-- HelpDoc.tioga -- last edited by: L. Stewart, December 20, 1983 2:47 pm name Help: ?: <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <<% ? * > Commands.txt; Open Commands.txt % -- this is a good way to get a complete list of what is loaded and available>> <<% ? Version Date ///Commands/Version Print Cedar version number ///Commands/Date Print date and time % >> <<% ? ve* ///Commands/FSBringover FSBringover list-of-remote-patterns ///Commands/Scavenge Scavenge {volumeName} -- FS scavenge ///Commands/Version Print Cedar version number % >> <<% Help List Help not implemented. Try looking on the release documentation directory, e.g. /Indigo/Cedar/Documentation/ListDoc.tioga. % >> <> <> <> <<% Help foo (Generic command) Commander ///foo.cm!3 % >> <> <> <> <> <> <> <>> <> <<help button info man>> <> <<to be supplied by the Index Czar>>