<PreCascade>Doc>Print.doc				 November 17, 1982 5:30 pm
Print is a program to generate Press format files and send them to
your local printer.  It is handy for generating code listings since
it will print files in 2 column landscape mode.  It runs under the

Command format:

"Print <filename1> <filename2> <filename3>"  Just prints the specified
files on the printer specified in the Press: line of the HARDCOPY section
of your User.cm.  (The Font and PrintedBy items of the HARDCOPY section are
also used.)  Multiple files are batched to be sent to the printer as long
as the fonts are the same.  If a file is already in Press format it will be
sent directly to the printer.  If the file name is $$$, the current
selection is printed.


/a		Print headers on each page (default true; -a disables).

/z		Print trailers on each page (default true; -z disables).

<host>/h	Directs the output to <host>.

<output>/o	Creates a press file in <output> (defaulting .press).
		Disables transmission to printer.

<font>/f	Changes the font to <font> for the following files.  The
		default is Gacha8 in portrait; Gacha6 in landscape.

/c<n>		Sets number of copies to <n> (default 1).

/t<n>		Changes the tab stops to <n> spaces (default 8).

/l<n>		Landscape mode.  <n> is the number of columns (default 2).

/p<n>		Portrait mode.  <n> is the number of columns (default 1).

/s<n>		Number of sides.  <n> IN[0..2]; 0=> use printer default.

/n		Non-Programmer mode.  Loads up fonts for the standard non-programmers
		disk.  If portrait mode is desired, /p should be specified first.
		Font changes are denoted by backslash in the text, e.g.
		  \f0\This is Font 0
		  \f5bi\This is Font 5 bold italic
		  \f4\This is Font 4.\f0\

/m		(Broken) Mail mode.  Prints mail files.  The format is the table of contents followed
		by each message separated by table of content entries.

The switches that don't need a string as an argument will also work in
local mode.  Local switches appearing after the argument is "used up"
are global.  Defaults are:  Gacha6/fl2s2c1azt8.

	Print Foo
	Print Foo/l
	Print /l Foo1 Foo2
	Print Foo1 Foo2/l3c3 TimesRoman10BI/f Foo3/l
	Print Apr81.mail/m (Broken)
	Print $$$/p
Richard Johnsson wrote the front end and Hal Murray wrote the Presser and others
hacked on it.

RKJ   17-Apr-81  9:25:31
Plass November 17, 1982 5:31 pm
Plass May 2, 1983 3:39 pm