-- FTPSysMail.mesa, Edit: HGM July 28, 1980 10:32 PM -- Copyright Xerox Corporation 1979, 1980 DIRECTORY FTPDefs, FTPPrivateDefs, Ascii USING [CR], Inline USING [LowHalf], String USING [ AppendChar, AppendLongNumber, EquivalentString, StringToLongNumber], Storage USING [Node, Free, CopyString], Time USING [AppendCurrent]; FTPSysMail: PROGRAM IMPORTS Inline, String, Storage, Time, FTPDefs, FTPPrivateDefs EXPORTS FTPDefs SHARES FTPDefs, FTPPrivateDefs = BEGIN OPEN FTPDefs, FTPPrivateDefs; -- **********************! Types !*********************** -- mail system state information SysMailSystem: TYPE = POINTER TO SysMailSystemObject; SysMailSystemObject: TYPE = RECORD [ filePrimitives: FilePrimitives, fileSystem: FileSystem, directoryFileHandle, stagingFileHandle: FileHandle, messageLength: LONG INTEGER]; -- **********************! Constants !*********************** mailboxTerminator: CHARACTER = '@; fileTerminator: CHARACTER = Ascii.CR; dateAndTimeTerminator: CHARACTER = ';; messageLengthTerminator: CHARACTER = Ascii.CR; ftpsystem: POINTER TO FTPSystem = LocateFtpSystemObject[]; mailPrimitivesObject: MailPrimitivesObject ← [CreateMailSystem: CreateMailSystem, DestroyMailSystem: DestroyMailSystem, InspectCredentials: InspectCredentials, LocateMailboxes: LocateMailboxes, StageMessage: StageMessage, DeliverMessage: DeliverMessage, ForwardMessage: ForwardMessage, RetrieveMessages: RetrieveMessages]; -- **********************! Variables !*********************** useCount: CARDINAL ← 0; mailboxQueueObject: QueueObject; -- **********************! Mail Foothold Procedure !*********************** -- Note: This mail system is constructed atop the client's file system. -- Besides a scratch file in which the text of incoming messages is staged, -- and a semi-permanent mailbox file for each legal mail recipient, -- the following prefabricated, permanent file giving mailbox->filename correspondences -- is employed: FTPSysMail-Directory.Bravo SysMailPrimitives, SomeMailPrimitives: PUBLIC PROCEDURE RETURNS [mailPrimitives: MailPrimitives] = BEGIN -- return mail primitives mailPrimitives ← @mailPrimitivesObject; END; -- **********************! Mail Primitives !*********************** CreateMailSystem: PROCEDURE [ filePrimitives: FilePrimitives, bufferSize: CARDINAL] RETURNS [mailSystem: MailSystem, forwardingProvided: BOOLEAN] = BEGIN -- Note: bufferSize expressed in pages; zero implies default. -- local constants stagingFile: STRING = [maxStringLength]; -- local variables sysMailSystem: SysMailSystem; -- verify presence of file primitives IF filePrimitives = NIL THEN Abort[filePrimitivesNotSpecified]; -- allocate and initialize mail system object sysMailSystem ← Storage.Node[SIZE[SysMailSystemObject]]; sysMailSystem↑ ← SysMailSystemObject[ filePrimitives: filePrimitives, fileSystem: NIL, directoryFileHandle: NIL, stagingFileHandle: NIL, messageLength:]; mailSystem ← LOOPHOLE[sysMailSystem]; -- initialize mailbox queue IF (useCount ← useCount + 1) = 1 THEN InitializeQueue[@mailboxQueueObject, String.EquivalentString]; -- create file system BEGIN OPEN sysMailSystem; ENABLE UNWIND => DestroyMailSystem[mailSystem]; fileSystem ← filePrimitives.CreateFileSystem[bufferSize]; -- open mailbox directory file for read [directoryFileHandle, ] ← filePrimitives.OpenFile[ fileSystem, "FTPSysMail-Directory.Bravo"L, read, FALSE, NIL]; -- open staging file for writeThenRead -- Note: stagingFile.length=0, requesting creation of scratch file. [stagingFileHandle, ] ← filePrimitives.OpenFile[ fileSystem, stagingFile, writeThenRead, FALSE, NIL]; -- decline to forward messages forwardingProvided ← FALSE; END; -- enable END; DestroyMailSystem: PROCEDURE [mailSystem: MailSystem] = BEGIN -- local constants sysMailSystem: SysMailSystem = LOOPHOLE[mailSystem]; -- close staging file -- Note: aborted=TRUE, requesting deletion of scratch file. BEGIN OPEN sysMailSystem; IF stagingFileHandle # NIL THEN filePrimitives.CloseFile[fileSystem, stagingFileHandle, TRUE]; -- close mailbox directory file IF directoryFileHandle # NIL THEN filePrimitives.CloseFile[fileSystem, directoryFileHandle, FALSE]; -- destroy file system IF fileSystem # NIL THEN filePrimitives.DestroyFileSystem[fileSystem]; -- finalize mailbox queue IF (useCount ← useCount - 1) = 0 THEN FinalizeQueue[@mailboxQueueObject]; -- release mail system object Storage.Free[sysMailSystem]; END; -- open END; InspectCredentials: PROCEDURE [ mailSystem: MailSystem, status: Status, user, password: STRING] = BEGIN -- no operation END; LocateMailboxes: PROCEDURE [mailSystem: MailSystem, localMailboxList: Mailbox] = BEGIN -- Note: Skips mailboxes showing located=TRUE; allocates location from the heap. -- EnumerateMailboxes appendage NoteMailbox: PROCEDURE [definedMailbox, file: STRING] = BEGIN -- search mailbox list for defined mailbox FOR localMailboxList ← localMailboxListHead, localMailboxList.nextMailbox UNTIL localMailboxList = NIL DO OPEN localMailboxList; IF ~located AND String.EquivalentString[mailbox, definedMailbox] THEN BEGIN location ← Storage.CopyString[file]; located ← String.EquivalentString[mailbox, definedMailbox]; END; ENDLOOP; END; -- local constants sysMailSystem: SysMailSystem = LOOPHOLE[mailSystem]; localMailboxListHead: Mailbox = localMailboxList; -- enumerate defined mailboxes EnumerateMailboxes[sysMailSystem, NoteMailbox]; END; StageMessage: PROCEDURE [ mailSystem: MailSystem, receiveBlock: PROCEDURE [UNSPECIFIED, POINTER, CARDINAL] RETURNS [CARDINAL], receiveBlockData: UNSPECIFIED] = BEGIN -- Note: Records messageLength. -- ReceiveBlock procedure ReceiveBlock: PROCEDURE [ unused: UNSPECIFIED, destination: POINTER, maxWordCount: CARDINAL] RETURNS [actualByteCount: CARDINAL] = BEGIN OPEN sysMailSystem; -- receive block actualByteCount ← receiveBlock[receiveBlockData, destination, maxWordCount]; -- increment message length messageLength ← messageLength + actualByteCount; END; -- local constants sysMailSystem: SysMailSystem = LOOPHOLE[mailSystem]; -- stage message BEGIN OPEN sysMailSystem; messageLength ← 0; filePrimitives.WriteFile[fileSystem, stagingFileHandle, ReceiveBlock, NIL]; END; -- open END; DeliverMessage: PROCEDURE [mailSystem: MailSystem, localMailboxList: Mailbox] = BEGIN -- Note: Assumes message text staged; -- skips mailboxes showing located=FALSE or delivered=TRUE; -- suppresses errors raised in individual delivery attempts. -- local constants sysMailSystem: SysMailSystem = LOOPHOLE[mailSystem]; localMailboxListHead: Mailbox = localMailboxList; textualDateAndTime: STRING = [maxStringLength]; textualMessageLength: STRING = [maxStringLength]; -- note date and time and message length BEGIN OPEN sysMailSystem; Time.AppendCurrent[textualDateAndTime]; String.AppendLongNumber[textualMessageLength, messageLength, 10]; -- deliver message FOR localMailboxList ← localMailboxListHead, localMailboxList.nextMailbox UNTIL localMailboxList = NIL DO OPEN localMailboxList; IF located AND ~delivered THEN BEGIN ENABLE FTPError => CONTINUE; DeliverMessageToMailbox[ sysMailSystem, textualDateAndTime, textualMessageLength, location]; delivered ← TRUE; END; ENDLOOP; END; -- open END; ForwardMessage: PROCEDURE [mailSystem: MailSystem, remoteMailboxList: Mailbox] = BEGIN -- Note: Assumes message text staged; -- skips mailboxes showing delivered=TRUE; -- suppresses errors raised in individual forwarding attempts. -- not implemented END; RetrieveMessages: PROCEDURE [ mailSystem: MailSystem, localMailbox: Mailbox, processMessage: PROCEDURE [MessageInfo], sendBlock: PROCEDURE [UNSPECIFIED, POINTER, CARDINAL], sendBlockData: UNSPECIFIED] = BEGIN OPEN localMailbox; -- Note: Assumes localMailbox is of length 1 showing located=TRUE; -- invocation of processMessage with byteCount=0 signifies end of file and -- precedes flushing of mailbox; assumes date and time and message lengths -- are free of the delimiters: -- dateAndTimeTerminator and messageLengthTerminator. -- ReadMessages procedure ReadMessages: PROCEDURE = BEGIN OPEN sysMailSystem; -- SendBlock procedure SendBlock: PROCEDURE [ unused: UNSPECIFIED, source: POINTER, byteCount: CARDINAL] = BEGIN -- local variables bytePointerObject: BytePointerObject ← [source, FALSE, byteCount]; character: CHARACTER; wordObject: WordObject; -- check for premature end-of-file IF byteCount = 0 AND (string # textualDateAndTime OR string.length # 0 OR messageInfoObject.byteCount # 0) THEN Abort[unexpectedEndOfFile]; -- consume source data UNTIL bytePointerObject.count = 0 DO SELECT TRUE FROM (messageInfoObject.byteCount = 0) => SELECT character ← LOOPHOLE[LoadByte[@bytePointerObject]] FROM dateAndTimeTerminator => string ← textualMessageLength; messageLengthTerminator => BEGIN messageInfoObject.byteCount ← String.StringToLongNumber[ textualMessageLength, 10]; processMessage[@messageInfoObject]; textualDateAndTime.length ← textualMessageLength.length ← 0; string ← textualDateAndTime; END; ENDCASE => String.AppendChar[string, character]; (messageInfoObject.byteCount > 0 AND bytePointerObject.offset) => BEGIN wordObject.lhByte ← LoadByte[@bytePointerObject]; sendBlock[sendBlockData, @wordObject, 1]; messageInfoObject.byteCount ← messageInfoObject.byteCount - 1; END; ENDCASE => BEGIN byteCount ← MIN[ bytePointerObject.count, IF messageInfoObject.byteCount > LAST[CARDINAL] THEN LAST[ CARDINAL] ELSE Inline.LowHalf[messageInfoObject.byteCount]]; sendBlock[sendBlockData, bytePointerObject.address, byteCount]; AdvanceBytePointer[@bytePointerObject, byteCount]; messageInfoObject.byteCount ← messageInfoObject.byteCount - byteCount; END; ENDLOOP; END; -- local constants textualDateAndTime: STRING = [maxStringLength]; textualMessageLength: STRING = [maxStringLength]; -- local variables fileHandle: FileHandle ← NIL; string: STRING ← textualDateAndTime; messageInfoObject: MessageInfoObject ← [byteCount: 0, deliveryDate: textualDateAndTime, opened: FALSE, deleted: FALSE]; -- open mailbox file for readThenWrite [fileHandle, ] ← filePrimitives.OpenFile[ fileSystem, location, readThenWrite, FALSE, NIL ! FTPError => IF ftpError = noSuchFile THEN CONTINUE]; IF fileHandle = NIL THEN BEGIN processMessage[@messageInfoObject]; RETURN; END; BEGIN ENABLE UNWIND => filePrimitives.CloseFile[fileSystem, fileHandle, FALSE]; -- read messages: date and time, message length, and text filePrimitives.ReadFile[fileSystem, fileHandle, SendBlock, NIL]; -- signal end of file processMessage[@messageInfoObject]; -- close mailbox file -- Note: aborted=TRUE, requesting deletion of file. END; -- enable filePrimitives.CloseFile[fileSystem, fileHandle, TRUE]; END; -- local constants sysMailSystem: SysMailSystem = LOOPHOLE[mailSystem]; -- retrieve messages ManipulateMailbox[location, ReadMessages]; END; -- **********************! Mailbox Primitives !*********************** EnumerateMailboxes: PROCEDURE [ sysMailSystem: SysMailSystem, processMailbox: PROCEDURE [STRING, STRING]] = BEGIN OPEN sysMailSystem; -- Note: Assumes mailbox names and filenames are free of the delimiters: -- mailboxTerminator and fileTerminator. -- SendBlock procedure SendBlock: PROCEDURE [ unused: UNSPECIFIED, source: POINTER, byteCount: CARDINAL] = BEGIN -- local variables bytePointerObject: BytePointerObject ← [source, FALSE, byteCount]; character: CHARACTER; -- check for premature end of file IF byteCount = 0 AND (string = file OR string.length # 0) THEN Abort[unexpectedEndOfFile]; -- consume source data UNTIL bytePointerObject.count = 0 DO SELECT character ← LOOPHOLE[LoadByte[@bytePointerObject]] FROM mailboxTerminator => string ← file; fileTerminator => BEGIN processMailbox[mailbox, file]; mailbox.length ← file.length ← 0; string ← mailbox; END; ENDCASE => String.AppendChar[string, character]; ENDLOOP; END; -- local constants mailbox: STRING = [maxStringLength]; file: STRING = [maxStringLength]; -- local variables string: STRING ← mailbox; -- enumerate mailboxes filePrimitives.ReadFile[fileSystem, directoryFileHandle, SendBlock, NIL]; END; DeliverMessageToMailbox: PROCEDURE [ sysMailSystem: SysMailSystem, textualDateAndTime, textualMessageLength, file: STRING] = BEGIN OPEN sysMailSystem; -- Note: Assumes text of message in staging file; -- assumes date and time and message length are free of the delimiters: -- dateAndTimeTerminator and messageLengthTerminator. -- WriteMessage procedure WriteMessage: PROCEDURE = BEGIN -- ReceiveBlock Procedure ReceiveBlock: PROCEDURE [ unused: UNSPECIFIED, destination: POINTER, maxWordCount: CARDINAL] RETURNS [actualByteCount: CARDINAL] = BEGIN -- local variables bytePointerObject: BytePointerObject ← [destination, FALSE, bytesPerWord*maxWordCount]; character: CHARACTER; -- produce destination data UNTIL bytePointerObject.count = 0 OR endOfHeader DO SELECT TRUE FROM (index < string.length) => BEGIN character ← string[index]; index ← index + 1; END; (string = textualDateAndTime) => BEGIN character ← dateAndTimeTerminator; string ← textualMessageLength; index ← 0; END; ENDCASE => BEGIN character ← messageLengthTerminator; endOfHeader ← TRUE; END; StoreByte[@bytePointerObject, LOOPHOLE[character]]; ENDLOOP; -- compute actual byte count for caller actualByteCount ← bytesPerWord*maxWordCount - bytePointerObject.count; END; -- local variables fileHandle: FileHandle; string: STRING ← textualDateAndTime; index: CARDINAL ← 0; endOfHeader: BOOLEAN ← FALSE; -- open file for append [fileHandle, ] ← filePrimitives.OpenFile[ fileSystem, file, append, FALSE, NIL]; BEGIN ENABLE UNWIND => filePrimitives.CloseFile[fileSystem, fileHandle, TRUE]; -- write message: date and time, message length, and text filePrimitives.WriteFile[fileSystem, fileHandle, ReceiveBlock, NIL]; ForkTransferPair[ fileSystem, filePrimitives.ReadFile, stagingFileHandle, filePrimitives.WriteFile, fileHandle]; -- close file END; -- enable filePrimitives.CloseFile[fileSystem, fileHandle, FALSE]; END; -- deliver message to mailbox ManipulateMailbox[file, WriteMessage]; END; ManipulateMailbox: PROCEDURE [file: STRING, procedure: PROCEDURE] = BEGIN -- local variables mailboxQueueElement: Element ← NIL; -- enqueue mailbox element mailboxQueueElement ← EnQueue[@mailboxQueueObject, NIL, file]; BEGIN ENABLE UNWIND => BEGIN IF mailboxQueueElement.locked THEN UnlockQueue[@mailboxQueueObject, mailboxQueueElement]; IF mailboxQueueElement # NIL THEN DeQueue[@mailboxQueueObject, mailboxQueueElement]; END; -- lock file LockQueue[@mailboxQueueObject, mailboxQueueElement, TRUE]; -- dispatch caller procedure[]; -- unlock file UnlockQueue[@mailboxQueueObject, mailboxQueueElement]; -- dequeue mailbox element END; -- enable DeQueue[@mailboxQueueObject, mailboxQueueElement]; END; StoreByte: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [dstBytePointer: BytePointer, byte: Byte] = BEGIN -- Note: Doesn't check for byte pointer exhaustion. -- local constants dBP: BytePointer = dstBytePointer; dWord: Word = dBP.address; -- store byte IF dBP.offset THEN dWord.rhByte ← byte ELSE dWord.lhByte ← byte; -- advance address and offset IF ~(dBP.offset ← ~dBP.offset) THEN dBP.address ← dBP.address + 1; -- decrement byte count dBP.count ← dBP.count - 1; END; LoadByte: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [srcBytePointer: BytePointer] RETURNS [byte: Byte] = BEGIN -- Note: Doesn't check for byte pointer exhaustion. -- local constants sBP: BytePointer = srcBytePointer; sWord: Word = sBP.address; -- load byte byte ← IF sBP.offset THEN sWord.rhByte ELSE sWord.lhByte; -- advance address and offset IF ~(sBP.offset ← ~sBP.offset) THEN sBP.address ← sBP.address + 1; -- decrement byte count sBP.count ← sBP.count - 1; END; -- **********************! Main Program !*********************** -- no operation END. -- of FTPSysMail