-- last edited by: L. Stewart, December 12, 1983 5:21 pm
Run {-s} {-a} file*
load and start a BCD. You may omit the extension if it is ".bcd". The -s switch says to START the BCDs even if they have unbound imports. The -a switch says to load and Start a .bcd whether or not it has been previously loaded.
load a BCD UNLESS it is already loaded, in which case return normally without doing anything. An appropriate message will be printed to indicate the action taken. Interface to Loader.Instantiate and Loader.Start. See CommandTool.Run.
The -a overrides the unless it is already loaded clause.
The -s cause the bcd to be STARTed even if it has unbound imports.
You will find out about version mismatches etc. If there are any errors other than unbound imports, the module or configuration will not be STARTed. If there were unbound imports, the BCD will be STARTed only if the -s switch was set.
CommandToolImpl.mesa in CommandTool.df
L. C. Stewart <Stewart.pa>
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