-- UnpackedBasicHeadsDLion.config -- Last Edited by: Taft, February 27, 1983 3:28 pm -- Everything in this configuration must be PACKed, because UnpackedBasicHeadsDLion is -- bound directly to UtilityPilot-based programs, and MakeBoot/UtilityPilot require that -- every module either be mentioned in UtilityPilotDLion.bootmesa or be in some PACK -- containing some module so mentioned. -- Note that for ordinary uses, the heads are Packaged, so this PACK statement is -- effectively a no-op. PACK -- resident ColorDisplayHeadDLion, DESSoft, EthernetHeadDLion, EthernetOneHeadDLion, IntervalTimerHeadDummy, ProcessorHeadDLion, RealMemoryImplDLion, SA4000HeadDLion, SA800HeadDLion, SetGMTUsingEthernet, TextBltImpl, UserTerminalHeadDLion; BasicHeadsDLion: CONFIGURATION LINKS: CODE IMPORTS DeviceCleanup, Inline, PageMap, PilotDisk, Process, ResidentHeap, Runtime, RuntimeInternal, Space, SpecialSpace, Utilities EXPORTS ColorDisplayFace, DESFace, DisplayFace, DisplayFaceExtras, DLionInputOutput, EthernetFace, EthernetOneFace, EthernetOneFaceExtras, HeadStartChain1, IntervalTimerFace, KeyboardFace, MicrocodeBooting, MouseFace, ProcessorFace, RealMemory, SA4000Face, SA800Face, SoundGenerator, TemporarySetGMT = BEGIN TextBltImpl; DESSoft; [EthernetOneFace, EthernetOneFaceExtras, HeadStartChain1] ← EthernetOneHeadDLion[HeadStartChain2]; [EthernetFace, HeadStartChain2] ← EthernetHeadDLion[ DLionInputOutput, DeviceCleanup, HeadStartChain3, Inline]; [HeadStartChain3, SA4000Face] ← SA4000HeadDLion[ DLionInputOutput, DeviceCleanup, HeadStartChain4, Inline, PageMap, PilotDisk, Utilities]; [HeadStartChain4, SA800Face] ← SA800HeadDLion[ DLionInputOutput, DeviceCleanup, HeadStartChain5, Inline]; [DisplayFace, DisplayFaceExtras, HeadStartChain5, KeyboardFace, MouseFace, SoundGenerator] ← UserTerminalHeadDLion[DeviceCleanup, DLionInputOutput, Inline, HeadStartChain6, PageMap, Process, Utilities]; [DLionInputOutput, HeadStartChain6, RealMemory] ← RealMemoryImplDLion[DeviceCleanup, Inline, PageMap, HeadStartChain7, Runtime, RuntimeInternal, Space, SpecialSpace]; [ColorDisplayFace, HeadStartChain7] ← ColorDisplayHeadDLion[HeadStartChain8, RuntimeInternal]; [HeadStartChain8, IntervalTimerFace] ← IntervalTimerHeadDummy[HeadStartChain]; ProcessorHeadDLion; -- Exports the HeadStartChain plug SetGMTUsingEthernet; END.... LOG Time: January 23, 1981 12:33 PM By: Gobbel Action: Renamed file, BasicHeadsForPupDLion -> BasicHeadsDLion. Added export of SoundGenerator. August 26, 1982 3:43 pm Taft Version for Cedar. September 24, 1982 8:58 am Taft EthernetOneHeadDLion exports EthernetOneFaceExtras February 24, 1983 1:51 pm Taft Add IntervalTimerHeadDummy February 27, 1983 2:38 pm Taft HeadStartChainPlug and TrapSupportImpl removed; exports DisplayFaceExtras