<> <> <> DIRECTORY AMTypes USING [Class, TV], InterpreterOps USING [EvalHead, Tree], Rope USING [ROPE], SafeStorage USING [Type], SymTab USING [Ref], WorldVM USING [World]; InterpreterPrivate: CEDAR DEFINITIONS = BEGIN OPEN AMTypes, InterpreterOps, Rope, SafeStorage, WorldVM; GetGlobalSymTab: PROC RETURNS [SymTab.Ref]; GetNilTV: PROC RETURNS [TV]; GetTypeOfSafeStorageDotType: PROC RETURNS [Type]; EvalNoProps: PROC [tree: Tree, head: EvalHead, target: Type] RETURNS [TV]; <<... is like InterpreterOps.Eval, but no attempt is made to add process properties. This is useful when it is already known that the properties have been added, for example.>> RecordSearch: PROC [record: TV, name: ROPE] RETURNS [TV]; EvalRecord: PROC [ args: Tree, head: EvalHead, target: Type, parent: Tree, targetWorld: World _ NIL] RETURNS [TV]; <<... evaluates a record constructor. IF targetWorld # NIL THEN the constructor should be made for the given world, even though the arguments get looked up according to the given head.>> EnumeratedValueFromRope: PROC [name: ROPE, type: Type] RETURNS [val: TV _ NIL]; NumberedMsg: PROC [r1: ROPE, num: INT, r2: ROPE _ NIL] RETURNS [ROPE]; TestAbort: PROC [head: EvalHead, parent: Tree]; GetDefault: PROC [head: EvalHead, parent: Tree, type: Type, index: CARDINAL] RETURNS [defval: TV]; LocalCoerce: PROC [head: EvalHead, parent: Tree, current: TV, target: Type, index: CARDINAL _ 0, msg: ROPE _ NIL] RETURNS [val: TV]; CoerceTV: PROC [arg: TV, fullType: Type] RETURNS [rtn: TV]; <> <> <> <> <> UnderTypeAndClass: PROC [type: Type] RETURNS [under: Type, class: Class]; NewInt: PROC [int: INT] RETURNS [tv: TV]; NewReal: PROC [real: REAL] RETURNS [TV]; NewType: PROC [type: Type] RETURNS [TV]; END.