-- Intime.mesa
-- Maureen Stone June 3, 1982 10:51 am
-- reduced size of DeltaDeltaTime to make room for penPosition ActionKind
-- Dan Swinehart  April 14, 1982 11:31 am --
  Inline USING [LowHalf, HighHalf, DIVMOD],
  Process USING [Milliseconds, Ticks];

Intime: DEFINITIONS IMPORTS Inline, Process =
  BEGIN OPEN Inline;

  MsTicks: TYPE = Process.Milliseconds; -- expressed in milliseconds --
  MSTicks: TYPE = LONG CARDINAL; -- long milliseconds --

  DeltaTicks: TYPE = Process.Ticks;
  -- grain of resolution for Increek events --
  DeltaTime: TYPE = DeltaTicks [0..256);
  -- expresses time differences in tick units --
  maxDeltaTime: DeltaTime = LAST[DeltaTime];
  -- fits in a short event value cell --
  msPerDeltaTick: MsTicks;
  deltaTicksPerSecond: DeltaTicks;

  DeltaDeltaTime: TYPE = DeltaTime [0..16); -- must fit in Action first word --
  maxDeltaDeltaTime: DeltaDeltaTime = LAST[DeltaDeltaTime];

  Overlap: TYPE = {loShort, hiShort};
  EventTime: TYPE = PRIVATE MACHINE DEPENDENT RECORD -- what client sees
    -- milliseconds since 1901
      loShort => [lo: MsTicks, hi: LONG CARDINAL],
      hiShort => [lower: MSTicks, higher: CARDINAL],

  -- Procedures --

  ReadEventTime: PROCEDURE RETURNS [EventTime];
  AdjustEventTime: PROC[initialize: BOOLEAN←FALSE];
EventTimeDifference: PROCEDURE [t1, t2: LONG POINTER TO READONLY EventTime]
    RETURNS [MsTicks] = INLINE {
    RETURN[IF t1.hi = t2.hi THEN t1.lo - t2.lo ELSE BigDifference[t1, t2]]; };

  IsLaterTime: PROCEDURE [t1, t2: EventTime] RETURNS [BOOLEAN] = INLINE
    BEGIN RETURN[IF t1.hi = t2.hi THEN t1.lo > t2.lo ELSE t1.hi > t2.hi]; END;

  AddDeltaTimeToEventTime: PROCEDURE [eT: EventTime, dT: DeltaTime]
    RETURNS [rT: EventTime] = INLINE {
    lo: MSTicks ← LONG[eT.lo] + (dT*msPerDeltaTick);
    RETURN[[loShort[hi: eT.hi + HighHalf[lo], lo: LowHalf[lo]]]];

  SubtractMsTicksFromEventTime: PROCEDURE [
    eT: LONG POINTER TO EventTime, ticks: MsTicks] = INLINE {
    IF ticks > eT.lower THEN eT.higher ← eT.higher - 1;
    eT.lower ← eT.lower - ticks;

  MsTicksToDeltaTime: PROCEDURE [s: MsTicks]
    RETURNS [dT: DeltaTicks, rem: MsTicks] = INLINE {
    [dT, rem] ← DIVMOD[s, msPerDeltaTick]; };

    RETURNS [MsTicks];

-- DCS, July 2, 1980  2:39 PM, birth, extracted from Increeks
-- July 2, 1980  2:56 PM, more
-- July 17, 1980  3:17 PM, remove AddTimeToPosTime, involves Positions
-- July 21, 1980  8:16 AM, add StoredTimeToEventTime
-- August 7, 1980  9:35 AM, change EventTimeDifference to StoredEvent...ce, add EventTimeDiff..ce
-- August 12, 1980  12:37 AM, change time representation again, all milliseconds
-- August 12, 1980  4:23 PM, add SubtractMsTicksFromEventTime
-- August 19, 1980  4:45 PM, difference operates on READONLYs
-- September 9, 1980  2:57 PM, long pointers
-- September 12, 1980  5:47 AM, modify DeltaTime a little
-- October 2, 1980  3:36 PM, make EventTime internals PRIVATE
-- 29-Jan-81 13:49:38, narrow DeltaDeltaTime to widen Action kind