**** Release Components ****
Note: In the descriptions that follow the DF file or files for a component are located on [Indigo]<Cedar>Top> unless otherwise specified. If the documentation file name is not a path, it is assumed to be accessible using the DF file name and BringOver, i.e.,
BringOver /o DocFileName DFFileName
In general, documentation for
Component is stored on one of
but there are occasional exceptions. For brevity, we do not list Component.Press if Component.Tioga exists, and we do not include [Indigo]<Cedar>Documentation> in the file name if that is the prefix. If not specified, the host is assumed to be [Indigo].
All components of Cedar 5.0 are listed below. Unless otherwise indicated, questions about changes in individual components should be addressed to their maintainers.
DF files: AlpineUser.df
Documentation: AlpineDoc.tioga, WalnutOnAlpineDoc.tioga
Maintainer: Kolling, Taft
No significant changes.
DF files: AMEvents.df
Documentation: AMEvents.mesa, FastBreak.mesa | see maintainer
Maintainer: Birrell, Rovner
No known changes (no message).
DF files: AMModel.df
Documentation: AMModel.mesa, AMMiniModel.mesa
Maintainer: Rovner
Conversion to 5.0, bug fixes, interface cleanup.
DF files: AMProcess.df
Documentation: AMProcess.mesa | see maintainer
Maintainer: Birrell, Rovner
No known changes (no message).
DF files: AMTypes.df
Documentation: AMTypesDoc.tioga (out of date) | AMTypes.mesa, AMBridge.mesa
Maintainer: Rovner
Conversion to 5.0, bug fixes, interface cleanup.
DF files: BasicLoadState.df
Documentation: BcdDefs.mesa, BcdOps.mesa, Table.mesa, TimeStamp.mesa | see maintainer
Maintainer: Levin
New for Cedar 5.0 (no message).
DF files: BasicPackages.df
Commander.mesa, CommandToolDoc.tioga, PriorityQueue.mesa, Random.mesa, RefTab.mesa, Resource.mesa, RopeFile.mesa, SymTab.mesa
Maintainer: Atkinson, MBrown, Rovner, Stewart
BasicPackages is a bootfile component that combines several unrelated components. All of them were present in earlier releases, and all but Random and RopeFile were part of the boot file in earlier releases. Combining things in this way may not be a good idea, for several reasons, and we may split them apart in some later release. You may avoid some df-file editing by referring to the pieces of BasicPackages via LifeSupport.df.
DF file: BasicTime.df
Documentation: BasicTime.mesa | see maintainer
Maintainers: Birrell, Levin
New for Cedar 5.0 (no message).
DF file: BCDStuff.df
Documentation: see maintainer
Maintainers: Levin, Maxwell, Rovner
Replaces Bcd.df from Cedar 4.4 (no message).
DF file: Binder.df
Documentation: Mesa language manual (outdated)
Maintainer: Rovner
No significant changes.
DF file: BootTool.df
Documentation: see maintainer
Maintainer: Levin, Rovner
No known changes (no message).
DF file: BTree.df
Documentation: BTreeDoc.tioga
Maintainer: Taft
There have been some minor interface changes
DF file: BTreeTest.df
Documentation: BTreeDoc.tioga
Maintainer: Taft
New component (formerly part of BTree.df). A test and performance measurement program for the BTree package.
DF file: Celtics.df
Documentation: CelticsDoc.tioga
Maintainer: Atkinson
The Celtics package contains two debugging tools: Celtics and BreakTool. Celtics is used to set low-cost counting breakpoints. These breakpoints can even be set in very sensitive code, such as the allocator or page fault handling, since incrementing the count is entirely performed with resident code. BreakTool, on the other hand, permits the setting of conditional or logging breakpoints, where an expression is evaluated at every breakpoint. These breakpoints are much more powerful, but the user is cautioned against setting them in places required for the handling of breakpoints.
DF file: Chat.df
Documentation: ChatDoc.tioga
Maintainer: Stewart
No significant changes.
Note: Chat uses ">logfile" to redirect output, not "> logfile" which does nothing.
DF file: Clock.df
Documentation: see maintainer
Maintainer: Atkinson
Mostly minor conversion changes. The ChangeOffset button now changes the time by hours (left-click), minutes (middle-click) or seconds (right-click). Holding the Shift key during the mouse click causes the time to appear to go forward, otherwise time appears to go backward. Holding Control for any click causes the displayed time to be the actual time.
DF file: CoFork.df
Documentation: CoForkDoc.tioga
Maintainer: Sturgis
No significant changes.
DF file: CollectibleVM.df
Documentation: CollectibleVM.mesa
Maintainer: Taft
This is a new package for obtaining chunks of raw VM that are reclaimed automatically. This is useful for applications requiring storage that is page-aligned or has other properties obtainable from VM but not from the normal Cedar allocator.
DF file: ColorPackage.df
Documentation: ColorWorld.mesa, ColorMap.mesa | see maintainer
Maintainers: Wyatt, Stone
No significant changes for clients. The implementation was converted to use the new Terminal interface.
DF file: CommandTool.df
CommandToolDoc.tioga, Cedar5LocalDirectories.tioga, CreateButtonDoc.tioga |
CommandTool.mesa, FileNames.mesa, RopeList.mesa
Maintainer: Stewart
The CommandTool has been extensively rewritten for Cedar 5. You are strongly encouraged to read CommandToolDoc.tioga. CommandToolStructureDoc.tioga is less interesting.
The Cedar 5 CommandTool is a stream-oriented "glass teletype" command-line processor. It is a place to invoke Cedar subsystems. It is sufficiently like any other executive so that you can probably get by, but you should read CommandToolDoc.tioga and some of the documentation files for the various commands.
Interesting interfaces:
CommandTool.mesa -- command line parsing and so forth.
FileNames.mesa -- processing of file names beyond that available from FS
RopeList.mesa -- a version of List that deals with LIST OF Rope.ROPE.
DF file: Communication.df
Documentation: see maintainer
Maintainer: Birrell, Levin
No known changes (no message).
DF file: Compiler.df
Documentation: Cedar Language Reference Manual
Maintainer: Rovner
The compiler no longer gives (or needs to give) the warning: Long REF-containing arg/result record is unsafe.
DF file: CompNeeds.df
Documentation: CompNeedsDoc.tioga
Maintainer: Spreitzer
CompNeeds examines source files to determine compilation and binding dependencies and produces a command to compile and bind whatever is necessary to produce up-to-date BCDs for a given set of goal modules.
DF file: Cypress.df
Documentation: [Indigo]<CedarDocs>Database>CypressDoc.press
Maintainer: Cattell.pa
Get on CedarDatabase^ or see maintainer for details of changes.
Cypress is the the database management package for Cedar. It is accessed through the interface DB.mesa, or via application programs such as Walnut. The Squirrel application (see separate catalog entry) provides some general-purpose database tools.
DF file: DebugTool.df
Documentation: see maintainer
Maintainer: Birrell
Conversion changes, perhaps others (no message).
DF file: Dependencies.df
Documentation: Dependencies.mesa
Maintainer: Rovner
New for 5.0. The Dependencies command produces a cross reference that lists for each bcd file in or under a specified DF file the other bcd files that depend on it. Dependencies takes the name of a df file as a parameter and produces two text files: Dependencies.txt and Dependencies.log. Dependencies.txt has the cross reference; Dependencies.log contains a copy of the stuff printed on the commandtool typescript as Dependencies runs. This package was produced by copying Roy Levin's implementation of VerifyDF and modifying it.
DF file: DFCommands.df
Documentation: BringOverDoc.tioga, SModelDoc.tioga, VerifyDFDoc.tioga
Maintainer: vanLeunen
DFCommands provides a command-line interface to the DFTool. These commands do not interact with the user; that is, in terms of Cedar 4.4's versions of these commands, "/a" (auto-confirm) is now the only behavior available.
DF file: DFIncludes.df
Documentation: in catalog entry
Maintainer: MBrown
The command line "DFIncludes XXX.df" produces a file DFIncludes.txt with lines of the form "shortFileName containingDfFile directory", sorted by shortFileName. There is one line for each source file included (in the DF sense) in XXX.df. Both containingDfFile and directory are stripped of redundant information (like "/Indigo/Cedar/Top/") to keep the lines short. Warnings are written to DFIncludes.log.
DF file: DFPackage.df
DFOperations.mesa, DFOperationsQueue.mesa, DFUtilities.mesa | see maintainer
Maintainer: Levin
New for Cedar 5.0 (no message). This package supports the manipulation of DF files.
DF file: DFTool.df
Documentation: see maintainer
Maintainer: Levin
New for Cedar 5.0 (no message). Provides interactive replacement for BringOver, SModel, and VerifyDF commands of Cedar 4.4.
DF file: Disk.df
Documentation: Disk.mesa | see maintainer
Maintainer: Birrell, Levin
New for Cedar 5.0 (no message).
DF file: DiskTool.df
Documentation: see maintainer
Maintainer: Birrell
New for Cedar 5.0 (no message).
DF file: ExecHacks.df
Documentation: See catalog entry.
Maintainer: Plass
A revival of a Scott McGregor hack to put some handy menu buttons in the CommandTool. Adds some handy menu buttons to CommandTool viewers: "Compile" and "Redo". "Compile" deduces a filename from the selection, and then does a "Compile", "Bind", or "@" with the root of the filename, depending on the extension. It is purely textual, and extracts just the root of the file name because the Compile command doesn't accept fNames (as of this writing). So watch your working directories. "Redo" is a simple replay of the last command.
DF file: File.df
Documentation: File.mesa | see maintainer
Maintainer: Birrell, Levin
New for Cedar 5.0 (no message).
DF file: FileStream.df
Documentation: FileStreamDoc.tioga
Maintainer: Hagmann
FileStream is a separate package for Cedar 5.0. It is a generic file stream package, and currently its clients are FS and Alpine file streams. It is a higher performance implementation of its predecessor, FileIO. All parameters in stream creation to FileStream are now used; previously some were ignored. Two streams (one read and one write stream) may now reference the same open file. Sequential reading of a stream will cause the package to pre-read data ahead when sufficient buffers exist. Write behind (the parallel writing of dirty buffers) is also performed.
DF file: FileStreamTest.df
Documentation: see maintainer
Maintainer: Hagmann
This is a bunch of test software for the filestream package. It probably should not be cataloged nor mentioned in the release.
DF file: FormatDisk.df
Documentation: FormatDisk.mesa
Maintainer: Taft
Performs machine-dependent disk initialization operations, principally formatting and initial microcode installation. Iago is the only intended client.
DF file: Forms.df
Documentation: SampleSheet.tioga
Maintainer: Beach
New message forms: CSLNotebookMsg.form, LibraryRequest.form, PostCedarRelease.form, PreCedarRelease.form, BootFileRelease.form. New Mesa.form and Help.template. Minor updates to Slides.form, BlueAndWhite.Style and CSLBusinessLetter.form.
DF file: FS.df
Documentation: FSDoc.tioga
Maintainer: Schroeder
FS is a file system for use on a Cedar workstation. It provides access both to remote file servers and to the local disk. Remote files accessible from FS must reside on a file server that supports the FTP protocol, in particular IFS's and Alpine servers. These file servers may be accessed from many Cedar instances on different workstations at the same time. Local files are accessed through an abstraction called the local server. The local server is the set of logical volumes on the local disk of a Cedar instance. One of these logical volumes may be designated the system volume. FS provides a directory for each volume, and a cache for remote files on the system volume.
FS also defines a generic abstraction, the FS.OpenFile, of which the workstation file system is only one class. The generic operations provide access to the data pages and properties of files. Other packages may create their own classes of FS.OpenFile's, upon which these generic FS operations also may be performed. For example, direct page-at-a-time access to Alpine servers is provided through this mechanism.
FS also contains facilities for creating IO.STREAM's on files, for binding local names to remote files, for finding the version of a file that was created at a particular time, and for limiting the number of extant versions of local files.
DF file: FSUtil.df
Documentation: FSUtilDoc.tioga
Maintainer: Schroeder
This package includes commands for listing the set of FS.OpenFiles, FS.ActiveFiles, and IO.STREAM's of class $FileStream that exist in a Cedar instance. It also contains commands for listing the FS cache LRU chain, listing statistics of the FS cache flusher, exercising the cache flusher, and forcing FS.OpenFiles to be closed. All these commands will be of interest to experts only.
DF file: Germ.df
Documentation: see maintainer
Maintainer: Taft
No known changes (no message).
DF file: GoodTimes.df
Documentation: see maintainer
Maintainer: Atkinson
GoodTimes is a simple program that measures and reports elapsed times for various Cedar computations.
DF file: Graphics.df
Documentation: Graphics.mesa
Maintainer: Wyatt
No significant changes.
DF file: GrapevineUser.df
Documentation: see maintainer
Maintainer: Birrell, Schroeder
No known changes (no message).
DF file: HeadsCommon.df
Documentation: see maintainer
Maintainer: Taft
No known changes (no message).
DF file: HeadsD0.df
Documentation: see maintainer
Maintainer: Taft
No known changes (no message).
DF file: HeadsDorado.df
Documentation: see maintainer
Maintainer: Taft
No known changes (no message).
DF file: Iago.df
Documentation: see maintainer
Maintainer: Birrell
New for Cedar 5.0 (no message).
DF file: Idle.df
Documentation: Idle.mesa | see maintainer
Maintainer: Levin
New for Cedar 5.0 (no message).
DF file: IFSFile.df
Documentation: IFSFile.mesa | see maintainer
Maintainer: Atkinson
IFSFile supports Leaf protocol access to IFS. Leaf access is primarily useful for low overhead random access to pages of a file. There are no functional changes since Cedar 4.4, although there is a greater use of SafeStorage facilities.
DF file: Inscript.df
Documentation: InscriptDoc.tioga
Maintainer: Rovner
No significant changes.
DF file: Installer.df
Documentation: see maintainer
Maintainer: Levin
New for Cedar 5.0 (no message).
DF file: Interpreter.df
Documentation: Interpreter.mesa
Maintainer: Rovner
New for 5.0.
DF file: InterpreterTool.df
Documentation: InterpreterToolDoc.tioga
Maintainer: Rovner
Conversion to 5.0, bug fixes, enhancements.
DF file: IO.df
Documentation: IOConversionDoc.tioga, IODoc.tioga, EditedStream.mesa, IOClasses.mesa
Maintainer: MBrown
There have been many changes in IO; see IOConversionDoc.tioga for a description of interesting changes since Cedar 4.4. The IO, EditedStream, IOClasses, IOUtils, and Convert interfaces are exported by this component.
Convert.AppendTime, Convert.RopeFromTime, and other procedures that obviously share this code do not implement time zone printing (the includeZone parameter is ignored).
The STREAM produced by ViewerIO.CreateViewerStreams (part of the Tioga component) does not create a true edited stream (as defined by the EditedStream interface); in particular, the DeliverWhenProc is always passed NIL for the "buffer" parameter. This works fine for simple DeliverWhenProcs, such as EditedStream.IsACR (the default). Use of the default DeliverWhenProc is highly recommended. More ambitious DeliverWhenProcs must call ViewerIOExtras.GetBuffer to obtain the current buffer. Calling this on every invocation of a DeliverWhenProc will result in very poor performance.
DF file: IOTest.df
Documentation: see maintainer
Maintainer: MBrown
New component. A test program for the IO package.
DF file: Lister.df
Documentation: ListerDoc.tioga
Maintainer: Atkinson
The Cedar 5.0 Lister is a major rewrite of the old Lister.
Lister is a program to produce human readable files from bcd files produced by the Compiler and Binder. Lister registers a variety of commands, each of which produces a different set of information from a given list of bcd files. These commands include:
BcdLister lists contents of a bcd file
BodyLister lists the bodies of a bcd file (single module)
CodeLister lists the code of a bcd file (single module)
ExportsLister lists the exports of a bcd file
FGTLister lists the fine grain table of a bcd file (single module)
GlobalFramesLister lists the fine grain table of a bcd file
RTBcdLister lists the runtime types information of a bcd file
SymbolLister lists the symbols of a bcd file (single module)
UnboundLister lists the unbound exports of a bcd file
UsingLister generates a DIRECTORY clause for a bcd file (single module)
DF file: Loader.df
Documentation: Loader.mesa | see maintainer
Maintainer: Levin, Schroeder
No known changes (no message).
DF file: LoadState.df
Documentation: LoadState.mesa | see maintainer
Maintainer: Birrell, Levin, Rovner
New for Cedar 5.0 (no message).
DF file: Lupine.df
Documentation: LupineUsersGuide.press
Maintainer: Birrell
No known changes (no message).
DF file: Maintain.df
Documentation: see maintainer
Maintainer: Birrell, Schroeder
No known changes (no message).
DF file: MCross.df
Documentation: MCrossDoc.tioga
Maintainer: Rovner
No significant changes.
DF file: MesaRuntime.df
Documentation: see maintainer
Maintainer: Levin
New for Cedar 5.0 (no message). Exports Basics, MesaRuntimeInit, PrincOps, PrincOpsUtils, Process, ProcessExtras, RuntimeError.
DF file: MicrocodeD0.df
Documentation: see maintainer
Maintainer: Fiala
This version implements new reference counting and storage allocation opcodes used by Cedar 5.0. This version is not upward-compatible from the 4.4 version.
This component consists of microcode files that Dolphin users must install on their disk in order to run Cedar. The installation is ordinarily done automatically by Iago when you create your Cedar world. If you issue the Iago commands manually, the files you install are:
Install Cedar Microcode: CedarD0.eb
Install Initial Microcode: InitialPilot.eb
If you want to boot Cedar with the boot button, OR
Install Initial Microcode: RubiconInitialAltoD0.eb
If you want to boot the Alto emulator with the boot button.
DF file: MicrocodeDorado.df
Documentation: [Indigo]<DoradoDocs>DoradoBooting.press
Maintainer: Taft
NOTE: Names have changed since Cedar 4.4 in order to conform to the standard <componentName><machineName>.<extension> style.
This component consists of microcode files that Dorado users must install on their disk in order to run Cedar. The installation is ordinarily done automatically by Iago when you create your Cedar world. If you issue the Iago commands manually, the files you install are:
Install Cedar Microcode: file CedarDorado.eb
Install Initial Microcode: file InitialEtherCedarDorado.eb
If you want to boot Cedar with the boot button, OR
Install Initial Microcode: file InitialEtherAltoMesaDorado.eb
If you want to boot the Alto emulator with the boot button.
DF file: OnlineMergeSort.df
Documentation: ListSort.mesa
Maintainer: MBrown
No significant changes.
DF file: Peanut.df
Documentation: see maintainer
Maintainer: Wyatt
A Tioga-based mail reading and sending package. New for Cedar 5.0; formerly included in the ISL release. No significant changes from the Cedar 4.4 version.
DF file: PeekMail.df
Documentation: see maintainer
Maintainer: Birrell
New for Cedar 5.0 (no message).
DF file: PrintTV.df
Documentation: PrintTV.mesa, BackStop.mesa
Maintainer: Rovner
Conversion to 5.0, bug fixes, inclusion of a "BackStop" interface.
DF file: ProcessProps.df
Documentation: ProcessProps.mesa
Maintainer: Atkinson
No significant changes.
DF file: Pup.df
Documentation: see maintainer
Maintainer: Birrell, Levin
No known changes (no message).
DF file: PupWatch.df
Documentation: see maintainer
Maintainer: Birrell
No significant changes. PupWatch is a tool for viewing and recording all Pup packets to and from a particular host on the directly attached Ethernet. Very useful when debugging protocols.
DF file: ReadEvalPrint.df
Documentation: ReadEvalPrint.mesa | see maintainer
Maintainer: Stewart, Rovner
Internal cleanup of catch phrases. They will do what you want more often.
DF file: Real.df
Documentation: MesaFloat60.bravo | Real.mesa | Ieee.mesa | see maintainer
Maintainer: Levin, Stewart
No significant changes.
DF file: RedBlackTree.df
Documentation: OrderedSymbolTable.mesa
Maintainer: MBrown
No significant changes.
DF file: RedBlackTreeRef.df
Documentation: OrderedSymbolTableRef.mesa
Maintainer: MBrown
No significant changes.
DF file: ReleaseTool.df
Documentation: see maintainer
Maintainer: Atkinson
The ReleaseTool is a new component for Cedar 5.0. The ReleaseTool is used to verify the completeness and consistency of releases, and to ship the files from the staging directory (normally [Indigo]<PreCedar>) to the release directory (normally [Indigo]<Cedar>).
DF file: Reminder.df
Documentation: Reminder.mesa
Maintainer: Rovner
No significant changes.
DF file: Rollback.df
Documentation: see maintainer
Maintainer: Birrell
New for Cedar 5.0 (no message).
DF file: Rope.df
Documentation: RopeDoc.tioga | see maintainer
Maintainer: Atkinson
The Rope package, which is new for Cedar 5.0, exports the familiar old interfaces Ascii, ConvertUnsafe, RefText, and Rope. The most notable changes for Cedar 5.0 are
õ In Cedar 5.0, the RefText interface has changed in the following way: all procs that append to a REF TEXT return a REF TEXT value, as in AppendChar: PROC [to: REF TEXT, from: CHAR] RETURNS [REF TEXT]. The result TEXT is the same REF as the parameter to, unless to.length = to.maxLength when AppendChar is called. In this case, a longer TEXT is allocated and the current contents of to are copied into it. It is considered an error to pass NIL as the value of to (PointerFault will be raised). The same convention is followed by all procs that append to a REF TEXT in the RefText interface. The IO and Convert interfaces follow the same conventions.
õ Rope now includes several procedures formerly in RopeInline, which has disappeared. RopeDoc.tioga has been revised to reflect the minor changes in Rope.
DF file: RPCRuntime.df
Documentation: LupineRuntime.mesa, RPC.mesa, RPCLupine.mesa, RPCWatch.mesa | see maintainer
Maintainer: Birrell
No known changes (no message).
DF file: SafeStorage.df
Documentation: SafeStorage.mesa, SafeStorageDoc.tioga (outdated) | see maintainer
Maintainer: Rovner
Various changes (no message). The SafeStorage package exports Atom, List, SafeStorage, and UnsafeStorage. Note that finalization must be enabled for every finalizable object, not just for the type. The implementation has fewer arbitrary limits - RC table overflow is now handled by expanding the table, rather than crashing. Pinned reference counts can not occur. Allocation and reference counting operations are now (roughly) twice as fast.
DF file: Scaled.df
Documentation: Scaled.mesa
Maintainer: Plass
No significant changes.
DF file: Sequin.df
Documentation: Sequin.mesa | see maintainer
Maintainer: Atkinson
Sequin supports a full-duplex sequential stream of packets on the Ethernet. It is primarily used to support IFSFile (Leaf access to IFS). There are no functional changes since Cedar 4.4, although there is a greater use of SafeStorage facilities.
DF file: Set.df
Documentation: SetDoc.tioga
Maintainer: Rovner
No significant changes.
DF file: ShowPress.df
Documentation: see maintainer
Maintainer: Beach, Wyatt
No known changes (no message).
DF file: SimpleTerminal.df
Documentation: SimpleTerminal.mesa
Maintainer: Levin
New for Cedar 5.0 (no message).
DF file: SirPress.df
Documentation: SirPress.mesa | see maintainer
Maintainer: Plass
No interesting changes.
DF file: SpellingTool.df
Documentation: SpellingToolDoc.tioga
Maintainer: Nix
The Spelling Tool is an efficient, lightweight tool for checking spelling in text. It is used much like a string search command; however, rather than locating the next piece of text that matches a particular pattern, it locates the next misspelled word. The Tool also provides facilities that assist in correcting misspelled words and that retrieve definitions from the Dictionary Server.
DF file: Spy.df
Documentation: SpyDoc.tioga
Maintainer: Maxwell
The Cedar 5.0 Spy has some minor improvements over the Cedar 4.4 Spy.
DF file: Squirrel.df
Documentation: SquirrelDoc.tioga
Maintainer: Cattell, Donahue
Squirrel provides general-purpose database tools. It is intended for debugging database applications, and for building special databases for which no special application code is necessary or desirable. Squirrel implements whiteboards, used for Cedar documentation. Experimental whitepages facilities are now available, as well.
DF file: STP.df
Documentation: STP.mesa | see maintainer
Maintainer: Birrell, Levin
No known changes (no message).
DF file: StructuredStreams.df
Documentation: StructuredStreams.mesa | see maintainer
Maintainer: Spreitzer
This is a kind of output stream. It is a filter that inserts white space to do pretty-printing. StructuredStreams.Mesa defines the calls peculiar to pretty printing. This is an IO.STREAMs interface to Greg Nelson's UnparserBuffer, which is also in the DF file.
DF file: Tentacles.df
Documentation: see maintainer
Maintainer: Birrell, Levin
New for Cedar 5.0 (no message).
DF file: Terminal.df
Documentation: Terminal.mesa | see maintainer
Maintainers: Levin, Wyatt
New for Cedar 5.0. The Terminal interface replaces the Cedar 4.4 interfaces UserTerminal and ColorDisplay.
DF file: Tioga.df
Documentation: TiogaDoc.tioga
Maintainer: TiogaImplementors^.pa
Tioga now reads files with RopeFile, so it may hold a read lock on large files. Operations which load a file into a viewer now distinguish between a request for a specific version (a "!" in the file name) and a request for the latest version (no "!" in the file name). You can see the difference in the viewer caption: specific versions include the version number in the file name; latest versions show the version number in parentheses. Viewers showing the latest version of a file will be reloaded whenever a newer version is created. (If such a viewer has been edited, a warning message will be posted instead.)
DF file: TIP.df
Documentation: TIPDoc.tioga
Maintainer: TiogaImplementors^.pa
No significant changes.
DF file: TSetter.df
Documentation: TSetterDoc.tioga
Maintainer: Beach, Plass
— Underlined tabs now work.
— TSIncludePress from the PostCedar version has been folded in.
— Using "*" instead of a server name will now cause TSetter to display the press file on your screen.
DF file: UserCredentials.df
Documentation: UserCredentials.mesa | see maintainer
Maintainer: Levin
No known changes (no message).
DF file: UserProfile.df
Documentation: UserProfileDoc.tioga
Maintainer: Donahue
No significant changes in this package. However, there are numerous new or changed options for the entries in the user profile.
DF file: VersionMap.df
Documentation: VersionMap.mesa | VersionMapDefaults.mesa | see maintainer
Maintainer: Atkinson
The disk format for stored version maps now contains an index that accelerates short name lookup (for the openr and findr commands). The implementation also uses RopeFile to reduce VM usage.
DF file: VersionMapBuilder.df
Documentation: see maintainer | see catalog entry
Maintainer: Atkinson
The Cedar 5.0 VersionMapBuilder is a major rework of the way that version maps are built. VersionMapBuilder now uses the top-level DF file for the release to build the maps, rather than a remote directory enumeration.
DF file: Viewers.df
Documentation: ViewerDoc.tioga (incomplete and out of date)
Maintainer: Wyatt
Viewers now includes an implementation of Sliders. John Maxwell has rewritten the DeskTops implementation. Captions show the version number in parentheses for "latest version" files.
DF file: ViewRec.df
Documentation: ViewRecDoc.tioga | see maintainer
Maintainer: Spreitzer
You now have the option of allowing your RecordViewers to dynamically relayout to fit the current viewer width. More Cedar aggregate classes supported (ARRAYs and SEQUENCEs). Numerous small changes.
DF file: VM.df
Documentation: VM.mesa, VMStatistics.mesa
Maintainer: Birrell, Levin
New for Cedar 5.0 (no message).
DF file: VTables.df
Documentation: VTables.mesa | see maintainer
Maintainer: Atkinson
No significant changes since Cedar 4.4.
DF file: Walnut.df
Documentation: WalnutDoc.tioga
Maintainer: <Willie-Sue> Orr
This is a minimal rework of the Walnut of the Cedar 4.4 world. A major change is that the user's mail database must be on Alpine. Please see the documentation for details.
Another change: If Walnut forces the user to do a scavenge, or automatically does a scavenge becaue the database is empty, the user is given the option of setting the start position for the next expunge to the current end of the log file. If one has started with a relatively "clean" log file (an expunge done recently), this is a reasonable option to take.
An annoying bug in WalnutSend has been fixed. If the input focus is in some other viewer when the send is finished, WalnutSend will no longer grab the cursor. Instead, it will display a blank form; when the user clicks in the sender, it will finish filling in the form.
There is a potential deadlock during sending. If you wish to close a sender while it is sending, either use right-click (to automatically close the viewer), or wait until the date and from fields have appeared in the sender.
DF file: Watch.df
Documentation: WatchDoc.tioga
Maintainer: Atkinson
The Cedar 5.0 Watch has been changed to give better statistics on the inner workings of the system. The DiskIO line in the bar graph now indicates what percentage of the time there was a queued disk request. The extensive WatchDoc.tioga is new.
DF file: Waterlily.df
Documentation: help message in the UserExec or Commander
Maintainer: Kolling
No changes since Cedar 4.4.
DF file: WorldVM.df
Documentation: AMProcessBasic.mesa, WorldVM.mesa | see maintainer
Maintainer: Birrell
No known changes (no message).