-- FileStreamPrivate.mesa
-- Last edited by
-- MBrown on September 17, 1983 8:42 pm
-- Teitelman on May 26, 1982 4:52 pm
-- Last Edited by: Levin, September 22, 1983 2:48 pm
-- Last Edited by: Hagmann December 5, 1983 1:22 pm
FileStream USING [ FinalizationProc ],
FS USING [ErrorDesc, ExtendFileProc, Lock, OpenFile, StreamBufferParms, StreamOptions],
IO USING [STREAM, StreamProcs],
VM USING [Interval];
FileStreamPrivate: CEDAR DEFINITIONS =
-- DoFinalization should always be TRUE for released software.
-- It is set to FALSE for testing.
DoFinalization: BOOL = TRUE ;
-- We model the behavior of a File IOStream with variables "file", "fileLen", and
--"streamIndex", where
-- file is an ARRAY [0..fileLen) OF CHAR
-- streamIndex is an INT [0..fileLen]
-- Key in this design is the assumption that a file stream will only be used by
-- one process at a time. Processes are free to pass the stream around, but they must
-- synchronize their access to the stream at a higher level than the stream. Two
-- streams on the same file, the second one created by StreamFromOpenStream,
-- do not need synchronization above the stream level unless the application requires it.
-- The real stream contains a lot of redundant state to make the frequently-used
--operations GetChar and PutChar fast. We shall list some invariant properties of
--this state below. (Redundant properties, included for their intuitive value, are given in
-- We also define a piece of fictional state: trueDataBytesInBuffer.
-- trueDataBytesInBuffer ::= MIN[bufferBytes, fileLen - firstByteInBuffer].
-- trueDataBytesInBuffer is too expensive for PutByte to maintain at all times, but it
--is useful for other operations.
ProcHandle: TYPE = REF IO.StreamProcs;
-- Exported by FileStreamImpl.mesa
ProcHandleFromAccessRights: PROC [accessRights: FS.Lock]
RETURNS [ProcHandle];
SetupBuffer: PROC [fileData: FileDataHandle, fsData: FSDataHandle, fileByte: INT]
RETURNS [currentNode: BufferNodeHandle] ;
ProcessNode: PROC [ fileData: FileDataHandle, node: BufferNodeHandle ] ;
-- Exported by FileStreamProcessCacheImpl.mesa
StartRequest: PROC [ fileData: FileDataHandle, node: BufferNodeHandle ] ;
FSDataHandle: TYPE = REF Data;
BufferNodeHandle: TYPE = REF BufferNode ;
FileDataHandle: TYPE = REF FileData ;
-- data kept on a per stream basis
index: CARDINAL ← 0,
-- index is IN [0..currentNode.bufferBytes].
-- currentNode.didPut AND index >= dataBytesInBuffer =>
-- trueDataBytesInBuffer = index.
-- This field has the property that is can be freely updated by the stream,
-- and it can be read by the other streams under the monitor.
-- It is always less than 64K, so that updates are always atomic (All D-machines
-- write at least 16 bits at a time).
currentNode: BufferNodeHandle ← NIL,
-- All streams have a buffer of data in memory associated with the stream.
-- This buffer may be empty
-- This field is always non-NIL between calls the the package unless the
-- stream has been closed.
-- The control information for this buffer is a BufferNode.
-- The node currently is use by this stream (and possibly other streams)
-- is referred to via this field.
-- Both currentNode and readAheadNode may only be changed under the
-- monitor, and then only by this stream.
readAheadNode: BufferNodeHandle ← NIL,
-- If non-NIL, refers to buffer for read ahead data.
lastFirstByteInBuffer: INT ← -1,
-- This is the previous value in currentNode.firstByteInBuffer.
-- It is used to detect sequentiality in reads in the preread logic.
-- If this stream accesses buffer n, then buffer n+1, then if accesses buffer
-- n+2 then a pre-read will be attempted given that there is more data in
-- the file, there is a free buffer to use, and no other pre-read is in progress.
isWriteStream: BOOL ← FALSE,
-- If TRUE, then this record is referred to in fileData.writeStreamData and this
-- stream was opened by StreamFromOpenFile with (logical) write access.
-- If FALSE, this stream is referred to in fileData.firstReadStream, and was
-- opened by StreamFromOpenFile with (logical) read access, or it was opened
-- by StreamFromOpenStream.
streamIsClosed: BOOL ← FALSE,
-- stream.Close[] was called.
-- (all operations should now raise StreamError[streamClosed]).
fileData: FileDataHandle,
-- Refers to the data that is related to the file and not to the stream (there can
-- be multiple streams refering to the same file)
FSErrorDesc: FS.ErrorDesc,
-- last FS error on this stream. Initially set to [ok,NIL,NIL].
StreamClassData: REF ANY ← NIL,
-- data for use by FSStreamImpl or AlpineStreamImpl or other file system specific code.
FinalizationProc: FileStream.FinalizationProc ← NIL
-- Client supplied finalization procedure, if any.
NodeStatus: TYPE = {valid, invalid,
needsParallelRead, parallelReadActive, needsSequentialRead, sequentialReadActive,
needsParallelWrite, parallelWriteActive, needsSequentialWrite, sequentialWriteActive};
-- valid - data in buffer is valid
-- invalid - buffer not active, and data is not valid
-- otherwise, need => this node has to have this action performed.
-- Some process finds this, and does the action setting the node active.
-- control information for a buffer
BufferNode: TYPE = RECORD [
-- buffer is really PACKED ARRAY [0..bufferBytes) OF CHAR.
bufferInterval: VM.Interval ← TRASH,
-- A space of pages for the stream buffer above.
-- Although all buffers for a file stream are of the same length,
-- this is kept on a per node basis so that a finalization routine can release
-- the buffer space.
bufferBytes: CARDINAL ← 0,
-- Size of buffer in bytes
dataBytesInBuffer: CARDINAL ← 0,
-- dataBytesInBuffer is IN [0..trueDataBytesInBuffer] => IN [0..bufferBytes].
-- NOT didPut OR (didPut AND index <= dataBytesInBuffer) =>
-- trueDataBytesInBuffer = dataBytesInBuffer.
-- The update of this field is protected by the monitor, but either the reader
-- or the writer may do the update.
firstFileByteInBuffer: INT ← -1,
-- streamIndex = firstFileByteInBuffer + index.
-- firstFileByteInBuffer < fileLen OR firstFileByteInBuffer = fileLen = 0.
-- normally, firstFileByteInBuffer MOD bufferBytes = 0, but it is set to -1
-- initally to indicate that this buffer does not match any file page.
-- (buffer[0] is indentified with file[firstFileByteInBuffer]. There is always
-- one file byte in the buffer unless file is empty.)
didPut: BOOL ← FALSE,
-- (somebody has done a Put and not updated dataBytesInBuffer, FileLength, and
bufferDirty: BOOL ← FALSE,
-- didPut OR bufferDirty => there exists some i IN [0..trueDataBytesInBuffer) such
--that buffer[i] # file[i] as last read from file system.
-- You must hold the monitor to update this entry.
useCount: INT ← 0,
-- Number of streams using this node. This reflects the fact that some Data record
-- has currentNode or readAheadNode referring to this node. This can only be
-- changed under the monitor, and outside the monitor is always the count of
-- REFs pointing at this buffer.
LRUCount: INT ← 0,
-- This counter is used to try to do a LRU use of the buffers. To update, you need
-- the monitor.
status: NodeStatus ← invalid,
-- Changing the status requires owning the monitor
nextBufferNode: BufferNodeHandle ← NIL
-- The nodes are kept as a linked list, starting with FileData.firstBufferNode.
-- Modification requires the monitor.
-- data kept on a per file basis
FileData: TYPE = RECORD [
lockRecord: MONITORED RECORD [],
-- Although the monitor is here, it logically covers many fields in BufferNode
-- and Data records associated with this file.
fileName: ROPE,
firstBufferNode: BufferNodeHandle,
-- first of a list of nodes for buffers.
-- Update requires the monitor.
firstReadStream: FSDataHandle ← NIL,
-- First read stream or NIL if no readers
-- Currently, there is only one reader.
-- Update requires the monitor.
accessRights: FS.Lock,
tiogaReader: BOOL ← FALSE,
-- TRUE iff file is being read as a Tioga file (reading the plain text only).
--This implies that the file length shown in the stream is not the true file length,
--but instead is the Tioga plain text length.
fileLength: INT ← 0,
-- NOT didPut => fileLen = fileLength.
-- didPut AND index > dataBytesInBuffer => fileLen = firstFileByteInBuffer +
-- index (index is from the writeStreamData).
preReadInProgress: BOOL ← FALSE,
-- Changed under the monitor, this is used to insure that only one pre-read
-- occurs at a time.
writeCount: INT ← 0,
-- Count of writes pending. Changed only under the monitor.
-- Currently this is not allowed to exceed 1.
somethingHappened: CONDITION,
-- General wait condition. It is BROADCAST when various interesting events
-- occur such as the finish of a preread, and it is WAITed for by code that
-- needs buffers or results from parallel processes.
fileHandle: FS.OpenFile,
streamBufferParms: FS.StreamBufferParms,
extendFileProc: FS.ExtendFileProc,
streamOptions: FS.StreamOptions,
numberOfStreams: INT ← 1,
-- The number of streams, read or write, that are open on this file.
-- Do not close the file until this is 0.
-- Except for initialization, this is modified under the monitor.
byteLength: INT, --current value of fileHandle.OpenInfo[].bytes
byteSize: INT, --current value of fileHandle.OpenInfo[].pages*bytesPerPage
validBytesOnDisk: INT,
-- The count of bytes on disk in the beginning of the file that are valid.
-- Writing bytes past this count should not cause a read to fill the buffer.
writeStreamData: FSDataHandle ← NIL
-- refers to the write stream data (if any) for this file.
Created by MBrown on December 12, 1980 12:04 PM
Changed by MBrown on January 6, 1981 8:53 PM
-- Added Invalidate, added trans field to pilot data.
Changed by MBrown on January 16, 1981 10:00 AM
-- DataObject is now defined without using a Stream.Handle (copied structure from
Changed by MBrown on January 18, 1981 1:00 AM
-- LeaderPage now defined here (but it uses something called FileStream.Subtype for its
--"dataType" field).
Changed by MBrown on 18-Jan-81 16:49:31
-- Added bufferDirty (for juniper stream use). and streamIsClosed (for diagnosis from
--the debugger). Improved the description of invariants.
Changed by MBrown on January 21, 1981 3:45 PM
-- Complete re-think of Pilot FileStream state, to make Put faster and generally reduce
--the number of expensive conversions betweeen pages and bytes. Not yet implemented.
Changed by MBrown on January 22, 1981 3:12 PM
-- Improved comments on invariants.
Changed by MBrown on January 25, 1981 8:19 PM
-- Added Juniper variant of Data.
Changed by MBrown on 27-Jan-81 15:10:07
-- FileByteStreamJuniper -> Juniper.
Changed by MBrown on 29-Jan-81 20:43:05
-- Added JOpen, POpen.
Changed by Russ Atkinson on 26-May-81 14:07:10
-- CedarString -> Rope, LONG CARDINAL -> LONG INTEGER
Changed by MBrown on 7-Dec-81 10:30:56
-- Conversion to IO, INT, ROPE, etc.
Changed by MBrown on March 26, 1982 4:40 pm
-- Added tiogaReader field (this is redundant, but may be useful for debugging), and the
--IsThisThingATiogaFile proc.
Changed by Teitelman on May 26, 1982 4:52 pm
-- changed to safe language, name change IOStream -> IO.
Changed by MBrown on August 23, 1982 2:18 pm
-- Eliminated TEXTDataOffset, added bufferParms, renamed JOpen -> JuniperOpen,
--POpen -> ComSoftOpen, added CIFSOpen, added CIFS open file to pilot variant of Data.
Changed by MBrown on May 16, 1983 2:03 pm
-- Eliminated Juniper stuff, added Alpine stuff.
Changed by MBrown on June 22, 1983 11:29 am
-- Eliminated Pilot stuff, added FS stuff.
Changed by MBrown on September 17, 1983 8:42 pm
-- Eliminated all procs, since file stream impl is one module (FS).
Changed by Hagmann on November 22, 1983 4:28 pm
-- added modifications for multiple buffering and multiple streams on the same file
-- added procs from split of FSFileIOImpl (since compiler blows up in pass 3)
-- Renamed to FileStreamPrivate from FSFileIOPrivate from FILEIOPrivate
Changed by Hagmann on November 28, 1983 11:57 am
-- added DoFinalization for help in testing
Changed by Hagmann on December 5, 1983
-- added ProcessNode and StartRequest for process cache
-- deleted process counts in FileData.