-- FTPProtocol.mesa, Edit: HGM July 31, 1980 11:05 PM -- Copyright Xerox Corporation 1979, 1980 DIRECTORY FTPDefs, FTPPrivateDefs, String USING [AppendChar, AppendString, EquivalentString, StringBoundsFault], Storage USING [Node, String, Free, FreeStringNil]; FTPProtocol: PROGRAM -- import list IMPORTS String, Storage, FTPPrivateDefs -- export list EXPORTS FTPPrivateDefs -- share list SHARES FTPDefs = BEGIN OPEN FTPDefs, FTPPrivateDefs; -- **********************! Constants !*********************** ftpsystem: POINTER TO FTPSystem = LocateFtpSystemObject[]; -- **********************! Command/Response Shorthands !*********************** PutGetVersion: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [ftper: FTPer, version: Byte] = BEGIN -- Note: Obtains local command string from ftper.outputString; -- returns remote command string in ftper.inputString. -- local variables mark, code: Byte; -- send IAmVersion command and EOC PutCommandAndEOC[ftper, markIAmVersion, version]; -- receive echoing IAmVersion command and EOC in response [mark, code] ← GetCommandAndEOC[ftper]; IF mark # markIAmVersion THEN Abort[illegalProtocolSequence]; -- verify protocol version number IF code # version THEN Abort[protocolVersionMismatch]; END; GetAnswerAndEOC: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [ftper: FTPer] RETURNS [answer: BOOLEAN] = BEGIN -- local variables mark, code: Byte; -- receive command and EOC [mark, code] ← GetCommandAndEOC[ftper]; -- decode answer SELECT mark FROM markYes => answer ← TRUE; markNo => answer ← FALSE; ENDCASE => Abort[illegalProtocolSequence]; END; GetYesAndEOC: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [ftper: FTPer] = BEGIN -- receive Yes command GetSpecificCommand[ftper, markYes]; -- receive EOC GetEOC[ftper]; END; GetSpecificCommand: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [ftper: FTPer, specificMark: Byte] = BEGIN -- Note: If a No command is encountered, flushes the EOC that follows -- and uses No's parameters as the basis for an abort. -- local variables mark, code: Byte; -- receive command [mark, code] ← GetCommand[ftper]; -- verify that expected command received SELECT mark FROM specificMark => NULL; markNo => BEGIN -- receive EOC GetEOC[ftper]; -- abort AbortWithExplanation[CodeToSignal[code], ftper.inputString]; END; ENDCASE => Abort[illegalProtocolSequence]; END; PutCommandAndEOC: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [ftper: FTPer, mark, code: Byte] = BEGIN -- send command PutCommand[ftper, mark, code]; -- send EOC PutEOC[ftper]; END; GetCommandAndEOC: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [ftper: FTPer] RETURNS [mark, code: Byte] = BEGIN -- receive command [mark, code] ← GetCommand[ftper]; -- receive EOC GetEOC[ftper]; END; PutEOC: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [ftper: FTPer] = BEGIN OPEN ftper; -- Note: Forces transmission. -- send EOC PutCommand[ftper, markEndOfCommand, 0]; -- force its transmission communicationPrimitives.ForceOutput[communicationSystem, connection]; END; GetEOC: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [ftper: FTPer] = BEGIN -- receive EOC GetSpecificCommand[ftper, markEndOfCommand]; END; -- **********************! Command/Response Primitives !*********************** PutCommand: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [ftper: FTPer, mark, code: Byte] = BEGIN OPEN ftper; -- Note: Obtains command string, whenever appropriate, from ftper.outputString. -- local variables codeAppropriate, stringAppropriate: BOOLEAN; -- trace change of direction (if any) and mark IF tracing THEN TraceOut[ftper, mark]; -- send and classify mark communicationPrimitives.ProduceDiscontinuity[communicationSystem, connection]; communicationPrimitives.SendByte[communicationSystem, connection, mark]; [codeAppropriate, stringAppropriate] ← ClassifyCommand[mark]; -- send code if any (which is traced by PutCharacter) IF codeAppropriate THEN PutCharacter[ftper, code]; -- send string if any (which is traced by PutString) IF stringAppropriate AND outputString.length # 0 THEN BEGIN PutString[ftper, outputString]; outputString.length ← 0; END; END; GetCommand: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [ftper: FTPer] RETURNS [mark, code: Byte] = BEGIN OPEN ftper; -- Note: Flushes comments; returns zero if no code; -- returns command string, whenever appropriate, in ftper.inputString. -- local variables settledForNone: BOOLEAN; codeAppropriate, stringAppropriate: BOOLEAN; -- trace change of direction (if any) IF tracing THEN TraceIn[ftper]; -- initialize code to none code ← 0; -- receive commands until non-comment encountered mark ← markComment; WHILE mark = markComment DO -- flush until next mark [, settledForNone] ← communicationPrimitives.ReceiveByte[ communicationSystem, connection, TRUE]; IF ~settledForNone THEN SkipThingsFaster[ftper]; communicationPrimitives.ConsumeDiscontinuity[ communicationSystem, connection]; -- receive and classify mark mark ← GetCharacter[ftper, FALSE]; [codeAppropriate, stringAppropriate] ← ClassifyCommand[mark]; -- receive code if any IF codeAppropriate THEN code ← GetCharacter[ftper, FALSE]; -- receive string if any IF stringAppropriate THEN GetString[ftper, inputString, 0]; ENDLOOP; END; -- Used to skip to the end of a file if we abort during a transfer SkipThingsFaster: PROCEDURE [ftper: FTPer] = BEGIN OPEN ftper; trash: ARRAY [0..100) OF WORD; bpo: BytePointerObject; DO bpo ← [@trash, FALSE, 2*100]; communicationPrimitives.ReceiveBytes[ communicationSystem, connection, @bpo, FALSE]; IF bpo.count # 0 THEN EXIT; ENDLOOP; END; ClassifyCommand: PROCEDURE [mark: Byte] RETURNS [codeAppropriate, stringAppropriate: BOOLEAN] = BEGIN -- initialize classification codeAppropriate ← stringAppropriate ← FALSE; -- interpret mark SELECT mark FROM NOT IN [markMinimum..markMaximum] => Abort[functionNotImplemented]; markYes, markNo, markIAmVersion, markMailboxException => codeAppropriate ← stringAppropriate ← TRUE; markComment, markYouAreUser, markAbort => stringAppropriate ← TRUE; ENDCASE; END; PutPropertyList: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [ftper: FTPer, propertyList: PropertyList] = BEGIN -- PutProperty procedure PutProperty: PROCEDURE [property: Property, value: STRING] = BEGIN -- local constants encodedValue: STRING = [maxStringLength]; -- local variables i: CARDINAL; -- send left delimiter PutCharacter[ftper, propertyLeftDelimiter]; -- send property name PutString[ftper, ftpsystem.propertyNames[property]]; -- send separator PutCharacter[ftper, propertyNameValueSeparator]; -- precede reserved characters with escape FOR i IN [0..value.length) DO SELECT value[i] FROM propertyLeftDelimiter, propertyRightDelimiter, propertyEscape => String.AppendChar[encodedValue, propertyEscape]; ENDCASE; String.AppendChar[encodedValue, value[i]]; ENDLOOP; -- send property value PutString[ftper, encodedValue]; -- send right delimiter PutCharacter[ftper, propertyRightDelimiter]; END; -- local variables property: Property; -- send left delimiter PutCharacter[ftper, propertyListLeftDelimiter]; -- send properties FOR property IN Property DO IF propertyList[property] # NIL THEN PutProperty[property, propertyList[property]]; ENDLOOP; -- send right delimiter PutCharacter[ftper, propertyListRightDelimiter]; END; GetPropertyList: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [ftper: FTPer, propertyList: PropertyList] = BEGIN -- Note: Caller may handle optional property list case -- by intercepting protocolParameterListMissing. -- GetProperty procedure GetProperty: PROCEDURE [value: STRING] RETURNS [property: Property] = BEGIN OPEN ftper; -- local constants name: STRING = [maxStringLength]; -- local variables character: CHARACTER; -- left delimiter received by GetPropertyList -- receive property name and separator GetString[ftper, name, propertyNameValueSeparator]; -- receive property value and right delimiter value.length ← 0; UNTIL (character ← GetCharacter[ftper, FALSE]) = propertyRightDelimiter DO IF character = propertyEscape THEN character ← GetCharacter[ftper, FALSE]; String.AppendChar[ value, character ! String.StringBoundsFault => Abort[stringTooLong]]; ENDLOOP; -- search for name among property names FOR property IN Property DO IF String.EquivalentString[name, ftpsystem.propertyNames[property]] THEN RETURN; ENDLOOP; -- abort if not found Abort[unrecognizedProtocolParameter]; END; -- local constants value: STRING = [maxStringLength]; -- local variables property: Property; -- initialize property list to empty ResetPropertyList[propertyList]; -- receive left delimiter IF GetCharacter[ftper, TRUE] # propertyListLeftDelimiter THEN Abort[protocolParameterListMissing]; -- receive properties until right delimiter encountered DO SELECT GetCharacter[ftper, FALSE] FROM propertyLeftDelimiter => IF propertyList[property ← GetProperty[value]] # NIL THEN Abort[duplicateProtocolParameter] ELSE WriteProperty[propertyList, property, value]; propertyListRightDelimiter => EXIT; ENDCASE => Abort[illegalProtocolParameterList]; ENDLOOP; END; PutString: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [ftper: FTPer, string: STRING] = BEGIN OPEN ftper; -- local variables bytePointerObject: BytePointerObject ← [@string.text, FALSE, string.length]; -- trace string IF tracing THEN TraceString[ftper, string]; -- send string communicationPrimitives.SendBytes[ communicationSystem, connection, @bytePointerObject]; END; GetString: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [ ftper: FTPer, string: STRING, terminator: UNSPECIFIED] = BEGIN OPEN ftper; -- Note: Declaring terminator UNSPECIFIED admits both CHARACTER and Byte; -- null teminator implies mark. -- local constants rathole: STRING = [maxStringLength]; -- local variables byte: Byte; character: CHARACTER; bytePointerObject: BytePointerObject; -- initialize string IF string = NIL THEN string ← rathole ELSE string.length ← 0; -- receive characters until terminating character encountered IF terminator # 0 THEN BEGIN -- receive string and terminator DO [byte, ] ← communicationPrimitives.ReceiveByte[ communicationSystem, connection, FALSE]; IF (character ← LOOPHOLE[byte]) = terminator THEN EXIT; String.AppendChar[ string, character ! String.StringBoundsFault => Abort[stringTooLong]]; ENDLOOP; -- trace string and terminator IF tracing THEN BEGIN TraceString[ftper, string]; TraceCharacter[ftper, character]; END; END -- receive characters until mark encountered ELSE BEGIN -- receive string bytePointerObject ← [@string.text, FALSE, string.maxlength]; communicationPrimitives.ReceiveBytes[ communicationSystem, connection, @bytePointerObject, TRUE]; string.length ← string.maxlength - bytePointerObject.count; -- trace string IF tracing THEN TraceString[ftper, string]; -- abort if string too long IF string.length = string.maxlength AND GetCharacter[ftper, TRUE] # 0 THEN Abort[stringTooLong]; END; END; PutCharacter: PROCEDURE [ftper: FTPer, character: UNSPECIFIED] = BEGIN OPEN ftper; -- Note: Declaring character UNSPECIFIED admits both CHARACTER and Byte. -- trace character IF tracing THEN TraceCharacter[ftper, character]; -- send character communicationPrimitives.SendByte[communicationSystem, connection, character]; END; GetCharacter: PROCEDURE [ftper: FTPer, settleForNone: BOOLEAN] RETURNS [character: UNSPECIFIED] = BEGIN OPEN ftper; -- Note: Declaring character UNSPECIFIED admits both CHARACTER and Byte; -- returns null character if mark pending. -- local variables settledForNone: BOOLEAN; -- receive character or discover mark pending [character, settledForNone] ← communicationPrimitives.ReceiveByte[ communicationSystem, connection, settleForNone]; -- trace character or supply null character IF settledForNone THEN character ← 0 ELSE IF tracing THEN TraceCharacter[ftper, character]; END; -- **********************! Property List Primitives !*********************** CreatePropertyList: PUBLIC PROCEDURE RETURNS [propertyList: PropertyList] = BEGIN -- local variables property: Property; pointer: POINTER TO PropertyListObject; -- allocate property list object pointer ← Storage.Node[SIZE[PropertyListObject]]; propertyList ← DESCRIPTOR[pointer↑]; -- initialize property list to empty FOR property IN Property DO propertyList[property] ← NIL; ENDLOOP; END; DestroyPropertyList: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [propertyList: PropertyList] = BEGIN -- release property list values ResetPropertyList[propertyList]; -- release property list object Storage.Free[BASE[propertyList]]; END; CopyPropertyList: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [ srcPropertyList, dstPropertyList: PropertyList] = BEGIN -- local variables property: Property; -- copy property values FOR property IN Property DO WriteProperty[dstPropertyList, property, srcPropertyList[property]]; ENDLOOP; END; ResetPropertyList: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [propertyList: PropertyList] = BEGIN -- local variables property: Property; -- release property values and reset to NIL FOR property IN Property DO propertyList[property] ← Storage.FreeStringNil[propertyList[property]]; ENDLOOP; END; WriteProperty: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [ propertyList: PropertyList, property: Property, value: STRING] = BEGIN -- set property value to NIL IF value = NIL OR value.length = 0 THEN -- release current property value propertyList[property] ← Storage.FreeStringNil[propertyList[property]] -- set property value to string ELSE BEGIN -- allocate string to hold new property value IF propertyList[property] = NIL THEN propertyList[property] ← Storage.String[value.length] -- use current string if possible ELSE IF value.length > propertyList[property].maxlength THEN BEGIN propertyList[property] ← Storage.FreeStringNil[propertyList[property]]; propertyList[property] ← Storage.String[value.length]; END ELSE propertyList[property].length ← 0; -- record new property value String.AppendString[propertyList[property], value]; END; END; EncodeBooleanProperty: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [boolean: BOOLEAN, property: STRING] = BEGIN -- Note: Defaults to FALSE. -- encode boolean property property.length ← 0; IF boolean THEN String.AppendString[property, "Yes"L]; END; DecodeBooleanProperty: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [property: STRING] RETURNS [boolean: BOOLEAN] = BEGIN -- Note: Defaults to FALSE. -- decode boolean property SELECT TRUE FROM (property = NIL), String.EquivalentString[property, "No"L] => boolean ← FALSE; String.EquivalentString[property, "Yes"L] => boolean ← TRUE; ENDCASE => Abort[illegalBooleanParameter]; END; END. -- of FTPProtocol