Last edit by Michael Plass, May 2, 1983 3:16 pm
FileTransferCommands registers the following commands with Commander:
Retrieve <file list> -- Retrieve files from remote servers.
Store <file list> -- Store files onto remote servers.
StoreText <file list> -- Store the text portion only of Tioga files (no comment nodes) onto remote servers.
ListRemote <file list> -- List the names of remote files matching the given pattern.
ListVerbose <file list> -- Like ListRemote, but show extra info about each file.
DelVerKeep <n> <file list> -- Delete all but the last n versions of files that match the specified pattern.
Each of these commands takes a list of file names, in the syntax
<directory> defaults to the login name.
[server] defaults to [Maxc] for StoreText (since this seems the most likely place to put stripped Tioga files). For Retrieve, Store, ListRemote, and ListVerbose, [server] defaults to [Indigo] if the user has supplied the <directory>; otherwise it defaults to [Ivy]. DelVerKeep does not supply defaults, for safety's sake; the full host and directory must be specified.
% store TempTip>M*.tip
Storing [Ivy]<Plass>TempTip>MessageWindow.tip!1
Storing [Ivy]<Plass>TempTip>MyOwn.tip!1
% store TempTip>M*.tip
Storing [Ivy]<Plass>TempTip>MessageWindow.tip!2
Storing [Ivy]<Plass>TempTip>MyOwn.tip!2
% delVerKeep 1 *
*: DelVerKeep requires explicit host and top-level directory
% delVerKeep 1 [Ivy]<Plass>TempTip>
Enumerating remote directory . . . done.
Deleting [Ivy]<Plass>TempTip>MessageWindow.tip!1 . . . done.
Deleting [Ivy]<Plass>TempTip>MyOwn.tip!1 . . . done.
% StoreText M*.tip
Storing text into [Maxc]<Plass>MessageWindow.tip!1
Storing text into [Maxc]<Plass>MyOwn.tip!1
% retrieve TempTip>*
Retrieving [Ivy]<Plass>TempTip>MessageWindow.tip!2 . . . Done.
Retrieving [Ivy]<Plass>TempTip>MyOwn.tip!2 . . . Done.
% listRemote TempT*
% listVerbose TempT*
[Ivy]<Plass>TempTip>MessageWindow.tip!2 275 26-Jan-82 11:16:33 PST
[Ivy]<Plass>TempTip>MyOwn.tip!2 2695 13-Sep-82 12:52:23 PDT
% listVerbose <cedar>viewers>m*.tip
[Indigo]<Cedar>Viewers>MessageWindow.tip!1 275 26-Jan-82 11:16:33 PST
Since Maxc does not support the full pattern matching syntax that IFS does, it is necessary to supply a pattern like [Maxc]<Plass>*.* to DelVerKeep.
DelVerKeep does not complain if you do not have delete privileges; it says the files are deleted, but they really are not. No means of connecting to a directory is provided.
ListVerbose does not work correctly on Maxc.