-- EthernetHeadD0.mesa (last edited by: HGM on: September 14, 1980 6:33 AM) DIRECTORY Inline USING [LowHalf], HeadStartChain USING [Start], DeviceCleanup USING [Item, Await], D0InputOutput USING [ CSB, IOPage, ethernetIn, ethernetOut, ControllerNumber, GetNextController, nullControllerNumber], Mopcodes USING [zMISC, zSTARTIO], SpecialSystem USING [ProcessorID], EthernetFace; EthernetHeadD0: PROGRAM IMPORTS D0InputOutput, DeviceCleanup, RemainingStartChain: HeadStartChain, Inline EXPORTS EthernetFace, HeadStartChain = BEGIN OPEN EthernetFace; -- These are the data structures that the microcode knows about. If some other module (for example, a diagnostic) ever needs this info, it should probably get split out into a separate module. For now, it is lumped in here to avoid cluttering up the world with yet another file. OCSB: TYPE = LONG POINTER TO OutputControllerStatusBlock; OutputControllerStatusBlock: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT RECORD [ next: ShortIOCB, unused1: WORD, unused2: WORD, unused3: WORD, interruptBit: WORD, -- words after here are unused by microcode last: IOCB ]; -- last IOCB on output queue, valid if next#noIOCB ICSB: TYPE = LONG POINTER TO InputControllerStatusBlock; InputControllerStatusBlock: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT RECORD [ next: ShortIOCB, host: SpecialSystem.ProcessorID, interruptBit: WORD, missed: WORD, -- for debugging only spare1: WORD, spare2: WORD, buffer: ARRAY [0..4) OF CARDINAL, -- words after here are unused by microcode last: IOCB ]; -- last IOCB on input queue, valid if next#noIOCB IOCB: TYPE = LONG POINTER TO IOControlBlock; -- Beware that you don't automatically lengthen one of these. If you do you will end up with a pointer into your MDS rather then the first 64K where the IOCBs live. That won't work unless your MDS is also the first 64K. ShortIOCB: TYPE = POINTER TO IOControlBlock; IOControlBlock: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT RECORD [ next: ShortIOCB, mask: WORD, spare: WORD, completion: WORD, used: CARDINAL, -- input only length: CARDINAL, buffer: LONG POINTER ]; -- NB: Must be QuadWord Aligned StartIO: PROCEDURE [SioParameter] = MACHINE CODE BEGIN Mopcodes.zSTARTIO END; SioParameter: TYPE = RECORD [WORD]; firstFixupOutput: SioParameter = [20B]; firstFixupInput: SioParameter = [40B]; firstReset: SioParameter = [60B]; secondFixupOutput: SioParameter = [100B]; secondFixupInput: SioParameter = [200B]; secondReset: SioParameter = [300B]; -- Input from reg 0 is device id Output: PROCEDURE [Command, Register] = MACHINE CODE BEGIN Mopcodes.zMISC, 6; END; Input: PROCEDURE [Register] RETURNS [WORD] = MACHINE CODE BEGIN Mopcodes.zMISC, 5; END; Command: TYPE = RECORD [WORD]; enableInput: Command = [220B]; enableOutput: Command = [103B]; Register: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT RECORD [ zero: [0..377B] _ 0, controller: D0InputOutput.ControllerNumber, register: [0..17B]]; -- completion bits processed: WORD = 040000B; error: WORD = 020000B; hardwareError: WORD = 010000B; fragment, tooLong: WORD = 004000B; loadOverflow: WORD = 002000B; nothingYet: WORD = 0; -- 001000 and 000400 are unused so far -- Hardware error bits: -- 001: Memory Data Fault (OFault) -- 002: Collision -- 004: Output Underrrun -- 010: Bad Parity (between mem and shifter) -- 020: CRC -- 040: Jam -- 100: Input Overrun -- 200: Bad Alignment noIOCB: ShortIOCB = LOOPHOLE[0]; Device: TYPE = RECORD [ board: Board, in, out: D0InputOutput.ControllerNumber]; Board: TYPE = [0..2); ICSBFronDevice: PROCEDURE [device: Device] RETURNS [ICSB] = INLINE BEGIN RETURN[LOOPHOLE[@D0InputOutput.IOPage[device.in]]]; END; OCSBFronDevice: PROCEDURE [device: Device] RETURNS [OCSB] = INLINE BEGIN RETURN[LOOPHOLE[@D0InputOutput.IOPage[device.out]]]; END; ControlRegister: PROCEDURE [c: D0InputOutput.ControllerNumber] RETURNS [Register] = INLINE BEGIN RETURN[[0,c,0]]; -- Register 0 is the control register END; Shorten: PROCEDURE [iocb: IOCB] RETURNS [ShortIOCB] = INLINE BEGIN -- Maybe we should check to be sure that the high half is zero RETURN[Inline.LowHalf[iocb]]; END; -- EXPORTed TYPEs DeviceHandle: PUBLIC TYPE = Device; ControlBlockRecord: PUBLIC TYPE = IOControlBlock; -- EXPORTed variables nullDeviceHandle: PUBLIC DeviceHandle _ LOOPHOLE[123456B]; globalStateSize: PUBLIC CARDINAL _ 0; controlBlockSize: PUBLIC CARDINAL _ SIZE[IOControlBlock]; hearSelf: PUBLIC BOOLEAN _ TRUE; -- Non EXPORTed things. Note that all the state information lives in the CSBs. fixupInputBits: ARRAY Board OF SioParameter = [firstFixupInput, secondFixupInput]; fixupOutputBits: ARRAY Board OF SioParameter = [firstFixupOutput, secondFixupOutput]; resetBits: ARRAY Board OF SioParameter = [firstReset, secondReset]; QueueOutput: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [ device: Device, buffer: LONG POINTER, length: CARDINAL, cb: IOCB] = BEGIN out: OCSB = OCSBFronDevice[device]; cb^ _ [ next: noIOCB, mask: 0, spare: 0, completion: 0, used: 0, length: length, buffer: buffer ]; IF out.next=noIOCB THEN BEGIN -- new iocb, hardware idle out.next _ Shorten[cb]; Output[enableOutput,ControlRegister[device.out]]; -- poke hardware END ELSE BEGIN -- output active, add to end of chain out.last.next _ Shorten[cb]; IF out.next=noIOCB AND cb.completion=0 THEN BEGIN -- oops, hardware went idle out.next _ Shorten[cb]; Output[enableOutput,ControlRegister[device.out]]; -- poke hardware END; END; out.last _ cb; END; QueueInput: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [ device: Device, buffer: LONG POINTER, length: CARDINAL, cb: IOCB] = BEGIN in: ICSB = ICSBFronDevice[device]; cb^ _ [ next: noIOCB, mask: 0, spare: 0, completion: 0, used: 0, length: length, buffer: buffer ]; IF in.next#noIOCB THEN in.last.next _ Shorten[cb]; IF in.next=noIOCB AND cb.completion=0 THEN BEGIN in.next _ Shorten[cb]; Output[enableInput,ControlRegister[device.in]]; END; in.last _ cb; END; GetStatus: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [cb: IOCB] RETURNS [status: Status] = BEGIN RETURN [ SELECT cb.completion FROM 0 => pending, 40000B => ok, 62000B => tooManyCollisions, 61000B => packetTooLong, 70200B => badAlignmentButOkCrc, 70020B => crc, 70220B => crcAndBadAlignment, 70100B, 70120B, 70300B, 70320B => overrun, 70004B, 70006B => underrun, ENDCASE => otherError ]; END; GetRetries: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [cb: IOCB] RETURNS [CARDINAL] = BEGIN RETURN [ SELECT cb.mask FROM 1 => 0, 3 => 1, 7 => 2, 17B => 3, 37B => 4, 77B => 5, 177B => 6, 377B => 7, 777B => 8, 1777B => 9, 3777B => 10, 7777B => 11, 17777B => 12, 37777B => 13, 77777B => 14, 177777B => 15, ENDCASE => 16 ]; END; GetPacketLength: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [cb: IOCB] RETURNS [CARDINAL] = BEGIN RETURN [cb.used]; END; GetPacketsMissed: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [device: Device] RETURNS [CARDINAL] = BEGIN RETURN [ICSBFronDevice[device].missed]; END; GetNextDevice: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [device: Device] RETURNS [Device] = BEGIN OPEN D0InputOutput; IF device=nullDeviceHandle THEN device _ [0,nullControllerNumber,nullControllerNumber] ELSE device.board _ device.board + 1; device.in _ GetNextController[ethernetIn,device.in]; device.out _ GetNextController[ethernetOut,device.out]; IF device.in=nullControllerNumber OR device.out=nullControllerNumber THEN RETURN[nullDeviceHandle]; RETURN[device]; END; TurnOn: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [ device: Device, host: SpecialSystem.ProcessorID, inInterrupt, outInterrupt: WORD, globalState: GlobalStatePtr] = BEGIN board: Board = device.board; out: OCSB = OCSBFronDevice[device]; in: ICSB = ICSBFronDevice[device]; StartIO[resetBits[board]]; out^ _ [ next: noIOCB, unused1: 0, unused2: 0, unused3: 0, interruptBit: outInterrupt, last: NIL ]; in^ _ [ next: noIOCB, host: host, interruptBit: inInterrupt, missed: 0, spare1: 0, spare2: 0, buffer: [0,0,0,0], last: NIL ]; StartIO[fixupInputBits[board]]; StartIO[fixupOutputBits[board]]; Output[enableInput,ControlRegister[device.in]]; END; TurnOff: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [device: Device] = BEGIN StartIO[resetBits[device.board]]; END; -- There is no way to remove a cleanup procedure yet, so we have a flag to avoid duplicates. alreadyInitializedCleanup: ARRAY Board OF BOOLEAN _ ALL[FALSE]; savedICSB: InputControllerStatusBlock; savedOCSB: OutputControllerStatusBlock; AddCleanup: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [device: Device] = BEGIN OPEN DeviceCleanup; item: Item; board: Board = device.board; out: OCSB = OCSBFronDevice[device]; in: ICSB = ICSBFronDevice[device]; oldHost: SpecialSystem.ProcessorID; IF alreadyInitializedCleanup[device.board] THEN RETURN; alreadyInitializedCleanup[device.board] _ TRUE; DO SELECT Await[@item] FROM kill => BEGIN StartIO[resetBits[board]]; END; turnOff => BEGIN StartIO[resetBits[board]]; savedICSB _ in^; savedOCSB _ out^; oldHost _ in.host; END; turnOn => BEGIN -- Note that this does NOT really put things back together. It simply smashes things to a safe state. The intention is that the driver will notice that nothing is happening and then call TurnOff+TurnOn to reset things. That allows Pilot to reset the GMT clock on the way back from the debugger without getting tangled up with the normal Ethernet driver. StartIO[resetBits[board]]; out^ _ [ next: noIOCB, unused1: 0, unused2: 0, unused3: 0, interruptBit: 0, last: NIL ]; in^ _ [ next: noIOCB, host: oldHost, -- Ugh, it would be nice if we could do something better interruptBit: 0, missed: 0, spare1: 0, spare2: 0, buffer: [0,0,0,0], last: NIL ]; StartIO[fixupInputBits[board]]; StartIO[fixupOutputBits[board]]; Output[enableInput,ControlRegister[device.in]]; END; ENDCASE; ENDLOOP; END; RemoveCleanup: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [device: Device] = BEGIN END; -- Other routines to keep the rest of the world happy Start: PUBLIC PROCEDURE = BEGIN -- Start this module (and rest of chain) RemainingStartChain.Start[] END; END. -- EthernetHeadD0. LOG Time: September 4, 1980 11:02 PM By: HGM, Action: create file. Time: September 14, 1980 6:33 AM By: HGM, Action: buffer overflow bug. (635)\578i281I786i154I4i62I2187i65I680b11B765b10B487b9B429b10B403b15B87b16B116b13B461b6B706b7B91i93I145b10B629bi357BI256i58I329b13B106b5B33i37I