Date: 20 Aug. 1982 4:50 pm PDT (Friday)
Sender: Levin.PA
Subject: Cedar 3.3 release
From: Release Master
To: CedarUsers↑, CedarImplementors↑
cc: CedarCoordinators↑
Reply-To: Levin

Cedar 3.3 is released.

This release is virtually identical to Cedar 3.2 with one significant exception: 
nearly all interfaces and implementations have been recompiled with the Cedar
compiler.  This includes all the Pilot, Communication, Pup, and
CompatibilityPackage interfaces that were previously the original Rubicon
versions.  As a consequence of this recompilation, the interpreter should no
longer encounter symbols files that it cannot understand.  (This was the
motivation for this otherwise uninteresting release.)  All client programs must be
recompiled and rebound.  No source changes are required.

CoPilot has not been reconstructed using these interfaces; the 3.2 version of
CoPilot is still usable for debugging.  However, since all of the implementations
have also been recompiled to use the new interfaces, none of the packages in
this release will execute in the CoPilot environment.  Versions of relevant tools
for use in CoPilot were released as part of Cedar 3.2 and are still available on
[Indigo]<Cedar>.  However, they will soon be moved to [Indigo]<Cascade>, where
they will remain until Cedar 4.0.

This release is stored exclusively on subdirectories of [Indigo]<Cedar>.  Other
directories (e.g., PreCedar, CedarLang, CedarLib) are NOT part of the release and
their contents should be treated with suspicion.  In general, users should access
release components using BringOver and the appropriate DF files; retrieving files
with the FileTool is likely to lead to version mismatches and confusion.  For this
release, all top-level DF files for release components that users are likely to need
are stored on [Indigo]<Cedar>Top>. 

This release announcement consists of two parts:

  Installation Procedure
  Known Problems

The customary "List of System Components" and "Summary of Release Component
Changes since Cedar 3.2" have been omitted from this release message, since
there are no functional differences from Cedar 3.2.

Installation Procedure

This procedure assumes you have a machine with Cedar 3.2 installed.  Otherwise,
refer to the "Setting Up Your Disk" section of


for further information.  (Note that the command files described in this document
for formatting entire disks are now called and

  0)  The Client volume should be erased before Cedar 3.3 is installed.  If there
      are any files on the Client volume that you wish to save, save them before
      proceeding.  You may wish to use DFDisk (see documentation of DFFiles

  1)  Get to Othello, either through the MesaNetExec or your Othello volume.

  2)  Type Erase<CR> to Othello.  You will be prompted for the volume
      name, type Client<CR>.  Confirm as necessary.

  3)  Type @<CR> to Othello.  You will be prompted for a command file
      name.  Type either
	[Indigo]<Cedar>Top>          or
      as appropriate.  New boot files will be fetched for all volumes, as well as
      new microcode and germ files.

  4)  On Dorados, Cedar will automatically be booted upon completion of the
      command file.  (Actually, the CoPilot volume will first be booted, after
      then a physical volume boot will occur, causing Cedar to be booted.  Be
      patient.)  On Dolphins, the Alto partition will be booted; hold down
      the "P" key and press the boot button to boot Cedar.

As with previous releases, once the automatic installation procedure completes,
you may then optionally acquire lots of additional useful files by typing

	BringOver /a CedarClientFat.df    (Note:  NOT /p)

to the UserExec.  This will fetch the exported contents of most of the major
packages, whether released as part of the boot file or as separate BCDs.  Users
with limited disk space probably shouldn't do this.

Once you have brought over all the desired files, you may wish to make a
checkpoint, using the button at the top of the screen.

Known Problems

The following problems/glitches are known to exist in Cedar 3.3.

1. The Watch tool included in this release has the same difficulties as the one
announced in Cedar 3.2.  A repaired version will be announced soon.

2. There may be a long delay (several minutes) during initial booting after the
screen has turned gray but before any viewers have appeared.  Don't panic; files
are being retrieved from (busy) file servers.

3. Russ Atkinson announced a patch to BugBane that can be installed using
<Atkinson>Hacks>HideousKludge.bcd.  This patch is still applicable in Cedar 3.3.

4. As in Cedar 3.2, using Print on files with Tioga formatting will waste
excessive paper at the printer.  Use TSetter to print such files.

5. CedarDB has not been rebuilt.  Users of this package should contact Rick
Cattell for conversion assistance.

The Release Master