Reference numbers in [square brackets] are for conventional hardcopy documents. Many of them are Xerox reports published in blue and white covers; the CSL blue-and-whites are available on bookshelves in the CSL Alcove. Reference numbers in <angle brackets> are for on-line documents. The path name for such files is given herein in the form
for backward compatibility with earlier systems. Recently, the simpler alternative form
has begun to come into local currency, but some systems still demand brackets rather than slashes.
<n>: The generic form for a reference to an on-line document.
[n]: The generic form for a reference to a hardcopy document.
[1]: Sunset New Western Garden Book. Lane Publishing Company, Menlo Park, CA, 1979. The definitive document on Western gardening for non-botanists; 1200 plant identification drawings; comprehensive Western plant encyclopedia; zoned for all Western climates; plant selection guide in color.
[2]: John E. Warnock. The Display of Characters Using Gray Level Sample Arrays. blue-and-white report CSL-80-6.
[3]: Richard F. Lyon. The Optical Mouse, and an Architectural Methodology for Smart Digital Sensors. blue-and-white report VLSI-81-1.
[4]: The Ethernet Local Network: Three Reports. blue-and-white report CSL-80-2.
[5]: John F. Shoch, Yogen K. Dalal, Ronald C. Crane, and David D. Redell. Evolution of the Ethernet Local Computer Network. blue-and-white report OPD-T8102.
<6>: [Maxc]<AltoDocs> Contains a picture of the entire internetwork configuration in seven pages. It is out of date. All such documents are always out of date. A copy is posted on the wall opposite the Alcove in CSL.
[7]: David R. Boggs, John F. Shoch, Edward A. Taft, and Robert M. Metcalfe. Pup: An Internetwork Architecture. blue-and-white report CSL-79-10.
[8]: Internet Transport Protocols. Xerox System Integration Standard report XSIS 028112, December 1981.
[9]: Courier: The Remote Procedure Call Protocol. Xerox System Integration Standard report XSIS 038112, December 1981.
[10]: C. P. Thacker, E. M. McCreight, B. W. Lampson, R. F. Sproull, and D. R. Boggs. Alto: A personal computer. blue-and-white report CSL-79-11.
<11>: [Maxc]<AltoDocs> Everything that you need to know to write your own Alto microcode.
[12]: The Dorado: A High-Performance Personal Computer; Three Papers. blue-and-white report CSL-81-1.
<13>: [Indigo]<DoradoDocs> Describes how to boot a Dorado, and how to configure it to boot in various ways.
[14]: Myer, T. H. and Barnaby, J. R. TENEX Executive Language Manual for Users. Available from Arpa Network Information Center as NIC 16874, but in the relatively unlikely event that you need one, borrow one from a Tenex wizard.
<15>: [Maxc]<AltoDocs> The reference manual for the BCPL programming language.
<16>: [Maxc]<AltoDocs> The programmer's reference manual for the Alto Operating System, including detailed information on the services provided and the interface requirements.
<17>: [Maxc]<AltoDocs> A catalogue giving documentation for the various BCPL packages that other hacker's have made available.
[18]: James G. Mitchell, William Maybury, and Richard Sweet. Mesa Language Manual, Version 5.0. blue-and-white report CSL-79-3. A cross between a tutorial and a reference manual, though much closer to the latter than the former.
<19>: [Ivy]<Mesa>Doc> Describes the changes in the Mesa language and the compiler that occurred in moving from Mesa 5.0 to Mesa 6.0.
[20]: Morris, J. H. The Elements of Mesa Style. Xerox PARC Internal Report, June 1976. Somewhat out of date (since Mesa has changed under it), but a readable introduction to some useful program structuring techniques in Mesa.
[21]: Adele Goldberg and David Robson. Smalltalk-80: The Language and Its Implementation. book published by Addison-Wesley, 1983.
[22]: Warren Teitelman. Interlisp Reference Manual. Published in a blue and white cover, although not officially a blue-and-white. October, 1978.
[23]: The Interlisp-D Group. Papers on Interlisp-D. blue-and-white report CIS-5 (also given the number SSL-80-4), Revised version, July 1981.
[24]: L. Peter Deutsch and Edward A. Taft, editors. Requirements for an Experimental Programming Environment. blue-and-white report CSL-80-10.
<25>: [Indigo]<Cedar>Documentation>Manual.df. Hardcopies are entitled The Cedar Manual.
[26]: Alto User's Handbook. Internal report, published in a black cover. The version of September, 1979 is identical to the version of November, 1978 except for the date on the cover and title page. Includes sections on Bravo, Laurel, FTP, Draw, Markup, and Neptune
<27>: [Maxc]<AltoDocs> Documentation on individual Alto subsystems, collected in a single file. Individual systems are documented on [Maxc]<AltoDocs>systemname.TTY, and these files are sometimes more recent than
[28]: Jerome, Suzan. Bravo Course Outline. Internal report, published in a red cover. Oriented to non-programmers.
<29>: [Indigo]<Tioga>Documentation>TiogaDoc.tioga, or How to use the Tioga editor.
<30>: [Maxc]<PrintingDocs> Describes the Press print file format.
<31>: [Maxc]<PrintingDocs> Describes the Press printing program.
<32>: [Maxc]<PrintingDocs> Describes the PDPrint printing program.
[33]: Andrew D. Birrell, Roy Levin, Roger M. Needham, and Michael D. Schroeder. Grapevine: an Exercise in Distributed Computing. blue-and-white report CSL-82-4.
<34>: [Ivy]<Laurel> Documentation for the teletype version of Maintain, the version that is used from within Laurel or Tajo.
[35]: Douglas K. Brotz. The Laurel Manual. blue-and-white report CSL-81-6.
[36]: Eric Emerson Schmidt. Controlling Large Software Development in a Distributed Environment. blue-and-white report CSL-82-7.
<37>: [Indigo]<Cedar>Documentation> The reference manual for the use of DF files.
<38>: [Indigo]<Cedar>Documentation> Describes the policies and procedures that individuals who contribute to Cedar releases need to understand and observe.
<39>: [Indigo]<CSL-Notebook>Docs>