-- ChangeWorkingDirectoryDoc.tioga
-- last edited by: L. Stewart, December 12, 1983 5:21 pm
name ChangeWorkingDirectory:
ChangeWorkingDirectory directoryName
CD directoryName
If the directoryName is empty, then /// is used. The argument is converted to slash format and a relative paths is resolved. If the directoryName does not end with '/, then one is appended.
Change working directory. This command sets the $WorkingDirectory property of the process properties list. FS uses this property whenever no explicit working directory is passed to an FS procedure.
CD rewrites the herald of the CommandTool viewer if there is one.
% cd /Ivy/Stewart/Top/
Explicit full path name.
% cd
% cd ///
% cd []<>
All do the same thing.
% cd temp/foo
% cd temp/foo/
All change to the directory temp/foo/ which is in the current working directory.
% cd ..
Change the working directory to be the parent of the present working directory.
% cd ../bar/.
Change the working directory to be bar/, which is a subdirectory of the parent directory of the present working directory.
CD does not make many checks on the reasonableness of the directoryName parameter:
% cd #~#~#~#
At this writing, some Cedar 5 subsystems behave badly when the working directory is not ///.
Probably too fast to stop.
FSFileCommandsImpl.mesa in CommandTool.df
L. C. Stewart <Stewart.pa>
keyword hints
help button info man
to be supplied by the Index Czar