-- PrintFSCacheInfoDoc.tioga
-- last edited by: L. Stewart, December 12, 1983 5:21 pm
name PrintFSCacheInfo:
PrintFSCacheInfo {volume}
The default volume is the current volume.
Prints some information about the FS cache on a particular volume. This is a user interface to FSBackdoor.VolumePages.
% PrintFSCacheInfo
size = 27999, free = 1533, freeboard = 1000
Size is the size of the volume. Free is the number of disk pages that are not allocated to any file. Freeboard is the number of disk pages that FS will try to keep free by flushing files from the cache if necessary. None of these numbers (except size) is related to how large a file can be created at any given moment, since the FS cache will throw away unneeded files as necessary. (Is that true?)
There is no catch phrase for FS.Error yet.
Probably too fast to stop.
FSFileCommandsImpl.mesa in CommandTool.df
L. C. Stewart <Stewart.pa>
keyword hints
help button info man
to be supplied by the Index Czar