Russ Atkinson, July 20, 1983 7:03 pm
Cedar 4.4 Release
The purpose of this release is to fix several known bugs in boot file components. No public interfaces have changed since Cedar 4.2 (or 4.1 or 4.0), but a few private interfaces have changed. Users should read and follow the installation procedure (described below) carefully.
This release is labelled Cedar 4.4 since the ISL folks have pre-empted Cedar 4.3.
Bug fixes to packages that are not in the boot file may be found on the <PostCedar> directory. This release does not incorporate those fixes.
**** Known Problems ****
Given the existence of improved packages on <PostCedar>, users should be warned that installation of Cedar 4.4 may acquire elderly versions of components from Cedar. The file Init.log records what was acquired during installation. Walnut, in particular, has a much better version on <PostCedar> than <Cedar>. If the release installation acquires some elderly files from Cedar, you should simply get the more recent files from PostCedar after installation. If it were easy to avoid this problem, we would. The following commands can be used to restore PostCedar files that the Cedar release will overwrite:
bringover /a /o Chat.bcd Chat.TIP [Indigo]<PostCedar>Top>Chat.df
bringover /a /p [Indigo]<PostCedar>Top>Forms.df
bringover /a /o RopeFileImpl.bcd [Indigo]<PostCedar>Top>RopeFile.df
bringover /a /o TSetter.bcd TSetter.icons [Indigo]<PostCedar>Top>TSetter.df
bringover /a /p [Indigo]<PostCedar>Top>Walnut.df
**** Installation Procedure ****
A machine already running Cedar 4.2 should upgrade to Cedar 4.4 with little problem. Although we recommend erasing your Client and Debugger volumes before installing, there is no unusual risk associated with using your current volumes if you follow the instructions below.
A machine running the prerelease of Cedar 4.4 needs the additional step of having the file named Cedar.version deleted from the disk before installing Cedar 4.2. Avoiding this step will cause trouble for you when PreCedar is erased.
For any user, to erase all files on your Client and Debugger volumes, boot the Othello volume, and type
erase Client
erase Debugger
confirming as necessary. Then you can execute the appropriate installation command file for your machine (see below).
To install Cedar on a Dorado (whether or not you choose to erase volumes), boot the Othello volume, and type
To install Cedar on a Dolphin (whether or not you choose to erase volumes), boot the Othello volume, and type
To install Cedar on a Dandelion, consult an expert. To install Cedar on a public machine (an unusual case for most people), use PublicDoradoRelease.cm or PublicD0Release.cm.
As with previous releases, once the automatic installation procedure completes, you may then optionally acquire many potentially useful files by typing
BringOver /a CedarClientFat.df (Note: NOT /p)
to the UserExec or CommandTool. This will fetch the exported contents of most of the major packages, whether released as part of the boot file or as separate BCDs. Users with limited disk space should not do this. Even users with lots of disk space may find the clutter irksome.
Again - Given the existence of improved packages on <PostCedar>, users should be careful that installation of Cedar 4.4 does not acquire elderly versions of components from Cedar. The file Init.log records what was acquired during installation. Walnut, in particular, has a much better version on <PostCedar> than <Cedar>. Use the commands in Known Problems to restore more recent packages from PostCedar.
Once you have brought over all the desired files, you may wish to make a checkpoint, using the guarded button Checkpoint at the top of the screen.
Before beginning to use this release, you should read the remaining sections of this message.
**** Significant Changes in this Release ****
This section documents important changes in the user interface or major components and briefly describes significant new components. The descriptions here are incomplete and intended only to provide sufficient information to avoid surprises and confusion. Users should consult the more complete descriptions in the "Changed Release Components" section of this release announcement.
1. Several bugs in AMTypes and BugBane related to remote debugging have been fixed. Some of these bugs were also present for local debugging.
2. Some Viewers repainting bugs have been fixed.
3. A TIP parser bug has been fixed.
4. A disabling scrolling bug in ColorPackage has been fixed.
**** System components ****
The following is a complete list of the system components included in this release. Details about the relationship of each component to the previous release and pointers to documentation and DF files appear in the "Summary of Release Components" section, below.
The field after the package name indicates what has changed. It can take the following values:
new component is new for this release
old component is unchanged for this release (DF file is from cedar 4.1)
minor component only has minor bugs fixed and/or simple recompilation
major component has significant changes
post component has more recent version on PostCedar
** Packages of general interest **
AMModel  old In boot file
AMProcess  old In boot file
AMTypes  minor In boot file
Binder  old
BootTool  old
BravoToTioga  old
BugBane  minor Partly in boot file (InterpreterPackage)
CedarReals  old In boot file
CedarRoot  old In boot file
CedarScanner  minor In boot file
CedarSnapshot old In boot file
Chat  post
CIFS  old In boot file
ClientFileTool old
Clock  old
CoFork  old
Commander  old In boot file
Compiler  old
Cypress  post
DateAndTime  old In boot file
DebugTool  old
DFFiles  old
FileTool  old
FileTransferCommands old
FlushUnneededTempFiles old
FootBall  old
Forms  post
GrapevineUser old In boot file
Graphics  old In boot file
IconRegistry  post
IncludeChecker old
Init  old installation command files
IntervalTimer  old In boot file
InterpreterTool minor In boot file
IO  minor In boot file
ListsAndAtoms old In boot file
Lupine  old
Maintain  old
Manual  old
MCross  old
Modeller  old
NewStuff  old
OnlineMergeSort old
PerfStats  old
PlotPackage  old
Poplar  old
Print  old
Pup  old In boot file
Random  old
ReadEvalPrint old In boot file
RedBlackTree  old
RedBlackTreeRef old
Reminder  old
Resource  old In boot file
Rigging  old In boot file
SafeStorage  old In boot file
SampleTool  old
Scaled  old
Set  old
SirPress  old
Spell  old In boot file
Spy  old
STP  old
Talker  old
Tank  old
Tioga  old In boot file
TIP  minor In boot file
TSetter  post
UECP  old
Unique  old
UserExec  old
UserProfile  old In boot file
Viewers  minor In boot file
ViewRec  old
VTables  old
Walnut  post
Watch  old
Waterlily  old
** Packages of special interest **
AlpineUser  post
AMEvents  old In boot file
BasicHeads  old In boot file
BCD  old
Booting  old In boot file
BTree  post Replaces BTrees.df
BTrees  old Obsolete. Use BTree.df for new stuff.
CIFSCommands old
ColorPackage  minor In boot file
Communication old In boot file
CompatibilityPackage old In boot file
D0Microcode  old
DLionMicrocode old
DoradoMicrocode old
Germ  post
IFSFile  old
Inscript  old In boot file
Lister  old
Loader  old In boot file
MakeBoot  old
Othello  old Separate boot file
Packager  old
PGS  old
PilotKernel  old In boot file
Pupwatch  old
RopeFile  post In boot file
RPCRuntime  old In boot file
ScanZones  old
Sequin  old
SpaceWatch  old
SpecialTerminal old In boot file
Squirrel  old
STPServer  old
TerminalMultiplex old In boot file
TTYIO  old In boot file
UserCredentials old In boot file
UserCredentials old In boot file
VersionMap  old In boot file
VersionMapBuilder old
WorldVM  old In boot file
**** Changed Release Components ****
Note: In the descriptions that follow the DF file or files for a component are located on [Indigo]<Cedar>Top> unless otherwise specified. If the documentation file name is not a path, it is assumed to be accessible using the DF file name and BringOver, i.e.,
BringOver /o DocFileName DFFileName
In general, documentation is stored on
but there are occasional exceptions. For brevity, we do not list Component.Press if Component.Tioga exists, and we do not include [Indigo]<Cedar>Documentation> in the file name if that is the prefix. If not specified, the host is assumed to be [Indigo].
Components are listed below only if there has been a change for this release. Unless otherwise indicated, questions about changes in individual components should be addressed to their implementors.
DF files: AMTypes.df
Documentation: see implementor
Implementor: Rovner
Bug fixes only. Several problems involving access to symbols have been fixed.
DF file: BugBane.df
Documentation: BugBane.tioga
Implementor: Atkinson
Bug fixes only. These improvements are primarily for world-swap debugging.
DF file: ColorPackage.df
Documentation: see implementor
Implementor: Stone
Bug fix to make scrolling work on color monitors.
DF file: CedarScanner.df
Documentation: CedarScanner.mesa
Implementor: Atkinson
Fix to properly parse REAL literals of the form "1.".
DF file: InterpreterTool.df
Documentation: see implementor
Implementor: Rovner
Minor bug fixes only.
DF file: IO.df
Documentation: IO.press, FileIO.press
Implementor: Teitelman
Minor bug fix associated with AMTypes fix only.
DF file: TIP.df
Documentation: TIP.documentation
Implementor: McGregor
Parser bug fixed.
DF file: Viewers.df
Documentation: ViewerDoc.tioga
Implementor: McGregor
Repainting bug fixes only.