Last edited by Mitchell on December 20, 1982 4:33 pm
    by vanLeunen on June 6, 1983 10:49 pm
By Jim Mitchell
Annotated Cedar Examples
Version 3.5.2
Abstract This section contains a set of examples of Cedar programs for your reading pleasure. These are actual programs that can be run, used as parts of other programs, or treated as templates to be edited into new programs with similar structures.
This memo is probably out of date if it is in hardcopy form. It documents Release 3.5.2 of Cedar, December 1982.
[If you are reading this document on-line in Cedar, try using the Tioga Levels and Lines menus tobrowse through the top few levels of its structure before reading it straight through.]
Annotated Cedar Examples: Contents
1. A simple, but complete program
1.1 SimpleExample.mesa  Rick Cattell
1.2. Notes for SimpleExample
2. A general sort package for lists
2.2. ListSortRef.mesa  Mark Brown
2.3. Notes for ListSortRef interface
2.4. OnlineMergeSortRefImpl.mesa  Mark Brown
2.5. Notes for OnlineMergeSortRefImpl
3. A sample tool using Viewers
3.1. SampleTool.mesa  Scott McGregor
3.2 Notes for SampleTool
4. An evaluator for FUN, a functional programming language
4.1 FUN.mesa  Jim Morris
4.2 Notes for FUN
0. Introduction
This section contains a set of four examples of Cedar programs for your reading pleasure (it assumes you are already familiar with the Cedar Language, either by previous osmosis or by having read the Cedar Language Overview). These are actual programs that can be run, used as parts of other programs, or treated as templates to be edited into new programs with similar structures.
For each example there is a short discussion of its purpose followed by the program.
After each program there is a set of notes to help in reading it. The notes are keyed to the programs by the numbers in parentheses to the right of some lines, e.g., as "--(note 5.1)".
You will also find references to lines in the program from the notes, as, e.g., "[line 1.1]". The corresponding lines in the programs are marked as, e.g., [1.1].
When Mesa identifiers appear in the notes, they are displayed in italics to make reading easier; e.g., ReverseName, CommandProc.
You should read the examples for understanding and use the notes as references, rather than the other way round.
1. A simple, but complete program
This first example shows how to write a simple, but complete Cedar program. It illustrates a number of features of the Cedar language and system as well as some of the stylistic conventions used by Cedar programmers (see the Style section):
It uses Cedar ROPEs for string manipulation;
It uses the IO interface to create and use terminal input and output streams;
It registers procedures with the Cedar User Executive (UserExec) so that you can invoke them like builtin commands of the UserExec;
One of these registered commands creates a process by means of a FORKed procedure call each time you invoke it from the UserExec;
The process then creates a simple Viewer with which you can interact to calculate the values of simple expressions.
The program can be run by typing "Run SimpleExample" to the Cedar UserExec. All it does at that point is register two commands with the UserExec.
The first command, ReverseName, simply types your logged-in user name backwards in the UserExec typescript (unless you are Bob Taylor).
The second command, Calculate, creates a separate viewer into which you can type simple expressions of the form "constant (("+" | "—") constant)*", terminated by a carriage return. It will display the value of the expression. If you wish, you can create multiple calculator viewers by giving the Calculate command to the UserExec more than once.
1.1 SimpleExample.mesa  Rick Cattell
-- File: SimpleExample.mesa               (note 1.1)
-- Last edited by: Mitchell on December 16, 1982 2:32 pm
IO USING [char, Close, CreateViewerStreams, Error, GetChar, GetInt, Handle, IDBreak, int, PeekChar, PutF, PutFR, Reset, rope, SkipOver],
Process USING [Detach],
Rope USING [Cat, Equal, Fetch, Find, FromChar, Length, ROPE, Substr, Upper],
UserExec USING [CommandProc, GetNameAndPassword, RegisterCommand];
SimpleExample: CEDAR MONITOR    --(note 1.2)
IMPORTS IO, Process, Rope, UserExec =   --(note 1.3)
ROPE: TYPE = Rope.ROPE;      --(note 1.4)
windowCount: INT ← 0; -- a count of the number of calculators on the screen
ReverseName: UserExec.CommandProc -- [exec: UserExec.ExecHandle, clientData: REF ANY ← NIL] RETURNS [ok: BOOLEAN ← TRUE, msg: ROPE ← NIL] -- =
-- Reverses the user's login name and prints it out in the exec window. (note 1.5)
userName: ROPE ← UserExec.GetNameAndPassword[ ].name;  --(note 1.6)
execStream: IO.Handle ← exec.out; -- exec is an arg to ReverseName(note 1.7)
backwordsName: ROPENIL;
-- Remove ".PA" if it is on the end of the user name, and check for user name Taylor.
dotPos: INT = userName.Find["."];             --(note 1.8)
IF dotPos#-1 THEN userName ← userName.Substr[0, dotPos];
IF userName.Equal[s2: "Taylor", case: FALSE] THEN execStream.PutF["Hi, Bob\n"];
-- Now reverse the name: convert chars to upper cases and concatenate them in reverse order
FOR i: INT DECREASING IN [0..userName.Length[ ]) DO
backwordsName ← backwordsName.Cat[
Rope.FromChar[Rope.Upper[userName.Fetch[i]]]]     --[1.1] (note 1.9)
execStream.PutF["Your user name backwards is: %g\n", IO.rope[backwordsName]];
                     --(note 1.10)
MakeCalculator: ENTRY UserExec.CommandProc = BEGIN  --(note 1.11)
-- Puts up a calculator window.
title: ROPE;
windowCount ← windowCount+1;
title ← IO.PutFR["Adding machine number %g",[windowCount]]; --(note 1.12)
TRUSTED {Process.Detach[FORK Calculate[title]]}       --(note 1.13)
Calculate: PROC[title: ROPE] = BEGIN
-- Creates typescript window separate from UserExec with given title.
-- Uses IO procedures to read an integer expression from the typescript and print its value.
opChar: CHAR;
number: INT;
answer: INT;
in, out: IO.Handle;
[in: in, out: out] ← IO.CreateViewerStreams[title];       --(note 1.14)
DO  -- Read an expression, terminated by a CR:
ENABLE IO.Error =>                --(note 1.15)
IF ec=SyntaxError THEN {
in.Reset[ ];
out.PutF["\nIncorrect input. Please retype the expression.\n\n"];
opChar ← '+;  -- first integer is positive
answer ← 0;  -- initialize sum to zero
out.PutF["Type one or more integers separated by + and - and terminate with CR to compute value:\n"];
DO -- Read an integer and an operator, skipping leading blanks in both cases
number ← in.GetInt[ ];
'+ => answer ← answer + number;
'- => answer ← answer - number;
out.PutF["Illegal operator (%g). Please retype the expression.\n\n", IO.char[opChar]];
IF in.PeekChar[ ]='\n THEN GO TO NextLine; -- the normal way out
opChar ← in.GetChar[ ];
NextLine => {
[ ] ← in.GetChar[ ]; -- toss CR          (note 1.16)
out.PutF["\nThe answer is: %g.\n\n",[answer]] };
-- Start code registers a Calculate and ReverseName command, which must be invoked for this program to do anything:
UserExec.RegisterCommand[              --(note 1.17)
name: "Calculate", proc: MakeCalculator, briefDoc: "A simple adding machine"];
name: "ReverseName", proc: ReverseName, briefDoc: "Reverses your user name"];
CHANGE LOG     --(note 1.18)
Created by Cattell on 21-Apr-82 13:55:09
Changed by Cattell on May 25, 1982 10:58 am
-- added use of RegisterCommand to fire up a Calculator viewer instead of creating it when program first run.
Changed by Mitchell on August 11, 1982 5:00 pm
-- changed main loop of Calculate to correctly catch IO.Error when Destroy menu button invoked.
Edited on December 16, 1982 2:22 pm, by Mitchell
changes to: DIRECTORY IO, --CreateTTYStreams --> CreateViewerStreams, --, UserExec.RegisterCommand[moved out.PutF to NextLine exit of inner loop so it doesn't print out an answer when an incorrect operator is typed
1.2. Notes for SimpleExample
(1.1) These two stylized comments give the name of the module, who last edited it, and when (and Tioga contains features that will automatically update the last-edited time when a save is done - see the Tioga Editor chapter of this documentation). The section on Style contains a list of the stylistic conventions recommended for Cedar programmers.
(1.2) A MONITOR module is like a PROGRAM module except that it can be used to control concurrent access to shared data (note 1.11).
(1.3) SimpleExample imports four interfaces, IO, Process, Rope, and UserExec because it needs to call procedures defined in those interfaces.
(1.4) Since ROPEs are so heavily used in the program, an unqualified version of the type name is generated simply by equating it with the type in the Rope interface. This is a commonly used means for making one or a small set of names from interfaces available as simple identifiers in a module.
(1.5) The argument and returns lists given here as comments show the type of Userexec.CommandProc; they were inserted semi-automatically using Tioga's "Expand Abbreviation" command to assist in reading the program. ReverseName has this type so that it can be registered with the Cedar UserExec as a command that a user can invoke by typing a simple identifier (note 1.18).
The ReverseName procedure prints out the user's login name in reverse order. It strips off the registry extension (e.g. ".PA") and does something different for user name "Taylor".
(1.6) GetNameAndPassword has the type
PROC RETURNS [name, password: ROPE]
userName is initialized to the value of the "name" return value from UserExec.GetNameAndPassword by qualifying the call with ".name".
(1.7) In the object-oriented style adopted by many Cedar interfaces, the object type provided by an interface, Foo, is conventionally named Foo.Handle.
(1.8) The notation, userName.Find["."], is interpreted by the compiler as follows: Look in the interface where the type of userName is defined (Rope in this case) and look for the procedure Find, whose first parameter is a ROPE. Generate code to call that procedure, inserting userName at the head of its argument list. Thus userName.Find["."] is an alternate way of saying Rope.Find[userName, "."]. The userName.Find form is called object-style notation, and the Rope.Find form is called procedure-oriented notation.
Note also that dotpos is constant over the scope of its declaration, so it is initialized with "=" to prevent any subsequent assignment to it.
(1.9) Find, Fetch, Equal, Substr, Cat, and FromChar are all procedures from the Rope interface. The program uses object-style notation for those calls whose first argument is a nameable object, e.g., userName, and procedure-oriented notation otherwise. [line 1.1] is a good example of both. Here it is, spread out to exhibit the two forms:
backwordsName.Cat[   -- object-oriented notation
Rope.FromChar[  -- procedure-oriented notation
Rope.Upper[   -- procedure-oriented notation
userName.Fetch[i]  -- object-oriented notation
(1.10) IO.PutF is the standard way of providing formatted output to a stream (much like FORTRAN output with format). Its first argument is an IO.Handle. The second is a ROPE with embedded Fortran-like formatting commands where variables are to be output. The "%g" format is the most useful one; it will handle any sort of variable: INTEGER, CHARACTER, ROPE, etc., in a general default format. The third through last arguments are values to be output, surrounded by calls to inline IO procedures that tell PutF the type of the argument: int[answer], for example. For details, see the description of IO in the Catalog chapter.
(1.11) MakeCalculator is an ENTRY procedure to this monitor because it updates the variable windowCount, which is global in SimpleExample and therefore could be incorrectly updated if multiple processes were to invoke MakeCalculator concurrently. When invoked, MakeCalculator creates a new calculator viewer on the screen by invoking Calculate and forking it as a new process (note 1.13).
(1.12) IO.PutFR (also known by the name PutFToRope has the same arguments as IO.PutF, but returns a ROPE containing the resultant output rather than sending it to a stream
(1.13) The FORK operation creates a new process to execute a regular procedure call. It returns a ProcessHandle which can either be used to synchronize with the process later (when its root procedure executes a RETURN) and acquire its return values. Alternatively, it can be passed to the procedure Process.Detach, in which case the process can no longer be JOINed to and will simply disappear when its root procedure RETURNs.
Note that the combined FORKing and detaching is enveloped in a TRUSTED block. This is because the Detach operation is not intrinsically SAFE, although the stylized combination of FORK and Detach used here actually is. You should use this paradigm when detaching a FORKed process: don't assign the process handle returned by FORK to anything, just use it as the single argument to Process.Detach and surround the whole by a TRUSTED block.
(1.14) CreateViewerStreams makes a pair of IO.Handle objects, in for terminal input, and out for (teletype-style) output. These two returned values are assigned to the local variables in and out using a keyword extractor to ensure that we assign them correctly.
(1.15) Calculate parses a simple expression from the in stream using a number of useful IO functions for input, such as GetInt to provide an INT (skipping over leading blanks), PeekChar to look at the next character while leaving it in the stream for the next input call, and SkipOver to scan to the first occurence of an interesting character.
These various IO procedures can raise the ERROR IO.Error, so there is a catch phrase enabled over the outer (endless) loop to deal with IO.Error. IO.Error also carries an argument, ec, which is an enumerated type defined in IO.
If ec=SyntaxError, the user has typed something that is not lexically correct, and the program will regain control and go around the outer loop again.
The only other possibility is that the in and out streams were closed (ec=StreamClosed) as a side effect of the user having destroyed the Calculator viewer by bugging the Destroy menu item. This error and code can emanate from any of the IO operations in the loop. In this case the program exits the outer loop, returns from Calculate, and the process that was forked then terminates and disappears.
(1.16) If a procedure returns values, the Cedar language requires you to assign them to something, even if you have no use for them in a specific case. The standard mechanism for ignoring a procedure's returned value(s) is an empty extractor, as here.
(1.17) Here, at the end of the module, is the code that is executed when the module is started. You can create an instance of a module and start it using the UserExec "Run" command. The loader creates instances of programs when loading configurations. If a component of a configuration is not STARTed explicitly, then it will be started automatically (as the result of a trap) the first time one of its procedures is called. See the Language Reference Manual for more information.
In this case, the start code for the module consists of two calls on the procedure UserExec.RegisterCommand, which register the commands "Calculate" and "ReverseName" with the UserExec so that you can invoke the procedures MakeCalculator and ReverseName, respectively, by typing their command names.
These procedure calls also illustrate the ability to specify the association between a procedure's formal parameters and the arguments in a specific call using keyword instead of positional notation. Generally, keyword notation is preferred over positional for all but simple one- or two-argument calls, and it is definitely better for two-argument calls if the types of the arguments are the same, e.g., either
Copy[to: arg1, from: arg2] or
Copy[from: arg2, to: arg1]
is preferable to
Copy[arg1, arg2]
(1.18) By convention each module has a CHANGE LOG following the Cedar text. It is used to record an abbreviated history of changes to the module, saying who made each change, when they made it, and a brief description of what was done. You can insert a new entry in the log by left-clicking Tioga's ChangeLog viewer button; see the Tioga chapter for details.
2. A general sort package for lists
This is an example of a Cedar package and consists of two modules: ListSortRef specifies the interface that client programs must import to make use of the package; ListSortRefImpl implements that interface.
The package sorts lists of items according to a compare function passed to it along with the list to be sorted. The algorithm is presented as exercise 5.2.4-17 (p. 169) in Knuth Volume III, and is attributed to John McCarthy. The comments in the code give some of the important invariants.
2.2. ListSortRef.mesa  Mark Brown
-- File: ListSortRef.mesa
-- Last edited By Mitchell on December 20, 1982 3:09 pm
Environment USING [Comparison];
ListSortRef: CEDAR DEFINITIONS =    --(note 2.1)
Comparison: TYPE = Environment.Comparison;
CompareProc: TYPE = PROC[r1, r2: REF ANY] RETURNS [Comparison];
-- Returns less if r1^ < r2^, equal if r1^ = r2^, greater if r1^ > r2^.
CompareError: ERROR[reason: Reason];
Reason: TYPE = {typeMismatch, invalidType}; -- errors from a CompareProc
Sort: PROC[list: LIST OF REF ANY, compareProc: CompareProc]   --(note 2.2)
-- Destructive sort; copy list first if nondestructive sort is needed.
-- Returns a list containing the same REFs as list, arranged in ascending order
--according to compareProc. Order of equal items is not preserved.
Compare: CompareProc;
-- ! SafeStorage.NarrowRefFault
-- (if both parameters do not NARROW to one of ROPE or REF INT.)
-- Compares ROPE : ROPE (case significant) and REF INT : REF INT
Created by MBrown on 21-Apr-81 13:55:09
Changed by MBrown on 10-Dec-81 9:50:15
-- Change comment in Compare (now compares ROPE instead of REF TEXT.)
Changed by MBrown on July 5, 1982 4:59 pm
-- CEDAR definitions, eliminate type Item.
Edited on December 20, 1982 3:24 pm, by Mitchell
added CompareError and Reason to make errors generated by a CompareProc more germane to it instead of the facilities it calls.
2.3. Notes for ListSortRef interface
(2.1) Interfaces are defined in DEFINITIONS modules. Basically, a DEFINITIONS module contains the constants, types, and procedure headings (actually procedure types) needed to use a package. Frequently, an interface defines some kind of object with operations (procedures) for that class of object (the Rope interface is a good example of such an object-oriented interface).
(2.2) This definition for Sort is used for type-checking in any module that contains a call on Sort or provides an actual implementation of it (note 2.3). Thus, client and implementing programs can count on the fact that they agree on the type of Sort.
This separation of definition and implementation enables client and implementing modules to be developed independently of each other, which provides some parallelism in the program development process. Since they are more abstract, interfaces are typically more stable than either clients or implementations.
The first argument to Sort has type LIST OF REF ANY. Lists in Cedar are similar to Lisp lists. In this case the type "LIST OF REF ANY" is equivalent to the following pair of Cedar type definitions:
ListOfRefAny: TYPE = REF ListCell;
ListCell: TYPE = RECORD[first: REF ANY, rest: ListOfRefAny];
The only things that are special about lists are that the compiler automatically generates the equivalent of the above two type definitions for each list type you define, the language provides a CONS operator for allocating and initializing list cells [line 2.1], and list types with the same elements are equivalent, whereas record types are not.
2.4. OnlineMergeSortRefImpl.mesa  Mark Brown
-- File OnlineMergeSortRefImpl.mesa
-- Last edited by MBrown on July 5, 1982 3:57 pm,
-- Mitchell on December 20, 1982 3:21 pm
Rope USING [ROPE, Compare],
SafeStorage USING [NarrowRefFault];
OnlineMergeSortRefImpl: CEDAR PROGRAM    --(note 2.3)
IMPORTS Rope, SafeStorage
EXPORTS ListSortRef =
Comparison: TYPE = ListSortRef.Comparison;
CompareProc: TYPE = ListSortRef.CompareProc;
Sort: PUBLIC PROC [list: LIST OF REF ANY, compareProc: CompareProc]  --(note 2.4)
-- The sort is destructive and NOT stable, that is, the relative positions in the result of nodes with equal keys is unpredictible. For a nondestructive sort, copy list first.
a, b, mergeTo: LIST OF REF ANY;
mergeToCons: LIST OF REF ANY = CONS[NIL, NIL];   -- [2.1] (note 2.5)
index: TYPE = INT [0..22); -- 22 is the number of bits in word-address space minus 2 (cons cell takes 2**2 words).
sorted: ARRAY index OF LIST OF REF ANYALL [NIL]; -- sorted[i] is a sorted list of length 2i or NIL.    (note 2.6)
-- make each pair of consecutive elements of list into a sorted list of length 2, then merge it into sorted.
UNTIL (a ← list) = NIL OR (b ← = NIL DO
list ←;
IF compareProc[a.first, b.first] = less THEN        --(note 2.7)
{ ← b; ← NIL }
ELSE { ← a; ← NIL; a ← b };
FOR j: index ← 0, j+1 DO
IF (b ← sorted[j]) = NIL THEN { sorted[j] ← a; EXIT }
ELSE {  --merge (equal length) lists a and b
sorted[j] ← NIL;
mergeTo ← mergeToCons;  
DO --assert a#NIL, b#NIL
IF compareProc[a.first, b.first] = less THEN {        --[2.2] ← a; mergeTo ← a;
IF (a ← = NIL THEN { ← b; EXIT }}
ELSE { ← b; mergeTo ← b;
IF (b ← = NIL THEN { ← a; EXIT }}
a ← }
-- if list's length was even, a = NIL; if list's length was odd, a = single element list. Merge a and elements of sorted into result (held in a).
{ j: index ← 0;
a ← sorted[j];
IF j < LAST[index] THEN j ← j+1 ELSE RETURN[a];
DO --assert a#NIL
IF (b ← sorted[j]) # NIL THEN {
mergeTo ← mergeToCons;
DO -- assert a#NIL AND b#NIL
IF compareProc[a.first, b.first] = less THEN { ← a; mergeTo ← a;
IF (a ← = NIL THEN { ← b; EXIT } }
ELSE { ← b; mergeTo ← b;
IF (b ← = NIL THEN { ← a; EXIT } }
a ← };
IF j < LAST[index] THEN j ← j+1 ELSE RETURN[a];
CompareError: PUBLIC ERROR[reason: ListSortRef.Reason] = CODE;
Compare: PUBLIC CompareProc --[r1, r2: REF ANY] RETURNS [Comparison] -- = TRUSTED {
ENABLE SafeStorage.NarrowRefFault => GOTO BadType;
IF r1 = NIL THEN {
IF r2 = NIL THEN RETURN [equal] -- define NIL=NIL regardless of type
ELSE { temp: REF ANY ← r1; r1 ← r2; r2 ← temp }};
WITH r1 SELECT FROM -- assert r1#NIL           (note 2.8)
rope: ROPE => RETURN[rope.Compare[s2: NARROW[r2, ROPE], case: TRUE]];
ri: REF INT => RETURN[CompareINT[ri^, NARROW[r2, REF INT]^]];    --[2.4]
ENDCASE => ERROR CompareError[invalidType]
BadType => ERROR CompareError[typeMismatch]
CompareINT: PROC [int1, int2: INT] RETURNS [Comparison] = INLINE {
int1 < int2 => less,
int1 = int2 => equal,
ENDCASE => greater ] };
Created by MBrown on 21-Apr-81 13:26:10
Changed by MBrown on 19-Aug-81 15:14:34
-- CedarString -> Rope (used only in Compare.)
Changed by MBrown on 23-Aug-81 17:45:12
-- Fix bug in sorting NIL.
Changed by MBrown on 10-Dec-81 9:57:58
-- Cosmetic changes: ROPE, INT.
Changed by MBrown on March 9, 1982 5:03 pm
-- Use a bounded array in local frame instead of consing up a list of lists on each call. Even for a 32 bit address space, this is only 60 words of array in the frame.
Changed by MBrown on June 28, 1982 11:43 am
-- CEDAR implementation. CompareINT no longer uses MACHINE CODE.
Changed by MBrown on July 5, 1982 3:58 pm
-- Eliminate CARDINALs, redundant range check on j, type Item.
Edited on December 20, 1982 3:20 pm, by Mitchell
changes to: CompareError added generation of CompareError to Compare to map SafeStorage.NarrowRefFault and to replace unnamed error when an invalid type is presented.
2.5. Notes for OnlineMergeSortRefImpl
(2.3) To be a general-purpose package, this progam must work properly in the presence of multiple processes. This means that any global state must be properly protected by monitors. The writer of this package chose to eliminate all global state from the program, so that no monitor is required. The cost is that one CONS is done on each call (for the "merge-to" list head) [line 2.1].
Clearly the package will get fouled up if asked to sort the same list by two concurrent processes.
(2.4) Since Sort is a PUBLIC procedure and has the same name as one of the procedures of the EXPORTed ListSortRef interface, the compiler will check that its type matches the one in ListSortRef. Similarly when a client program imports ListSortRef, the compiler will check that all its uses of ListSortRef.Sort are type-correct by comparing them against the interface. In this way, the client and the implementing modules are known to be in agreement, assuming that they were both compiled using the same ListSortRef.
To ensure that they are in agreement, the compiler places a unique identifier (UID) on each module that it compiles. When the client is bound to the implemented procedure (e.g., when they are loaded), the UID that ListSortRef had when the client was compiled is compared against the UID it had when the implementing module was compiled. They must agree for the binding to be allowed, otherwise there is a version mismatch.
(2.5) The list head, mergeToCons, simplifies the code a bit. Without it, the first comparison in a merge [line 2.2] would have to be treated specially. Note also that mergeToCons is initialized to refer to a new empty list cell every time Sort is called.
(2.6) The array sorted in the local frame is long enough to hold any list of REFs that will fit in the Cedar virtual memory. By keeping this array in the local frame we save both the cost of another allocation and the cost of ref-counting the assignments to array elements.
(2.7) The client's compareProc is responsible for narrowing its two REF ANY arguments to specific types. Using a client-supplied procedure and one or more REF ANY parameters is a standard way of introducing some polymorphism into Cedar programs. The costs associated with doing business this way are extra procedure calls and run-time discrimination of REF ANY arguments in client-supplied procedures (see, for example, (note 2.8)).
When these costs are deemed too high, one can get some amount of compile-time polymorphism to avoid them. Nothing is free, however, and achieving this run-time performance requires recompiling both the interface and the implementation modules for each application. There is a version of this sorting package that does just that: see the description of OnlineMergeSort in the Cedar Catalog.
(2.8) Compare provides clients with a procedure to pass to Sort for comparing ROPEs or INTs. It is a good model for writing your own comparison routine.
Since Compare is passed two REF ANY arguments, it must perform run-time type discrimination to determine that it can cope with them. The standard way of doing this is with a discriminating select statement and the NARROW operation.
One of the three arms will be executed, depending on the type of value that r1 refers to (note that r1 cannot be NIL at this point because of the preceding code).
If r1 is a ROPE (which is actually a REF to a data structure describing the ROPE), then the first arm will be selected. In that arm, rope will be an alias for r1. If r1 is a REF INT, the seond arm will be selected, and ri will be an alias for r1. Otherwise, the ENDCASE arm will be selected and the ERROR CompareError[invalidType] will be raised.
Inside the rope: ROPE arm, Compare simply returns the value returned by Rope.Compare. Since Rope.Compare expects parameters s1 and s2 to be ROPEs, however, NARROW is used to cast r2 as a ROPE. If r2 were not a ROPE, NARROW would generate the error SafeStorage.NarrowRefFault, which is caught by the encompassing ENABLE clause and then mapped into CompareError[typeMismatch] by the procedure's EXITS clause.
3. A sample tool using Viewers
This program illustrates how to build tools in the CedarViewers' world. The user interface it creates uses both existing classes of viewers as well as a new class of viewer for special effects. It contains a number of sections, each of which demonstrates a particular set of techniques. The best use of this code would be to copy interesting sections as models for creating your own tool.
It would be a good idea to try the SampleTool before looking at this example. When you type "Run SampleTool" to the UserExec, the SampleTool will appear in iconic form on the lower left side of the Cedar display. Open it by selecting it with the YELLOW (middle) mouse button and then try it out to see how it behaves.
The first part of the SampleTool viewer consists of the standard line of menu buttons at the top of any viewer with a few of the operations deleted and a new one, "MyMenuEntry", added.
The second part holds a "factorial computer", which allows you to compute N! by changing the value of N in the input part of the viewer and then selecting the button labelled "Compute Factorial" with the RED (left) mouse button.
The third part of the viewer presents a horizontal, logarithmic bar graph that dynamically updates itself and shows "Words Allocated Per Second" in the Cedar system.
3.1. SampleTool.mesa  Scott McGregor
-- SampleTool.mesa; Written by Scott McGregor on June 9, 1982 9:51 am
-- Last edited by Mitchell on August 16, 1982 4:16 pm
-- Last edited by McGregor on October 4, 1982 11:01 am
Buttons USING [Button, ButtonProc, Create],
Containers USING [ChildXBound, Container, Create],
Convert USING [IntFromRope, ValueToRope],
Graphics USING [Context, DrawBox, SetStipple],
Labels USING [Create, Label, Set],
Menus USING [AppendMenuEntry, CreateEntry, CreateMenu, Menu, MenuProc],
MessageWindow USING [Append, Blink],
Process USING [Detach, Pause, SecondsToTicks, Ticks],
Rope USING [Cat, ROPE, Length],
Rules USING [Create, Rule],
SafeStorage USING [NarrowFault, NWordsAllocated],
ShowTime USING [GetMark, Microseconds],
UserExec USING [CommandProc, GetExecHandle, RegisterCommand],
VFonts USING [CharWidth, StringWidth],
ViewerClasses USING [PaintProc, Viewer, ViewerClass, ViewerClassRec],
ViewerOps USING [CreateViewer, PaintViewer, RegisterViewerClass, SetOpenHeight],
ViewerTools USING [MakeNewTextViewer, GetContents, SetSelection];
SampleTool: CEDAR PROGRAM      --(note 3.0)
IMPORTS Buttons, Containers, Convert, Graphics, Labels, Menus, MessageWindow, Process, Rope, Rules, SafeStorage, ShowTime, UserExec, VFonts, ViewerOps, ViewerTools =
-- The Containers interface is used to create an outer envelope or "container" for the different sections below. For uniformity, we define some standard distances between entries in the tool.
entryHeight: CARDINAL = 15; -- how tall to make each line of items
entryVSpace: CARDINAL = 8;  -- vertical leading space between lines
entryHSpace: CARDINAL = 10;  -- horizontal space between items in a line
Handle: TYPE = REF SampleToolRec; -- a REF to the data for a particular instance of the sample tool; multiple instances can be created.
SampleToolRec: TYPE = RECORD [ -- the data for a particular tool instance
outer: Containers.Container ← NIL, -- handle for the enclosing container
height: CARDINAL ← 0,  -- height measured from the top of the container
fact: FactorialViewer,  -- the factorial viewer's state
graph: GraphViewer ];  -- the bar graph viewer's state
MakeSampleTool: UserExec.CommandProc = TRUSTED BEGIN
my: Handle ← NEW[SampleToolRec];
myMenu: Menus.Menu ← Menus.CreateMenu[];
Menus.AppendMenuEntry[ -- add our command to the menu
menu: myMenu,
entry: Menus.CreateEntry[
name: "MyMenuEntry", -- name of the command
proc: MyMenuProc   -- proc associated with command
my.outer ← Containers.Create[[-- construct the outer container    (note 3.1)
name: "Sample Tool", -- name displayed in the caption
iconic: TRUE,   -- so tool will be iconic (small) when first created
column: left,    -- initially in the left column
menu: myMenu,  -- displaying our menu command
scrollable: FALSE ]];  -- inhibit user from scrolling contents
MakeFactorial[my];  -- build each (sub)viewer in turn
ViewerOps.SetOpenHeight[my.outer, my.height]; -- hint our desired height
ViewerOps.PaintViewer[my.outer, all];    -- reflect above change
MyMenuProc: Menus.MenuProc = TRUSTED BEGIN
this procedure is called whenever the user left-clicks the entry labelled "MyMenuEntry" in the tool menu.
message: "You just invoked the sample menu item with the ",
clearFirst: TRUE];
IF control THEN MessageWindow.Append[
message: "Control-",
clearFirst: FALSE];
IF shift THEN MessageWindow.Append[
message: "Shift-",
clearFirst: FALSE];
message: SELECT mouseButton FROM
red  => "Red",
yellow => "Yellow",
ENDCASE => "Blue",
clearFirst: FALSE];
MessageWindow.Append[message: " mouse button.", clearFirst: FALSE];
MessageWindow.Blink[ ];
FactorialViewer: TYPE = RECORD [
input: ViewerClasses.Viewer ← NIL, -- the Text Box for user input
result: Labels.Label ← NIL ]; -- result of the computation
MakeFactorial: PROC [handle: Handle] = TRUSTED BEGIN   --(note 3.2)
promptButton, computeButton: Buttons.Button;
initialData: Rope.ROPE = "5";
initialResult: Rope.ROPE = "120";
handle.height ← handle.height + entryVSpace; -- space down from the top of the viewer
promptButton ← Buttons.Create[
info: [
name: "Type a number:",
wy: handle.height,
-- default the width so that it will be computed for us --
wh: entryHeight, -- specify rather than defaulting so line is uniform
parent: handle.outer,
border: FALSE ],
proc: Prompt,
clientData: handle]; -- this will be passed to our button proc
handle.fact.input ← ViewerTools.MakeNewTextViewer[ [
parent: handle.outer,
wx: promptButton.wx + promptButton.ww + entryHSpace,
wy: handle.height+2,
ww: 5*VFonts.CharWidth['0], -- five digits worth of width
wh: entryHeight,
data: initialData, -- initial contents
scrollable: FALSE,
border: FALSE]];
computeButton ← Buttons.Create[
info: [
name: "Compute Factorial",
wx: handle.fact.input.wx + handle.fact.input.ww + entryHSpace,
wy: handle.height,
ww:, -- default the width so that it will be computed for us   (note 3.3)
wh: entryHeight, -- specify rather than defaulting so line is uniform
parent: handle.outer,
border: TRUE],
clientData: handle, -- this will be passed to our button proc
proc: ComputeFactorial];
handle.fact.result ← Labels.Create[ [
name: initialResult, -- initial contents
wx: computeButton.wx + computeButton.ww + entryHSpace,
wy: handle.height,
ww: 20*VFonts.CharWidth['0], -- 20 digits worth of width
wh: entryHeight,
parent: handle.outer,
border: FALSE]];
handle.height ← handle.height + entryHeight + entryVSpace; -- interline spacing
Prompt: Buttons.ButtonProc = TRUSTED BEGIN
-- force the selection into the user input field
handle: Handle ← NARROW[clientData]; -- get our data
ViewerTools.SetSelection[handle.fact.input];  -- force the selection
ComputeFactorial: Buttons.ButtonProc = TRUSTED BEGIN
handle: Handle ← NARROW[clientData]; -- get our data
contents: Rope.ROPE ← ViewerTools.GetContents[handle.fact.input];
inputNumber: INT;
resultNumber: REAL ← 1.0;
IF Rope.Length[contents]=0 THEN inputNumber0
ELSE inputNumberConvert.IntFromRope[contents
! SafeStorage.NarrowFault => {inputNumber←-1; CONTINUE}];    --(note 3.4)
IF inputNumber NOT IN [0..34] THEN {
message: "I can't compute factorial for that input",
clearFirst: TRUE ];
MessageWindow.Blink[ ] }
ELSE FOR n: INT IN [2..inputNumber] DO
resultNumber ← resultNumber*n;
Labels.Set[handle.fact.result, Convert.ValueToRope[[real[resultNumber]]]];
-- the bar graph reflecting collector activity
GraphViewer: TYPE = RECORD [viewer: ViewerClasses.Viewer ← NIL];
MakeGraph: PROC [handle: Handle] = TRUSTED BEGIN   --(note 3.6)
xIncr: INTEGER;  -- temporarily used for labelling graph below
xTab: INTEGER = 10;
label: Rope.ROPE ← "1";  -- used to place labels on the graph
rule: Rules.Rule ← Rules.Create[ [ -- create a bar to separate sections 1 and 2
parent: handle.outer,
wy: handle.height,
wh: 2]];
Containers.ChildXBound[handle.outer, rule]; -- constrain rule to be width of parent
handle.height ← handle.height + entryVSpace; -- spacing after rule
[ ] ← Labels.Create[[
name: "Words Allocated Per Second", parent: handle.outer,
wx: xTab, wy: handle.height, border: FALSE ]];
handle.height ← handle.height + entryHeight + 2; -- interline spacing
handle.graph.viewer ← CreateBarGraph[
parent: handle.outer,
x: xTab, y: handle.height, w: 550, h: entryHeight,
fullScale: 5.0 ]; -- orders of magnitude
handle.height ← handle.height + entryHeight + 2; -- interline spacing
xIncr ← handle.graph.viewer.ww/5; -- so we can space labels at equal fifths
FOR i: INTEGER IN [0..5) DO -- place the labels, 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000 along the graph
[ ] ← Labels.Create[[name: label, parent: handle.outer,
wx: xTab+i*xIncr - VFonts.StringWidth[label]/2,
wy: handle.height, border: FALSE ]];
label ← label.Cat["0"];   -- concatenate another zero each time
handle.height ← handle.height + entryHeight + entryVSpace; -- extra space at end
TRUSTED {Process.Detach[FORK MeasureProcess[handle]]}; -- start the update process
MeasureProcess: PROC [handle: Handle] = TRUSTED BEGIN   --(note 3.7)
-- Forked as a separate process. Updates the bar graph at periodic intervals.
updateInterval: Process.Ticks = Process.SecondsToTicks[1];
mark, nextMark: ShowTime.Microseconds;
words, nextWords, deltaWords, deltaTime: REAL;
mark ← ShowTime.GetMark[ ];
words ← SafeStorage.NWordsAllocated[ ];
UNTIL handle.graph.viewer.destroyed DO
nextMark ← ShowTime.GetMark[ ];
deltaTime ← (nextMark - mark) * 1.0E-6;
nextWords ← SafeStorage.NWordsAllocated[ ];
deltaWords ← nextWords - words;
SetBarGraphValue[handle.graph.viewer, deltaWords/deltaTime];
words ← nextWords;
mark ← nextMark;
-- this section creates the viewer class for a logarithmic bar graph.
-- private data structure for instances of BarChart viewers
GraphData: TYPE = REF GraphDataRec;
GraphDataRec: TYPE = RECORD [
value: REAL ← 0, -- current value being displayed (normalized)
scale: REAL ];  -- "full scale"
PaintGraph: ViewerClasses.PaintProc = TRUSTED BEGIN   --(note 3.8)
myGray: CARDINAL = 122645B; -- every other bit
data: GraphData ← NARROW[];
Graphics.SetStipple[context, myGray];
Graphics.DrawBox[context, [0, 0, data.value,]];
CreateBarGraph: PROC [x, y, w, h: INTEGER, parent: ViewerClasses.Viewer,
 fullScale: REAL]
RETURNS [barGraph: ViewerClasses.Viewer] = TRUSTED BEGIN     --(note 3.9)
instanceData: GraphData ← NEW[GraphDataRec];
instanceData.scale ← fullScale;
barGraph ← ViewerOps.CreateViewer[
flavor: $BarGraph, -- the class of viewer registered in the start code below
info: [
parent: parent,
wx: x, wy: y, ww: w, wh:h,
data: instanceData,
scrollable: FALSE]
-- use this routine to set the bar graph to new values
SetBarGraphValue: PROC [barGraph: ViewerClasses.Viewer, newValue: REAL] = BEGIN
my: GraphData ← NARROW[];
Log10: --Fast-- PROC [x: REAL] RETURNS [lx: REAL] = BEGIN
-- truncated for values of [1..inf), 3-4 good digits
-- algorithm from Abramowitz: Handbook of Math Functions, p. 68
sqrt10: REAL = 3.162278;
t: REAL;
lx ← 0;
WHILE x > 10 DO x ← x/10; lx ← lx+1 ENDLOOP; -- scale to [1..10]
IF x > sqrt10 THEN {x ← x/sqrt10; lx ← lx+0.5}; -- scale to [1..1/sqrt10]
t ← (x-1)/(x+1);
lx ← lx + 0.86304*t + 0.36415*(t*t*t) -- magic cubic approximation
my.value ← Log10[1+newValue] * / my.scale;
TRUSTED {ViewerOps.PaintViewer[viewer: barGraph, hint: client, clearClient: TRUE]};
-- graphClass is a record containing the procedures and data common to all BarGraph viewer instances (class record).
graphClass: ViewerClasses.ViewerClass ←             --[3.1]
NEW[ViewerClasses.ViewerClassRec ← [paint: PaintGraph]];
-- Register a command with the UserExec that will create an instance of this tool.
UserExec.RegisterCommand[name: "SampleTool", proc: MakeSampleTool,
briefDoc: "Create a sample viewers tool" ];
-- Register the BarGraph class of viewer with the Window Manager
TRUSTED {ViewerOps.RegisterViewerClass[$BarGraph, graphClass]};
[ ] ← MakeSampleTool[UserExec.GetExecHandle[ ]]; -- and create an instance
3.2 Notes for SampleTool
(3.0) [hopefully temporary note] To make this module a valid CEDAR PROGRAM, many sections had to be declared TRUSTED regions because they use other, not yet SAFE, interfaces. Most of these regions are entire procedure bodies, but in some cases it has been possible to narrow the TRUSTED region to a smaller scope.
(3.1) Many of the Viewer procedures take a fair number of arguments in order to provide a number of options. Many of these can be defaulted, as in this section of the program. Using keyword notation makes these calls significantly more clear about which parameters are being specified as well as making them independent of the order specified for the parameters.
(3.2) The factorial sub-Viewer contains a "Text Box" for the user to enter a number, and a button that computes the factorial of the number in the text box when pushed and writes it in a result field. The fields for the user's input and the result are stored in handle.fact.
Note that the name of MakeFactorial's parameter, handle, and its type, Handle, differ only in the case of the "h". In general, having names that differ only in case shifts of letters is a very bad idea. However, this one exception is so compelling and so common that it has become part of the Cedar stylistic conventions: If there is only one variable of a type in a scope, its name can be the same as that of its type except that it should begin with a lowercase letter. Think of it as equivalent to the definite article in English ("the Handle").
(3.3) Buttons.Create will compute the width from the button's name, so we can default this argument to the procedure. Specifying the keyword parameter name w without a value indicates that it should get whatever default value is specified in the definition of Buttons.Create.
(3.4) Convert.IntFromRope lets the error SafeStorage.NarrowFault escape from it (stylistically, it really ought to map that error into one defined in its interface). ComputeFactorial catches this error and assigns -1 to inputNumber to trigger the subsequent test for its being in a suitable range and so give the error message "I can't compute factorial for that input" in the message window.
(3.5) Atoms provide virtual-memory-wide unique identifiers like $BlackOnGrey (all atom constants are denoted by a leading "$" followed by an identifier).
(3.6) The "bar graph" sub-Viewer contains a logarithmic bar graph depicting the number of words per second currently being allocated via the Cedar counted storage allocator. Unlike the factorial sub-Viewer, which only makes use of pre-defined viewer classes, this section defines a new viewer class, $BarGraph [line 3.1], to display information and makes a viewer which is an instance of the class.
(3.7) MeasureProcess runs as an independent process, looping as long as the viewer denoted by handle continues to exist. It computes the average number of words allocated per second in Cedar safe storage and then sleeps for a short time before repeating the cycle.
(3.8) PaintGraph is called whenever the bar graph contents are to be redisplayed on the screen. It will always be called by the window manager, which will pass it a Graphics.Context, correctly scaled, rotated and clipped for the viewer on the screen. It is passed to the Viewers machinery when the $BarGraph class is created [line 3.1].
(3.9) CreateBarGraph is called to create a new BarGraph viewer. It creates the private data for the new instance and then calls a Viewers' system routine to create the actual viewer.
4. An evaluator for FUN, a functional programming language
This standalone program provides interactive entering and evaluation of expressions in a small, functional programming language, FUN, based on Landin's ISWIM language. The language is defined by the following BNF rules:
Prog ::= Exp0 "#"
Exp0 ::= "let" Id "=" Exp1 "in" Exp0 | Exp1
Exp1 ::= "lambda" Id "." Exp1 | Exp2
Exp2 ::= Exp2 Exp3 | Exp3
Exp3 ::= Id | "(" Exp0 ")"
An example FUN program is
let Twice = lambda f. lambda y. f(f y) in
let ApplyThyself = lambda z . z z in
(ApplyThyself Twice Twice) (PLUS 1) 2
Twice is a function that produces a function which applies Twice's parameter f twice to whatever comes next (y). ApplyThyself applies its parameter z to itself. The result of this program is 18 because (ApplyThyself Twice) = (Twice Twice) = FourTimes, (FourTimes Twice) = SixteenTimes, and SixteenTimes plus 2 is 18.
4.1 FUN.mesa  Jim Morris
-- FUN.mesa,
-- Last edited by Mitchell on December 16, 1982 2:50 pm
-- Last edited by Jim Morris, May 12, 1982 10:28 am
IO USING [BreakAction, BreakProc, CR, CreateViewerStreams, EndOf, Error, GetInt, GetToken, Handle, int, PutF, PutFR, refAny, rope, RIS, SP, TAB],
Process USING [Detach],
Rope USING [Digit, Equal, Fetch, Letter, ROPE],
SafeStorage USING [NarrowRefFault, NewZone];
IMPORTS IO, Process, Rope, SafeStorage =
z: ZONE = SafeStorage.NewZone[ ];             --(note 4.1)
Exp: TYPE = REF ANY;-- always a REF to one of the following  (note 4.2)
Variable: TYPE = ROPE;
Application: TYPE = REF ApplicationR;
ApplicationR: TYPE = RECORD[rator, rand: Exp];
Lambda: TYPE = REF LambdaR;
LambdaR: TYPE = RECORD[bv: Variable, body: Exp];
Closure: TYPE = REF ClosureR;
ClosureR: TYPE = RECORD[exp: Exp, env: Environment];
Primitive: TYPE = REF PrimitiveR;
PrimitiveR: TYPE = RECORD[p: PROC[Exp, Exp] RETURNS [Exp] , state: Exp];
Environment: TYPE = LIST OF RECORD[var: Variable, val: Exp];
din, dout: IO.Handle;
FUNError: ERROR = CODE;     --(note 4.3)
NoteError: PROC [msg: ROPE] = BEGIN
-- this procedure always generates the error FUNError.
dout.PutF["\n %g \n\n", IO.rope[msg]];
-- The FUN lexical analysis and parsing machinery
cToken: ROPE;                  --(note 4.4)
Next: PROC = {
cToken ← IF din.EndOf[ ] THEN "#" ELSE din.GetToken[StTokenProc]};
StTokenProc: IO.BreakProc = BEGIN    --(note 4.5)
OPEN IO;                    --(note 4.6)
IF Rope.Letter[c] OR Rope.Digit[c] THEN KeepGoing
THEN StopAndTossChar ELSE StopAndIncludeChar];
Id: PROC RETURNS [i: Variable] = BEGIN
IF IsId[cToken] THEN {i ← cToken; Next[ ]}
ELSE NoteError["Input Error: No Id"]
RETURN[Rope.Digit[x.Fetch[0]] OR Rope.Letter[x.Fetch[0]]
NOT Rope.Equal[x, "let"]
AND NOT Rope.Equal[x, "in"]
AND NOT Rope.Equal[x, "lambda"]];
Prog: PROC RETURNS [e: Exp] = BEGIN    --(note 4.7)
e ← Exp0[ ];
IF Rope.Equal[cToken, "#"] THEN RETURN;
UNTIL Rope.Equal[cToken, "#"] DO Next[ ] ENDLOOP;
NoteError["Input Error: Whole Expression not consumed"];
IF Rope.Equal[cToken, "let"] THEN {
Next[ ];
{v: Variable = Id[ ];
IF NOT Rope.Equal[cToken, "="] THEN NoteError["Input Error: No ="];
Next[ ];
{val: Exp = Exp1[ ];
IF NOT Rope.Equal[cToken, "in"] THEN NoteError["Input Error: No in"];
Next[ ];
z.NEW[ApplicationR ← [z.NEW[LambdaR ← [v, Exp0[ ]]], val]]] } } };
RETURN[Exp1[ ]];
IF Rope.Equal[cToken, "lambda"] THEN
{Next[ ];
{i: Variable = Id[ ];
IF NOT Rope.Equal[cToken, "."] THEN NoteError["Input Error: No ."];
Next[ ];
RETURN[z.NEW[LambdaR ← [i, Exp1[ ]]]] } };
RETURN[Exp2[ ]];
e ← Exp3[ ];
WHILE Rope.Equal[cToken, "("] OR IsId[cToken] DO
e ← z.NEW[ApplicationR ← [e, Exp3[ ]]];            --[4.0]
IF Rope.Equal[cToken, "("] THEN {
Next[ ]; e ← Exp0[ ];
IF NOT Rope.Equal[cToken, ")"] THEN NoteError["Input Error: No )"];
Next[ ]}
ELSE e ← Id[ ];
-- The FUN interpreter
Eval: PROC[x: Exp, env: Environment] RETURNS [Exp]= BEGIN  --(note 4.8)
v: Variable => {t: Environment ← env;
UNTIL t=NIL OR Rope.Equal[v, t.first.var] DO t ← ENDLOOP;
RETURN[IF t=NIL THEN x ELSE t.first.val]};
p: Primitive => RETURN[x];
l: Lambda => RETURN[z.NEW[ClosureR ← [l, env]]];
a: Application =>
{rator: Exp = Eval[a.rator, env];
rand: Exp = Eval[a.rand, env];
f: Closure => {
l: Lambda = NARROW[f.exp
! SafeStorage.NarrowRefFault =>
NoteError["Evaluation Error: Illegal application"] ];    --[4.1]
x ← l.body; env ← CONS[[, rand], f.env] };
prim: Primitive => RETURN[prim.p[prim.state, rand]];
ENDCASE => NoteError["Evaluation Error: Illegal application"]};   --[4.2]
f: Closure => RETURN[x];
Plus: PROC[d, first: Exp] RETURNS [Exp] =   --(note 4.9)
{RETURN[z.NEW[PrimitiveR ← [Plus1, first]]]};
Plus1: PROC[first, second: Exp] RETURNS[v: Variable] = BEGIN
ENABLE IO.Error => NoteError["Evaluation Error: Not a number"];     --[4.3]
a: INT = IO.GetInt[IO.RIS[NARROW[first, ROPE]]];        --(note 4.10)
b: INT = IO.GetInt[IO.RIS[NARROW[second, ROPE]]];
EvalLoop: PROC = BEGIN
FUNError => LOOP;               --(note 4.11)
IO.Error => EXIT};               --(note 4.12)
result: Exp ← NIL;
Next[ ]; 
result ← Eval[Prog[ ], LIST[["PLUS", z.NEW[PrimitiveR ← [Plus, NIL]]]]]; --(note 4.13)
dout.PutF["\nResult is %g\n\n",IO.refAny[result]]; --(note 4.14)
[din, dout] ← IO.CreateViewerStreams["Fun"];
TRUSTED {Process.Detach[FORK EvalLoop[ ]]};
4.2 Notes for FUN
(4.1) This declares z to be a storage zone, and initializes it by creating a new zone.
Throughout the program you will see expressions of the form "z.NEW[...]", which allocate data structures using storage taken from this zone. It is not required that we create a zone to use for allocation, but experience has shown that performance is better if each application takes its storage from its own zone rather than the public, default zone one gets by saying simply "NEW[...]".
Some commonly used packages provide zones in which to allocate the objects they manage. For example, the zone List.ListZone can be used to make a list element, e.g., List.ListZone.CONS[NIL, NIL]. Alternatively, the procedure List.Cons can be used with the same effect. Also, the RefText interface contains the procedure
RefText.New[nChars: NAT] RETURNS [REF TEXT],
which uses a zone provided by the package for allocating the REF TEXT rather than the default system zone.
(4.2) This sequence of declarations defines the representation for FUN expressions. An expression is parsed into an abstract tree form which can then be interpreted by the Eval procedure.
An expression (Exp) can refer to one of five different node types:
A Variable, which is represented as a ROPE containing its name;
An Application, which consists of an operator (rator) and an operand (rand);
A Lambda expression, which consists of a bound variable (bv) and a body;
A Closure, which is an expression (exp) together with an Environment, which is a LIST defining a value for each its free variables;
A Primitive, which is a Cedar procedure together with some state.
Notice that it is perfectly legal to store procedures in data structures. What is actually stored, however, is a pointer to the code. Since Cedar does not support procedures as values in full generality, such procedures cannot be local to other procedures; nor can they refer to their parents' local variables (because, for efficiency of procedure invocation, the Cedar garbage collector does not treat procedures' activation records as collectible storage).
We had to define a name for both the node record types and for references to them, e.g., ApplicationR and Application. The record type name is needed when calling the NEW procedure as in
z.NEW[ApplicationR ← [e, Exp3[ ]]]  --[4.0]
The reference types are used in nodes to provide the tree structure for a FUN expression
In declaring an Exp to be a REF ANY, we have told the compiler that it may be a reference to anything at all. This is the recommended way of achieving type variation in Cedar. (A version of Pascal-like variant records is also available, but should only be used when efficiency is crucial.)
(4.3) The procedure NoteError types an error message to the user and then generates the ERROR FUNError to clean up the call stack back to EvalLoop, where the error is caught and dealt with (note 4.11).
(4.4) The tokenizer and parser for FUN use IO for reading tokens from the input stream din using the StTokenProc to direct the tokenizing facilities provided by IO.
(4.5) The value returned by StTokenProc is an enumerated type from the IO interface.
(4.6) OPENing IO allows us to omit the IO. prefix from SP, CR, TAB, KeepGoing, StopAndTossChar, and StopAndIncludeChar. This is one of the few cases in which an unqualified OPEN should be used. Generally, programs are more easily read when it is obvious which identifiers are imported and which interfaces they come from. If you use OPEN over any but the smallest scope, it is recommended that you use the qualified form, e.g., "OPEN Safe: SafeStorage" over a limited scope, or just "Safe: SafeStorage" in the imports list if the scope is the entire module.
(4.7) Prog, Exp0, Exp1, Exp2, and Exp3 constitute a simple recursive descent parser for FUN.
(4.8) Eval, Plus, Plus1, and EvalLoop constitute the FUN interpreter. Eval uses WITH-SELECT to discriminate among the various Exp node types and NARROW when there is only one possible type that an Exp could be [line 4.1]. If the NARROW fails, it will raise the signal SafeStorage.NarrowRefFault. If the user were to see that error, it would be somewhat mystifying, so the program catches it and generates
NoteError["Evaluation Error: Not a lambda expression"] [line 4.2],
which at least says what is actually happening in terms of the FUN language. The same effect is achieved in Plus1 [line 4.3] using an ENABLE clause in the body of the procedure.
(4.9) Plus is a "primitive-returning-primitive" that returns a function prepared to add first to whatever comes second.
(4.10) This is a standard way to convert a ROPE to an integer; create a stream from the rope using RS and pull (scan) an integer from it. A NARROW could fail if the user typed something like "(PLUS x 1) #´". Should that happen, the signal SafeStorage.NarrowRefFault would be caught, an error message given to the user, and then the FUNError signal would be generated to unwind control cleanly out to EvalLoop.
(4.11) If a problem is encountered while parsing or evaluating a FUN expression, the error FUNError will be generated. EvalLoop catches it and simply continues around the main read-evaluate-print loop.
(4.12) When the user destroys the FUN viewer, its din and dout streams will be closed, and any pending call on IO routines will generate the error IO.Error[StreamClosed]. This error is caught so that EvalLoop can then gracefully exit and it process can then disappear.
(4.13) The second parameter of Eval is an environment mapping "PLUS" into a primitive.
(4.14) This PutF will print result, even if it is a paritally evaluated function or an environment. Try typing "(PLUS 1) #´" to see this.