ", e.why]; -- client bug; psbi and frame are valid. ENDCASE => ERROR; name _ Cat[reason, ", world: ", WorldVM.WorldName[]]; { inner: SAFE PROC = TRUSTED {s.PutRope[AMModel.ContextName[event.frame]]}; s _ IO.CreateOutputStreamToRope[]; s.PutRope[BBSafety.Mother[inner]]; name _ Cat[name, ", context: ", IO.GetOutputStreamRope[s]]; }; }; CreateInterpreterMenu: PROC[h: Handle] = { menu: Menus.Menu _; Menus.InsertMenuEntry [menu: menu, line: 0, entry: MBQueue.CreateMenuEntry [q: h.menuHitQueue, name: "STOP!", proc: StopHit, clientData: h]]; Menus.InsertMenuEntry [menu: menu, line: 0, entry: MBQueue.CreateMenuEntry [q: h.menuHitQueue, name: "SetBreak", proc: SetBreakHit, clientData: h]]; Menus.InsertMenuEntry [menu: menu, line: 0, entry: MBQueue.CreateMenuEntry [q: h.menuHitQueue, name: "ClearBreak(s)", proc: ClearBreakHit, clientData: h]]; Menus.InsertMenuEntry [menu: menu, line: 1, entry: MBQueue.CreateMenuEntry [q: h.menuHitQueue, name: "WalkStack", proc: WalkStackHit, clientData: h]]; Menus.InsertMenuEntry [menu: menu, line: 1, entry: MBQueue.CreateMenuEntry [q: h.menuHitQueue, name: "ShowFrame", proc: ShowFrameHit, clientData: h]]; Menus.InsertMenuEntry [menu: menu, line: 1, entry: MBQueue.CreateMenuEntry [q: h.menuHitQueue, name: "Proceed", proc: ProceedHit, clientData: h]]; Menus.InsertMenuEntry [menu: menu, line: 1, entry: MBQueue.CreateMenuEntry [q: h.menuHitQueue, name: "Abort", proc: AbortHit, clientData: h]]; Menus.InsertMenuEntry [menu: menu, line: 1, entry: MBQueue.CreateMenuEntry [q: h.menuHitQueue, name: "Source", proc: SourceHit, clientData: h]]; IF h.event # NIL THEN ChangeLines[h.ts, 2] ELSE ViewerOps.PaintViewer[h.ts, menu]; }; ChangeLines: PROC[v: ViewerClasses.Viewer, nLines: NAT] = { Menus.ChangeNumberOfLines[, nLines]; ViewerOps.EstablishViewerPosition[v, v.wx, v.wy, v.ww, v.wh]; ViewerOps.PaintViewer[v, all]; }; MainLoop: PROC[h: Handle] RETURNS[outcome: AMEvents.Outcome _ [proceed[NIL]]] = { somethingHappened: BOOL _ TRUE; h.tsOutStream.PutChar['\n]; UNTIL WasTerminateRequested[h] -- the interpreter viewer was destroyed DO line: ROPE _ NIL; result: TV _ NIL; noResult: BOOL _ TRUE; errorRope: ROPE _ NIL; prompt: ROPE _ Cat["&", Convert.ValueToRope[[signed[NextVarIndex[h, somethingHappened]]]], " _ "]; leader: ROPE _ NIL; inner: SAFE PROC = TRUSTED {IF NOT noResult THEN h.tsOutStream.PutTV[result];}; brq: BOOL; brqWorld: WorldVM.World _ NIL; somethingHappened _ FALSE; IF WasProceedRequested[h] THEN { ResetProceedRequested[h]; IF h.event # NIL THEN { IF h.nestingLevel = 0 THEN {SetDormant[h]; h.event _ NIL}; RETURN; }; }; IF WasAbortRequested[h] THEN { ResetAbortRequested[h]; IF h.nestingLevel > 0 THEN RETURN[[quit[]]] -- RETURN => event proc returns ELSE IF h.event # NIL THEN {SetDormant[h]; h.event _ NIL; RETURN[[quit[]]]}; }; [brq, brqWorld] _ WasBootReturnRequested[h]; IF brq THEN { IF brqWorld = h.remoteWorld THEN { -- RETURN => event proc returns IF h.nestingLevel = 0 THEN {SetDormant[h]; h.event _ NIL}; RETURN[[quit[]]]; } ELSE ResetBootReturnRequested[h]; }; FOR i: NAT IN [0..h.nestingLevel) DO leader _ Cat[leader, "<***>"]; ENDLOOP; h.tsOutStream.PutRope[leader ! ANY => CONTINUE]; h.tsOutStream.PutRope[prompt ! ANY => CONTINUE]; line _ PullLine[h ! ABORTED, UNWIND => { h.tsInStream.Reset[ ! ANY => CONTINUE]; h.tsOutStream.PutRope[" XXX\n" ! ANY => CONTINUE]; h.tsInStream.ResetUserAbort[ ! ANY => CONTINUE]; CONTINUE; }; AMEvents.Debugging, AMEvents.Debugged => REJECT; ANY => { h.tsInStream.Reset[ ! ANY => CONTINUE]; h.tsOutStream.PutRope[" XXX\n" ! ANY => CONTINUE]; h.tsInStream.ResetUserAbort[ ! ANY => CONTINUE]; CONTINUE; }; ]; SetStuffable[h]; IF IsEmpty[line] OR Equal[line, "\n"] THEN LOOP; somethingHappened _ TRUE; ResetStopRequested[h]; { -- open for call on ProcessProps.AddPropList inner: SAFE PROC = TRUSTED{ [result, errorRope, noResult] _ Interpreter.Evaluate [rope: Cat[prompt, line], context: h.context, symTab: h.symTab, abort: [abortProc, h] ! AMEvents.Booted => {errorRope _ " XXX (client world booted)\n"; CONTINUE}; ABORTED, UNWIND => {errorRope _ " XXX\n"; CONTINUE}; ]; }; ch: Commander.Handle = NEW [Commander.CommandObject _ [in: h.tsInStream, out: h.tsOutStream, err: h.tsOutStream, commandLine: line, command: "_", propertyList: NIL]]; ProcessProps.AddPropList[ propList: List.PutAssoc [key: $CommanderHandle, val: ch, aList: List.PutAssoc[ key: $InterpreterHandle, val: h, aList: List.PutAssoc[ key: $InterpreterNestingLevel, val: NEW[NAT _ h.nestingLevel], aList: NIL]]], inner: inner ]; }; -- close for call on ProcessProps.AddPropList IF errorRope # NIL THEN h.tsOutStream.PutRope [IF errorRope # NIL THEN Cat["***", errorRope, "\n"] ELSE "*** XXX\n" ! ANY => CONTINUE] ELSE h.tsOutStream.PutRope[Cat[BBSafety.Mother[inner], "\n"] ! ANY => CONTINUE]; ENDLOOP; IF h.nestingLevel > 0 THEN RETURN[[quit[]]] ELSE Finalize[h]; }; abortProc: Interpreter.AbortProc = TRUSTED { RETURN[WasStopRequested[NARROW[data, Handle]]]; }; FindInProgressEvaluation: PROC RETURNS[h: Handle _ NIL, nestingLevel: NAT _ 0] = { hn: Handle = NARROW[Atom.GetPropFromList[ProcessProps.GetPropList[], $InterpreterHandle]]; rn: REF NAT = NARROW[Atom.GetPropFromList[ProcessProps.GetPropList[], $InterpreterNestingLevel]]; IF hn # NIL AND rn # NIL THEN RETURN[hn, rn^]; }; GetHandlePlease: PROC RETURNS[Handle] = { r: REF ANY = Atom.GetPropFromList[ProcessProps.GetPropList[], $InterpreterHandle]; RETURN[NARROW[r, Handle]]; }; Finalize: PROC [h: Handle] = { h.tsOutStream.PutRope["\n\n ~~~~~~~~~~~~~TERMINATED~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \n\n" ! ANY => CONTINUE]; h.context _ NIL; h.event _ NIL; h.symTab _ NIL; IF h.ts # NIL THEN TypeScript.Destroy[h.ts ! ANY => CONTINUE]; h.ts _ NIL; h.tsInStream _ NIL; IF h.tsOutStream # NIL THEN h.tsOutStream.Close[! ANY => CONTINUE]; h.tsOutStream _ NIL; h.menuHitQueue _ NIL; h.ts _ NIL; }; printOneChar: SAFE PROC [data: REF, c: CHAR] = TRUSTED { NARROW[data, IO.STREAM].PutChar[c ! ANY => CONTINUE]; }; NextVarIndex: ENTRY PROC[h: Handle, somethingHappened: BOOL] RETURNS[INT] = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; IF NOT somethingHappened THEN RETURN[h.nextVarIndex]; RETURN[h.nextVarIndex _ h.nextVarIndex + 1]; }; ResetStopRequested: ENTRY PROC[h: Handle] = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; h.stopRequested _ FALSE; }; SetStopRequested: ENTRY PROC[h: Handle] = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; h.stopRequested _ TRUE; }; WasStopRequested: ENTRY PROC[h: Handle] RETURNS[BOOL] = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; RETURN[h.stopRequested]; }; StuffIt: ENTRY PROC[h: Handle, rope: ROPE] = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; UNTIL h.stuffAble DO WAIT h.Stuffable; ENDLOOP; h.stuffAble _ FALSE; h.tsInStream.Reset[]; IF IsEmpty[rope] THEN RETURN; IF TiogaOps.GetSelection[].viewer = h.ts THEN TiogaOps.SelectPoint[viewer: h.ts, caret: TiogaOps.LastLocWithin[TiogaOps.ViewerDoc[h.ts]]]; h.ts.class.notify[h.ts, LIST[rope]]; }; SetStuffable: ENTRY PROC[h: Handle] = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; h.stuffAble _ TRUE; NOTIFY h.Stuffable; }; SetDormant: ENTRY PROC[h: Handle] = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; h.tsOutStream.PutRope["\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n" ! ANY => CONTINUE]; ChangeLines[h.ts, 0]; }; SetProceedRequested: ENTRY PROC[h: Handle] = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; h.proceedRequested _ TRUE; }; ResetProceedRequested: ENTRY PROC[h: Handle] = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; h.proceedRequested _ FALSE; }; WasProceedRequested: ENTRY PROC[h: Handle] RETURNS[BOOL] = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; RETURN[h.proceedRequested]; }; SetBootReturnRequested: ENTRY PROC[h: Handle, world: WorldVM.World] = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; h.bootReturnRequested _ TRUE; h.bootedWorld _ world; }; ResetBootReturnRequested: ENTRY PROC[h: Handle] = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; h.bootReturnRequested _ FALSE; }; WasBootReturnRequested: ENTRY PROC[h: Handle] RETURNS[yes: BOOL, world: WorldVM.World] = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; RETURN[h.bootReturnRequested, h.bootedWorld]; }; SetAbortRequested: ENTRY PROC[h: Handle] = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; h.abortRequested _ TRUE; }; ResetAbortRequested: ENTRY PROC[h: Handle] = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; h.abortRequested _ FALSE; }; WasAbortRequested: ENTRY PROC[h: Handle] RETURNS[BOOL] = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; RETURN[h.abortRequested]; }; SetTerminateRequested: ENTRY PROC[h: Handle] = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; IF h.tsInStream # NIL THEN h.tsInStream.Close[! ANY => CONTINUE]; h.terminateRequested _ TRUE; }; WasTerminateRequested: ENTRY PROC[h: Handle] RETURNS[BOOL] = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; RETURN[h.terminateRequested]; }; PullLine: PROC[h: Handle] RETURNS[line: ROPE _ NIL] = { line _ h.tsInStream.GetSequence[]; [] _ h.tsInStream.GetChar[]; -- heave the CR line _ Cat[line, "\n"]; }; StopHit: Menus.MenuProc = TRUSTED { SetStopRequested[NARROW[clientData, Handle]]; }; NextBreakIndex: PROC RETURNS[bi: BreakIndex] = { bi _ nextBI; nextBI _ nextBI + 1; }; SectionsMatch: PROC [s1, s2: AMModel.Section] RETURNS[BOOL] = { w1, w2: WorldVM.World; cl1, cl2: LIST OF AMModelLocation.CodeLocation; [w1, cl1] _ AMModelLocation.EntryLocations[s1]; [w2, cl2] _ AMModelLocation.EntryLocations[s2]; IF w1 # w2 THEN RETURN[FALSE]; FOR cl: LIST OF AMModelLocation.CodeLocation _ cl1, UNTIL cl = NIL DO IF cl2 = NIL OR cl.first # cl2.first THEN RETURN[FALSE]; cl2 _ ENDLOOP; RETURN[TRUE]; }; HighlightBreakPoint: PROC [break: Break, err: IO.STREAM] = { report: AMViewerOps.ReportProc = -- [msg: ROPE, severity: Severity] TRUSTED {err.PutRope[msg]}; IF break # NIL THEN [] _ AMViewerOps.ViewerFromSection[break.section, report ! AMViewerOps.SourceError => {err.PutRope[reason]; CONTINUE}]; }; SetBreakHit: Menus.MenuProc = TRUSTED { h: Handle = NARROW[clientData, Handle]; StuffIt[h, Cat[" ---- &SetBreak[h: &H]\n"]]; }; SetBreak: PROC[h: Handle _ NIL] = { break: Break _ NIL; msg: ROPE _ NIL; world: WorldVM.World; inner: SAFE PROC = TRUSTED { section: AMModel.Section _ NIL; warning: REF; h.tsOutStream.PutRope["Setting break..."]; [section, warning] _ AMViewerOps.SectionFromSelection[world]; IF warning = NIL THEN h.tsOutStream.PutRope["(possible source version mismatch)"]; break _ NEW[BreakObject _ [index: 0, breakID: NIL, world: world, section: section]]; break.breakID _ AMEvents.BreakAt[world, section, break]; break.index _ NextBreakIndex[]; }; IF h = NIL THEN h _ GetHandlePlease[]; world _ IF h.event # NIL THEN ELSE AMModel.ContextWorld[h.context]; msg _ BBSafety.Mother[inner]; IF msg = NIL AND break # NIL THEN {h.tsOutStream.PutRope[Cat["Break #", Convert.ValueToRope[[signed[break.index]]], " set."]]; HighlightBreakPoint[break: break, err: h.tsOutStream]; RETURN}; IF msg = NIL THEN msg _ "can't, most likely because it already is set here."; h.tsOutStream.PutRope[msg]; IF break # NIL THEN HighlightBreakPoint[break: break, err: h.tsOutStream]; }; ClearBreakHit: Menus.MenuProc = TRUSTED { h: Handle = NARROW[clientData, Handle]; StuffIt[h, Cat[" ---- &ClearBreak[h: &H]\n"]]; }; ClearBreak: PROC [h: Handle _ NIL] = TRUSTED { msg, err: ROPE _ NIL; break: Break _ NIL; inner: SAFE PROC = TRUSTED { IF h.event # NIL THEN WITH e: h.event SELECT FROM break => { AMEvents.ClearBreak[]; break _ NARROW[e.clientData, Break ! ANY => CONTINUE]; IF break = NIL THEN err _ "I didn't place this break but I cleared it anyhow"; }; ENDCASE; err _ "not a break event"; }; IF h = NIL THEN h _ GetHandlePlease[]; h.tsOutStream.PutRope["Clearing break..."]; msg _ BBSafety.Mother[inner]; IF msg # NIL THEN {h.tsOutStream.PutRope[Cat["Break not cleared: ", msg]]; RETURN} ELSE IF break = NIL THEN {h.tsOutStream.PutRope[err]; RETURN}; h.tsOutStream.PutRope[Cat["Break #", Convert.ValueToRope[[signed[break.index]]], " cleared."]]; }; WalkStackHit: Menus.MenuProc = TRUSTED { h: Handle = NARROW[clientData, Handle]; StuffIt[h, Cat[" ---- &WalkStack[nFrames: ", SELECT mouseButton FROM red => "1", yellow => "0", blue => "-1" ENDCASE => ERROR, ", h: &H]\n"]]; }; WalkStack: PROC[nFrames: INT _ 1, h: Handle _ NIL] = { inner: SAFE PROC = TRUSTED { put: PrintTV.PutClosure; put _ [proc: printOneChar, data: h.tsOutStream]; IF h.event = NIL OR h.event.frame = NIL THEN RETURN; WalkContext[h, nFrames]; PrintTV.Print[tv: h.context, put: put, depth: 1, verbose: TRUE]; }; IF h = NIL THEN h _ GetHandlePlease[]; h.tsOutStream.PutRope[BBSafety.Mother[inner]]; }; WalkContext: ENTRY PROC[h: Handle, n: INT] = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; SELECT n FROM = 0 => h.context _ ContextForLocalFrame[h.event.frame]; > 0 => { next: TV _ NIL; this: TV _ h.context; FOR i: NAT IN [1..n] DO this _ AMTypes.DynamicParent[this]; IF this = NIL THEN {h.tsOutStream.PutRope["Can't go any further..."]; EXIT}; next _ this; ENDLOOP; IF next # NIL THEN h.context _ ContextForLocalFrame[next]; }; < 0 => { this: TV _ h.context; prev: TV _ h.event.frame; FOR i: NAT IN [1..-n] DO t: TV; IF FHBits[prev] = FHBits[this] THEN { h.tsOutStream.PutRope["Can't go any further."]; h.context _ ContextForLocalFrame[prev]; RETURN}; t _ AMTypes.DynamicParent[prev]; UNTIL FHBits[t] = FHBits[this] DO prev _ t; t _ AMTypes.DynamicParent[prev] ENDLOOP; this _ prev; ENDLOOP; h.context _ ContextForLocalFrame[prev]; }; ENDCASE; }; FHBits: PROC[lf: TV] RETURNS[fhBits: CARDINAL] = { local: BOOL = AMBridge.GetWorld[lf] = WorldVM.LocalWorld[]; fhBits _ IF local THEN LOOPHOLE[AMBridge.FHFromTV[lf], CARDINAL] ELSE LOOPHOLE[AMBridge.RemoteFHFromTV[lf].fh, CARDINAL]; }; ShowFrameHit: Menus.MenuProc = TRUSTED { h: Handle = NARROW[clientData, Handle]; StuffIt[h, Cat[" ---- &ShowFrame[h: &H]\n"]]; }; ProceedHit: Menus.MenuProc = TRUSTED { h: Handle = NARROW[clientData, Handle]; SetProceedRequested[h]; h.tsInStream.SetUserAbort[]; StuffIt[h, "\n"]; }; AbortHit: Menus.MenuProc = TRUSTED { h: Handle = NARROW[clientData, Handle]; SetAbortRequested[h]; h.tsInStream.SetUserAbort[]; StuffIt[h, "\n"]; }; BootReturnRequested: AMEventBooted.BootedNotifier = TRUSTED { h: Handle = NARROW[clientData, Handle]; SetBootReturnRequested[h, world]; IF h.tsInStream # NIL THEN { h.tsInStream.SetUserAbort[ ! ANY => CONTINUE]; StuffIt[h, "\n" ! ANY => CONTINUE]; }; }; SourceHit: Menus.MenuProc = TRUSTED { h: Handle = NARROW[clientData, Handle]; StuffIt[h, Cat[" ---- &Source[h: &H]\n"]]; }; Source: PROC [h: Handle _ NIL] = { name: ROPE; index: INT; report: AMViewerOps.ReportProc = -- [msg: ROPE, severity: Severity] TRUSTED {h.tsOutStream.PutRope[msg]}; IF h = NIL THEN h _ GetHandlePlease[]; [name, index] _ AMViewerOps.SourceFromTV[h.context, report]; IF name # NIL THEN AMViewerOps.OpenSource[name: name, index: index, report: report]; }; ViewerEvent: ViewerEvents.EventProc = TRUSTED { SELECT event FROM destroy => { prop: REF _ ViewerOps.FetchProp[viewer, $InterpreterHandle]; IF prop # NIL THEN { IF NARROW[prop, Handle].event # NIL THEN RETURN[TRUE]; SetTerminateRequested[NARROW[prop, Handle]]; }; }; ENDCASE; }; ShowFrame: PROC [h: Handle _ NIL] = { put: PrintTV.PutClosure; lf: TV; IF h = NIL THEN h _ GetHandlePlease[]; put _ [proc: printOneChar, data: h.tsOutStream]; IF h.event = NIL OR h.event.frame = NIL THEN RETURN; lf _ h.context; PrintTV.Print[tv: lf, put: put, depth: 1, verbose: TRUE]; h.tsOutStream.PutRope["\nArguments--\n"]; PrintTV.PrintArguments[tv: lf, put: put, breakBetweenItems: TRUE]; h.tsOutStream.PutRope["\nVariables--\n"]; PrintTV.PrintVariables[tv: lf, put: put, all: TRUE, breakBetweenItems: TRUE]; }; worldSwapDebug: BOOL; SetWorldSwapDebug: -- NOTE ENTRY-- UserProfile.ProfileChangedProc = TRUSTED { wsd: BOOL = UserProfile.Boolean[key: "WorldSwapDebug", default: FALSE]; IF reason = firstTime THEN { worldSwapDebug _ wsd; IF NOT worldSwapDebug THEN AMEvents.GetEvents[WorldVM.LocalWorld[], NIL, EventHandler]; RETURN; }; IF wsd # worldSwapDebug THEN { -- user changed his WorldSwapDebug profile entry IF NOT wsd THEN AMEvents.GetEvents[WorldVM.LocalWorld[], NIL, EventHandler] ELSE AMEvents.StopEvents[WorldVM.LocalWorld[]]; worldSwapDebug _ wsd; }; }; [] _ ViewerEvents.RegisterEventProc[proc: ViewerEvent, event: destroy]; Commander.Register[key: "Interpreter", proc: NewInterpreter, doc: "Create a new interpreter tool"]; UserProfile.CallWhenProfileChanges[SetWorldSwapDebug]; END. ΒInterpreterTool.mesa Paul Rovner, May 3, 1983 10:48 am Russ Atkinson, April 13, 1983 7:27 pm Stuff left to do Features ? &procs if no symbols OctalRead etc PROC [cmd: Commander.Handle] PROC[data: REF ANY, event: AMEvents.Event] RETURNS[outcome: AMEvents.Outcome] First, ask if this event is occurring under an interpreter. Ifso, nest the interpreter. NOTE assumption of order in FindInProgressEvaluation [PROCESS, nestingLevel] is in Evaluate, i.e. this event is occurring under an interpreter. Nest the event. Now do the recursive call of MainLoop. Return from recursive call of MainLoop. Now pop h's state (i.e. restore h). Won't raise any signals. flushes viewer cache STOPGAP 'till a viewers bug is fixed Read/Eval/Print loop. FORK'd for each interpreter viewer. Called recursively if an error is raised during interpretation. Here if the interpreter viewer was destroyed. h.tsInStream will have been closed. PROC [data: REF] RETURNS [abort: BOOL]; Here to finalize an InterpreterObject (e.g. to break circular structures, close streams) [parent: REF, clientData: REF, mouseButton: MouseButton, shift, control: BOOL] [parent: REF, clientData: REF, mouseButton: MouseButton, shift, control: BOOL] [parent: REF, clientData: REF, mouseButton: MouseButton, shift, control: BOOL] [parent: REF, clientData: REF, mouseButton: MouseButton, shift, control: BOOL] [parent: REF, clientData: REF, mouseButton: MouseButton, shift, control: BOOL] [parent: REF, clientData: REF, mouseButton: MouseButton, shift, control: BOOL] [parent: REF, clientData: REF, mouseButton: MouseButton, shift, control: BOOL] PROC[world: WorldVM.World, clientData: REF] [parent: REF, clientData: REF, mouseButton: MouseButton, shift, control: BOOL] PROC [viewer: ViewerClasses.Viewer, event: ViewerEvent, before: BOOL] RETURNS[abort: BOOL _ FALSE] ; out.PutRope["\nG- "]; PrintTV.PrintVariables[tv: AMTypes.GlobalParent[lf], put: put]; [reason: ProfileChangeReason] NOTE ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; 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