Poplar Language Manual
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Poplar Language Manual
Jim Morris
Eric Schmidt
November 1, 1978
(Revised: December 1980, version 0.3)
Poplar is an experimental language for text manipulation. We hope to apply it to a variety of tasks commonly found in office environments. Ultimately, we hope to develop a language suitable for use by Xerox customers, but the present language will be too difficult for a non-programmer to assimilate. Its goal is simply to explore the range of functionality such a language might have. It is based on ideas from LISP, SNOBOL, APL and the UNIX operating system. Certain of your favorite features have been left out or given strange implementations in order to encourage exploration of different programming styles. Read this, try the implementation, and give us some feedback. Example programs, successful or not, will be greatly appreciated.
The implementation is more of a sketch than a finished picture: it represents three months effort by one and one-half of us, so it has not been possible to provide all the things one might think of or eliminate all the bugs one might find.
This manual is composed of several sections:
Strings and Lists
Function Application
Conditional Expressions
Iteration over Lists
Variables, Assignment, and Sequencing
Programmer-defined Functions
Patterns and Matching
Matching Combined with Evaluation
The Matching Process
General Iteration and Recursion
Equality Assertions
File, Display, and Keyboard functions
The Poplar Executive
It has some appendices:
A: Examples
B: Primitive Functions
C: Syntax Equations for Poplar
D: Getting Started
Several people have made very helpful suggestions to improve this document and the language: Doug Clark, Gene McDaniel, Paul McJones, Tom Moran, Alan Perlis, Dana Scott.

Poplar is an expression-oriented language (rather than statement-oriented or command-oriented). Poplar programs consist of expressions. The implementation is an evaluator which reduces an expression to a simple form, called its value. Throughout this manual we shall write things like
1+2 = 3
which suggests that the evaluator will transform 1+2 into 3.
In general, an expression is a constant like 2 or "abc", a variable like x or a compound expression consisting of one or two sub-expressions and an operator, like +. An operator may be binary, in which case it separates two subexpressions; it may be unary prefix, in which case it precedes a single subexpression; it may be unary postfix, in which case it follows a single subexpression. Subexpressions are often enclosed in parentheses (), brackets [] or braces {}. For example
[(((~"abc") !), (1 + 2)]
is an expression composed of many nested subexpressions. Often, parentheses can be omitted. The above expression is the same as
[(~"abc")!, 1 + 2]
The implicit parenthesization rules are based on the concept of precedence. We say that an operator, !, has higher precedence than another one, +, if it is performed first on an operand placed between them, i.e.
x+y! = x+(y!)
In general, unary postfix operators have the highest precedence, followed by unary prefix, then binary operators. If two adjacent operators have equal precedence the one on the left is performed first. Thus
There are exceptions to these rules. They will be noted when the effected operators are introduced. A complete set of rules for expression formation is given in Appendix C.

Strings and Lists
There are three types of values in Poplar: Strings, Lists, and Functions. Functions may be primitive (built-in), programmer-defined, or patterns. There is also a special value fail.
Any sequence of characters enclosed in quotes is a string. For example,
"I am a string"
are two strings. The second is called the empty string.
Numbers are also strings, but need not be quoted; e.g. 123 = "123".
Special, two-character combinations can be used inside strings to represent characters which are inconvenient or impossible to type:
↑" is a quote mark
is a space (There is a space after that "↑")
↑↑ is just
In general for any upper-case letter X from A-Z, ↑X is the ASCII character control-X. In particular,
↑M is a RETURN
↑I is a TAB
↑Z is control-Z
Finally, nnn where nnn is precisely three digits is considered a single character with that octal ASCII code.
A list is a sequence of things denoted using brackets and commas. For example,
["abc", "xyz"]
are lists, the last being the empty list. Lists can be components of lists, e.g.
["roster", ["jim", "417 Smith St.", "555-7821"], ["fred", "625 B St.", "555-9021"]]
is a list of three items, two of which are lists of three items. Other kinds of values discussed later (functions, patterns) can also be list elements.
Considered as an operator, a comma, has the lowest possible precedence, so it is never necessary to enclose a list element in parentheses.
Function Application
The operator / (application) means apply the function that follows it to the preceding value.
There are many primitive functions. For example, the function length may be applied to strings or lists to produce the number of characters in the string or items in the list.
"abc"/length = 3
""/length = 0
["abc", "c"]/length = 2
[]/length = 0
Functions with two or more inputs take them in a list.
The function conc will combine a list of strings into one.
["abc", "def"]/conc = "abcdef"
[123, 678]/conc = 123678
["abc", ""]/conc = "abc"
The functions plus, minus, times, and divide may be applied to pairs of numbers.
[1,3]/plus = 4
is an error
[4,6]/minus = -2
[3, -8]/times = -24
[7, 3]/divide = [2, 1]
The value of a divide function application is a quotient and remainder.
Since they are used so frequently, there are shorter notations for conc, plus and minus. Concatenation is designated simply by juxtaposition.
"abc" "def" = "abcdef"
Plus and minus are designated by + and -.
123+4 = 127
5-10 = -5
The various components of a list may be designated by applying integers to the list, as if the integer were a function. The numbering starts with 1.
["ab", "c", "d"]/1 = "ab"
["ab", "c", "d"]/3 = "d"
["ab", "c", "d"]/0
is an error
["ab", "c", "d"]/4
is an error
Applying a negative number to a list results in a list shortened by removing that number of elements from the beginning.
["ab", "c", "d"]/-1 = ["c", "d"]
["ab", "c", "d"]/-3 = []
["ab", "c", "d"]/-4
is an error
Two lists may be concatenated by placing two commas between them.
["abc", "def"] ,, [123, 456] = ["abc", "def", 123, 456]
[123, 456] ,, [0] = [123, 456, 0]
["a", "b"] ,, [] = ["a", "b"]
The expression x--y will generate a list of numbers starting with x and ending with y.
1--7 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
3--3 = [3]
4--2 = [4, 3, 2]
The function sort rearranges a list in ascending alphabetical order.
["beta", "zero", "alpha"]/sort = ["alpha", "beta", "zero"]
If an element of the list is itself a list, sort assumes the first component of the list is a string and uses that string in deciding where the list goes.
[["fred", 20], "al", ["jane", 3]]/sort = ["al", ["fred", 20], ["jane", 3]]
There is a complete description of Poplar primitive functions in Appendix B.
Conditional Expressions
Certain primitive functions islist, isnull, and isstring, return the special value fail if their input is not as they describe it and return the input otherwise.
[2, 3]/islist = [2, 3]
"2,3"/islist = fail
[]/isnull = []
[3, 4]/isnull = fail
"a"/isstring = "a"
[5]/isstring = fail
The operation of matching, described fully below, can also return fail. This simplest case of matching is a test for string equality written as string1/{string2}.
"abc"/{"abc"} = "abc"
"abc"/{"a"} = fail
The value fail may be used to select between different values. The relevant operators for doing this are | and >.
The operator | (otherwise) has the following behavior.
V | F = V if V is not fail (F is not evaluated at all.)
fail | F = F
x/isstring | "x is not a string"
will be x if x is a string, but will be "x is not a string" otherwise. Operationally, E | F means: Evaluate E; if the value, V, is not fail, forget about F and take V value of the entire expression. Otherwise, evaluate F and take its value (fail or not) as the value of the whole expression. The otherwise operator has a lower precedence than most other operators so that
x/y | t/u = (x/y) | (t/u)
The operator > (then) has the following behavior
fail > F = fail(F is not evaluated at all.)
V > F = Fif V is not fail
x/{"abc"} > "xyz" | "def"
will be "xyz" if x is "abc", but will be "def" otherwise. Operationally, E>F means: Evaluate E; if the value is not fail, forget the value of E and evaluate F for the value of the whole expression. If the value of E is fail return fail as the value of the whole expression. The then operator has a lower precedence than most other operators (save |), so that
x>y | t/v > l/k = (x>y) | ((t/v) > (l/k))
The expression
P > E | F
is almost, but not quite, equivalent to the Algol if P then E else F. It differs when E=fail.
The not operator ~ maps fail into the empty string and everything else into fail
~ fail = ""
~ "" = fail
~ "abc" = fail

Iteration on Lists
All the binary string operations may be applied to lists. If one of the operands is not a list then it is combined with every element of the other list.
4 + [-2, 3, 8] = [2, 7, 12]
"foo." ["bcd", "mesa"] = ["foo.bcd", "foo.mesa"]
"<fred>" ["form", "eval", "comp"] ".mesa"
= ["<fred>form.mesa", "<fred>eval.mesa", "<fred>comp.mesa"]
If both operands are lists then they must be the same length and the operation is applied element by element.
["abc", "def"] ["xyz", "123"] = ["abcxyz", "def123"]
[5, 6] + [7, 8] = [12, 14]
[5, 6] + [7, 8, 14]
is an error
If a list follows an application operator, the result is the same as applying each element of the list to the preceding value and forming a list of the results.
[12, 7]/[length, conc, plus] = [2, 127, 19]
["a", "b", "c"]/[2, 1] = ["b", "a"]
[10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60]/(2--5) = [20, 30, 40, 50]
The operator // (maplist) will apply the following function to every member of the preceding list and create a new list of the results.
["a", "bcd", ""]//length = [1, 3, 0]
[[3,4], [6,9], [-4,7]]//times = [12, 54, -28]
[["a","b"], ["c", "d"], ["x", "Y"]]//2 = ["b", "d", "Y"]
[]//f = []
for any f
If the value of an application is fail it is omitted from the result list.
["a", ["x"], "b", ["t", "c"]]//isstring = ["a", "b"]
It is often useful to process all the items in a list while accumulating some information. This can be accomplished using the operator /// (gobble).
[x1, ... , xn] /// f.
applies f to pairs of items. It starts with x1 and x2 to produce y1; then it combines y1 with x3 and so on.
[1, 4, 9, 20]///plus = 1+4+9+20 = 34
[2, 4, 8]///minus = 2-4-8 = -10
["The ", "quick ", "brown ", "fox "]///conc = "The quick brown fox "
More generally,
[x]///f = x
[x1, x2, x3, x4, ...] /// f = [[x1, x2]/f, x3, x4, ...]///f
is an error
Variables, Assignment, and Sequencing
A variable is either a single letter or a sequence of letters including at least one capital letter. Thus variables can always be distinguished from special Poplar names, like conc. One can assign values to variables with the assignment operator .
x ← "A long string I would rather not type repeatedly"
BlankLine ←"↑M↑M"
Subsequently evaluated expressions containing the variable will use the value in place of the variable. The value of x ← e is e.
x BlankLine x =
"A long string I would rather not type repeatedly

A long string I would rather not type repeatedly"
Expressions may be evaluated solely for their side effects; in which case the are called statements. When this the case it is desirable to combine them into sequences and ignore the values they produce. The semicolon is used to separate such items.
(x ← 1; y ← 3; x+y) = 4
Thus the value of such an expression is the value of the last sub-expression.
The semicolon and ← have precedence lower than |.
x ← y ← a | b; z ← a-y = (x ← (y ← (a | b))); (z ← (a-y))
Programmer-defined functions
A function can be described by writing a variable followed by a colon followed by any expression involving the variable. The expression following the colon is called the body of the function.
x: x "O" x
The effect of applying a such a function to a value is to substitute the value for the corresponding names.
"W" / x: x "O" x
"W" "O" "W"
which eventually yields
A list of variables may appear before the colon. In that case the function must be applied to a list of values with the same length. Each value is substituted for the corresponding variable.
It is often convenient (or perhaps only amusing) to use an in-line function to name values, rather than an assignment statement. For example, the previous sequence
x ← "A long string I would rather not type repeatedly";
BlankLine ←"↑M↑M";
x BlankLine x
could be re-written
"A long string I would rather not type repeatedly" / x:
"↑M↑M" / BlankLine:
x BlankLine x
The operators // and /// may be used with programmer-defined functions
["a", "bc", "ttt"] // (x: x "@" x) = ["a@a", "bc@bc", "ttt@ttt"]
[[1, 2], [3, 8], [5, 2]] // ([x, y]: [x+y, x-y]/times) = [-3, -55, 21]
["a", "b", "c", "d]///([x, y]: y x) = "dcba"
["a"]/([x,y]: x y y) is an error because the length of the lists differ.
A function may be assigned to a variable and then that variable may be referenced like a primitive function.
F ← (x: x x x); "a"/F = "aaa"
(x: x x x)/F: "a"/F = "aaa"
The symbol : considered as an operator has unique precedence properties: It has the highest precedence of all when viewed from the left, and the lowest precedence of all when viewed from the right. This is so the variables introduced on its left have a scope limited only by closing parentheses.
a+b/x: t ← x/conc; x+1 = (a+b)/(x: (t ← x/conc; x+1))

Successor ← x: x+1; Predecessor ← x: x-1;
is, surprisingly, the same as
Successor ← (x: x+1; Predecessor ← (x: x-1));
Thus one will usually enclose programmer defined functions by parentheses.

Patterns and Matching
Patterns are functions used to analyze strings. In general, a pattern is denoted by any expression enclosed in braces {}. Applying a pattern to a string is called matching. The result is equal to the string if the match succeeds; otherwise it is equal to fail.
Any string can become a pattern. The match succeeds if the strings are equal. Upper- and lower- case characters are always different.
"abc"/{"abc"} = "abc"
"abc"/{"aBc"} = fail
Patterns may be combined with the operator | to form a new pattern which matches either the first or second component.
"ab"/ {"ab"|"c"} = "ab"
"cd"/ {"a"|"cd"} = "cd"
"cd"/ {"a"|"b"|"d"} = fail
It is permissible, but not required, to put braces around sub-patterns in patterns, e.g.
is a legal pattern.
Patterns may be concatenated to form a new pattern that matches the concatenation of any strings that match the individual patterns.
"ad"/ {("a"|"c") ("b" | "d")} = "ad"
"xcd"/ {"x" ("a"|"cd")} = "xcd"
The pattern
matches an arbitrarily long sequence of one or more P’s. For example,
"aaa" / {"a"!} = "aaa"

The pattern
matches an optional P; if the match succeeds, fine; if not, fine too.
"abc"/ {"a" "b"? "c"} = "abc"
"ac"/ {"a" "b"? "c"} = "ac"
The idiom P!? can be used to indicate zero or more repetitions of P.
The pattern # (wild card) matches any single character.
"abc"/{"a" # "c"} = "abc"
The pattern ... (ellipsis) matches any sequence of zero or more characters whatsoever. The matcher endeavors to make the substring that it matches as short as possible, subject to the item following the ... matching successfully. A ... at the end of a pattern matches everything to the end of the string.
"abc" / {... "c"} = "abc"
"abc,def,ghi,bbb," / {(... ",")!} = "abc,def,ghi,bbb,"
"abcxyzsss" / {... "xyz" ...} = "abcxyzsss"
16/{"-"...} = fail
-16/{"-"...} = -16
The operator ~ may occur in patterns. As before, it changes fail into the empty string and anything else into fail.
"abc" / {~"abc"} = fail
"abc" / {~"x"} = fail
"abc" / {~"x" "abc"} = "abc"
The idiom {~P ...} matches anything which does not begin with a P.
The following are some useful, pre-defined patterns:
digit = {0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9}
integer = {"-"? digit!}
number = {"-"? ("." digit! | (digit! ("." digit!?)?))}
smallletter = {"a" | "b" | "c" | "d" | "e" | "f" | "g" | "h" | "i" | "j" | "k" | "l" | "m" | "n" | "o" | "p" | "q" | "r" | "s" | "t" | "u" | "v" | "w" | "x" | "y" | "z"}
bigletter = {"A" | "B" | "C" | "D" | "E" | "F" | "G" | "H" | "I" | "J" | "K" | "L" | "M" | "N" | "O" | "P" | "Q" | "R" | "S" | "T" | "U" | "V" | "W" | "X" | "Y" | "Z"}
letter = {smallletter | bigletter}
word = {letter!}
item = {word | number}
thing = {(letter|digit)!}
space = {" " | "↑I"}
(blank or tab)
Two other patterns can be modified by a number
blanks 5 = "↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ "
len 3 = ###

Matching Combined with Evaluation
It is usually desirable to extract more information from the matching process. This can be accomplished by adding structure to patterns with the normal set of operations available for strings, lists, and functions. The strings that match individual components of a pattern are then recombined under control of those operations.
For example, the expression
"How many times"/{ [word, " " word, " " word] }
evaluates to become
["How", " many", " times"]
Operationally, the string was broken into five pieces by the pattern: "How", " ", "many", " ", and "times". Then the concatenation of the spaces onto "many" and "times" was performed, and then the three pieces were made into a list.
The deletion operator * when suffixed to an expression forces it to evaluate to be the empty string unless it is fail. It is useful for discarding portions of a matched string.
"How many times"/{[word " "* word*, " "* word)]} = ["How", "times"]
"56,89"/ {number ","* + number} = 145
The pattern
with a comma just before the ! behaves just like P! except that the individual items that match P are combined into a list rather than being re-concatenated into a string.
"aaa"/ {"a",!} = ["a", "a", "a"]
"The quick brown fox" / {(word " "?*),!} = ["The", "quick", "brown", "fox"]
The application operators (/, //, ///, %) and > are also permitted in patterns, but are treated unlike the other binary operators in that their right operands do not participate in the match, but are combined, as is, with whatever matches the left operand.
The conditional operator > can be used to replace a (non-fail) value with something else.
"abc"/{...("b">"x")...}= "axc"

Month ← {"Jan" > 1
| "Feb" > 2 | "Mar" > 3 | "Apr" > 4 | "May" > 5 | "Jun" > 6 | "Jul" > 7 | "Aug" > 8 | "Sep" > 9 | "Oct" > 10 | "Nov" > 11 | "Dec" > 12}

"Apr"/Month = 4
When an application operator appears inside a pattern the function that follows it is applied to whatever matches the subpattern before it.
"abc-def-hijk-n-"/{(word "-"* / length),!} = [3, 3, 4, 1]
Operationally, this could have happened in two stages. First the matching process yields
[("abc" "-"*/length), ("def" "-"* /length), ("hijk" "-"* /length), ("n" "-"*/length)]
Then the evaluation process throws away the "-"’s and computes the lengths.
"abcd" / {("ab" / x: x x x) ...} = "abababcd"
"23-Jan-78" / {[integer, "-"* word, "-"* integer]
/ [d, m, y] : m " " d ", 19" y}
= "Jan 23, 1978"
Using the pattern Month from above,
"23-Jan-78" / {[integer, "-"* Month, "-"* integer]
/ [d, m, y] : m "/" d "/" y}
= "1/23/78"
The idiom {...(P > S)...} means replace the first occurrence of P with S. (That is: the value of the match will be a new string derived from the old by replacing P with S).
The idiom {(...(P > S))!...} means replace all occurrences of P with S.

The Matching Process
In simple situations the matcher usually does the expected thing. Occasionally, however, it will surprise you by failing to match something you thought it should. That is because the matcher follows a rather simple, left-to-right, matching rule and doesn’t usually back up in the string it is trying to match. Specifically, given a pattern like
s/{P1 P2}
it finds a prefix of s which matches P1, then tries to match P2 against the remainder of the string. If P2 fails to match the remainder the entire match fails. There might be a different way to match P1 against s that consumes more or fewer characters so that P2 would match the remainder. Nevertheless, the matcher does not bother trying new ways to match P1 (unless P1 is an ellipsis; see below.).
For example,
"abc" / {("a" | "ab") "c"} = fail
because the first alternative, "a", was chosen to match the "a" in the subject string, and the matcher did not back up to try the "ab" alternative when "c" fails to match "b". On the other hand
"abc" / {("ab" | "a") "c"} = "abc"
This suggests that if one alternative is a prefix of another you should put the longer one first.
Another example: the matcher finds the longest sequences it can so
"aaabc" / {"a"! "abc"} = fail
because the third "a" was used up by the "a"!.
The only situation in which the matcher backs up involves the ellipsis pattern. If, in {P1 P2}, P1 is an ellipsis or ends with an ellipsis the matcher begins by assuming the ellipsis matches the empty string and extends the ellipsis match, one character at a time, until P2 matches the remainder of the string. Thus the ellipsis pattern ... is quite different from the apparently similar pattern #!?. The second one is fairly useless (except for signifying expletives) since it uses up the entire string it is applied to.
"aaaab"/{... "b"} = "aaaab"
"aaaab"/{#!? "b"} = fail
The use of ellipsis can be surprisingly expensive occasionally. For example,
"abcd def wddf: x"/{... (word ":") ...}
will cause the pattern word to match seven different substrings ("abcd", "bcd", "cd", "d", "def", "ef", "f") before coming to rest on "wddf".

General Iteration and Recursion
If you want to do something repeatedly and it doesn’t correspond to marching down a list you can use the operator %.
E % f
applies f to E repeatedly, calling the result the new E, until E is fail, then returns the previous value for E.
-10 % (x: x+4/{"-" ...}) = -6 % (x: x+4/{"-" ...})
= -2 % (x: x+4/{"-" ...})
= -2
In general,
E % f = E/f > E/f % f | E
You can write recursive functions, if you like.
Blanks ← (n: n/{0} > "" | "↑ " (n-1/Blanks))
generates a string of n blanks.
You can also write recursive patterns.
AE ← {integer | "(" AE ("+" | "-") AE ")" }
matches strings like "(5-(6+2))".
AE suggests a fairly succinct evaluator for fully parenthesized arithmetic expressions
Eval ← {integer |
"("* Eval "+"* + Eval ")"* |
"("* Eval "-"* - Eval ")"*};
"(5-(6+2))"/Eval = -3
Equality Assertions
Equality assertions are intended to be an aid to program development, documentation, and maintenance. They provide a means of interleaving an example with a program. An assertion is a phrase of the form
= E
where E is any expression (in practice, a constant). Any programmer defined function may be decorated with equality assertions. One uses premise assertions after the input variables and conclusion assertions in the body of the function to describe the value of intermediate results.
Consider the function
([x, y]: [x,y]/marry//times///plus)
We can add assertions to it to produce the following, equivalent program
([x,y] := [[1,4,8], [2,-9,3]];
[x,y]/marry = [[1,2],[4,-9],[8,3]]
//times///plus = -9)
This says: If x happens to be [1,4,8] and y happens to be [2,-9,3] then the value of [x,y]/marry is [[1,2],[4,-9],[8,3]] and the final value is -9.
In general, one may add a conclusion assertion to any expression, as long as it occurs inside a function which has premise assertions for its variables.
Normally, these assertions are regarded as comments, but one can have the evaluator check them, too. Given a function with premise assertions, it substitutes the values for the variables and evaluates the body checking that each conclusion assertion is true.
When a function occurs within a function, things are a little more complicated. The problem is that each conclusion assertion should be checked only once, even if the inner function is used repeatedly. Consider the following function
(x:=["abc", "z"]; x // (y: [y/length, y])
//sort//2 = ["z", "abc"])
If we want to attach an assertion to the result of the inner function, which should we use: = [3, "abc"] or = [1, "z"]? The answer is "neither"; we invent an independent premise assertion for the inner function.
(x:=["abc", "z"]; x // (y="gh": [(y/length), y] = [2, "gh"])
//sort//2 = ["z", "abc"])
The checking evaluation proceeds as follows:
1. Start the check of the outer function: Substitute the premise value for x.
2. Start the check of the inner function: Substitute the premise value for
y, and check the result of the inner function. The inner function is now checked.
3. Apply the inner function to
"abc" and "z".
4. Sort the list, discard the lengths and check the final result.
It might be helpful to a reader to choose the examples for inner functions to correspond to a particular case based upon the outer function; e.g. use "ab" rather than "gh" in the above program.
File, Display, and Keyboard Functions
The expression
evaluates to a string which is the contents of the file name com.cm. If the file does not exist the value is fail.
The function write can be used to write a string onto a file.
"Hello there.↑M" / write "comment.cm"
stores the string on the file. It is not possible to write on a file that has been read previously in the same Poplar session.
The function listout can be used to store any value on a file.
["a", "b"] / listout "f.pl"
stores ["a", "b"] on the file, including brackets and quote marks.
The expression
reads in the file f.pl and evaluates it as a Poplar expression. The file should have been created with the listout function.
The function print allows one to display a string.
"HI." / print
Displays HI. on the screen. The value is the input string.
The function key evaluates to a string which is the sequence of characters typed on the keyboard up to a RETURN. It prompts with its input string. Thus
"Type something, turkey!"/ key / print
echoes a line. Typing DEL to key will cause it to return fail.
The function dir produces a list of the file names currently in the system’s directory. It ignores its input.
The function exec may be used to cause a command to be executed by the resident operating system command processor.
"ftp ivy st/c *.mesa" / exec
causes the command to be executed. Control should eventually return to the Poplar evaluator.

The Poplar Executive
The executive executes commands or evaluates expressions and prints their values. Input lines are terminated with RETURN, M; if you wish to include a RETURN in the input line, precede it with a CTRL-V. For example,
is a valid (though trivial) program. Its value, "abc", will be printed. Common editing characters work during type-in. Backspace erases the previous character, and DEL cancels the input. Hitting ESC at the beginning of a line repeats the previous line typed; you can use backspace to change it. Hitting ESC followed by RETURN will repeat the previous command.
Most binary operators can omit their first operand and they will use the last value printed which we shall call the current value. For example
prints the value "1". Then
+ 2M
prints "3".
Often, the previous value is wanted.
throws away the current value and replaces it with the previous one. Only one value is saved. In the example above, the "1" would be displayed again. The effects of assignments or file writes are not undone.
The current value may be designated by @. For example,
Wind ← @M
will assign the displayed value to Wind.
After a certain number of lines of the current value are printed the message "... more ..." is typed at the bottom. If you want to see more type
and then type y’ when subsequently prompted with "More?". If you type &’ to the More? question, it will print the entire string with no more pauses.
As you proceed, the cursor, which is in the shape of a square, will fill up to indicate how much memory space has been consumed. When it is mostly black, there will be a slight pause as the system "garbage collects" space not used any more. A smaller area on the left edge of the cursor indicates paging activity. A small mark moves each time the contents of a page buffer is changed.
If you’ve had enough type
Often, Poplar programs will be prepared using Bravo. The approved extension for such files is ".pl". Typing
will read in the filename and run it. It is shorthand for
The function run takes a string, analyzes it and evaluates it as a Poplar expression.
"1+2"/run = 3
"x ← ↑"a↑"; x x"/run = "aa"
and x assumes the value "a".
Often one says
MP ← "MyProgram.pl"/file; MP/runM
because it is useful to keep the program around as a string so that it can be editted using Poplar. This is slightly less painful than going back to Bravo, and a lot more fun. The most frequent kind of thing one types is
MP/{...("bad, old code" > "good, new code")...}M
or you may use subst:

which will prompt you for the new code and the old code (terminate by
RETURN, as usual).
When you forget the above options, type
to print out the user commands.
During type-in, the single ASCII quote () can be used to enter strings:
’name/file means "name"/file
The string is terminated by any character not a letter, digit, period, or .
A running program may be interrupted by typing CTRL-DEL. The expression currently under evaluation is printed and you are talking to teh debugging executive which prompts with a ‘$’. You are then given an opportunity to examine things further by the following mechanism: the debugging executive will evaluate any expression typed in the context of the evaluation. Thus local variables may be examined just by typing their names. If you just type a RETURN the interrupt message is repeated and a slightly larger expression context is displayed. If you type prM the computation resumes right where it left off. If you type DEL, the current computation is aborted and you return to the normal executive.
Input characters may be delivered to Poplar via the command line. Poplar starts by reading the command line (starting with the first blank) as if it were being typed in. When the command line is exhausted it begins to take its input from the keyboard.
If a command file contains
poplar "Running ex1"/print’
"Running ex2"/print’
The effect of executing it will be to run the programs ex1 and ex2 and exit Poplar.
There are three kinds of errors - syntax errors, run-time errors, and unforeseen errors (Poplar bugs). A syntax error will give the line and character on that line near (but always after) where the error occurred, and will print the line involved. Lines are counted by counting carriage returns. The statement count is the number of semicolons passed in the entire program being compiled.
Run-time errors occur during the execution of programs and will print out the smallest expression being evaluated. You may then interact with the evaluator in the manner described above in the paragraph on interrupts. However, typing prM will restart the computaion with the expression most recently displayed, rather than precisely where the error occured. This gives you the opportunity to fix things up a little and continue. Because it is not possible undo all the effects of a error this facility will not always yield the expected results.
A Poplar bug, is a "can’t happen" error message which indicates some internal inconsistency. It is treated just like a run-time error. Such errors should be reported to the Poplar implementors.
Poplar maintains various fixed-size storage areas which may overflow. Errors from storage overflow can be programmed around by breaking the program or its input into smaller pieces.
Odds and Ends
Poplar will create some temporary files beginning with "Poplar ..." and ending with "$". They may be removed and they will reappear when Poplar runs.
All transactions are recorded on the "Mesa.TypeScript" file.