-- BringOverCall.Mesa, last edit February 9, 1983 11:25 am
-- exported by BringOverFrontEndImpl.Mesa
-- called by the FileTool and Cedar Initialization

  IO: TYPE USING[Handle],
  Rope: TYPE USING[ROPE, Text];

-- take the file and do the BringOver algorithm on it
-- listOfFiles is a list of df file names (e.g. "[Indigo]<Cedar>Top>X.DF!2")
-- if usingListOfRopes is not NIL, then it is a using list to be applied (/o option)
-- switches: if a letter is TRUE, then it is as if that switch was specified, 
--	e.g. switch['a] = TRUE means /a was given on the command line
-- if useCIFS is FALSE, then this is being called by Cedar initialization (CedarRoot)
-- in is the stream used to read from.  If not an edited stream, I will create one from in and out
-- out is the stream used to print on
-- Confirm will be called with the in and out streams and a default letter.
-- It should return a letter in ('a, 'n, 'q, 'y) for the (all, no, quit, yest) question asked
-- by BringOver (there is an example in BringOverExecImpl)
-- this raises ABORTED when errors occur
CedarBringOver: PROC[listOfFiles: LIST OF Rope.Text, 
	usingListOfRopes: LIST OF Rope.Text ← NIL,
	switches: ARRAY CHAR['a .. 'z] OF BOOL ← ALL[FALSE], 
	in, out: IO.Handle, 
	confirmData: REF ANY,
	Confirm: PROC[in, out: IO.Handle, data: REF ANY, msg: Rope.ROPE, dch: CHAR] 
