-- RegisteredIcons.Catalogue April 23, 1983 1:53 pm W. Teitelman -- each entry on a single line. form of iconName: fileName, index Phone: Reminder.Icons 0 -- pushbutton handset Conversation: Reminder.Icons 1 -- two people talking over a desk SoccerBall: Reminder.Icons 2 Meeting: Reminder.Icons 3 -- one person talking to a group of several Envelope: Reminder.Icons 4 -- an envelope Person: Sample.Icons 5 OrgChart: Sample.icons 6 TrafficLight: Sample.icons 14 Foo: /ivy/teitelman/misc/new.icons 0 calendar: Sample.icons 9 SoftBall: reminder.icons 8 Tennis: reminder.icons 6 Lunch: reminder.icons 9 Acorn: Sample.icons 3